eggmizel 8 days
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Does anyone else see the Everett vision
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eggmizel 8 days
I'm obsessed with Lucia Total Monster Kill. She brought her cat with her to monster hunting boot camp. She licked her hand before shaking the hand of a guy she just met. She ate a whole block of cheese for a meal. She has impeccable fashion sense. She's a hoarder. She has deep familial trauma. She fights with a hand crossbow in a world of people with giant Final Fantasy swords. The only people she bullies harder than her friends are people who are mean to her friends.
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eggmizel 8 days
anyways everett total monster kill is trans. i dont know if transfem or transmasc, but everett definitely isn't cis
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eggmizel 14 days
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of course it goes without saying that I am hopelessly dependent on the fishy
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eggmizel 14 days
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eggmizel 14 days
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eggmizel 15 days
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Emizel lives au where everything is far worse
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eggmizel 15 days
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William! Is that a weed!?
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eggmizel 15 days
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doodled some guys :3
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eggmizel 16 days
Nagaraja Bane Emizel (he has to consume flesh instead of just drinking blood) x Vex's fleshcrafting
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eggmizel 16 days
why are you suckening? the peanits?
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eggmizel 18 days
contender for i think my favourite pd opening yet
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eggmizel 18 days
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soul on fire
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eggmizel 18 days
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did someone say southern wiwi
from some hc's @moominpopzz n i were comin up with :3
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eggmizel 19 days
fuck it this is what this blog is for, just some general thoughts on different thoughts for the three:
The undersea capital where Gillion was raised clearly hated surface dwellers, and its not like they'd get visitors who aren't aquatic, so its unlikely they'd just teach him common.
He probably does know a little bit because he was meant to deal with overseas people in some (albeit mostly violent) capacity, but its probably like the bare minimum and from old scrolls that are way out of date with how modern people speak, which is kinda why he has the cadence and vocabulary that he does.
Jay canonically knows Primordial! Its a lot more common for undersea people to come to the oversea so it makes sense that that's an option for her to learn.
I don't think human vocal chords are the best for speaking primordial and it was designed to be spoken underwater so Jay probably can't speak primordial very well but she can understand it
I imagine Primordial sounds like a mix of whalesong and dolphin clicking/whistling. Not necessary to the Language Barrier thing, I just think its cool
Common isn't English, its a unique language that was constructed to be spoken and understood effectively by as many races as possible.
English still exists in Fauna as a human language. Where many races seem to have one language I imagine humans spread out over enough land to have various near completely seperate languages (they're not the only ones but they're the ones with the most different languages that remained separate)
Vyncent can speak English fairly well as there were plenty of humans around where he grew up, he picked up on all the languages The Greats spoke regularly, but English still wasn't the main language spoken around him and he was never properly taught it so he gets mixed up sometimes
He was never taught to write in English, so that's the main thing that trips him up on Prime
On Fauna Virion spoke both Elven and Common fluently,
Shilo (and Grefgor):
Shilo is Romanian, I wouldn't be surprised if he does learn a lot of other languages, but he doesn't often have any conversations in foreign languages, especially not with native speakers, so he can read/write in a bunch of different languages but he can't hold a conversation
Potentially the Queen specifically avoids letting him learn english in case he sees her notes on Emizel, Lazarus sneaks a few english books in for Shilo anyways
Grefgor is Romanian and he is not multilingual in any way, he might not even be literate in Romanian
The other two could read as headcanons, things they dealt with offscreen, but this one is a full on au. Shilo and Grefgor teleport to No Breaks and cannot communicate with Emizel or Arthur
I keep thinking abt making Jrwi language barrier aus cause they keep making characters that come from an entirely different world (Gillion, Vyncent and Shilo) But I'm monolingual as hell so those headcanons are probably just gonna stay in me head for the most part
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eggmizel 22 days
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Quick grayscale arc William design
flat colors + notes under the cut
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eggmizel 23 days
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Fawkes | They/them
I will make every character autistic and/or plural
This is a jrwi sideblog, my main is @fawkesthefox
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