eg-ure · 3 years
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Athens statue (ie ′ ′ Piraeus Athena ′ ′).
340-330 BC
Athens, Archaeological Museum of Piraeus.
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eg-ure · 3 years
Amaimon's 'I' pronoun - EUREKA!!
I just discovered something awesome thanks to my recently-borrowed kanji book. Well, it's awesome to me right now, and I thought I'd share :D
Anime watchers and people who've read the manga in its original Japanese will know that Amaimon uses the pronoun 'boku' to refer to himself. Just that alone fits with his more childish, more youthful personality compared to his older, more serious brothers.
However, the written form of the word adds another layer.
'Boku' is typically written in kanji (僕), accompanied by the smaller hiragana characters (ぼく) to help with correct reading and pronunciation.
Amaimon's 'boku' is written differently. It appears in the form of (ボク), which is the Chinese reading of that kanji character.
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This struck me as a little strange, but I didn't think much more about it until I read in my book that this is also the Chinese reading of the kanji character for tree (木).
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And we saw last chapter the form which Shemihaza took after crystallising herself to subjugate him...
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The word literally connects Amaimon and Shemihaza together, like the mineral crystallisations of Amaimon to the tree of Shemihaza!
Trees were also what finally made Amaimon realise that Shiemi was the successor to Shemihaza, as the truth hit him at the moment when Sheimi summoned a forest to protect herself and her friends.
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You could say that it also reflects Amaimon's connection to the earth, being King of Earth, and all things that spring forth from it are his or in his sphere of influence.
Might not be that much of a eureka moment but it was to me lol
And as always, if I have made/make any errors, please let me know!
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eg-ure · 3 years
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Yours truly
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eg-ure · 3 years
me, still in bed: i can’t wait to get back to bed
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eg-ure · 3 years
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eg-ure · 3 years
me waking up:
wow i can't wait to go to sleep tonight
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eg-ure · 3 years
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peachtober day 2: smoke
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eg-ure · 3 years
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eg-ure · 3 years
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Ragnarok 2x02 | sharing is caring
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eg-ure · 3 years
I made Saxa reaction pictures :))
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eg-ure · 3 years
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guo pei couture autumn 2o19
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eg-ure · 3 years
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eg-ure · 3 years
I was invited into the underworld to have dinner with Hades. He cooked me lasagna. We ate in silence. There was sexual tension.
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eg-ure · 3 years
Humans have been giving their pets god names for millennia, not knowing that they actually bestow upon them the gods power. But it’s divided amongst all pets with the same name, so ultimately quite harmless. This morning, by a quirk of fate, yours is the only cat named Zeus.
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eg-ure · 3 years
If the liver grows back what stopping me from just selling it endlessly
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eg-ure · 3 years
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eg-ure · 3 years
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translations of Sappho (from Sappho’s Lyre by Diane J. Rayor / Eros the Bittersweet by Anne Carson)
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