Bakugan! Brawl!
180 posts
"I'm a Bakugan brawler just like everyone else! There's no need to go easy on me just cause I'm a girl! Come on, let's brawl!" {{Independant Bakugan Brawler OC. Ask is always open! M!A: None but accepting! Tracking: elementalxbrawler}}
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
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“I got some important information that cause me to have to stay away from here for a while.” She smiled, and patted the girls head. “I’m glad you made friends while I was gone.”
"'Ey, Rini, I've brawled seven times this week and I've won each time! Are ye gonna 'ug me or wot?" Doll asked, grinning like a maniac.
“Congratulations Doll! I’m sorry I left for so long, many things I had to do out of Interspace.” She gave the girl a hug. “Good job!”
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
Do you ever just like flex your foot wrong and it cramps and you’re just like this is it, this is how it ends 
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
“Tsk.” She made the noise, gritting her teeth as she did so. “You shouldn’t have been able to survive that..” She wasn’t human, so maybe she had to do the blast again, but stronger.. “Ability Card Activate! Mega Ragnarok Cannon!”
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Four Found The Brawler.
Transience smiled and closed his eyes. His wings folded over his body, deflecting the blast back in the opposite direction. Aside from a few pure white feathers floating to the ground he was unscathed. "An impressive weapon. Impressive, but a far cry from deadly."
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
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“Considering the clothes that you’re wearing? Odd is the best description I can give you.” Rini said, rolling her eyes slightly. She blinked at him, another one who’d never been here before? Impossible. “You’ve never heard of Interspace? I can understand never being, because some people don’t come here. But never heard of it? You have to be mistaken. This place is a very popular place, I don’t understand how you’d never heard of it.” She really didn’t understand it at all.
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“‘Odd’ is a remarkably mild descriptor, all things considering,” He did get something of a chuckled out of that one, but moved on fairly quickly, as of he didn’t think it was worth the time to laugh at himself, “And I would hope I’ve never been to… 'Interspace’, since I’ve not heard of it.” Well… that wasn’t entirely true - he head heard the name come up a few times when he’d been eavedropping in various places, but he’d never attributed much importance to it. Had he been incorrect in that assumption?
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
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“Not know what Bakugan Brawling is? It’s like the biggest thing around here!” She eyes the man in front of her. “Well, you’d be crazy to try and get into a fight here. At least a fist one like you’re talking about. You’d get banned from here instantly.”
Two Found The Brawler.
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“Bakugan Brawling? I’m afraid i’ve never heard of that.��� He tapped his finger below his lower lip. “Sorry, when someone mentions brawling I think of fist fighting. When you travel to the place I do you get into quite a few scrapes.”
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
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“Is there anywhere in particular that you would like so see? Or are you just looking for a basic run down of the place?”
One Found The Brawler.
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“That works for me. I just need to have a look around.” Well maybe even if this girl couldn’t take her around town at least she was still willing to help. 
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
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“Okay so you obviously are no help at all. Nice to know who is not going to be helping me.”
elementalxbrawler came to the manor
Ciel shrugged at the question. “I have no idea, nor do I think I will ever know. Only you can figure out how you got into this country.”
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
"'Ey, Rini, I've brawled seven times this week and I've won each time! Are ye gonna 'ug me or wot?" Doll asked, grinning like a maniac.
“Congratulations Doll! I’m sorry I left for so long, many things I had to do out of Interspace.” She gave the girl a hug. “Good job!”
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
[[ I would like to apologize to all those that still follow me. I forgot about this blog since I made another one, but I am now returning. Again, sorry for the unexpected Hiatus. ]]
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
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恭喜發財! 新年快樂!
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
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"You looked a little odd to me is all. So I decided to follow you. Especially since you don't look like you've been in Interspace."
"Are you following me for any particular reason?" Masquerade smiled, though likely not out of any kind of friendliness, "Or just killing time?"
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
Drago moved his head down, and back up. "That is good. I agree, we will have a very strong bond."
Luma made a giggling like sound, "Yes."
Rini shrugged, "I'm not to familiar with anything outside of Interspace." She said, her head rubbing the back of her head.
Five Found The Brawler!
"I-I’m not afraid, maybe a bit spooked but not afraid." Grell said simply. "Indeed we will have a great bound." He added.
"Do you quite thinking so?" He replied.
The reaper kept following her as he listened to her speak. “Oh that’s okay, anything outside?” The crimson reaper asked.
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
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"We gather them all."
"Thank you for the following of my presence, madam"
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"No problem, but there’s no need to talk all funny you know."
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
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"Cross that bridge when we get there."
"Thank you for the following of my presence, madam"
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"No problem, but there’s no need to talk all funny you know."
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
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"How the hell did I get in England?"
elementalxbrawler came to the manor
"England." He replied in a monotone.
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
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She nodded, "You're right, you don't have to tell me, or anyone else for that matter, everything. You save things, I think you said the Universe? Or the word. One of the two." She shrugged. "That's about all I need to know." Rini then shook her head, "Sometimes I'm here for a few days, others I'm not. I don't like to go back to the real world, but of course I do. Kinda have to."
Rini looked up, and pointed at the giant round circle a few more steps ahead. "There's the access point. Just stand on that, and I should be able to get you back to the real world."
Three Found The Brawler.
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"Well I have no reason to lie. It’s more of a ‘tell as much as they need to know’ sort of thing. You don’t have to tell everything, but there’s no need to lie either. It’s worked so far anyway. I’m sure I’ll reach a point where it won’t." He said, following her. "So do you just…stay here? Do you ever go back to where you came from?"
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elementalxbrawler-blog · 10 years ago
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"You very much seem like." She paused. "May I ask, what type of bakugan are you?"
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If Leo could have, his chest would have puffed out with pride. “I like to think that I’m fairly strong,” he said.
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