eiran-eye · 8 days
Damn wait, also like Hyuna...
(Twt/X is going crazy)
Isn't the color of Till's background seem eerily similar to the escaping scene?
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eiran-eye · 8 days
Isn't the color of Till's background seem eerily similar to the escaping scene?
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eiran-eye · 3 months
Introduction!! ⭐
Good day to whoever might read this, I am Eiran-Eye (Not my real name) though I would like to be called Ei.
I go by Any Pronouns
My main reason of having this account is to spread theories and observations from my loved shows/mangas/cartoons.
I often write long essay like posts so please don't mind them.
English is also not my first language so please do bare with me.
I am roughly at the age of 14-18 years old.I don't intend to specify.
My Fandoms are random but I do like to interact with many people online when discussing about a fandom of mine.
I hope you have a nice day and thank you for reading this till the end.💞
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eiran-eye · 3 months
The idea of Till having a certain sentiment of regret, hate? towards Ivan for what he did in round 6 jumbled up with his already tense feelings about Ivan because of the person he is and how he treated Till when they were kids up until now, it breaks my heart but feels a little too real.
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eiran-eye · 3 months
Been thinking about this iconic image again and have decided to make my English teacher proud by reading into it way too much. Apologies for the insane amounts of abbreviated names. Also spoiler warning.
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One thing I love about this image is that Kdj isn’t actually looking at Yjh- he’s looking sort of past him, but Yjh is looking exactly at Kdj and is focused on him. Kdj has a blade coming at him and he’s still focused on something else still has a bigger goal outside of life/death or Yjh. But Yjh is focused entirely on Kdj because Kdj is essentially everything to Yjh: his creator (at least the one who made him real), the man who gave him the power that made him so strong, the man who condemned him to a torturous cycle, and the man who showed him a different world and gave him hope. But to Kdj, at least at the start, yjh is a character and one of many (even if he is the most important one to Kdj).
I feel like because in the 2nd regression Yjh had Lsh to love and be devoted to many people act like Yjh has so many options and priorities outside of Kdj, and because Kdj loved TWSA and therefore Yjh (and is also kind of a loser) he is treated like the more devoted and desperate one of the pair. But oftentimes Kdj doesn’t stop to consider how Yjh feels about him unless it’s to get something out of him. Like maybe I misinterpreted the scene but he doesn’t really think about how traumatic it might be for yjh to kill the person who gave him hope or have them be lost without a clear sign of returning. Whenever Kdj does consider Yjh’s feelings it has this tone of still viewing Yjh as a character, like when he was asking of Yjh would be okay with killing Lsh.
Elaborating on having people outside of each other- Yjh has people he knows and Ljh looks up to him, but for the most part he alienates others. Dokja has all of Kimcom, like hsy and ysh and lsh and lhs and hjw and lgy and biyoo etc etc while to yjh Dokja is his sole companion. These are all part of my list of reasons why I don’t love the heavy woobification of Dokja by much of the fandom because he *isn’t* entirely whipped even if he does care about Yjh because often he just views him as a means to an end. The relationship from Yjh to Kdj is one I believe can’t even be described as love because Kdj is basically everything to Yjh (sole reader, closest companion, greatest foe, dreamer of the world, etc) whether he knows it or not. Idk I don’t really know how to end this and it got off topic but yeah. The sillies.
TLDR: kdj has goals and thoughts and plans always and doesn’t always see yjh for what he is (more than a character) while yjh truly tries to understand kdj.
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eiran-eye · 3 months
You're so real bro
Just thought about how it’s possible one of the reasons Ivan was so obedient was to avoid being taken away from Till…
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eiran-eye · 3 months
Right, considering the current state of corporate politics on this site, and that it seems that only those affected seem to be actively speaking on the matter, it is up to I, the only fucking cishet on tumblr, to drag this out to a wider audience.
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We need to show these higher ups how much we truly value them.
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eiran-eye · 3 months
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-I guess watching till is refreshing for the mind.
- Skipping lunch for personal watching Till time isn't considered following the regular meal thing.
