hey Americans?
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what the fuck is this? this isn't real right. it's made up for tv like those metal lockers
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Transphobes are wild cause they think we can get away with like litarly everything for some reason
Like darlin peaple hold you to a WAY higher standard of actions where basically anything will be seen as a reason your bad ,I’ve gotten accusations about me from peaple I’ve never even met
I got repaired for saying tits while a cis woman didn’t get in trouble for slapping someone’s ass and calling them sexy.
Yeh anyways transphobes are idiots
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It’s always so odd
WOMAN TWEETING: girls go to college to get more knowledge 😁 boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider 😝
MAN RETWEETING: And women wonder why men abuse and kill women. Pretty telling, isn’t it?
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The only good rich person
went on the most insane grindr date of my life last night hold on
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do you ever have something happen to you and just know that it would've had an absolutely devastating impact on your capacity to endure if you'd been in an even 5% worse psychological state
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My grip tightenes ,I contemplate, I don’t proceed
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"... but like, I'm pretty sure it just gave me brain damage. I can't see so good in the dark anymore, too much static. When I rub my eyes in the morning, it's just RGB visual noise and glitched-out 7-point MS Gothic. And sometimes, I just... lose time? Just going unresponsive for hours, and my memory is shot to shit. Creeps the hell out of my roommates, for sure."
- Excerpt of a psychological evaluation of an unknown test pilot, "On the Effects of Prolonged Brain-to-Computer Interface Use", P. Massif, mid 21st century.
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I don't know which of you needs to hear this but "narc" is not short for "narcissist" when someone calls you a "narc" for snitching they are calling you a "narcotics officer"
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“ They… can recite every number of Pi backwards.”
Hey Mark
what’s the first number they’ll say?
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I wish I could see those ,I say pitching a pitty part then I remember I forgot to post my art
actually i dont make art for myself. i make art so that i can see “#OUGH” and “#AUGHW” and “#WAAAH” in my notifications
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Someone said Fat People can't do this on twitter and someone posted this as a response and i think its important people see things like this to know they're just fatphobic and wrong
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hey atheists
if god doesn't exist how come I have this fucking picture of him?
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the trick to a good insult is sort of talking around it and making them think so that it hits harder when they realize what you’re talking about
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Okay, you need to make sure you play this game at some point. Maybe not today or anything, because you’ll need about thirty minutes and a serious willingness to understand how it works, but - it’s so worth it. It’s basically an answer to our occasional frustration - why do assholes always come out on top? - and the beautiful thing about it is that not only does it explain how that happens, but also how we can change it.
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“In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it’s us players who define the game.”
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