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WHAT       A         FUCKING          FREAK      !
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
❛ how could i forget the shit you’ve done for me ? ❜ frum sam
CURRENTLY  ACCEPTING :  beerbongs && bentleys starters.
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           WORDS  ARE  UNWILLING ,  FOR  A  MOMENT :  silence  is  easiest ,  actions  have  always  spoken  louder  than  words  for  a  man  like  mike .  he  twists  a  button  on  the  folded  sleeve  of  his  denim  jacket ,  taking  time  to  think  things  through  primarily .  he  sighs ,  long  &&  quiet  before  he  speaks .           ❝            it  seems  like  you  do  every  single  fucking  time  something  goes  wrong .  it’s  always  mike’s  fucking  fault  when  amanda  fucks  up  or  when  hannah  flips  shit  or  something .  that’s  just  how  it  is .  it  fucking  sucks ,  dude .            ❞
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
❛ the bill is on me . ❜ -esther
CURRENTLY  ACCEPTING :  beerbongs && bentleys starters.
           ❝            …  alright .  thanks ,  i  guess .             ❞
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           …  it’s  not  in  him  to  deny  free  food ,  especially  in  the  case  of  he  knows  he’ll  have  nothing  else  to  eat  if  he  doesn’t  accept  this .  his  expression  is  complex ,  unreadable  aside  from  the  nerves  &&  anxiety  that  comes  with  him  naturally .  he  combs  hands  through  blonde  hair .           ❝            i  can  pay  you  back .  my  next  paycheck  is  on  friday .            ❞
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
  ❛  you  can’t  blame  it  on  me .  ❜
CURRENTLY  ACCEPTING :  beerbongs && bentleys starters.
            ❝            i’m  not  -  i’m  not  trying  to .            ❞
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            ——  it’s  one  of  those  days  again :  where  he  just  wants  to  shrink  &&  shrink  &&  shrink  until  he’s  invisible  &&  nobody  else  can  see  him .  he  can’t  bring  his  gaze  to  her ,  weak  &&  tired  &&  just  not  prepared  to  deal  with  the  social  tolls  that  came  with  interaction .  he  blows  a  sigh  through  his  lips  &&  does  his  best  to  avoid  being  read .           ❝            look ,  just  …  i’m  just  trying  to  go  home ,  dude .  none  of  us  asked  for  this ,  nobody’s  blaming  you .             ❞
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
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PARANOID  —   ❛  i  wake  up  every  day  with  this  anxiety .  ❜   ❛  don’t  trust  no  one .  ❜   ❛  tell  me  why  i  can  get  no  relief .  ❜   ❛  i  can’t  get  no  sleep .  ❜   ❛  wonderin ’  when  they’ll  come  for  me .  ❜   ❛  a  paranoid  man  makes  paranoid  plans .  ❜   ❛  i  do  what  i  can ,  but  it’s  out  of  my  hands .  ❜   ❛  strugglin ’  just  to  find  my  peace .  ❜   ❛  sometimes  i  feel  like  i  got  no  friends .  ❜   ❛  i  promise  one  of  us  is  gonna  die  today .  ❜   ❛  what’s  the  point  in  pickin ’  sides ?   ❜   ❛  i  ain’t  goin ’  no  where .  ❜   ❛  killin ’  myself  so  i  can  make  a  life .  ❜ SPOIL  MY  NIGHT  —   ❛  i  don’t  have  much  to  say .  ❜   ❛  won’t  you  come  spoil  my  night ?  ❜   ❛  this  happens  every  time .  ❜   ❛  i  lost  her .  ❜   ❛  dropped  plenty  money  on  her  thighs .  ❜   ❛  i  ain’t  even  see  the  face ,  but  she’s  got  beautiful  boobies .  ❜   ❛  i  see  her  smilin ’  back  at  me .  ❜   ❛  i  think  she  rock  with  me  like  jumanji .  ❜   ❛  damn ,  how  many  videos  you  gonna  post ?  ❜   ❛  i  know  what  i’m  doin ’  ain’t  right .  ❜ RICH  &&  SAD  —   ❛  all  this  stuntin ’  couldn’t  satisfy  my  soul .  ❜   ❛  got  a  hundred  big  places ,  but  i’m  still alone .  ❜   ❛  i  just  keep  on  wishin ’  that  the  money  made  you  stay .  ❜   ❛  you  ain’t  never  cared  about  that  bullshit  anyway .  ❜   ❛  we  went  our  separate  ways .  ❜   ❛  i  don’t  even  wanna  go  home .  ❜ ZACK  &&  CODEINE  —   ❛  my  life’s  so  sweet ,  i  feel  like  cody .  ❜   ❛  the  bill  is  on  me .  ❜   ❛  i  wake  up ,  rinse  my  mouth  with  fuckin ’  codeine .  ❜   ❛  we  turned  the  hotel  lobby  to  a party .  ❜   ❛  i  don’t  fuck  with  nobody .  ❜   ❛  you  hardly  know  me .  ❜   ❛  please  just  leave  me  alone .  ❜   ❛  i  hit  number  one  &&  i  ain’t  even  hit  my  peak .  ❜ TAKIN ’  SHOTS  —   ❛  drinkin ’  all  night  but  we  ain’t  done  yet .  ❜   ❛  we  takin ’  shots  right  now .  ❜   ❛  this  is  the  life  that  we  chose .  ❜   ❛  have  you  ever  done  it  in  public ?  ❜   ❛  baby ,  just  for  the  night ,  you’re  my  soulmate .  ❜   ❛  mixin ’  vodka  with  the  champagne .  ❜   ❛  brought  the  beerbong  out  like  a  tailgate .  ❜ ROCKSTAR  —   ❛  i  feel  just  like  a  rockstar .  ❜   ❛  probably  leave  my  fuckin ’  show  in  a  cop  car .  ❜   ❛  threw  a  tv  out  the  window  of  the  montage .  ❜   ❛  cocaine  on  the  table ,  liquor  pouring  -  don’t  give  a  damn .  ❜   ❛  your  girlfriend  is  a  groupie .  ❜   ❛  she’s  just  trying  to  get  in .  ❜   ❛  i’m  with  the  band .  ❜   ❛  your  wifey  said  i’m  lookin ’  like  a  whole  snack .  ❜   ❛  i’m  livin ’  like  a  rockstar .  ❜ OVER  NOW  —   ❛  would’ve  given  you  the  moon .  ❜   ❛  i  ain’t  never  met  nobody  like  you .  ❜   ❛  need  it  quiet ,  ‘ cuz  you  never  tell  the  truth .  ❜   ❛  don’t  give  a  fuck  if  you’re  offended .  ❜   ❛  i  don’t  even  wanna  know  your  name .  ❜   ❛  you  kept  your  heart  on  the  counter  in  a  prada  bag .  ❜   ❛  i  used  to  never  ever  want  to  see  the  light  of  day .  ❜   ❛  i  was  an  idiot .  ❜   ❛  i  hope  you  wind  up  alone .  ❜   ❛  ain’t  religious ,  only  christian  when  it’s  dior .  ❜ PSYCHO  —   ❛  damn ,  my  ap  goin ’  psycho .  ❜   ❛  lil  mama  bad  like  michael .  ❜   ❛  can’t  really  trust  nobody .  ❜   ❛  girl ,  you  look  beautiful  tonight .  ❜ BETTER  NOW  —   ❛  you  probably  think  that  you  are  better�� now .  ❜   ❛  you  only  say  that  ‘ cuz  i’m  not  around .  ❜   ❛  you  know  i  never  meant  to  let  you  down .  ❜   ❛  woulda  gave  you  everything .  ❜   ❛  we  were  lookin ’  forward  to  the  rest  of  our  lives .  ❜   ❛  i  can’t  keep  this  shit  outta  my  head .  ❜   ❛  i  was  so  broken  over  you .  ❜   ❛  life  goes  on ,  what  can  you  do ?  ❜   ❛  i  swear  to  you ,  i’ll  be  okay  -  you’re  only  the  love  of  my  life .  ❜ BALL  FOR  ME  —   ❛  i  got  too  much  on  my  mind  right  now .  ❜   ❛  you’re  boujee ,  baby .  ❜   ❛  damn  you  love  that  money ,  baby .  ❜   ❛  how  could  i  forget  the  shit  you’ve  done  for  me ?  ❜   ❛  coulda  been  a  seamstress  -  still  wouldn’t  cut  him  slack .  ❜   ❛  call  me  buffy ,  ‘ cuz  that’s  what  i  slay  like .  ❜ OTHERSIDE  —   ❛  one  hundred  bottles  of  the  good  shit ,  couldn’t  even  bring  you  back .  ❜   ❛  all  i  see  is  the  remains  of  an  ugly  truth .  ❜   ❛  what  i  didn’t  know  then  couldn’t  hurt  you .  ❜   ❛  that’s  just  the  way  it  goes .  ❜   ❛  everybody  dies  alone .  ❜   ❛  i  lost  faith  a  long  time  ago .  ❜   ❛  i  guess  we’re  losin ’  hope .  ❜   ❛  it  was  us  against  the  world .  ❜ STAY  —   ❛  fuck  off  &&  pour  another  drink .  ❜   ❛  you  know  that  i’m  too  drunk  to  talk  right  now .  ❜   ❛  you  put  your  cigarette  out  on  my  face .  ❜   ❛  don’t  break  your  back  for  me .  ❜   ❛  tell  me  that  it’s  all  okay .  ❜   ❛  i’ve  been  waitin ’  on  this  all  damn  day .  ❜   ❛  call  me  in  the  morning .  ❜   ❛  i’m  here .  ❜   ❛  don’t  count  on  me  to  stay .  ❜   ❛  tell  me  all  the  things  that  you  have  against  me .  ❜   ❛  damn ,  who  are  we  right  now ?  ❜   ❛  how  the  hell  we  gonna  make  it ?  ❜   ❛  maybe  we’re  used  to  this .  ❜ BLAME  IT  ON  ME  —   ❛  all  these  people  wanna  keep  on  takin ’  pieces  of  me .  ❜   ❛  you  love  the  pain .  ❜   ❛  you  cut  me  down  on  my  knees .  ❜   ❛  you  can’t  blame  it  on  me .  ❜   ❛  it’s  not  my  fault .  ❜   ❛  everyday’s  the  same .  ❜ SAME  BITCHES  —   ❛  i’ve  been  in  l.a.  too  long .  ❜   ❛  i  bet  this  shit  was  good  for  your  reputation .  ❜   ❛  i  know  you  only  like  me  ‘ cuz  i  spent  a  hundred  bands  in  one  night .  ❜   ❛  is  he  rich  like  me ?  ❜   ❛  her  bag  is  chanel ,  but  she  drives  a  durango .  ❜ 92  EXPLORER  —   ❛  i’ll  teach  lil  baby  how  to  ball .  ❜   ❛  i  lost  all  my  friends ,  made  a  lot  of  foes .  ❜   ❛  break  up  with  that  ho .  ❜ CANDY  PAINT  —   ❛  kick  in  your  door ,  that’s  swat ,  you  thot .  ❜   ❛  hundred  thousand  dollars  on  the  tabletop  -  half  price  my  whip ,  same  price  my  watch .  ❜   ❛  got  no  jumper  but  i  ball  a  lot .  ❜   ❛  i  do  what  i  want .  ❜   ❛  goddamn ,  i  love  paper  like  i’m  michael  scott .  ❜   ❛  i  can  do  things  that  your  man  can  not .  ❜   ❛  i  know  there  ain’t  shit  that  you  can  offer  me .  ❜ SUGAR  WRAITH  —   ❛  put  your  arms  around  me ,  baby .  ❜   ❛  make  it  last  before  we  die .  ❜   ❛  i  was  broke  last  year .  ❜   ❛  can’t  go  back  there .  ❜
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
BASIC TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR crude language, offensive topics, and controversial humor/topics. part 1/???
