ELARA MACMILLAN-BONES ❝ what MUST it be LIKE to GROW up thatBEAUTIFUL with your hair falling into place like DOMINOES❞
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halloween costume contest ‘28 → halley, orion, stella & elara macmillan-bones & bentley lockhart for best group costume
while we'd argue that this is not the most original idea for a group costume, you guys always know how to come through on a theme and commit fully. we're just surprised you let someone else in on the family costume this year !!
2nd place - Max Hewitt & Delilah Hartwell
3rd place - Willow, Augusta & Magnolia Picquery & Elijah Westernberg & Elena Flores
the rest of the runner ups are below !!
Alice Longbottom II & Lily Potter
Bes Kamel & Mateo Rivera-Ogden
Ciara Garcia & Cameron Coleman
James Ashcroft & Frank Longbottom II
Mason Jones & Axel Wolffe
Merle Rappaport & Piper Wilkinson
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"No, you're good. And even if you did I feel like I'd be apologising to you for walking into them. They're incredible." Elara complimented, turning her head a little to get a better look at the set of wings on the others back. "I don't think I've done a costume with wings yet and I feel like that's a real shame as I feel like I'm missing out on being a fairy. I feel like even the small issue of not knowing that space around you is worth it for looking ethereal."
"Oh sorry! I didn't catch you on my wings did I?" Trin piped up apologetically when she'd passed the other. "I somehow can't seem to get a proper grip on my spacial awareness when wearing these things."
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"Thanks." Elara beamed as the others compliment, "Though I do think that the costume looks better when the whole gang are together, really sets the scene you know." Elara commented. "But as always, us Macmillan-Bones will be trying to continue our longstanding success of winning the group costume category, I don't know what will happen the year we lose. I think we've just being trying to one up ourselves year after year and I know the majority of us are pretty competitive."
"Oh wow! Look at your costume, you look great!" Jonah exclaimed in a genuinely complimentary manner, "I bed you'll be a shoe in for at least one category in the contest. Which ones are you going for?"
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Elara couldn't help but chuckle, trying to push the others elbow away from where it had nudged her in the ribs, "I guess there wasn't, huh? Was harder for the rest of you to pick emotions, especially if you don't completely relate to them, but this one was a little perfect for me." She smiled. "I did have to stop myself from casting a spell to make me glow tonight though, kind of regretting not doing it." She hummed, "It would have been fun, but not sure I can pull off the blue quite like you."
"There was no contest that this would be the emotion for you," Stella insisted, elbowing her sister lightly in the ribs. "None of us could pull off Joy like you. Although I suppose swapping out and being totally unlike ourselves would've been fun in its own right."
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as Joy (Inside Out) with @stellamacmillanbcnes as Sadness, @halleymacmillanbones as Disgust, @orionmacmillanbones as Anger & @bentleylcckhart as Fear
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"Oh wow, yeah- I think I definitely need to catch you up if that's your question." Elara couldn't help but chuckled softly. "Mamma Mia is still going strong, I don't think it'll ever not be there on the West End, but I'm no longer in it." She told the other. "I actually auditioned for a revival of Legally Blonde a few months ago which was terrifying, decided to branch out and go for something other than just ensemble." And she was thankful really, the experience of running through rehearsals had really strengthened her acting and singing abilities, even if they weren't large parts. "But I got the role, so I'm part of the ensemble, but also one of the understudies for Brooke and then they through a curveball at me and told me I was also one of the understudies for Elle- which, sort of hoping that day never comes because those are huge shoes to fill. "
closed starter - jamie & elara ( @elaramacmillanbcnes )
Jamie didn't hang out much with his older cousin, having been closer with Stella since they were little, but that didn't mean he didn't care. "Oh, how's that show you're in going? It's still going on, right?" he asked. "I feel like we haven't hung out in so long. You'll have to catch me up."
