ABORTION Ten Bible Reasons Why It Is Wrong

Abortion essays against
Ten Bible Reasons Why It Is Wrong
Prior to the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision of 1973, about 500,000 illegal abortions were occurring per year. By 1975, over 1,000,000 babies were being aborted in the United States. Today, about 1,500,000 abortions occur each year. That's over 4000 per day, and nearly three per minute!
Ninety-three percent of the abortions in America are for convenience. The mother's health is an issue only three percent of the time, and the baby's health is an issue only three percent of the time. Rape or incest are issues only one percent of the time. Ninety-three percent of all abortions in America are performed just because someone doesn't want a child!
There are four basic types of abortion being performed in America today, while two more types may be added in the near future.
First, there's the suction type abortion. This is where the unborn child is literally vacuumed from the mother's womb during the early stages of pregnancy.
The currette-type abortion is where the child is cut from the mother's womb with a spoon-like object.
A third type is similar to a Caesarean operation. The baby is surgically removed from the mother and allowed to suffocate, because the child's lungs aren't developed.
The fourth type of abortion is the Salt Brine technique. With this method, the unborn child is literally "pickled" to death by the injection of a strong salt solution. A few days after the injection the child is still born.
There is currently much debate about partial-birth abortions. This is where a child is partially delivered, then stabbed in the skull to have his or her brains sucked out.
There is also much talk about the RU-486 abortion pill from France, also called "mifepristione" in America. This pill works by inhibiting pregnancy hormones, and is normally used within seven weeks from conception. At the present time, mifepristone is illegal in the U.S., but there is much political pressure to make it legal.
Abortion Is An Act of Murder
In reference to pregnant women, the term "with child" occurs twenty-six times in the Bible. The term "with fetus" never occurs once.
In Luke chapter one, verses 36 and 41, we are told that Elisabeth conceived a "son" and that the "babe" leaped in her womb. God does not say that a "fetus" leaped in her womb! He says THE BABE leaped. This is the exact same word that God uses to describe Christ in the manger AFTER He is born (Luke 2:12, 16). In God eyes, an unborn babe and a newborn babe are the same. They are both living human beings!
Dear reader, please answer a question: What is an "infant?" Get the answer in your mind and keep it there for a moment. Do you have it? Okay, please consider Job 3:16: "Or as an hidden untimely birth I had not been; as infants which never saw light." Did you see that? Job referred to unborn children as INFANTS. Not fetuses! Not masses of tissue! INFANTS! In God's eyes, an unborn child is a living human baby. God never says once that an unborn child is anything less than a human being.
David said in Psalm 51:5, "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me." He did not say that a fetus was shapen in iniquity and conceived in iniquity. David, speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, said that HE was conceived. David, not a blob of tissue, was conceived.
The same is the case in Psalm 139:13-16:
"For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them."
Who was in the womb? David! A literal and living person. The Bible never uses anything less than human terms to describe the unborn.
Notice that in Jeremiah 1:5 we are told that God KNEW Jeremiah:"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."
To further confirm the fact that God views the unborn child as a person, please consider Exodus 21:22-23:
"If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,"
If the woman has a premature birth and the child lives ("no mischief follows"), then there's no death penalty. However, if the child dies (or the woman dies) God says the death penalty applies: "thou shalt give life for life." Why would God require the death penalty if He didn't consider the unborn child to be a human being?
Friend, like it or not, God says that life begins at conception, and the unborn child is a human being.
But the Bible isn't alone in declaring this truth. Science also declares that an unborn child is just as much an independent human being as you. The original human cell consists of 46 chromosomes, 23 from each parent. At no point during pregnancy does the mother contribute any new cells to the child. The original cell divides itself and multiplies to provide development and growth for the child. Scientifically speaking, the child is just as independent at six months before birth as he will be six months after birth. Yes, the mother does provide nourishment to the unborn child, but she also provides nourishment to the newborn child!
At two weeks pregnancy, the "fetus" can move alone. By four weeks the child has limbs, muscle tissue, a heart and heartbeat. Ears, eyes, and small hands are visible by the fifth week. The child responds to touch sensations by the sixth or seventh week. At eight weeks, the baby sometimes tries to take a breath when removed from the mother. At twelve weeks, the child will often struggle for life two or three hours when removed from the mother.
Friend, abortion is wrong because abortion is MURDER!
