elanore-mae · 6 months
a little kid came up to the desk (it came up to his like, collarbone) and very seriously asked me about baby name books, because he wanted to help name his new sibling. i guided him to the shelf (there were only two book of names) and pointed out the differences between them, and after some serious contemplation he went, “I think I should take both, just in case.” So I gave him both and he thanked me and went on his way.
And I went back to my desk and screamed into my arm for like 45 years because HE WAS SO FUCKING ADORABLE AAAAA
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elanore-mae · 1 year
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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elanore-mae · 2 years
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REBLOG if you USE.
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elanore-mae · 2 years
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elanore-mae · 4 years
Hello! This is a LATE birthday present for my dear friend @sesukytes ^.^
Happy late bday my dood <3
With Vaggie and Angel out of her life and the hotel still empty, Charlie’s fears became realized. She failed again. Even with a successful redemption program, nobody was interested.
At that point she didn’t know what to do anymore. She didn’t know what she could do anymore.
Alastor resided to biding his time after witnessing Angel ascend to Heaven. It was a great shock that the naive little princess seemed to have finally made a breakthrough, but it seemed that it didn’t matter. He waited around to see if the rabble would bite and come running for a “better life”, but not a single desperate soul came even after two months.
Having been bored sick of his empty investment, Alastor decided to make his own move. A month had passed after he heard that Vaggie had ascended and Charlie refused to even leave the hotel. She’d been silent and wasn’t answering his calls nor calling him back.
“A shame, really…” he muttered while stiffly rapping his fingers on his pristine mahogany desk, not caring whether his sharp claws broke through the polish or not. He knew things couldn’t continue as they were. He was generous enough to give her time to recoup and continue on but his patience had finally reached its expiration date.
When he walked up to her bedroom door, he already knew exactly what he needed to do. And in her state, leaving her would push her further down the spiral of despair. If he played it right, her broken expression could make up for the waste of time that he spent waiting on the hotel; not that he had many high hopes for it in the first place.
‘To see the broken look on her face…’
Alastor knocked before entering, a bit too eager see the final dregs of hope leave his partner.
What he found was truly pitiful.
She hadn’t been crying, but seemed as if she’d cried herself dry. Instead, she just stared at him blankly, looking broken and lifeless; not at all like her peppy self. Her eye sockets seemed to hollow in, her hair disheveled and somehow she seemed impossibly thinner than ever. When he looked into her eyes he found that the spark was nonexistent, leaving a blank gaze as if all that was left was an empty husk of a being.
Any fun he could have breaking her now was completely drained.
She was pitiful and it took him much effort to find a reason to stick around any longer. Without her life or her smile, Charlie was just a broken doll he couldn’t play with let alone break any further.
As she still said nothing to him, Alastor looked to her nightstand. There, an assortment of litter and tissues laid. In the center of it all: a small framed photo of her and her family sat. She looked to be younger than the portrait in the lobby, but still old enough to be considered a teen.
It was an unremarkable photo in all regards. He’d seen far too many of these family portraits around the hotel and the palace when he visited Lucifer. It seemed odd how family oriented the Magnes were considering how broken the relationship between Charlie and her parents were.
But unlike the ones Alastor had seen before, Charlie looked different. His eyes lingered on the visible horns protruding from her skull, standing tall and proud and unabashedly her’s. In the few family portraits Alastor had seen, Charlie seemed to purposefully hide her horns away even while her mother’s were displayed proudly.
He’d seen her horns and teases of her form in photos, paintings and on live television before, but Charlie had never looked so proud to show off her demonic features than in the photo on her nightstand. She was never ashamed of her demonic form, but rarely had she ever used her features. From what Alastor could remember from his time with her, he realized that she never utilized her demonic form or any powers.
He wasn’t even sure she even had any powers. He reckoned that she had to considering that she was a product of Lucifer, the most powerful being in Hell.
Alastor’s eyes fell back to the skeletal being before him and mulled over a thought that popped into his mind.
He could fix her- improve her even. She was practically a blank slate now, could he really pass up the opportunity? They could discover what exactly she was capable of together. Imagining the possibilities with the princess of Hell was just too enticing to let go.