❛ he ran over my bike. ❜ ❛ you fucking gimp boy. ❜ ❛ i’ve never seen my dashboard fuel level so low before. ❜ ❛ our cabin is called sugar pine 7. ❜ ❛ you’re nicin out !! ❜ ❛ you know it’s bad when the dog is the life of the party. ❜ ❛ i called you an uber because i couldn’t stand being in the car with you any longer. ❜ ❛ i’m an only child, but i think this is what having brothers and sisters would feel like. ❜ ❛ … and after the psychic was done emptying her bowels, ❜ ❛ there will always be more people successful than me. ❜ ❛ i don’t mean to be this way. ❜ ❛ something about tempting boys really gets me off. ❜ ❛ just one bite. ❜ ❛ there’s a lot happening right now. ❜ ❛ when i’m not sober, don’t listen to me. ❜ ❛ stop breaking into my house when you come over. ❜ ❛ you’re just getting maple syrup and beer ? ❜ ❛ how do you even know what you’re doing ? ❜ ❛ i just got drafted. ❜ ❛ you ran over my fucking bike again ! ❜ ❛ how old are you ? ❜ ❛ secret handshake ? ❜ ❛ jesus, you sleep with your eyes open ?! ❜ ❛ where’d you get those scars ? ❜ ❛ do you live in here ? ❜ ❛ i think i broke my nose. ❜ ❛ junkyard cookies ! ❜ ❛ i’m almost certain that everyone there was on acid. ❜ ❛ aw, dude, not the yeezys ! ❜ ❛ have you seen, uh, a copy of ‘ we bought a zoo ’ with matthew damon around here ? ❜ ❛ i’m glad your dad’s dead. ❜  ❛ i have weak knees. ❜ ❛ she’s a member of isis. ❜ ❛ you’re scaring the dog. ❜ ❛ how do you live like this ? ❜ ❛ suh, dude. ❜ ❛ dreams do come true. ❜ ❛ i’m not saying that this person is the worst to ever exist — all i’m saying is, show me something worse. ❜ ❛ it’s like a really tasty desert. ❜ ❛ mhm, daddy ? ❜ ❛ i’m woke, baby, i’m woke. ❜ ❛ how’s that, baby boy ? ❜ ❛ get manslaughtered ! ❜ ❛ it was only five thousand dollars ! ❜ ❛ i feel like nobody takes me seriously. ❜ ❛ i should be allowed to vape in here. ❜ ❛ i know i’m not a traditionally good friend. ❜ ❛ we’re going ghost hunting, baby ! ❜ ❛ if i see a ghost, i’ll fuck it. ❜ ❛ i know what hell’s like - it’s actually pretty nice ! ❜ ❛ how’s tinder life going ? ❜ ❛ i’m a genius. ❜ ❛ i’m not sure this person’s aware that they’re alive. ❜ ❛ bangarang. ❜ ❛ i hate children, they’re gross. ❜
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
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—— CAN I ROLL TO BITCHSLAP YOU ?              ( © )
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
‘SHIT MY SISTER AND I SAY TO EACH OTHER’ SENTENCE STARTERS —   feel free to change pronouns / wording as necessary!
