elaeraser · 3 years
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It's been 2 years since the COVID-19 outbreak has changed the flow of the economy, society and the community. From forced company shutdown to the possible mandatory vaccine regulation, for the span of two years, too much has already happened. No mass gatherings, mandatory quarantines, travel bans, and schools have been closed. 
Adjusting to the new normal has been quite a difficult job for the students, from sitting in front of their teachers to facing their gadgets to attend class discussions virtually. New learning modalities have been implemented, the online-distance learning in which one can join classes through online meetings and modular-distance learning in which one has to self-learn and read the notes provided by the school on his/her own. You see, at first, you can say that it is quite easy and bearable due to the advancement of technology that leads us to search every question on google or any search engines, but may I ask you? How can this “easy” way of learning affect the students badly, mentally and physically? This new educating way has caused many students to commit suicide and stopped chasing his/her dreams. 
The Department of Education released a statement last 2020 that the possibility of pilot face-to-face classes might happen before the year ends but only to the senior high school department. There should be no age requirements and validation to perform face-face classes. Students of all ages should be able to go back to school but with limitations and proper sanitation. With proper gear and precautions and with proper following of safety measures. We cannot afford to lose another individual because of the difficulties we encounter throughout the journey as a student in the middle of a pandemic that’s still happening, spreading, and multiplying. From Delta to Omicron, battling COVID-19 is like a never ending war with an invisible opponent. 
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elaeraser · 3 years
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       The question “What is love?” has been stuck in my mind since I don’t know when and now, I guess, I have the answer for that. There are many kinds of love, it might be in a form of romantic relationships, friendships and family. As for romantic love, it shouldn’t be rushed, like how the night and day met during a sunset. Romantic love can wait for its right time. For friendship, it’s like the leaves of a tree, as a time goes by, as the tree goes old, leaves fall and and perish, just like how friends decrease and only real ones stay. As for the family, I can compare that to an infinity symbol, because just like how a family stays and never leaves us, our families also gives us never ending love, care, and support. They have been there since day one.
      Amidst of the pandemic, our faces has been covered with masks and face shields, we are prohibited to make face-to-face interactions and that has caused hundreds of individual to be restraint from speaking their voice verbally. For almost 2 years, we have been reliant to social media and the likes that we forget to value nonverbal actions and way of communication. For me, nonverbal actions/expressions are flat forms for communication, but without being verbal. It is like speaking without a sound. Some examples are eye-contact, body gestures, facial expressions, and touch. I often used facial expressions as my way of communicating non-verbally with my close friends and families. Nonverbal cues do helped me a lot in terms of expressing myself, aside from I can show what I feel at that certain moment, I can also express what I want to say or what is my reaction to something. It is very important and essential, because it gives us valuable information about a situation including how a person might be feeling, how someone receives information and how to approach a person or group of people. To be honest, I don’t believe with the statement “action speaks louder than words” and I also do not believe the latter, what I believe is both are contribution to be louder, because what is the value of action without words and what is words without action. We cannot tell that one is more valuable, because both are important. Both are needed. Both are necessary. We don’t speak with words only, we speak with actions and words and with the contribution of both, we can all be heard, we can all speak and we can all be louder.
Elaine Evangelista
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elaeraser · 3 years
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Everyday in our life, the presence of intersection is abundance. Even in streets, cities, lights, and many more, we can see the presence of intersection and now as we grow up and as the time goes by, we have discovered and we are about to discover many more things that intersects. 
As we continue this journey about the Conic Sections, this would be the last type. This is a hyperbola, it is a type of smooth curve lying in a plane. It could also be described as something with two pieces, called connected components or branches, that are mirror images of each other and resemble two infinite bows.
Elaine Evangelista
11 - Competence
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elaeraser · 3 years
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In a world of shapes, dimensions, and forms, have we ever thought what is beneath? What is on the other tip of something? 
This is a continuation of the conic sections. This shows an ellipse. An ellipse if often describe as oval, but have we ever thought how is this formed? What are the components for an ellipse to be what it is right now?
An ellipse is a closed plane curve generated by a point moving in such a way that the sums of its distances from two fixed points is a constant. An ellipse is also a plane section of a right circular cone that is a closed curve Another definition is that  an ellipse is a circle that has been stretched in one direction, to give it the shape of an oval.
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elaeraser · 3 years
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The presence of curved objects in our surrounding is already very abundant, but have we ever wonder what these objects are called? How these objects are formed and it’s composition? 
As a continuation to the conic sections, this is a parabola. It could be defined as a curved in simple terms, but do we know what composes a parabola? A parabola is a conic section produced by the intersection of a right circular cone and a plane parallel to an element of the cone. 
Elaine S. Evangelista      Grade 11 - Competence
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elaeraser · 3 years
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Everywhere we look, everywhere we turn our heads, the presence of shapes, objects and planes are there. But do we ever wonder how these shapes and objects are formed? What does this shapes consists of? Here is an example of a circle object, it is a type of a conic section with  the intersection of a plane perpendicular to the cone's axis. 
Elaine Evangelista  Grade 11 - Competence
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elaeraser · 3 years
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In the midst of COVID-19, companies has been shut down, establishments closed, people? unemployed. We have been living the world wearing our masks, faceshields and PPA. We have been doing classes through google meetings, zooms and other video conferences. We might be forgetting each others faces, but what we must not forget is the value of communication. Communication makes the world go round and round after all.
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