Granted it wasn’t what he originally intended nor was he one to pick up fixer uppers, but he couldn’t just let the daughter of Lucifer waste away. It wasn’t like he had another venture lined up anyway.
He continued to visit her daily, bringing her homemade food, clean clothes, linens and anything else she could need to cheer her up. He would talk to her, try to liven her up and keep her up-to-date on the latest news. Though she initially answered with single worded answers, it was clear his efforts were working as their conversations got longer as her state improved
Little by little, she opened up to him more and more. And in a short amount of time, she seemed to be back to a semblance of normal. And although she physically looked better and spoke more, Charlie was still missing the soul and spark that she’d lost.
Though Alastor didn’t mind. It was just all a part of the process.
Now, after a few weeks of nurturing her, it was time to get the ball rolling.
“All I’m trying to tell you sweetheart, is that you have been holding yourself back. You have so much potential for so much more! Aren’t you the slightest bit curious about what you can do?” Alastor sat on the edge of her bed, facing Charlie who had her legs drawn up to her chest.
Charlie held her knees tighter to her chest and frowned. “Not really…”
“What a shame! It could prove useful for your endeavors. Now that you know redemption is possible, you’ll need to attract more souls to your hotel!”
“I don’t know Al…”
He sat on the edge of her bed and reached over to place a hand on her cheek, drawing her attention to his softened gaze. “Trust me, my dear. I haven’t led you astray before haven’t I? You’ve already done all you could. Allow me to help this time.”
As much as she didn’t like the idea, she knew he was right. Now that she knew redemption was possible, she could help people get to Heaven. But did she have the energy or power to do that when everyone still doubted her? Nobody took her seriously and she doubted anybody would believe what she did at that point. Hesitant, but without many other options, Charlie nodded. “Okay, but I’m not making a deal with you.”
Alastor chuckled, smiling a bit brighter in response to the bit of spunk returning to her. “Not a problem sweetheart. I wouldn’t have expected it any other way.”
Another week passing meant another week gaining Charlie’s wholehearted trust. 
Alastor had to admit, it was enjoyable watching her grow back into the person she was before. She even smiled on the rare occasion. But as pleasant he’d found that her company was, he needed to get her going.
Having known her father, Alastor knew that Lucifer had the ability to subjugate and pacify any demon at will. Any demon under his will would fall into a trance-like state and obey all orders, even if it meant permanent death for that demon. All he needed to do now was see if Charlie had inherited this ability from her father.
He brought it up to her, presented as an idea to bring in patients.
As expected, she seemed hesitant. “That doesn’t seem right Al.”
“Don’t you want to help your people? How else are they going to find salvation if they aren’t convinced?”
She paused, seemingly convinced yet careful. “They won’t…”
Alastor nodded, standing from her bed. “Exactly! And the longer you wait for them to come crawling to you, the more that will perish by the next cleanse! I know that you want to help your people, don’t you sweetheart?” He turned to her and extended a hand. “Now why don’t we try? It’s about time you’ve left your cave and let the world see your dazzling smile, so let’s kill two birds with one stone?”
Charlie looked between him and his hand several times while she deliberated her decision. If she did nothing, would things get any better? Alastor was so willing to help her in her time of need- even more so than Vaggie ever had.
What was wrong with trying?
She took his hand, earning her a wide grin and a strong tug from the man. With a yelp, she flew off her bed and into his waiting arms. In an unexpected turn of events, Alastor wrapped his arms around her.
Warmth filled her. When was the last time she’d gotten a hug from anyone? Months ago from Vaggie probably.
“A solid choice my dear! Might I say that I’m impressed with your resolve!” He bent away to find tears rolling down her cheeks. Bothered by their existence, he wiped them away with his index finger. “Why the tears, Charlie?”
“I… I just want to thank you for being here Alastor. I-I don’t want to th-think about where I’d be without you here…”
Alastor chuckled and gently placed his hand on top of her head. She was his now, there was no doubt about that anymore.
“Think nothing about it. I didn’t think I would ever find myself caring about another’s well being.” He said partially truthful.