❛ Hey hon, you know what would be great? If you’d shut the fuck up. ❜ 
❛ Can I have some of those organic friends? ❜
❛ She’s such an annoying Cancer bitch. ❜
❛ I hate being a Gemini living with an Aquarius! I have to make so many sacrifices! ❜
❛ Wow, I love living with an elephant. ❜
❛ ‘Later’ for you means ‘never’. ❜
❛ Time to get sleepy up in this bitch. ❜
❛ We’re chicken potatoes. ❜
❛ I’m so wet over this pasta right now. ❜
❛ He’s not a snack, he’s a full course meal. ❜
❛ Not to be weird, but your boobs look great. ❜
❛ Are you done talking? ❜
❛ Why are you so extra? ❜
❛ I’m trying to do fight club, and you’re rick-rolling me. ❜
❛ What are we? ❜
❛ Looks like you’re gonna get real healed and healthy going there. ❜
❛ I forgot you had a name for some reason. ❜
❛ My channel is going to be an ASMR channel of you crunching on soft foods. ❜
❛ I can’t wait to spontaneously combust. ❜
❛ Then perish. ❜
❛ That’s a big yikes. ❜
❛ Cries in broke bitch. ❜
❛ I feel like you need to go to bed. ❜
❛ One of these days, the FBI or the KGB are gonna come after us. ❜
❛ Move, I’m fat. ❜
❛ Do you wanna die? ❜
❛ Good heavens! ❜
❛ You’re a peach, bro.  ❜
❛ Why do you make it so steamy in here? ❜
❛ All we do together is quote memes, talk about our traumas, and lust over old men. ❜
❛ He’s trash, but I’d bang him. ❜
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
💏 :-)
kiss meme ! // @eightiesweights
           …as comfort.
        he can just FEEL the tension,it hangs HEAVY in the air around them.run ins with local bully kids leave hannahsteamed; he can see it in the crisp angerher stare holds whilst she watches larry &barry retreat, though not of her own fault.they were a little more intimidated by HIM sincethe incident at the mall. 
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         mike can see how TIGHT her hands are balled into fists, while in onehand she white-knuckles her BACKPACK.she had been ready to swing, her facescrewed into one of rage. he understandsher easily lost temper. but, he puts anuncharacteristically gentle hand on hershoulder and squeezes her gently.
      ❝ they’re GONE. ❞
       great thinking, captain obvious. hesighs and leans down just a little, unsureof how this’ll play out. his doubts do notstop him as he presses a light kiss to thetop of her head, but he is quick to straightenup.
     ❝ c’mon. let’s go. ❞
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
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for that anon that wanted some mike and hannah 
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
          ❝           you do ? well, that’s a first. usually nothing goes through that thick           fucking skull of yours — !!! that, plus, nobody ever understands, so it’s kind           of cool to finally get someone who won’t ride my ass about this shit.          ❞ she knows exactly why nobody could understand, because he’s cheated on her && everyone knows it. why she trusts him twice is beyond even herself, sometimes.
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          ❝           SERIOUSLY, MIKE ?? the last fucking thing i’d even think about doing           is asking hannah. yeah, she’s got a lot of fight in her but she’ll get the shit beat           out of her, or she might get suspended && we’ll never hear the fucking end           of it. there’s, like, no good solution.         ❞ there’s a frustrated sigh && she rotates her phone in her hands, out of a nervous habit. it’s pristine && new, adorned with an expensive case with cute accents. overall, she seems more nervous than angry now, a gaze that flickers to her phone && swipes away any notifications that doesn’t matter to her at the moment. … snapchat from larry banks, dismissed. a few likes on an instagram picture, dismissed. text from samuel beans, dismissed. she looks to mike.           ❝           you’d get way too much shit && steve would probably end up feeling            bad for her. maybe i should just wait out the two weeks until our season ends.            but, like, there’s no way that i’ll be able to hold steve back.          ❞ ( why is she telling him this ? )           ❝           do you think she’ll try to get with him ?          ❞
      ❝ i can understand both           points of view. ❞
       he really can, although he knows exactly which view he understands MORE. he can see why amanda would attach herself to steve, but he also sees why people disagree with her decision. personally he thinks she should move on, but he is the LAST person to be judging her social decisions. he can hardly hold a conversation with anyone that ISN’T  in their friend group.
       he shrugs when she shoots down his idea of asking hannah, and looks  down at his feet for a few moments while he thinks.
