Nice To Meet You *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙* 
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。✼ Just an artist trying to get by in life ✼。 。☆✼★━━━━━━━━━━━★✼☆。
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ejderhadraws · 2 years ago
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did twitter meme where RT = idia’s age and fav = azul’s age
32yo idia x 37yo azul
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
Buccigang Thingy + Some Villians
I’m in Science class rn but it’s not interesting soooo take this. Context: Buccigang’s S/O or Crush is having one of those days where you have no reason to be down but you still are lmao Bruno -Bruno understands when you’re just not feeling it that day. Finds it a bit silly but understands.  -Would try to encourage you to feel better or do some work but eventually realizes you just feel exhausted.  -Gets Abbacchio or Mista to replace you so you can just relax. -When he gets back from a mission he checks up on you and gives you one of his warm fatherly smiles dsjnfnf Abbacchio -If he likes you he asks Bruno if somebody can cover for you but thats really it. He tries to not care but he does. Idk he just is kinda distant despite liking you. Giorno -There’s obvious favoritism for you.Will keep you with him, makes a frog or butterfly in an attempt to make you feel better. If the butterflies and frogs don’t work he’ll get you some water and let you rest. Finds it disappointing that you’re sad. Fugo -Notices how your mood changes very quickly. -Is pretty hesitant on whether he should come up to you and ask if you’re alright. -After contemplating it he asks if you’re alright and offers you something to drink. -He tries to distract you by telling you about a topic you guys both enjoy.  -Once you feel better he feels better too, he hopes he helped you feel less shitty. Mista -Also notices you being less active and stop joking around with him.  “Yo, you good?”  -Listens to you rant and leaves you alone for a bit. He doesn’t really understand if you want his company or not so he leaves you alone to collect your thoughts and comes back to cheer you up later. Narancia -Is really upset you didn’t high five him after he made a funny joke. EVEN MORE UPSET THAT YOU DIDN’T LAUGH AT THE FOCKING JOKE.  “dudE- don’t leave me hanging like thAt.” (the E and A is his voice cracking btw-) -Once he understands you’re just feeling off he gets really excited. He made a mixtape for you a while ago and thinks now is the perfect time to give it to you. -He also takes you to get ice cream (This is an excuse for him to get ice cream but you ignore that). Secco -Pretty upset that you haven’t been treating him like you usually do. -Asks you whats wrong and is a bit too clingy in an effort to make you feel better. -A lot of more cuddles. Doppio (I didnt wanna do this but my friend likes him so) -Is already checking up on you whenever he has the time, will take you on a date until he gets a call from… his other self. -Theres probably a lot of flowers wherever he takes you.
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
Bucci gang Boyfriend Scenarios: Sickness!
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When Bruno's s/o is sick:
Takes the day off to take care of them 😩
Will not let them move around until you're feeling a bit better >:(
More pillows? More blankets? He got em' 😉
He's gonna be so touch starved because they're feeling ill and he's trying not to catch your sickness 😔
But what can I say? He's already love sick for them 🤷‍♀️
He'll help (s/o) take a bath but beware; he'll get a bit handsy 😳
"Bruno, don't do that, you'll-ah, aH AH, AHH CHOO!"
"Sorry amore, but you just looked so cute that I got carried away 😏"
He'll have them snuggled in his lap 😍
Will sneak in a kiss on their forehead a few times when he can't take it anymore🤧
It's an excuse to "check their tempurature"
If only they weren't sick, it would be their lips 😔
He probably still has some paper work to do at home, so when snuggle time's over he'll have Sticky Fingers take over.
Sticky will gladly massage them if they're having any muscle pain :)
Once he's done with his paper work he'll sleep next to his (s/o)'s bedside
Finds it adorable that his (s/o) babbles in their sleep even while they're sick LOL
"N o o o , please... Bruno is the best medicine.."
"..Am I actually sick? Or.. am I lovesick for him"
Just being able to take care of them and hear how much they love him makes his heart jump and skip a beat 🥴🥴
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When Abbacchio's (s/o) is sick:
Becomes slightly more strict on them, but he's just showing his soft side, he's worried that they're sick 🥺
Like Bruno, he's not going to let them move until they're feeling better, BUT he doesn't wanna get sick either so he avoids touching them until they're not sick anymore.
He'll actually boil some hot tea for you LMAO no pranks this time 😅
Lowkey loves when they're tired like this because he gets to treat his (s/o) with breakfast in bed 💞💞 (not in that sort of way, get your head out of the gutter 🙄)
He's like a full-on nurse 😳
Checks up on them from time to time
Although he never leaves them alone unless they need privacy or needs to get something for them.
"How are you feeling caro/cara?
"A little better. My head doesn't hurt as much. It's a bit hard for me to sleep though."
"Hm, would you like me to have Moody Blues to play some music?"
"That would be lovely Abba, grazie- COUGH COUGH"
"Here, have some some bella/bello, there's a tissue box on your bedside. If you need anything else just text or call me, but DON'T step out of the bed!"
Moody Blues is more than happy to help them, gurgling tape deck noises right before playing a relaxing, smooth song that lulls (s/o) into a deep slumber.
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When Giorno's (s/o) is sick:
Donut boi is on da way take care of them 😩
I mean, he was pretty much neglected by his parents so he learned most things independently, he knows what he's doing and how to get (s/o) back on their feet 😊!!