Once she composed herself, Charlie left the hotel for the first time in nearly three months while holding Alastor’s hand for support. She’d almost forgotten what her home had looked like. The blood-red hue of the sky, the faint smell of rotting flesh; it was something she didn’t know she missed.
Still holding his hand tightly, Alastor led her out to the streets to get down to business. He’d waited far too long for this moment and he was all too eager to get started. “I believe your ability is innate, meaning if you just wanted it enough, anyone could be bent to your will,” he looked about the busy streets but quickly perked up. “Why not try it on that one there?” He said, pointing ahead of them.
When Charlie looked, there was a scraggly three-armed man sitting on the sidewalk holding a cardboard sign that simply read: “help” in crude lettering. He was a hulking purple giant of a man, taking up most of the walkway on the street. Had he not been so massive, the passerbys would have probably scowled at him for being so invasive. The purple demon also appeared to have a permanent frown on his face that made him even less approachable.
“I believe the man needs help, he’s practically asking for it dear,”
Charlie grimaced, suddenly feeling an awful twist of wrongness in her gut.
Alastor quickly sensed her hesitation by her tighter grip on his hand. “Charlie darling, I know you can do it. You can help that man. If you can do it, he’ll never have to beg in the streets again! You wouldn’t deprive him of that chance now would you? You know he certainly wouldn’t survive the next cleanse being so exposed like this,”
Again, he was right. Alastor was always right, and Charlie knew that well.
But still, it just didn’t sit right.
Alastor bent toward her, getting close so that she could only focus on him. Charlie stared into his ruby-red eyes, confusion in her eyes. “I will be here with you all the way.”
She hesitated a bit longer, biting down on her lips and looking down to the ground.
‘Alastor’s always right.’ She reminded herself in her head.
They approached and Alastor let go of Charlie’s hand to watch her with anticipation from behind her.
Charlie forced a friendly smile on her face and waved up to the seated man. “Uh hi!”
The beggar man didn’t seem amused. “You got money?”
“I have something even better!”
“Nope! I-I uh, I have a hotel! That redeems souls so that they can go to Heaven!”
The purple demon huffed a laugh. “Oh I know this scam! You want me to go with you to this hotel of yours and you’ll take my organs and use me for meat,” he crossed his two arms and let his third hand give Charlie the bird. “Yeah no thanks, bitch. Get lost.”
Before she could walk away dejectedly, Alastor held her shoulders to keep her in place and whispered in her ear. “Demand it. It will only work if you demand him with confidence. Try it again.”
She took a deep breath. ‘He’s always right.’ She subconsciously reminded herself once more.
“Hey didn’t I say get lost? The fuck you still-“
“You will come with me and stay at the hotel. You will work toward redemption to Heaven and stay there.” She stated firmly and devoid of emotion.
The man closed his mouth, removing the scowl on his face. Not even a moment later, he stood and looked to Charlie expectantly. “Sure thing.” He said with barely any emotion behind his own answer.
Charlie’s eyes widened and she gasped, feeling her heart race. Quickly she turned to Alastor and shot him an unsure look. “Al… I… I think I did it…”
Alastor chuckled and approached, studying the man for a moment. When Alastor leaned in close to the dirtier demon’s face, the other man did not react with any hostility, just with an innocently confused look on his face. Satisfied with the results, he turned back to Charlie and nodded “Yes you did, dear. Now, let’s check him in, hm?”
Everything ran smoothly from the first patient in the hotel. Charlie began subjugating the homeless population quickly to beat the cleanse deadline. Every day she got into a normal routine that made bounds in her development. She quickly became much more confident, and most importantly: more reliant on Alastor and his opinions.
Alastor stood beside her wherever she went like he was a part of her being. Though he could be described as her shadow, Charlie seemed to be slowly melting into his.
She began doing everything he suggested. From subjugating whoever he pointed out, to smiling almost all the time, she was improving to his standards rapidly and eagerly.
He was her new constant in life, her lifeline and her only friend.
With only days remaining until the next cleanse, the streets of Pentagram City were cleared of a large portion of its homeless population. She’d redeemed such a large amount of people that could have been lost to the cleanse and she was proud of it.
“Darling, the angels are coming this way.”
