heaven in hiding
446 posts
it's such a long and awful lonely fall down from this pedestal that you keep putting me on. what if I fall on my face? what if I make a mistake? if it's okay a little grace would be appreciated remember how we used to like ourselves? what little light that's left, we need to keep it sacred i know that you're afraid to let all the dark escape ya, but we could let the light illuminate these hopeless places
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elcnas · 8 years ago
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okay so this is elias ! i’ll try to keep it short and basic so under the cut you can find out a bit about him. if you want to plot then like this or hmu !!
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elcnas · 8 years ago
hello pls follow my new muse @eliasism i'm gonna post a lil intro soon :-)
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elcnas · 8 years ago
alright sorry for so many ooc posts, but i’ve picked a few to make this easier hopefully ? ?which one would u rather see / plot with my guys:
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elcnas · 8 years ago
alright sorry for so many ooc posts, but i’ve picked a few to make this easier hopefully ? ?which one would u rather see / plot with my guys:
oscar isaac
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riz ahmed
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kit harington
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my dad diego luna 
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elcnas · 8 years ago
“Have you ever been so hungry, you’d eat just about anything but you don’t know what? Okay, that’s probably confusing but if I had a dollar for all of the times I went out to a restaurant and literally almost cried because I couldn’t come to a decision, I’d never have to work another day in my life. I know, white girl problems. But still. I feel like it’s even harder ordering when there’s a limited menu.”
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“fuck, yes. i never know what to eat. i never know what to cook, either. i always end up calling my boyfriend and just asking him what he wants and put all the pressure on him. i mean, at a restaurant is easier though ‘cause you have all these options so you can just choose. easy. but i see what you mean. i wouldn’t classify it as a white girl problem but like, yeah there are bigger problems in the world. like, you know. hunger. but anyway. what exactly is a limited menu?”
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elcnas · 8 years ago
“do you think you could help me?” rosalie asked, approaching the person standing at the bar, resting her now empty glass against the surface before shifting her attention back towards them. “i just need someone to be a distraction for a second? well, like five minutes tops. please?” she gave a small pout, wide eyes looking at them as if to guilt them into helping her.
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“oh, a distraction? sure i think i could help.” a smile spreads across her lips, it was such a random request from a stranger but it sparked her interest. “what do you need distraction from?”
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elcnas · 8 years ago
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elcnas · 8 years ago
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elcnas · 8 years ago
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you all know my bby hoe already but i figured to post a small summary anyway. also, i’m extra af and for musings sake i’m just gonna lowkey start over !! so if we had a connection / plot you were really digging or whatever then feel free to send me a message and let me know so we can keep it. otherwise i’ll just forget about them all !! ok !! great !!
elena yael lutzker, 32 years old. some ppl can call her el or ellie she won’t mind. doesn’t truly care.
only child. from israel, born and raised. lived there until she was 15 then she moved to america bc of her dad’s job. they moved to new jersey.
barely knew any english by then but it improved fairly quickly tbh. was highkey popular in high school for some reason ? ? but it also didn’t matter. she was such a nerd tbh and has always been very good with numbers and all that.
it might not look like it but she takes her religion and beliefs very seriously !! 
hella gay and hella in the closet as most of u kno
went to uni in new york city, majored in business management and then set up her own lil business with a lil bit of help from her dad oops
after years of living in the city some shit happened that made her want to come back to new jersey lol so at 28 she moves back and sets up another lil business of hers. this time all on her own ! development ! 
pushy religious parents + internalized homophobia + shitty events = she starts dating this guy that her fam adores and two years later they’re engaged yikes
elena realizes what a stupid thing she’s done and tries to break it off but fails so they somehow end up moving to lincoln convinced that she just needs some air from her pushy parents. 
but now she’s just trying to argue on purpose and destroy her own relationship bc she’d rather do that than come out lmfao !
yikes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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elcnas · 8 years ago
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elcnas · 8 years ago
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selena gomez // bad liar
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elcnas · 8 years ago
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elena didn’t answer rae’s question right away, which was more than okay with her. she had an idea on why the other was now walking further into the office and shutting the door but at the same time she didn’t want to assume something out loud. elena’s answer, that sounded more like a question, caused one of rae’s eyebrows to raise before an amused smirk started to rise on her lips. “that’s just so strange because there are like, a million signs that point to the several restrooms we have in this facility. i wonder how you missed that.” she couldn’t help but to tease the other a bit, her stance unchanging as elena was getting closer. 
