effiefics · 2 months
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effiefics · 2 months
Summary: She's the daughter of the founder of Media Giant. An up and coming video store company that has taken out several small video stores. Only one still stands and it just happens to be owned by the man she has a major crush on.
Chapter Summary: After finally meeting Neil, Y/N is excited to see how the showing goes and gets to know the Gumshoe crew a little better.
Warnings: Smut (future chapters), age gap (reader is 21 and neil is like late 20s to early 30s), cursing.
Word Count: 1.1k
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That night, she looked herself over in her full length mirror. She was dressed in a flowy white blouse and tight dark denim jeans with her favorite heeled boots. The jeans accentuated her curves and helped make her thighs look a little smaller than normal, the perfect look to be flirty yet demure. She ignores the pudge of stomach as she looks around for accessories.
Looking down to the gold watch on her wrist, she curses to herself before grabbing her purse and black tweed jacket. Quickly running down the stairs, she slides on her jacket before heading to the door. “Wait a minute! Get back here!” Her dad says loudly from the living room, sighing to herself she walks back to the living room, her eyes immediately finding the large Media Giant poster on the main wall.
“Where are you going all dressed up?” he asks, noticing her outfit. “My friends and I are going to get some food then go to a showing. One of their boyfriend’s just finished making something.” She lied easily, used to havig to do this all through high school.
“Okay, just be home before sunrise.” She nods and quickly leaves the house. Choosing to walk to the video store, she makes quick steps to get there before too many people show up. It doesn’t take her too long as the store isn’t too far from her house, looking inside the store there is a small amount of people so far.
Pushing the door open, she smiles at the people who turn when the bell rings. “Ah, Y/N! You came.” Neil says, kind of shocked she actually came. “Yeah, I’m a woman of my word.” She says, smiling up at him. “Oh, I want to introduce you to my employees and best buds. Jonathan and Lucien.” He says, gesturing to the two men she saw when she first entered the store earlier.
She waves before turning back to Neil, “So, do you expect a lot of people here tonight?” She asks, playing with her fingers. “I think it’ll be the usual people that come in here. Maybe some curious folks but nothing too crazy.” She nods and looks around. “Oh, would you like something to drink?” He asks and she nods following him to get a drink.
The store slowly started to fill with people as it got closer to eight but it definitely wasn’t full. Everyone was able to fit comfortably around the TV area when it hit eight. The TV starts to play a black and white video which makes everyone cheer, it reminds her of the old detective films she used to watch with her grandparents when she was younger.
The commercial is definitely for a certain kind of audience with it’s noir style aesthetic and script. Neil’s old timey detective accent makes her giggle as the camera pulls back to show the store lighting up and he gives a big smile to the camera. The room cheers as it ends and he walks to the TV mimicking what he did at the end with a big thumbs up, smile, and wink. “Wow, this is amazing. Um, I don’t really know where to begin.” He breathes heavily as his voice starts to shake. “I told myself I wouldn’t cry.” He says and everyone laughs at his acting.
He starts to say a speech when a Media Giant commercial starts to play. The room starts to boo and throw popcore at the screen which makes her shrink into herself. “Guys, can someone…” Neil makes a cut motion towards Jonathan who quickly turns the TV off as the company name is said.
“It's okay. I know I can't compete with these big guys, but as long as I have you guys...my small and loyal following of geeks and weirdoes, I know I'll be alright. Everyone, have some more beer! Oh, and stick around, because later on…we are gonna have a special midnight screening of a 1949 classic She-Gorilla.” Neil says, the little speech making her smile even though she does feel conflicted because of how much of her life is engrained in Media Giant.
The night goes well, Y/N gets to meet a lot of people in the store and drinks plenty, enjoying being able to be around like minded people for a while. 
“Y/N/ Y/N!” Neil says, catching her attention. He motions her over which she follows immediately. She leans against the counter as Jonathan makes some drinks, she found out he was a bartender at a place not too far from here. “How was that, guys? You're not supposed to show ads for two different video stores...during the same commercial break, alright?” Neil says sadly.
“Who cares? When is the show again?” Jonathan asks, sipping on his beer. “Oh my god, 3:12 a.m.” Neil says but she zones out as she watches Neil’s lips move as he drinks his drink. She blinks quickly when Jonathan walks away, leaving the two alone.
“What did you think, honestly.” He asks, knowing he might get the most honest answer from the woman he met only a couple of hours ago. “I thought it was cool. The concept was nice and definitely will stick out. I’m also guessing that girl in the commercial was your girlfriend.” She says, trying to get more information on the girlfriend situation.
“Yeah, that’s Denise. She didn’t show up tonight, I think. She thinks this whole thing is a little stupid.” He admits, the alcohol making him more open than normal. “Ew, that’s not good. I understand being skeptical but to think this is stupid is not a good thing girlfriend wise. You’re supposed to support your partner, and even if you don’t like the idea then be nice about it.”
He nods, “Yeah, that’s what I thought. I don’t think I’m gonna be with her much longer anyway. We don’t have a lot in common.” He says and she nods. An empathetic look on her face as she tries to hide her giddiness.
The two talk for a moment longer before he walks away to continue to mingle. She smiles to herself before also going to find more people to talk to.
The rest of the night is fun with the screening going well before people start to leave, Y/N included until Neil stops her. “Hey, um, I was wondering. Could I get your number, just incase I need help here at the store or something?” He asks, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“Yeah, I don’t mind at all.” She gives him her number before looking at him with a bright smile. “Have a good night, Neil.” She gets on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek before walking away, a sway in her step as she feels his eyes on her.