Charlie gasped, sprinting up to the window next to Alastor. What she found was a team of four angels making their way toward the hotel with deadly purpose. “What? Why?”
“They probably know where a large mass of demons are.” Alastor said calmly with a shrug. 
It was time to awaken another power within her. He didn’t have a hand in this arrangement, but he wasn’t complaining. This was the perfect motivation to get Charlie going and he was giddy to figure out what was next. 
Watching the figures get closer and closer, Charlie’s heart began to race with frustration and panic. “They can’t do that! I’m helping people!”
“They don’t seen to care.”
She laced her fingers in her hair, quickly losing her cool. “What do we do? We can’t relocate everyone! There’s too many of them!”
“I suppose we’ll have to fight.” 
Charlie whipped her head around and stared her companion down in disbelief. “Al, that goes against what I’m trying to do here!”
“Then everyone perishes.”
‘He’s right, Alastor is always right.’
“…Okay. Let’s go then.”
“Kill it.”
“Kill it, or else it will keep coming.”
Alastor bent, still looming over her and the writhing angel she’d caught in her grasp. He took her chin to look him in the eye. “You must, or else everyone will be in danger.”
Charlie’s head began to spin, her heart racing and the adrenaline rushed through her. ‘Everyone will die. All my hard work…’ She needed to do it. She needed to for her people’s sake.
Alastor let her go, allowing her to decide. If she truly put her full trust in him, he knew she’d do it. It was only a matter of time.
But he didn’t have to wait too long.
Charlie’s grip on the angel’s throat tightened, earning a gurgle from the struggling being. It couldn’t muster the strength to thrash nor could it dig its fingers in to try to pry the hand around its throat off.
She watched it struggle- watched the life slowly leave it. It was suffering. It was fighting so hard to live. It was a sad sight, yet Charlie’s pity for it quickly left as Alastor whispered in her ear. “That’s it, darling. Remember, they hold no remorse slaughtering your people. They even smile as they do so. So why don’t you smile as you return the favor?” He paused before chuckling.
He craned his head around to look at her face to find a smile forming on her face. “There you are. And what a lovely smile, Charlie. Truly a vision.”
Smile? Was she really smiling? How could she smile as she was killing something? Why did it feel so good? 
The sudden squelch as well as the splattering of warm blood on Charlie’s face instantly removed her grin. The angel stopped squirming, but slid downward from her bloodied hand. Without a head atop its shoulders, there was nothing left for Charlie to grip. With two audible thuds, she watched as the body of the angel slumped over with the head rolling a bit away from its body. 
‘Incredible strength, but I’m not surprised.’ Alastor thought, impressed by her feat. It took a great amount of strength to decapitate a being by just squeezing its neck.    
He placed his hands on either side of her shoulders from behind to assure her. “No matter how many you kill, it’s not your patient’s sin. You cannot go to Heaven anyway dear so you’d might as well take the burden and protect them, right?”
She looked down at the angel’s headless body on the ground. “To protect them?”
He turned her slightly and stood in front of her. He gently placed a hand on her head, keeping her grounded. “Yes. I’m proud of you, Charlie.” It wasn’t a lie, he felt immense pride in the progress she’d made.
‘Proud of me?’ She questioned mentally. She pried her eyes off of the sin she’d just committed to whip her gaze to Alastor. “Alastor…” She whispered, tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes.
“Yes dear?”
She didn’t say anything and instead jumped to wrap her arms around him, catching him off-guard.
He felt her trembling followed by an unmistakable moistness touching his bare chest. “My dear, don’t cry.”
His eyes narrowed as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. “I’m here. I won’t leave you.”
‘And all you need is me.’
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elanore-mae · 4 years
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elanore-mae · 4 years
why are birds so cursed
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elanore-mae · 4 years
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Please make this go viral.
It is so important I don’t even care if you delete what I write here, just help it be seen. 
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elanore-mae · 6 years
Sometimes Elder Scrolls lore gets glossed over or vanishes into the void, then there’s that one time the devs remembered that Bosmer are cannibals and eat their fallen foes, then came up with a scenario where a losing tribe poisoned themselves so when they were eaten they took the winning tribe with them and that just gives me chills.