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"Hey! I'll happily accept the role of cat lady and wear it as a badge of honour as long as you drop the crazy part. That I don't appreciate." Elara pointed out to the other with a stern expression. "Okay, what terrible version of Cat Woman have you been watching that resembles anything of what I've been saying? Because I would admit that would be a flop of a movie. But I can't be coming across that bad, right? Like surely it's just endearing. I'm very endearing after all."
"Maybe you're just a crazy cat lady." Orion put to his sister in amusement. "I feel like you've watched the really bad version of Cat Woman right now... that's how you're coming across and that's how no one should ever come across." He was trying to stifle a laugh.
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"Yes. Why do you think I have so many if I wasn't one?" She questioned her brother, she just happened to understand cats well and she liked to think that cats understood her too. "Nope. I fully believe that I was a cat in a former life and this is why I am the way I am now. Not sure I'd be able to go as far as dubbing myself The Cat Queen, but maybe like The Cat Princess or something."
"Kitten whisperer, hm?" He chuckled at that, knowing that would be a way to press Elara's buttons. They were very good at doing that to one another, thankfully it was harmless. "A spiritual level hm? Now you're reaching don't you think?"
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ELARA: And it's showing, are you like the weather, turning a new leaf? hehe ELARA: Yup. Had a first aid trained professional check me over to make sure nothing was broken, only bad thing about this being a muggle job is that if I do get injured I had to work on their medical timeline. Would seem sus if I really did some damage and then walked in the next day like nothing had happened. ELARA: Hey! I'm trying to find a way to infiltrate the footage myself so I can either get rid of it or take it to the grave with me. I'm hoping it never see's the light of day. ELARA: Hm, probably. Though I don't want to waste too much time not practicing, opening night is coming up quickly and I don't want to make a fool of myself by doing this in front of an audience. ELARA: You're not wrong, I swear I don't recall ordering as many and every now and then, a new tower turns up at the door. We're good at Tetris though, I have so much faith in us being able make a nice clear space for me to work with.
STELLA: Look I'm trying out being a little more considerate lol STELLA: Thank you, thank you 😌 STELLA: Bruising isn't the worst, but I'm still sorry it happened. Have you gotten checked over? STELLA: Rude :((( STELLA: You'll probably have to keep off your ankles for a bit before you start practicing at home. STELLA: I imagine we'll also have to Tetris the cat towers out of the way for you to have enough space to be doing that in the living room 😂
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Elara let out a somewhat huffed snort at the others words, crossing her arms over her chest. "Please, I am the kitten whisperer, they flock to me as though I'm their Mama." Elara tutted. "I wouldn't be so good at what I do in terms of kitten rescue and finding them good homes to live in if I didn't understand them on some sort of spiritual level."
"I'm sure." There was nothing in Orion's tone that suggested he believed that though. "I was." He agreed honestly, because he really didn't need to go there with Elara, at least not about this relationship. Where in the past, he might have enjoyed winding his siblings up by oversharing, with Bentley, he really didn't feel it necessary. Orion quite enjoyed keeping it private and he knew that Bentley would probably appreciate that more too. "If there is a kitten in a tree, maybe it is trying to get away from you, dear sister."
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ELARA: You know what, I'm kind of surprised that you asked if I was okay BEFORE you asked if anyone filmed it. ELARA: Proud of you, you're taking baby steps into a better direction. ELARA: I've got a bruised ego as well as some other body parts, but there was minimal blood on myself and the stage so I guess that was a success. ELARA: And yes the whole performance was being recorded and no you can't get a copy of it. ELARA: My foot just got caught of it and then yoink, I was no longer vertical. ELARA: This does mean though that I'm bringing one of these home and will be practising in the living room to ensure this doesn't happen again.
STELLA: HUH STELLA: dude are you OKAY? STELLA: ...also did anyone film it? STELLA: but ofc more importantly are you okay STELLA: yikes tho– i can't even begin to imagine what it's like dealing with those on the daily
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Text || Elara & Stella
ELARA: I've just a 5, 6, 7, 8 shit on stage in front of the whole ensemble. ELARA: Nose first might I add. ELARA: Skipping ropes are more dangerous then I thought, I'm starting to think that maybe they're the OG danger noodle.