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      ❝ as if i don’t get shit           already. i could deal           with more. not like my           mom gives a shit what i           do so what could anyone           really say ? ❞
       he does not hesitate to answer her, which is a first. but, he’ll always be truthful.
     ❝ yes. ❞
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
mike seems interested enough, feeding his advice sometimes && a snide comment that earns a dirty look from her to him. she sighs, brief && hushed before she speaks up, a faux frustration that laces into her words like she’s practiced it.
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          ❝          SHUT THE FUCK UP, MIKE. the only fucking cuck here is you !           … even if she tries, i’m not just going to sit here && let her try to get into my           boy’s pants. call me a whore, but i know it’s easy.         ❞ ( && then when he suggests fighting her, she’s a little down about it. she doesn’t like fighting too much but she knows that if she really wanted to she could flatten andrea’s face against the concrete on any given day. )           ❝          i bet i could pop her lip fillers with one punch. did you know she has           lip fillers ?? her mom was totally cool with it. ugh, she’s so fucking annoying.           —— but i don’t think i can fight her. i think coach would flip her shit && suspend           me for the rest of the season, even though i’m the captain. && steve would           probably be freaked the fuck out, too. it’s so frustrating.          ❞
        ❝ thanks, but i didn’t mean it              in a shitty way. don’t              worry. i get it. ❞
        does he ? no. if it’s so EASY to  get into steve’s pants, and he isn’t faithful to her, then why does she even bother ?  he’ll never understand the logic behind half the shit people do. then again, no one really understands HIM either. maybe he’s just socially STUPID. 
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        ❝ maybe hannah’d fight her. ❞
          he’s very interested in seeing a fight. he isn’t sure why. perhaps seeing one of the softball girls knocked down a few pegs would satisfy him. they’re all a bit SNOBBY, amanda included, though in some way or another he  excuses her because, no matter her treatment of him, they ARE friends. 
       ❝  i would, but i can’t hit               girls. ❞
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
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           ❝           if you say so !          ❞ she locks her phone && flips it screen-side-down, an elbow coming atop the table where she rests her chin to her hand && tilts her head carefully, reading over his expression with a soft smile. he looks down today, she assumes. maybe it’s just one of those days.            ❝          steve. i’m also fighting-over-text with andrea because she’s been commenting           on all of his fucking posts lately.          ❞ ( she knows it’s easy to tempt steve. )            ❝          you know andrea davidson ? she’s such a two-faced bitch. i thought            she was cool until she tried to get in on steve && all that, turns out she’s been             talking shit about me since i started talking to him back in freshman year.             && she’s not even that good at softball, either. she can’t catch a ball to save             her life. pathetic, right ?          ❞
      it’s exactly as he suspects, but he still appears interested to hear about this new drama ( he isn’t ). he vaguely recalls knowing an andrea, but whether or not it is andrea davidson he does not know until amanda confirms the girl is on their softball team. THAT, he pays attention to.
    ❝ she’s trying to CUCK you,         i guess. she sounds like         a bitch.  ❞
      he seems to perk up just a little when it is noted that andrea has been shit-talking amanda, and he nods slowly. petty back and forth is nothing for him to think about, but he doesn’t find it FAIR for someone to be talking about her behind her back. 
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   ❝ that’s fuckin’ shitty.        you should fight her. ❞
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
the jaundice went straight to his heart!
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@coquetaire has read the rules ! 
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
@eightiesphone x
        OH, the irony. it’s never lost on him.
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   ❝ it’s nothing. ❞
       it’s almost PITIFUL, the way he answers her; it’s through  a long sigh that he grants her those few words. why does he bother speaking ?
         he rubs the back of his neck, fingers brushing against loose and low ponytail. dead and tired eyes lower to the phone in her hands for a split second. he thinks to his own, cheap and paid for by his own work... he’d shattered the screen some time ago. hers is so PRISTINE and new. he knows the answer to his question, but he asks anyway: 
   ❝ who’re you texting ? ❞ 
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
her eyes glance to the prices labelled && it’s nothing too bad — nothing she can’t provide for him. she figures she doesn’t need to get anything at all, considering she’s on a diet && softball season starts soon. she nods her head in response to his order && figures she might as well be the one to speak once it’s there turn, considering mike’s dislike of talking to strangers.