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elanore-mae · 6 years
I am even if you're not 😫😭
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Listener, don’t take my life away. I have already lost everything else.
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elanore-mae · 6 years
The Daedric Princes as Tumblr Textposts
Azura: How does one turn their emotions off
Boethiah: stealing is a crime AND drugs is a crime but if you steal drugs the two crimes cancel each other out and it is basically like doing a good
Clavicus Vile: my idiot dog just sprained his tail from wagging it too hard like this is the dumbest thing
Hermaeus Mora:i remember way too many small details about people so i have to act dumb sometimes so i don’t freak them out
Hircine: beauty and the beast but reverse, i kiss the love of my life and she turns into a sick fucking monster and its awesome
Jyggalag: how do people have the energy to do stuff? You know what stuff leads to? More stuff. That’s how they get you
Malacath: - grow up to have children
- hide babies all over the place
- when the kid asks “where do babies come from” respond with “where DONT they come from” and pull one from a cabinet
Mehrunes Dagon: there’s a special place in hell reserved just for me
it’s called the throne
Mephala: reblog if you don’t have a bra on
Meridia: why can’t zombies just like eat bread or something
Molag Bal: Be the villain you were born to be. Stop waiting around for someone to come along and corrupt you. Succumb to the darkness yourself
Namira: cannibalism would solve both overpopulation AND world hunger so I mean
Peryite: Who would win: all of Europe or a sick rat
Sanguine: keep your friends close, but the people who have a chance of becoming famous closer
Sheogorath: i either dress like im going to a red carpet event or like im a homeless drug addict there is no in between
Vaermina: its funny because people think im quiet
but im just listening to everyone’s conversations
and figuring out your weaknesses
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elanore-mae · 8 years
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* maybe you were right, kid. * maybe they aren’t coming back after all… * tell me, how am i supposed to live like this?
Poem “Red Death” by @leviticusarts Inspired by @ploop-doodles
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elanore-mae · 8 years
Sims 2 Story
So when I was about 10 or so, my little brother, his friend, and I decided to make ourselves in the Sims 2.  We gave ourselves a kickass mansion, we had parties every night we had the maximum amount of money, it was great.
But for some reason, despite having a personal bathroom we decided to use stalls instead of personal toilets, so we could all go to the bathroom at the same time without invading each other’s privacy, I assume.  It was a bit of an overkill because we had about 15 stalls for 3 people, but whatever.
Well even though we were having parties every night, my brother’s friend’s social level was very low.  If you don’t remember, in the Sims 2 if your character’s social level is too low, this creature called the Social Bunny appears.
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This fucker.
The Social Bunny is meant to help the Sim get their social level up and only that Sim can see them.  Despite having two friends living with him, my brother’s friend got the Social Bunny.
After days of being followed by this furry, my brother’s friend (the Sim) had to use the bathroom.  He goes into one of the stalls and the bunny stands right outside the door.  Since the Social Bunny was only visible to him so no one else could move them and he couldn’t tell the bunny to move because he was blocked by the door, he was stuck in the bathroom stall.
So the three of us watched helplessly as one of our friends was crying out for help in a bathroom stall, pissing his pants, slowly dying of starvation while this goddamn rabbit stood outside the stall juggling.
Eventually the rabbit moved…when he died.  Everyone crowded around his corpse and his ghost was lead to the other side.  The Social Bunny had this look like “Yes, my work here is done” and went back to whatever crevice of Hell he came from.
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elanore-mae · 8 years
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He’s really just a danger unto himself at this point…
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elanore-mae · 8 years
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…I finished it….ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ
….this animation killed me….(TAT)
I like to picture Undyne’s spears like glass: they hurt when they come in contact, yet they break easily when countered. This sort of makes visualizing Undyne’s fight easier for me, with the shield mechanic and all. After all, her spears are made of magic.
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elanore-mae · 8 years
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utaitetale concept by idkbria on twitter  ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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elanore-mae · 8 years
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“Let me tell you a story.”
I know for a fact that you all have been waiting for this from the very beggining. And by “this” I mean CORE!Frisk’s origins.
Remember how you guys thought that Frisk’s former fear of planes was cute? ….. Yeah. :3c
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