ejoyce · 3 years
the future.
it’s scary to think about it but i know i can’t run away from it even if i tried. in 2 years i will be 18. i feel like i’ve wasted my teen years being a disappointment to my parents and getting bad grades and being sad, i’ve always wanted to experience that teenage excitement, you know where you experiment with drugs and go out with friends and just do crazy shit before you actually have to get serious. i only got 2 more years until i can achieve that. maybe i should make a bucket list but for when i turn 18, yk? anyway im hella scared for the future, i feel like i need to know what career i should choose right now but idk. its just stressing me out. what will i do? idk i dont see myself getting far in life but ill work my ass off man, ill fr try to.
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ejoyce · 3 years
been wanting 2 make my own personal blog so i can talk about myself.
todays topic is nostalgia. year 2014-2015
i was the stupidest fucking kid ever, still am tbh. But out of all the decisions i have made through out my life, logging into random games to socialize w/ random ass strangers was the best one yet. i will never regret that shit, i made the best memories with random people across the world, it’s absolutely devastating that i’ll never get those days back. i was the happiest and now, idk, this is probably why i feel so nostalgic, my life sucks now and all i can do is mourne over my old memories and cry about how i can never get those days back. oh well. to all the lovely people i have befriended or came across, i love you and i think about you every night man. you guys basically raised me. you guys are responsible for me being socially awkward, but i’ve learned now that i can’t hide behind a screen my whole life, thank god. i was taught racism and experienced hella of it too. good thing most of the time i pretended to be a white chick named Hailey. i miss my gross unfunny 9 year old self. i don’t know how i managed to make them laugh by making the same fart and penis jokes over and over but they were supportive and i guess we all just shared the same humor. i mean it was 2014 everything was about farts or penises tbh. also, to all my online boyfriends/girlfriends that i lied to saying i was a male, i cheated on all of yall 😭 LOL. But one particular bf i had with the derpy minecraft skin, i will never forget about you, you the only one i didn’t cheat on tbh. i miss u, u were kind of a loser tho but that’s what i was into and still am into because of you. god i just miss all my old online friends, stuck with me while i went through like 50 phases in my life and didnt mind. i wish i could get my closure but i literally forgot all my logins to everything, and maybe that’s for the best. i don’t wanna go through my cringe ass messages, best to move on tbh. anyway, thx 4 all the great memories and sorry for catfishing you guys! 😊
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