can open, worms everywhere
30 posts
i made an entire account to rant about (mostly) friends because no one in my life would want to listen to me talk about that Writing and other stuff @emilycokepepsi(she/her, 23)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ehmalianne · 2 days ago
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In every generation there is a chosen one…
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ehmalianne · 5 days ago
me as a traumatized excatholic reading articles about the next potential pope
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ehmalianne · 9 days ago
there’s something so magical about sitcoms…..they bring me so much comfort….whoever invented sitcoms thank you for your service I literally don’t know what I’d do without them god bless
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ehmalianne · 11 days ago
you know what's something they need to bring back, video nows and portable DVD players. don't want your kid being three taps away from seeing ai gore or mrbeast? get them a portable video player and make them watch the same 3 SpongeBob episodes from 2004 over and over again.
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ehmalianne · 11 days ago
wish i was in a slasher movie so i could be the first dumb bitch to die
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ehmalianne · 13 days ago
Friends didn’t have a ton of meta jokes but when they did it was always so fucking funny
Ross: “Remember when I had a monkey? Yeah…what was I thinking?”
Monica: “Here’s your key! Now you have to go christen it!”
Chandler: “Door hasn’t been locked in five years but okay”
*everyone in central perk talking about how their bosses don’t like them*
Joey: Maybe it’s because you’re all sitting here at 1:30 on a Wednesday!
*walk into central perk, see a random group of friends sitting on the couch, look at each other all confused, then just walk out*
*there’s a knock at the door and everyone looks around confused and Phoebe starts counting because they’re all sitting there and also no one ever knocks*
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ehmalianne · 14 days ago
There's two types of writers
1. 'It's fiction, it doesn't need to make sense!'
2. 'I didn't account for the rotation of the planet and how that affects the constalations while my characters stargazed at different times of year, I have failed as a writer, and this entire thing is trash'
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ehmalianne · 15 days ago
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here's a bunch of spongebob titlecards i hoarded
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ehmalianne · 18 days ago
happy 26th birthday to one of the greatest episodes of a tv show ever made
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ehmalianne · 21 days ago
Considering my big five neuroticism score was a 98/100 it really shouldn’t have been a surprise that I latched onto friends so hard
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ehmalianne · 23 days ago
The entire reason I got into friends was because it was always on tv when I was in the psych ward and I know there are a million other great tv shows but there’s something about the “literally fell into your lap” interest that cannot be replicated no matter how much you try
it's so wild to me that you absolutely cannot force a hyperfixation to happen. like you'll watch the most perfectly tailor-made-for-you content that everyone says you'll love and feel absolutely nothing, and then the thing you watch on a whim to fill time will reach through the screen and put its damn fingers in your brain and start rearranging the neurons right in front of you and every single time you're like THIS??? THIS??????? and this happens like every 6-12 months forever
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ehmalianne · 23 days ago
very big fan of when shows put wigs on actors and say ‘yeah. That’s him when he was younger fuck you’. No anti aging ai, no teen actor hired. Just. The same guy with a fuckass wig
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ehmalianne · 25 days ago
Adding to this post about Chandler being in love with Monica before the show even started, now that I'm thinking about it, I think a part of Monica might have been in love with him, too.
It's just... they are so comfortable with each other, in ways few friends, even best ones, are.
I don't mean to diminish the importance of friendship or say that "men and women can't be friends" (even if we take Friends for example, you have Phoebe and Joey, Chandler and Rachel, Joey and Rachel before they fell in love, all of those friendships are strong and important), no, not at all, but specifically in this case, I think they both have been in love with each other for a while but didn't think the other was interested, so they never mentioned it / acted upon it.
That's why their transition from friends to lovers went so smoothly - it wasn't the case of them suddenly developing new feelings towards each other, suddenly realizing what they feel towards each other is more than friends' love, the feelings were always there, they just found out they were reciprocated.
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ehmalianne · 27 days ago
I once saw the game show clue “The myth that peeing on a jellyfish sting cures the pain was popularized by what TV show?” and I love the fact that one friends episode popularized a myth to the extent that a) it was a game show question and b) scientists have had to repeatedly clarify “DO NOT PEE ON JELLYFISH STINGS IT DOES NOT WORK” for 27 years
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ehmalianne · 28 days ago
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Why does anyone have to be naked?
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ehmalianne · 29 days ago
a good way to inspire yourself to do more is to see yourself as the wacky sitcom B plot character in your friends lives, "wouldnt it be funny to tell the friends in my phone about it." has gotten me to do anything from going to a festival (excelent) to wild camping (it went badly) (coastguard called) to trying to get the train to stonehenge (stonehenge costs money so i ended up just getting lunch in sailsbury, it was okay.) i bought a bicycle today and 20% of my reasoning was "itd be funny to surprise my roommate by coming home with a whole bike." . life is for living. and baby i live for the bit.
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ehmalianne · 30 days ago
Fuck romcom type of love. I want a sitcom type of love. I wanna feel how Leslie feels with Ben. I wanna be in the type of love that Peraltiago is in. I want a man like Gregory Eddie. I wanna know what Janine feels when she is with him. I want to be a part of the sitcom love story.
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