Abortion Involves the Shedding of Innocent Blood
Proverbs 6:16-17 says that God HATES those who shed innocent blood! Deuteronomy 27:25 says, "Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say, Amen."
Who could possibly be more innocent than an unborn baby?! Yet, our society has become so wicked that it condones the slaying of 1.5 million innocent children every year. The Bible says that God HATES people who do this.
Abortion Is A Violation of the Golden Rule
In Matthew 7:12, the Lord Jesus Christ said, "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."
Would it be your desire to suffer and die while someone traps you in a cage and literally tears your arms and legs from your body?
Abortion is a violation of the golden rule.
Abortion Attempts To Destroy A Work of God
"I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him." (Ecc. 3:14)
God is eternal, so His work is also eternal. Abortion is an attempt to do away with unwanted people--an attempt to make a liar out of God by bringing an end to His work. However, Jesus said you can destroy a person's BODY, but not their SOUL (Mat. 10:28). Parent, if you've had an abortion, your aborted child is in Heaven right now, because you only destroyed the body!
Abortion Often Brings Shame, Heartache, and Deep Regret
After his sin with Bathsheba, King David confessed these words to God: "For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me." (Psa. 51:3) David was living under constant conviction and regret for what he had done. He couldn't get away from it!
Most women who decide to have an abortion spend the rest of their lives regretting it. Are you thinking about an abortion? I challenge you to visit with some woman who have had abortions. Ask them if they would do it again. Ask them if they have any regrets.
In the book, The Christian and Social Issues, by Tom Wallace, a reference is made to a full page Washington Post ad, dated June 13, 1983. A lady who had undergone a saline abortion six months earlier describes the mental torments that she now suffers every day. She speaks of her ". everyday hell of never hearing a baby cry without crying within myself; counting days to see how old the baby would have been; wondering what contributions my baby would have made to our desperate society; and wondering if there will ever be another chance for motherhood."
Of the abortion itself, the lady recalls, ". sitting in a crowded waiting room studying each others fearful, anxious faces. signing death certificates for what is very much alive within you. seeing crying women given tranquilizers and sent home to recuperate and try to forget."
Abortion is wrong because it brings shame, heartache, and deep regret.
Abortion Disannuls A Plan of God
If God allows a child to be conceived, then God obviously has a plan for that child. Mary's parents didn't know that she'd give birth to the Savior of the world, but she did. God has a plan for unborn children (Jer. 1:5; Lk. 1:13-17; Gen. 4:25; Jud. 13:3-5), so to abort an unborn child is to stop a plan of God.
Abortion De-values Human Life
God created man to be the highest form of life on earth (Gen. 1:26-28). Human life is very precious to God. In fact, it is so precious that God Himself instituted the Death Penalty for anyone who takes the life of another (Exo. 21:12; Num. 35). God places great value on human life!
However, abortion promotes the message that life is NOT so valuable, and that man can do as he pleases with it. How long will it be before our nation decides that the killing of elderly people and sick people is justifiable? Why stop there? How long will it be before it becomes lawful to kill Bible believers who refuse to conform to the world system? It won't be as long as you may think (Rev. 13:16-18; Rev. 20:4). Abortion devalues human life, and it pushes our nation a step closer to that wicked day when it becomes lawful to murder innocent people.
Abortion Shows A Lack of Natural Affection
Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:3 that the last days will be characterized by people who lack "natural affection."
I believe the pro-abortion movement is a perfect example of this. It is NATURAL to conceive a child, grow to love that child, take care of the child during pregnancy, give birth to the child, and then raise the child with the best care possible. That's the natural process that God has ordained. It is NOT natural to kill the child! To commit such an act is to show a lack of natural affection, which is sin.
Abortion Encourages Sin
"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." (Ecc. 8:11)
Why will 1,500,000 women have abortions this year? Largely because it has become popular. It is no longer illegal, and it is no longer considered a shameful sin by our society. Every time a woman has an abortion she helps society to become more comfortable with it. She's advertising it! By her example, she's encouraging others to commit the same sin, and other sins as well. The convenience of abortion will only lead to an increase of other sins such as adultery and fornication. Friend, abortion is wrong because abortion encourages sin!
Abortion Shows A Lack of Faith
Romans 14:23 says, ". for whatsoever is not of faith is sin." Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God.