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effiefics · 2 months
Please REBLOG this if you’re still in the Peaky Blinders fandom, I wanna write but also feel like there might not be any interest in it anymore
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effiefics · 2 months
Summary: She's the daughter of the founder of Media Giant. An up and coming video store company that has taken out several small video stores. Only one still stands and it just happens to be owned by the man she has a major crush on.
Chapter Summary: Finally back home for break, Y/N is happy to be home when a familiar video store catches her eye. Finally, gaining the courage to walk in and meet her crush face to face, she soon finds out that things might get more complicated than she thinks.
Warnings: Smut (future chapters), age gap (reader is 21 and neil is like late 20s to early 30s), cursing.
Word Count: 939
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The drone of the suburb brings a small smile to her face as she walks around the streets. The cool spring day brings her joy anyway but the feeling of being back home makes it even better. She had just gotten home from college for the summer and decided to walk around to see what is still around after being gone for a while.
Her yellow sundress with white lace trimming and a lace middle, gives her a fun spring look and her hair down naturally, her cherry shampoo making it smell nice as the wind blows through it and some strappy sandals. Her smile gets bigger as a familiar videostore comes into view, Gumshoe Video is the only local video store left after Media Giant bought the rest.
Something her father is very proud of. Happy his business how grown very quickly and is ready to take over the rest of the area but Gumshoe is the only place getting in the way. Neil Lewis is many things and stubborn is definitely one of them, maybe that’s one of the reasons the young girl finds him so attractive.
Of course he’s attractive because he’s handsome in a nerdy and awkward way but also, from what she’s heard, his knowledge of films and pop culture are amazing. She had only ‘met’ him once and that was before she went off to college which is when she got a major crush on him, but she’s determined now. She will go into Gumshoe and properly meet the handsome owner.
Pushing the door open, she’s met with balloons being scattered across the area with streamers. Two men are behind the counter, blowing up balloons and in their own world. “Uh, excuse me?” She asks, pulling their attention, the one with brown hair drops his jaw as the balloon he was blowing up deflates and the other in glasses looks just as shocked. 
“Can I ask what you guys are setting up for?” Her voice is filled with excitement as she leans against the counter. “We’re having a showing of our first commercial tonight. Boss likes to decorate.” The brown haired man says, still looking at her with wide eyes. “Really? That sounds like fun.” She doesn’t get to continue her thought as a door closing sounds throughout the store and a man walks up in a frilly blue dress shirt and dark blue suit. “Do think this looks to over the top?” Neil asks, looking at his employees, not noticing the girl. 
“I think you look like a man who is finally getting a shot.” The one in glasses says, “I think you look nice, the shirt is a bit much though.” She says, head chin resting on her hand. Neil’s blue eyes move to the voice and widen when they see a pair of E/C staring back at him. 
“Uh-uh-hi. Welcome to Gumshoe Video.” He stutters out, making her smile at his awkwardness. “So you’re hosting a party tonight?” She asks, biting her lip while looking at him, “Yeah, it’s a showing, really, but it’s gonna be fun. Food, drinks, and of course movies.” He jokes and she nods. “Sounds fun.” She pushes herself off the counter and starts to walk the different shelves of movies.
Smiling to herself as she feels the men watching her every move. Her hands grab Dracula and Psycho before walking over to the kids section and grabbing The Little Mermaid. Walking back over to the counter, it’s a small scuffle between the three men to choose who gets to check her out before Neil wins and walks over with a proud smile.
“So what time is your screening tonight?” She asks, leaning against the counter again as he looks over her movies. “It’s at eight and these are some good picks,” He starts to go into some detail about the making of Dracula as she looks at him sweetly. She doesn’t know what it is but something about him yapping about the movie is making him even cuter.
“Anways, I should stop babbling. You probably don’t wanna hear it.” She shakes her head, “I don’t mind. It’s kinda cute.” His cheeks turns red at the compliment. “Well, thank you, wish my girlfriend thought the same thing.” She bites her lip when he says girlfriend. Shit! “Well, I know you’re not a member becuase I would remember you being in here. So let’s sign you up, all I need is a drivers licesnse.” Putting her purse on the counter, she pulls out her wallet and looks at all the cards in her wallet.
She knows Neil is older, like mid to late 20s so he would possibly not go for a girl who just recently turned 21. Grabbing the fake ID she used all during the start of college it says she’s 25 but hopefully he won’t question it too much as she hands it to him with a smile. He reads off her name with a smile, “That’s a nice name. I don’t know why it sounds so familiar though.” He says before brushing it off. “Thanks, my parents picked it out.” She jokes with a small smile which gets a chuckle out of him.
“Well there you go, Y/N. I hope to see you at the showing tonight?” His voice is hopeful as an eyebrow raises, “Maybe.” She says before grabbing her purse and walking off. Once she’s out the door and turned the corner, she squeals happily. Finally, she met him and now she gets to actually see him again, even if it’s not a date and he has a girlfriend…progress.
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effiefics · 2 months
So I will be pinning this so y'all can know for sure who I am writing for as of right now.
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GIF by christophernolan
Jonathan Crane
Jackson Rippner
Neil Lewis
Thomas Shelby (coming soon)
Raymond Leon
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GIF by draculcid
Steve Harrington
Kurt Kunkle
Gator Tillman (coming soon)
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effiefics · 2 months
Hello everyone! It's Effie from @spenceragnewfics. This is my second blog that is dedicated to writing for things outside of Smosh. Right now it's only Cillian Murphy and his characters but I will be expanding as time goes on. You can always send in requests for people and I will be sure to respond on whether I can do that or not.
Love Y'all!
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