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"I am nothing but a pure and innocent angel, Orion. My mind is never in the gutter." Elara replied, head held high as she did so. "Yes, yes, I know. You were talking about your intellect and well thought out words." She nodded. "Well you and layman can get the heck out of here if you're going to be mean." Elara nodded, her expression changing from one of sibling annoyance to appreciation. "I know you do, you're very good at taking care of me when I need you too. Maybe I'll get you to put your height to use one day if there is a kitten in a tree or something." She teased.
"Well it certainly sounded like it was." Orion shot back smoothly, a smile playing over his lips in amusement at the whole situation. "As I said, wasn't even talking about kissing." He almost sing songed at his sister. "I wanted to put it in layman's terms for you, darling sister." Though he knew Elara was far from stupid. None of their family was lacking in brains, even if they teased one another to the contrary. "You do recall that I already do things like that for you without you needing to try and call in favours, don't you?" If there was something Orion could be relied upon, it was that he was there for his siblings when they needed him.
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"Oh we're practically the Brady Bunch, which would not be a bad idea for Halloween costumes actually." She mulled for a moment, "I mean I know I for one will not let them live stupid stuff like this down, ever. So maybe that actually makes me the mean one, which is weird to think about." She pondered for a moment before chuckling at his words, "Yes, I think it'd be safe to stay on our good sides. Though, you'd have to do something really terrible to face one of our wraths and I'm not sure you'd be capable of doing anything too bad given we're friends."
"I imagine you guys, in classic sibling fashion, don't let each other live that down, huh?" Tucker remarked through chuckles. "I have to applaud the dedication to wanting to get those sweets no matter what," he added. "But of course, your secrets are safe with me," Tucker assured, putting his hand to his heart for emphasis. "I wouldn't want the wrath of the Macmillan-Bones clan being thrust upon me. You are all total sweethearts but I fear what it'd be like to be on your guys' bad sides."
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"My mind was certainly not in the gutter, I don't really want to think about anything you're doing with your mouth with your boyfriend. Even if it is just kissing." Elara pointed out to the other before listening to the other speak more. "It's a hard concept for me to grasp, because there was nothing eloquent about you calling me a feather-brain." She pouted once again, feeling like it was her faces' natural state when she was around her older brother. "You say that like I'm going to ask you for some awful kind of favour or something criminal, it won't be. I'm normally very tame with my favours, most of the time it's just asking if you can go and run some errands for me when I'm having bad endo days and can't move from my bed or sofa. Or like to feed the cat hoard."
When the others face screwed up and he was called crass, Orion rolled his eyes, clearly exercising patience with his younger sibling as he gave a laborious sigh. "No, that wasn't me being crass, that was your mind being in the gutter." Orion corrected, shaking his head softly. "What I was actually referring to is the fact that on more than one occasion Bentley has pointed out that he is very much drawn in and attracted to my eloquence and mind when I speak. Probably a difficult conflict for you to grasp, you little feather-brain." Orion teased his little sister playfully. The actual fact of the matter was, they hadn't even taken that step in their relationship yet. Orion would be lying if he said it didn't leave him a little pent up but it was nothing he couldn't handle for the chance to date the other male. "Well then, I will gratefully accept the tickets, just don't think it'll get you anything you want in the future. I do have my limits."
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"Tucker, who do you take me for? Hm? Why would I kid about something as incredible as this." Elara couldn't help but tut, shaking her head slightly at the other. "Though I hope you know you cannot utter a word of this to my siblings. If they knew I was spilling such things about them and the family antics from when we were kids then I think I might be banished from the family group chat for at least a month." Elara warned the other. "And what, getting both hands stuck in separate sweet jars and trying for a third with their head isn't enough damage done? You need there to be more to the story?"
"No way– you're kidding me right now," Tucker burst into laughter at the other's humorous story. "Now that must've been crazy," he acknowledged through his amusement. "Was that all that happened?"
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