To have an abortion is to take matters into your own hands, rather than to trust God to work things out. This shows a lack of faith in God, which the Bible labels as SIN.
A desperate woman says, "I can't afford to have a child. I'm not ready for this." Lady, you need to start trusting God and claiming His promises. You need to STOP trying to run your own life for a change and START trusting God. You don't need an abortion, for such will only INCREASE your troubles. The devil has you thinking that abortion is the answer, that it will take care of everything, and you're very close to giving in to his subtle temptation. If you do, you'll regret it forever, and God will hold you accountable! Why not turn your life over to the Lord Jesus Christ right now? Why not make Him the Lord of your life and trust Him to work things out for you?
You Can Be Saved Right Now!
Jesus Christ came into this world to lay down His sinless life for YOU--to pay for your sins, because you couldn't. Jesus is your only hope for salvation. Only by receiving Him as your Savior can you enter the gates of Heaven. There is no other way.
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6)
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)
The Lord Jesus Christ has come and PAID for your sins by shedding His own Blood on Calvary. By receiving Him as your Savior, you can be WASHED from all your sins in His precious Blood (Rev. 1:5; Col. 1:14; Acts 20:28; I Pet. 1:18-19). Notice these important words from Romans 5:8-9:
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him."
Jesus PAID your way to Heaven for you! By receiving Him as your Savior, you will be receiving God's ONLY means of Salvation for you. Are you willing to forsake YOUR righteousness and receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, your ONLY HOPE for Salvation? Romans 10:13 says, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:9 says, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Are you willing to forsake your own righteousness, and trust Jesus Christ alone? He will save you just as He promised. Why not receive https://www.the-essays.com/buy-essay-paper and trust Him to give you a better way of life?
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There is not just one style of essay. There are many of variations in essay writing style too given that the objective from the essay. Within the enjoyment small business, the critical analysis essay continues to be used to get systematically laid out execs and drawbacks, pros and cons or deserves and demerits of the subject matter. It's essential that 1 can back again up their claim many of the way.
When dealing with the industries, there is certainly an alternative variety of essay described as the process analysis essay. Process analysis essays are created to explain about a system in phase by stage method. A author possessing analysis essay to jot down has to have in-depth familiarity with the subject he's going to write down on. The margin for mistakes ought to be retained to zero for the reason that if your reader attempts to enact the identical course of action, there needs to be similar result the creator has specified. These are definitely the type of essays where via the internet essay solutions really indicate their knowledge. The level of examine to be accomplished on getting ready a thesis is huge also, the ultimate output really should carry out just about every guideline. Whole lot of homework and analysis is finished previous to presenting you the final materials in order that faux content is not really passed unto you.
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The service will need to be obtainable 24*7
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1 from the significant advantages of dealing with any reliable on line essay service is the fact that they're able to be effortlessly transparent with you.As well as this, they've a panel of high-skilled, certified and professional essay writers that are there to help you in preparing an instructive and well-constructed essay which can be filled with compact material.So, when the query comes out to be like �do my essay for me� then, a trustworthy essay service provider will be your ultimate alternative.
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Significance of on the web writing services to help the students
Methods to create a coherent term paper
Be it a thesis or perhaps a term paper, they bear a good deal of value amongst other literary functions.It is reasonable enough that you may not be able to write them all by your own.Have a try at using online writing services to reduce some slack.
A term paper is an critical activity within the lives on the students.The well-researched argument about a thesis is projected applying a dissertation paper. Stingiest of editing and proofing guidelines must be accomplished to get your paper valid.Right here are some quintessential points which you must take into account whereas writing a research paper. Writing capabilities is usually cultivated and nourished over time but right here are many of the approaches which will help you to improve your academic writing style.
Try to understand the given topic
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Since a lot of analysis and complex details go into preparing term papers, students might not be able to provide for the needed requirements.Therefore, it could a prudent choice to buy custom term paper online.It truly is the best sort soon after option for university students who aim at excellence.You can easily be assured of high-quality function for those who switch to some expert solutions who can perform efficiently to fulfill your targets on prior deadlines.Now you can tailor-made essays readily available if you happen to give the appropriate recommendations, so to buy custom term paper online has turn out to be somewhat convenient now.And for that reason,shopping for custom term paper is usually an ultimate alternative for your writing requires.