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she simply shrugged at the statement, with nothing witty to say and truthfully she didn’t care enough to think of something right in the spot. it was more than obvious why she was really there, but it seemed neither one wanted to actually say it out loud. especially not elena. “really? i totally missed those. i suggest you get better signs. bring on the lights, even.” she said playfully, slowly moving in a little closer to rae. almost hesitantly. “i suppose you can help me out, then?”
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elcnas · 8 years ago
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ariela had been around people that tall before and it never failed to make her feel like the smallest thing around. she actually did laugh out loud at the mental image of what that conversation would probably look like, somewhat ridiculous. “yeah, it feels really good. like a giant weight’s been lifted off my chest. i’d hide a lot anyhow so it feels kind of good not hiding that too. and i think you can understand that.” she considered elena’s answer to the question about her ex, noticing that it seemed like she didn’t want to give up that much information, she switched the topic. “so how long until he’s home?” 
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“well i certainly can. i assume this girl is also aware of your situation, right? ‘cause in my experience girlfriends don’t like keeping it a secret for too long.” elena said, rather bitterly but she hoped the other couldn’t see right through it. shifting slightly to look at the time she shrugged, “i don’t know, it should be a while. he often spends long nights at work, and usually calls me right before coming back. are you in a rush?”
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elcnas · 8 years ago
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elcnas · 8 years ago
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elcnas · 8 years ago
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ariela was very aware that she stood just barely an inch above five feet, and she knew elena had nine inches on her. if that man was ‘even way bigger’ than elena, ari could only imagine what a conversation between her and elena’s  fiancé would look to someone observing. “just how far up would i have to look exactly to at least attempt to make eye contact?” ari questioned. she ran a hand through her hair. “i’m hoping my ‘relationship’ with jules will get my mom off my back. and it’s a good development. i’m no longer hiding how i feel about her and we’re kind of seeing each other, not quite exclusively yet but it’s heading that way.” ari raised an eyebrow, “with an ex huh? still feelings there then?” ari shook her head, “yeah, gifts would be nice but you probably shouldn’t let her do that.” 
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“well he’s like, three or four inches over the six feet mark so, very far up i assume.” the thought of that caused her to smile slightly, a laugh threatening to come out. she already felt small enough next to him. ariela’s plan was something she’d do, it was actually she’s clearly done so there was no space for judgement or anything in the like. elena felt genuinely happy for the other girl, but also part of her was relieved to hear it wasn’t exclusive yet. “that’s great, it’s always nice telling someone how you actually feel about them and it’s even better when they feel the same way.” she didn’t to admit her own feelings for her ex though, since it was all a little more complicated. so she simply nodded at the question. “there’s...some feelings yeah, guess you could say that.”
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elcnas · 8 years ago
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“it would be something to actually meet him. i have to admit, he’s someone i’m curious about.” ariela sat down not too far away from elena. looking over at her, “i kind of told my mom that i’m dating my friend, julian, so we got this fake relationship going on. and there’s been some more development with the kasey situation. oh, i also met this really cute girl in a bar while playing pool, and we’re kind of messing around. i’m all over the place honestly. how about you?” 
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that situation would be a little awkward for elena, considering the type of relationship she had with both of them. but it was prone to happen at some point, so maybe ariela’s curiosity would cease some day. “well you might, one way or another. he’s really fun to be around. also, he’s even way bigger than me so you and him in the same room is something i’m curious about.” now that would be interesting. she listened to what the other had to say, her hand tucked under her chin as she looked attentively at the girl. “fake relationship? so we have more in common than i thought. what kind of development, though? i’m...a little over the place as well, i suppose. i’ve been hooking up with my ex girlfriend lately, which that alone is messy enough. my fiance’s mom wants to throw me a bridal shower and i mean i would love some gifts but i can’t take that much advantage i already feel bad enough you know.”
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