Although Golden Experience can only recreate and replace things from using living organisms, partially being able to heal. Him and his stand will try their best to figure out a way to make them get better :)))
Goldie is gonna entertain the heck outta them by making flower crowns, butterflies literally anything to distract them from knowing that they're sick AHH 🤯
Meanwhile Giorno is getting medicine for (s/o) 😌✨
By the time he makes it back into the bedroom it practically turned into ✨mesmerizing nature✨
By that I mean lots flowers taking over the whole room because a certain stand got carried away LOL
Also only to find (s/o) giggling with butterflies gleefully flapping their wings around them and some are even resting on their hair and-
"FWOOOSH" The butterflies flew away once they sneezed!
"Dio mio! Are you okay tesoro/tesora? Sigh, look at this place.."
"Sniff, yeah, just the pollen-"
"No it's not just the pollen (s/o), and your cold is acting up. C'mon bella/bello let me take care of you."
Giorno gave Golden a side look and they playfully stuck their tongue at him as they helped (s/o) too💗
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When Fugo's (s/o) is sick:
A/N:LMAO sorry I couldn't resist using that GIF-
He's basically the doctor and they're his patient 😳
Instructs them to stay in bed for the whole day, they need to ✨relax✨
From time to time he'll drop by to soak their facial cloth while they're taking a nap 😴
Purple Haze can't exactly do anything to help them so he's behind Fugo with a sad face ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Although when they're not in the same room they'll be doing small favors for him like bringing medicine and soup (HHHH they have to be careful to not contaminate it 😥)
Fugo has a gigantic list on what to do and how to reduce the sickness 😳
..and a plan for a movie date with them at home 🤧
He doesn't wanna get sick so he'll be wearing a mask and a pair of gloves 😷
He's still gonna kith them with his mask on tho 😉
"How was your sleep bellisimo/bellisima?"
"Mm, it was alright, not the best.." (s/o) replied as they croaked.
"Here, have some tea. I put honey in it to reduce the inflammation in your throat amore."
"Cough-cough, grazie love"🤒
"..Which movie do you wanna watch on the television?"
"Hmm, how about (favorite movie)?"
"Sure. Oh! If you'd like I can get the heating pack for you"
"I'll have a bowl of hot Minestrone soup for you too and--(s/o)?
"..Oh my gosh, you planned this super cute date all for me haven't you?"🤯
"D-dont ruin the moment, hush."🙄😳
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When Mista's (s/o) is sick:
Ironic as it is, this stinky boy is gonna help them bathe while they're sick- (Oof he stAnKY)
Actually does research on their symptoms :DDD
Even though that he's hiding it a bit in the outside, the Sex Pistols are sCReaMInG and flying around in circles AAAAA
(s/o) is gonna be treated like. a. QUEEN/KING.😩😩✨
The Sex Pistols are not going to let them move out of the bed or couch!
They'll bring them extra blankets, pillows, re-soak the towel on their forehead, literally💗anything!💗
Mista's stands are like his little nurses LMAOOO
Like Fugo, he'll have something for their (s/o) to spend some quality time together!
It's gonna be a whole day of cheesy pick-up lines and strawberry sponge cake😳😳😳
"You're not the only one who's sick (s/o), cause you got me love sick for you~"
"Whoo! You're like, really hot (s/o)"😦
"Wanna know what's also contagious? Your adorable smile-"
"SniFF, thats-COugH, enough Mista-"
Mista was too busy being entranced by their cuteness that he let them lay their head on his shoulder while watching a movie-
🎶PuT yOur HeAD oN mY ShoUuuUULDeEers!🎶
..The next morning he completely forgot that they were sick and now it was his turn to catch a fever 😔💗
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When Narancia's (s/o) is sick:
Once he's calmed down and figured out what he should do he starts off by comforting their (s/o)
Although he's still a bit nervous 😅
Uses Aerosmith's fan to cool them down a little to lower their body heat 😌
^^Wowie you're so smart Narancia 😳😳😳
Gets protective of (s/o) whenever the cramps start kicking in✨ It worries him🥺
Is actually not as hyper than he usually is 😮
Somewhat like Mista and Fugo, he'll have something for their (s/o) :DDD
Will most definitely do favors and run errands the whole day for his poor, sweet (s/o) 😩💞
Trust me it's not gonna end up like last time when he had to buy stuff for Trish-
Of course he'll buy things needed like medicine, canned soup, tea (OOP-), icy-hot/muscle pain patches, cough drops, tissue boxes and etc..
...and a little surprise for them.
"Amore, I'm home~!...(s/o)?
Their (s/o) was in a deep slumber, now's the time for their surprise! 🎁
Narancia quietly opens their door, carrying the things for his (s/o) and along with some gifts.
"Psst, wake up tesoro! I have a little something for you!"
"Mmm..what is it?" They lazily mumbled As they yawned. 🥱
"Open your eyes and see for yourself mia dolce ragazza :)))" Narancia hands them their boxed gifts and bags
As they open the box and bags they see a card with a doodle of him and themselves along with a container of chocolates and a bouquet with a tag stating "Get wel sewn, I luhv yuo lots"
Welp he tried his best to spell-
"Awe, sniff, grazie amore, ti amo anch'io❤️"
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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This made more sense in my head LMAOO , uh angel fugo making things die in demon giornos garden i guess and now they both sad 🥂
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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Jojo Aesthetics— Bucci Gang 4/7
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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Bucci gang
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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i have proper pnat fanart in the works i promise. heres my jojo redraws for now to tide you over
read paranatural or perish and also get hype for chapter 7!!!!!
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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Sakura starters
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
start photoshop-gluing fugos to other places. oh look, its fugo in front of idk the eiffel tower. that?
thats a p good idea does anyone have any requests? 🤔
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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ejderhadraws · 4 years ago
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