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An amazing quantity of study goes into making a case study.The best selection is to employ a writing expert should you aren�t confident about writing 1.Now you can order case study online so that a group of pros will deal with your material.They will do thorough case study research and can give you a finalized draft of the subject.It�s clear that online case study internet sites come as a boon to all who don't possess the time nor effort to complete a correct case study.
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All the more motive to search for the best dissertation writing services.Your score might be according to these essays, and also you ought to be able to execute it effectively.You'll be able to always decide the top from the pool of experience writers.Top-of-the-line advantages of having essay editing service is the fact that it eliminates the disqualification of papers. buy a term paper
Recognizing the worth of editing
Editing is amongst the most significant stages to look out for a even though preparing literature operates.College essay editing entails rigorous processes like organizing your perform systematically, checking out the sequencing very carefully and looking out for those minute errors and errors.It is really of significant importance for almost any penned work.If a doc isn�t edited adequately then it could possibly trigger rejection of the identical, so you should take editing seriously.
The key reason why for which it absolutely was stated to give overwhelming caution when editing out discrepancies was that some institutions reject papers if they do not possess a certain degree of analytical expertise.The college essay is 1 among the talked about category. It models your writing in literal and metaphorical terms.An essay editing service will take meticulous care in proofreading and be eliminating grammatical errors out of your papers.Only shortlist the finest via internet support internet websites at the time you are planning to shop for desperation paper with your subject.Right here may be the hyperlink to a single in the renowned essay editing services: our website
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How to write a thesis to perfection
To pass validation, the thesis should have ample proof backing each and every statement.A thesis becomes irrelevant when it is not backed by correct evidence.The help of a thesis writing service will support those who are certainly not capable to prepare a thesis within the essential typical an institution demands.From via the internet search tags, it's identified that the words "write my thesis" comes up lots.On the web fraudulence has escalated tremendously in recent years; one must be careful not to fall into their hands.
The thesis can be defined as the similar way dissertation has been defined.Both are a person�s reading or data that he/she has compiled to prove a statement or conjecture. It might be a whole bunch of difficulties to be in a position to perform justice to write either on the two.It will have to not bear any grammatical or contextual errors.One particular have to do all this whilst making certain not to stray away from the subject.Thesis writing follows a set of predefined guidelines that tends to make understanding and referencing less complicated from the paper.To write a thesis, one particular must collect all of the relevant data on the subject. In addition to this do your research to present important evidence before the readers.
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Literature Spotlight Peering Into an Alien Mirror
 Literature Spotlight: Peering Into an Alien Mirror
Literature Spotlight: Peering Into an Alien Mirror
Science fiction is one of my favorite genres. I love it (and I suspect many of its readers love it) because despite its trappings of the future, good science fiction is very much a reflection of the time period in which it is written. One of Sci-Fi's major draws for me is that it can highlight and discuss social issues that might be touchy to talk about in the present day. Through the skillful use of spaceships, aliens, utopian planet colonies, and other 'flight-of-fancy' scenarios, a science fiction author can hold a mirror up to the way our current society deals with an issue by showing how their fictional society does. By reading sci-fi from previous eras, then, we can catch a glimpse of what people of that era were thinking about – and what was considered an acceptable 'flight of fancy.'
The Skylark of Space, written by E. E. 'Doc' Smith in the 1920's, included an equal ratio of women to men on the spaceship – surprising for such an early entry into the genre. However, what is not so surprising is that the women involved are cast in incredibly traditionally 'female' roles – they are the wives of the scientists who invent the spaceship, and play a very motherly role on the ship. In particular, one comedic scene shows the women in the kitchen, trying in vain to make sandwiches in zero gravity. It plays out like a Jules Verne-esque slapstick routine, with the ham and cheese floating all over the room. Tellingly for the time it was written, the only thing the women seem to feel like they can take the initiative to do is fix lunch for the menfolk.
Contrast that with the Original Series of Star Trek, first aired in the 1960's. Star Trek depicts a world where gender no longer matters – a black woman has an important bridge position as the Communications Officer, and even if her lines are mostly comprised of “Hailing frequencies open, sir,” still, nobody bats an eye at a woman doing more than just fixing lunch. Further contrast that with the Expanse series by James S. A. Corey, which began with the novel Leviathan Wakes in 2011. The second book in the series, Caliban's War, contains not one but two female main characters, a Martian space marine and an Earth diplomat. Both are in positions where they are well-respected (though they receive pushback throughout the book, but it's plot-related, not related to simply being female). Both radiate power in different ways and both are treated equally in terms of gender.