-Mind explaining Mr outstanding?
-Boundaries? What boundaries?
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eiran-eye · 3 months
Inspired by : @Elizdhm
I made me think of how possible her theory is. It does have a lot of correlations to the Canon. For one, he stated that Ivan knew or has seen the after effects of Sua's sacrifice. Which is true that Mizi did infact lose her composure right after she lost Sua (Both seen in Round one and MiziSua). Although unsure of Ivan's reaction to this, it can be fully sure that Mizi was one of the only people he interacted with that had a cheerful personality. It is quite known that Ivan is not one to show a lot of emotions (often time described as someone that has trouble with expressing it) but it doesn't mean that he was not influenced by it. A translation of the short comic about Ivan's speech before death(?) named "Confession" there is a passage wherein Ivan has said "thinking back on it, I shouldn't have lashed out on her as I did". This implication suggests that Ivan knew how it'll affect Mizi so he lashed out on her. Though originally I had thought there were 2 possibilities, I had forgotten that it was shown that he lashed out on her while alive, literally years earlier (it was shown to be in the garden) . He blamed her for being a "hero" when in fact he knew that it would affect everyone else around her especially Mizi negatively. So it is quite possible for him to have also done this for the fact that he cared about them both, or for the fact that he sees himself in Sua and would like her to avoid the possibility of hurting someone that she loves and loves her back (something he couldn't have haha). But either way, he cares for them and it is likely that he was indeed affected by it even a little because the speech did have factors in it that suggests he reflected in the situation wherein Mizi lost composure.
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eiran-eye · 3 months
Anyone willing to help me get my insulin? I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.Nt asking for a much, only need $370 rn to save my blood sugar. please help me with a small donation or share,reblog any help can save my life.  Thank you so much and be blessed.💓please donate anything 🙏I will be very grateful for your support ❤️
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eiran-eye · 3 months
Late Till Appreciation!
Happy birthday Till!❤️
(Note that this post is non canon to the plot and is simply a simple observation of things that revolve around Till)
Warnings: Mention of Abuse, Needles, SA, murder—of alien guitars
Till is one of the main 6 characters that are seen in Alien Stage. He is also often paired with either Ivan or Mizi (both being a part of the main 6). Despite this however, there is more to him than his relationship to others!(Though it is still heavily needed to be involved).
Till is one of, if not the most ignored when it comes to his romantic crush. He highly values Mizi and refers to her as an angel. (ANAKT GARDEN NOTES) He likes her for her kindness and unwavering enthusiasm to the world. His performance on stage is also very much affected by his relationship to her. The song he wrote for Round 2 "Unknown" is a direct correlation to his feelings for her and is one of the fastest selling albums. His performance and demeanor on Round 6 also has something to do with Mizi. After Round 5 Mizi is declared missing and this sends Till into a spiral of depression. Instead of the enthusiastic and somewhat rebellious nature he tends to show, Till is more depressed and is shown to almost throw the round because of the news of Mizi missing.
Till however isn't all about his romantic crush.(Although it sometimes always seem to always be that way) We can't blame the guy! The only person he has gotten proper affection and care from is Mizi. Enough about his romantic crush and lets focus on other things!
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Despite being the youngest of the casts, he is often referred to as a genius for his talent of floral art, and his musical genius. In the whole cast, he seems to be the only one playing an instrument. He was seen playing 2 instruments, the alien guitar( that he destroyed) and a flute (he used the flute since childhood). One of the listed talents "Floral Art" is seen only a decent amount of times. All of those were in relation to Mizi, yet all of them seem to always include Ivan. Happy News: Our Till, despite his.. punishments..is a normal in the BMI test.
Speaking of! Due to either his non ability to be adopted,his rebellious nature or other things. He is always bombarded by needles and many things just to be experimented on. A scene on Round 6 also implies that the aliens SA him when they feel like it (punishment). He is also always wearing his color due to his rebellious nature. At the end of round 2, he is seen tied up in his clothes (specific name of the clothes is much appreciated if able to mention). He is often seen with bruises and bandages.
