eehnf · 2 years
super cringe i haven’t used this in so long but i’m lonely and falling into bad and stupid old habits 🥰 i hate it here so much
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eehnf · 3 years
some songs that make me feel some type of way
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAcD6sIt7lc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OORBa32WFcM
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eehnf · 3 years
i regret eating today
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eehnf · 3 years
what the fuck
goobie wha tthe fuck get it together
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eehnf · 4 years
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eehnf · 4 years
Valentines Day!
i fucking hate this shit holiday i want to sleep through it all hahaahhaahahha what even is the point of valentines day if you dont even get love regularly. i hate this day, i have everything about today, im so fucking alone!!! hahahaha gg wp.
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eehnf · 4 years
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this is why i dont talk about my feelings lol
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eehnf · 4 years
why did he have to be texting her during the movie he was watching with ME. with me he was watching a movie with me and texting the girl he knows i don’t like and that i can’t stand to know he does that shit. why couldn’t he just wait til the movie was over i’m so fucking sad. like i said he can’t even pause the game for me but when doing shot with me he can literally pick up his phone and respond. but then calls me childish when i’m upset like no maybe if you weren’t doing that shit i wouldn’t be so fucking upset. you know i hate her you know i don’t like hearing about her, you know i can’t stand to know about her why do you feel the need to tell me. but i’m childish for saying “cool” when you start talking about how you were texting her ab something during the movie. i’m sad i’m angry i literallt don’t even want to be alive rn i’m literally at breaking point already i don’t want this anymore i’ve felt like absolute shit the past week and it’s not ending i feel tired i feel sick i feel anxious i feel paranoid and i cannot take these bad thoughts anymore and i’m sick of feeling like shit all the time it’s becoming way too overwhelming for me. i want to be happy i want to see my friends i want to talk to my friends i want to WANT to do things. my feelings are beyond hurt i want it all to end . i don’t like this.
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eehnf · 4 years
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Art by DannyLaiLai
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eehnf · 4 years
my bf had his camera on and all i see on his wall is the stupid picture his friends drew him, and a box from candy i sent him. where are all the letters and drawings i sent them for his birthday or the christmas card i spent hours hand placing glitter one by one where is all of the effort i put into making his happy why are they not on the same wall ?? is he keeping them somewhere else so they don’t get ruined? they were on the wall before.. where are the stickers i sent him where is all of the fucking stuff i drew and wrote where???? it’s only these i’m so upset
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eehnf · 4 years
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eehnf · 4 years
i dont want to be here anymo0re
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eehnf · 4 years
im literally so upset im so tired of this shit why does he have to always repspond to them but anytime its to respond to me, i have to wait because hes busy.  liek hes sitting here and were doing fun disney quizzes and i keep hearing him pick up his phone and put it back down becasue hes fucking texting them back while doing shit with me like what the actual fuck is this shit im literally so mad at him rn i dont even want to be in this shitty call but i dont want to elave at the same time becasue i know hes jsut going to go text them and ill be even moer upset and idk if this seems like im being super dramatic but its so annoying  when like i said he cant even tab out to repond to me when hes in games but when its them he has no problem picking up his phone when were in the middle of doing things
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eehnf · 4 years
Love, sex, trust, bonding ... is all of this secondary to money?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
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eehnf · 4 years
milk look at these cats they r so cute wtf.
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🐱 Studio Ghibli + Cats 🐈
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eehnf · 4 years
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eehnf · 4 years
i csnt help but think about her todsy :/ i’m sad
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