Original series Star Trek also dealt with racial tensions. Lieutenant Uhura may have been a well-respected and equally-treated bridge crew member within the context of the show, but the show's writers still received pushback from the network about her place in the story. In the 1968 episode “Plato's Stepchildren,” there is a scene where Uhura (played by Nichelle Nichols) and Captain Kirk (played by William Shatner) share a kiss, widely cited as the first example of a scripted inter-racial kiss on US television. The network wanted them to film the scene both with and without the kiss, so that they could decide later whether to air it. The actors chose to intentionally flubb every take without the kiss so that the network would be forced to air it. The story of that episode serves as a reminder that Original series Star Trek, like most good science fiction, prodded at the boundaries of what was considered an acceptable social construct at the time.
While Star Trek's society treats all races and genders equally where Earth humans are concerned, it does still get a chance to display ideas of racial tensions and play with the theme of racial equality – through the clever use of aliens. Mister Spock is a great example of this – here is an alien as First Officer of an Earth Federation starship, who frequently gets mocked and insulted by the other crewmembers for his pointy ears, his green blood, and his unusual customs. Uhura may have been indicative of what race relations could be, but Spock depicted race relations as they were. Certain episodes also dealt more pointedly with the idea of race prejudice, most notably the episode “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield,” which dealt with the last two survivors of a war-torn planet still hell-bent on destroying each other. This is the famous episode with the 'black-and-white' aliens – their feud was based on which half of their body was black and which one white. While a bit heavy-handed, it does still speak volumes about the sometimes silly things that drive us to war and the dangers of prejudice.
Caliban's War displays racial tensions as well, but in a different way – by highlighting the fact that they are all humans. When I mentioned the two female leads up there, you probably thought of them as different species – perhaps the Martian space marine was an 'alien' and the Earth diplomat was a 'human.' Well, in actuality, they are both human. In fact, the three-way war between the Outer Planets Alliance, Earth, and Mars is essentially an entirely human war – there are no aliens to speak of in the whole book (with one exception – no spoilers!). But the stark differences in lifestyle, outlook, and even physical appearance between someone born on Mars and someone born 'down the well' on Earth leads to them treating each other as aliens. You can easily see, through the diplomat's eyes, how different humans can become in different circumstances, and how these differences could lead them to fail to understand each other on a primal level.
Race and gender are not the only social issues that can be depicted in science fiction. Plenty of other issues are presented, all depending on the time period in which the work is written and the aspect of society that the author wants to explore. Caliban's War includes a scene that will stick with me for months, where the female space marine visits Earth for the first time and chats with a young barista. The barista talks about the Earth policy of having young people work for a few years after high school to make sure they like working before the government spends money sending them to college. The planet has become so over-populated that not everyone needs to work, so those who don't like working can simply go on basic support and devote themselves to leisure. For the space marine, who grew up in a colony where everyone has a place and a job to do, this concept is foreign, almost incomprehensible. By contrasting these two personalities, Corey allows us to consider the ideas of single-payer systems like free university education and healthcare from multiple perspectives, and draw our own conclusions.
This is precisely why one of my favorite recent sci-fi works is Larry Niven's The Draco Tavern. This collection of super-short stories centers around Rick Schumann, the bartender at an alien bar called the Draco Tavern. The stories are between 5 and 10 pages long on average, generally taking the form of a conversation Rick has with one or several of his alien patrons. The stories present little vignettes that bring up a question and then end, leaving the reader to think about their answer. The Draco Tavern's questions range from 'What if you could choose when you died?' to 'If a human kills an alien, should he be subjected to the alien form of punishment?' to 'Should I feel weird knowing that this alien race took samples of my DNA and are using it to lab-grow meat for their own consumption?' The beauty of The Draco Tavern is that it doesn't attempt to answer any of these questions, just present them and leave the reader to chew on them for a bit.
Science fiction may seem fanciful, with all those aliens running around on starships firing photon torpedoes at each other. But in reality, a skilled science fiction author can often tell you more about your own beliefs and opinions by comparing them to those of his aliens than you might ever get from sharing them with a therapist. I've only scratched the surface here, but this deeply personal self-searching that arises from peering into an alien mirror is one of the many things that keeps me coming back to science fiction, time and time again.
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