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He often rubs his neck/nape whenever uneasy.
He can be seen being quite shy whenever getting attention or affection.
-his signature has 4 strokes
-You can see in a specific poster that he is the only one shouting, his song choice is rock so it's obvious why.
I love him sooo much I wish there were more I can say about it:(
Please remind yourselves that this is only from pure observation and from my somewhat partially accurate analysis of human emotions. This is not a Canon interpretation of Till and is only done for fun and enjoyment. His character is very unique and enjoyable to digest. If I had enough time, I would've looked at every episode frame by frame (I wish I was kidding). Hope you enjoyed my rant.
Happy Birthday to our underappreciated King ;)
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eiran-eye · 3 months
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I can just imagine the heartbreak Ivan must've felt when he gets a gift from Till just to find out it's from someone else haha. Happy birthday Till!!❤️❣️
Translation Credits: @inusukuhito in (twt/x)
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eiran-eye · 3 months
I swear, I don't know why but I honestly believe that the majority of interpretations to Ivan are somewhat inaccurate. I am not a qualified judge I can say for sure, but something about all of it can be inaccurate. I had a fair share of theories myself, but those are all but possibilities. The inference of personality and way of thinking though is somewhat debatable. Ivan truly is a mystery character even if he is a fan favorite. One could say it's all because of the lack of actual humanity he's been exposed to (haha does that make sense?) . He's always been the Alien's pet and is always the blank canvas every one of them strives to have. It could also be one of the reasons he likes Till. Because he represents the rebellious nature of humans. Ivan himself also has problems understanding human emotions, so that could be one of the reasons he acts so mysterious (Though we are not sure of the whole detail of the hard to understand emotions itself) . Nonetheless, I think all interpretations of his behavior are worth discussing, I love debates of the matter too; not only are we taking into account what's not possible, we're also figuring out the mash of the most likely.
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eiran-eye · 3 months
Anyone can count, but not everyone can see that every number counts. So be proud of your talent to count a bit higher, to jump a bit further, to love a bit harder. It all counts.
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eiran-eye · 3 months
Is it weird that I'm crying over something that isn't related to me? Because of Inside Out 2, I reminisce of some of my favorite memories growing up. I remember when I used to imagine having friends to watch it with, and we'd laugh and it'll create a core memory. But I never had that—I know someone else did though. I know for sure, that there is at least one person in the world who watched Inside Out with their best friend. They laughed and watched it 10 more times. They'd theorize, they'd obsess. They'll promise to each other that they'll watch the sequel if it released. But instead of stopping at that joyful thought, I realized—there's also something else. There would be a person that'll watch it alone. Because their best friend that they promised with, died. It's a horrible thought really. But, it's possible. Such a movie can contain such memories. Now I wonder, if they were struck by the quotations "Joy, Riley wants you." The want to move on. Because it's important to reminisce, to remember, but to also appreciate. Your best friend is watching it with you from above, wouldn't she want you to be happy?
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eiran-eye · 3 months
Now why tf would you bring up May 17, 2013. The day before gay marriage is legalized in France. Meaning the gay people that died that day never got to have basic human rights and are forced to live all their lives miserably at the fact that a legal union is frowned upon/illegal at the literal "city of love". Let me put this into perspective, a woman and a man can peacefully love each other in any part of the world and is hugely embraced at the "City of Love". But when a man and a man love each other, they can't even imagine holding hands in public much more, having a legal union. And when at the "City of Love" wherein Love is a general term for everything that can be considered as such, they can't even be accepted, they feel like nothing at a place built for everything.
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eiran-eye · 3 months
In a way, does the sentence "how I killed Vanitas" can be interpreted in something other than the logical 'he actually killed him and he cannot breathe anymore'? Because could there be a possibility that Noe is only remembering the past Vanitas, not the present one. One could also say that the memoir is used as evidence that Vanitas is dead but in reality, it is used as a cover up. Or maybe I'm sleep deprived.
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