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          ❝           MATHCON, that’s what it was !!!! she was totally pumped about it &&           i figured it was pretty exciting to get accepted into that type of thing.          ❞ ( her smile swells on her face. despite hannah’s brash attitude, she was clearly a good person if she’d managed to get to both mike && amanda. it was nice seeing mike’s smile of fondness && for a second, she just watches him. )            ❝          she asked me too. we could totally carpool together ! i can take one            of my dad’s cars && it’ll be, like, super fun !           ❞
     ❝  yeah. she was really           hyped. ❞
       the mention of carpooling to the  event makes him go quiet again. that  would be IDEAL. he wonders if he’ll actually want to go by the time the day comes. he imagines hannah’s disappointment at his absence and clears his throat. he offers a small smile that feels as unnatural as it looks, though it is a genuine one.
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     ❝  uh-- yeah. i’d like that.           hannah would be happy           if we went to support her. ❞
       and that’s all he has to say on the subject. his hands find his pockets again once one of them pushes his hair away from  his face. he’s glad to know that amanda would take him along, even if it would not be the most entertaining thing they’d ever done. he appreciates her consistent efforts  to be a good friend to hannah.
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
   ❝ sorry. ❞
     sometimes, he really DOES wish he had hannah’s smarts. he even wishes for her ability to reason, but, unfortunately, he is left with his own mind and his own intelligence. his hand dips into his pocket and he lightly touches the joint to make sure it’s still there. he’s always too PARANOID of losing his things.
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     ❝ that’s the spirit ! ❞
       he speaks in a more cheerful tone despite his friend’s weighted words. he’ll just be happy to have company. he walks alongside mike, nodding when he speaks up.
    ❝ fuck yeah, dude. a         whole weekend without         my dad ? best gift i could’ve        ever got. EVER. you can stay        as long as you want, too. if you         wanna avoid your mom ‘n stuff.  ❞
mike opts to stay silent in response —— he never knows what to say half the time, much less when someone apologizes. it pretty much falls to deaf ears, or might as well be in a different language.
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there’s sam, hyping him up again. he tries to block out the excitement by counting every crack in the pavement, or every sprout of greenery that breaks through the cracks. he’s never excited about anything, really. it’s all just a temporary distraction.           ❝          the best gift i could ever get is my dad, so i guess we’re kinda opposites.           ... or something like that, i guess.           ❞ ( why does he talk. he’s annoyed with his own words already && he tries to change the pace of the conversation as soon as possible. )           ❝           REALLY ?? my mom’s kind of been a bitch lately, so it’d be really cool           if i could crash on your couch for a bit. i’ve been getting eaten the fuck up by           mosquitoes lately.          ❞
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eightiesfood-blog · 7 years ago
fifty ways to kiss someone.   send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours…
…good morning.
…where it hurts.
…where it doesn’t hurt.
…on a falling tear.
…to shut them up.
…in secrecy.
…in public.
…in joy.
…in grief.
…to distract.
…as encouragement.
…for luck.
…on a scar.
…on a place of insecurity.
…in a rush of adrenaline.
…in relief.
…in danger.
…as a ‘yes’.
…as an apology.
…as a suggestion.
…as a lie.
…as a promise.
…as comfort.
…after a small rejection.
…to wake yours up.
…to pretend.
…to gain something.
…to give up control.
…without a motive.
…because yours is running out of time.
…because mine is.
…because the world is ending.
…because the world is saved.
…out of pride.
…out of greed.
…out of lust.
…out of anger.
…out of envy or jealousy.
…out of spite.
…out of habit.
…out of necessity.
…out of love.
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