electricdragontype · 1 year
Oh, so you can refer to your leafeon which evolved yesterday as a leafeon flawlessly every time, but when I change my name you can't get it right even after YEARS?? "an adjustment" my ass
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electricdragontype · 1 year
if you live in unova, I would be surprised if you didn't have spiders in your house
I feel like I need to confess to you.
So I live with two semi wild joltiks… they just kind of showed up in my apartment one day and refused to leave.
Is this how people get pokémon?
are you confessing to the crime of...having spiders in your house...?
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electricdragontype · 1 year
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Greetings. I see this account is intended to reach the trainers of this website, and I hope you are willing to consider spreading my message to trainers. That being how cruel battles can be, and for humans to be separated from Pokemon. I am not expecting this "ask" to be answered, as our views are likely quite different, but I ask of you if you see this message to read into perhaps listening to Team Plasma, and to have a pleasant evening
-The Knight of Team Plasma
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electricdragontype · 1 year
I'm going to have my shiny clawitzer blast you into a fine mist
Is it illegal or simply immoral to eat shiny Pokémon? Because shiny Clauncher look like they hit different
it's not illegal OR immoral. it IS however bougie as fuck
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electricdragontype · 1 year
it's a pokebullet. of course it would catch it. this is literally basic self defense knowledge
please help i am working at the pokebank and somebody said they have a pokegun and are going to pokerob me but i dont know what the fuck a pokegun is
pray for the conveniently timed arrival of a pokémon champion-to-be and hope you don't get pokémurdered
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electricdragontype · 1 year
team cytoplasma
you think there are less evil teams these days because people are running out of legendaries to cause the apocalypse with
time to get creative
personally i think that if we collect every solosis in unova together to form 1 unit that would count as a pretty good legendary. get to it plasmoids
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electricdragontype · 2 years
ya got any other pokemon besides bart?
if this post hits 100,000 notes i will adopt a salamence
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electricdragontype · 2 years
Don’t worry, there will come a time…when the line separating Pokémon…and humans…comes to an END.
this is how you get a motherfucking evil team uprising
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electricdragontype · 2 years
hey, my nephew just turned ten and i really wanna take him to challenge the gyms but every gym leader in unova (former and current) has a restraining order against me. any advice?
what did you do to the unovan gym leaders
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electricdragontype · 2 years
Darkrai is real, though.
confession I thought toedscool were made up until like an hour ago bc they literally were too fucking ridiculous for me to believe in. like a fuckin tentacool but it's pink and it runs around on land with its two stupid tentacle feet things slapping the ground? its name has the word TOE in it???? impossible, far too oundlandish, it's probably a myth like missingno or shelderman or Darkrai. like none of these things really exist.
Anyways guess who's 24 and fucking stupid
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electricdragontype · 2 years
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2023 bingo. good luck soldiers
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electricdragontype · 2 years
If you're another Pokeblog, could you reblog this? I wanna spread out a bit more and follow some new folks!
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electricdragontype · 2 years
I love just picking up spoink and holding them like a burger. They always fall asleep in my hands too it's adorable.
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electricdragontype · 2 years
Okay. So. Update.
I have not broken the law.
This is in part because it is late and I do not feel safe going out at night alone in Nimbasa when there have been confirmed to be RA members in the city. This is also in part because my Interpol agent showed up at my door.
My agent is now aware of the current situation here, and my restrictions have changed, and I am allowed to leave the region if I need to flee from the RA. Of course, I will still be monitored by my agent, but that's fair enough.
If there is anyone else in the nimbasa area who has any tips for avoiding the RA, and maybe so we can meet up and move in groups, that would be very nice.
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electricdragontype · 2 years
oh so it's real? they are really doing this to our dragons now? like this is happening?
@fae-witch-professor) are you done eating breakfast?
Yeahw hats up
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electricdragontype · 2 years
Oh, if someone is really claiming that then I might have to break the law. or. I guess multiple if they are currently outside of the gym circuit. But if this is true I may end up being a criminal and not just on an interpol watch list.
A lot of people in Unova hold the dragons in high regard. The fact that some organization made a hybrid claiming to be part of the Original Dragon is honestly sickening.
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electricdragontype · 2 years
I got adopted by a zoroark pack when I was younger because I got lost in the woods
it was bizarre but I love those Zoroarks, I live in the city now so I can't go see them :[
in a mood . does anybody have any stories about really weird pokemon encounters they had ?
ill go first ! i was wandering the slumbering weald a few years back since i had been in postwick area to visit the lab, and kuro had really wanted to go in there and arc i couldnt (and still cant) say no to his little face,,
anyway we were in the weald and kuro was flying ahead and i was following after him . it was pretty late and i couldnt see well so i was mostly just listening for his wingbeats and following that . eventually he stopped in a clearing and we stayed there for a breather but im sure i saw a pokemon in there . i have no clue what it was .
kuro seemed pretty spooked so we left after that . i think about it a lot
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