Earth Empire's First Lady
75 posts
Kuvira stan | selfship/ocxcanon | TLOK brainrotting | Esp/eng
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ee1stlady · 6 days ago
Oh, Kuvira, they will never make me stop loving you or stop wanting to slap you in the face for all your stupid, impulsive decisions.
She makes me feel tender to think of her as a child. But I really want to hit her over the head for something as stupid as the camps.
I will always say that my baby deserved the maximum punishment and not redemption.
Every time I rewatch Book 4 of TLOK, I'm amazed at how awful Kuvira is. Like, every time she's presented with a choice, she makes the worst one. There's no reason for her to be so aggressive and callous, especially not to her family. I think the fandom's treatment of her makes me forget that she's such a bad person, actually. If I was Su, I would've beat her ass before Lin had the chance to put her in the cop car tbh.
Kuvira is my favorite character, by the way, I'm not attacking her, just the fandom perception/woobification.
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ee1stlady · 14 days ago
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ee1stlady · 18 days ago
I’ve never reblogged something so fast x2
this blog hates donald trump
Look how many people hate him. I’m pretty damn happy about that 😁😁😁😁😁😁
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ee1stlady · 28 days ago
She believed she had raised him like a son, as she had raised Rebeca, without privileges or discrimination. However, Arcadio was a lonely and frightened child during the plague of insomnia, in the midst of Úrsula's utilitarian fever, José Arcadio Buendía's delirium, Aureliano's hermeticism, and the mortal rivalry between Amaranta and Rebeca. Aureliano taught him to read and write, thinking of something else, as a stranger would have done. He gave him his clothes, so that Visitación could reduce them, when they were already too small. Arcadio suffered with his oversized shoes, with his patched pants, with his woman's buttocks. He never managed to communicate with anyone better than he did with Visitación and Cataure in their language. Melquíades was the only one who really took care of him, who made him listen to his incomprehensible texts and gave him instructions on the art of daguerreotype. No one could imagine how much he mourned his death in secret, and how desperately he tried to revive him in the useless study of his papers.
One Hundred Years of Solitude, page 108. Translation from Spanish to English using Google Translate.
When I got to this part of the book, I couldn't help but think of Kuvira. Arcadio reminds me so much of her in a way that hurts. The way Arcadio cried over Melquíades' death makes me think that Kuvira cried the same way over Aiwei's betrayal.
Visitación and Cataure were a Wayúu princess and prince who left their home on La Guajira peninsula to escape the plague of insomnia. Úrsula hires them and is Visitación who raises Amaranta and Arcadio. They both ended up speaking Wayúunaiki (in the book they refer to the language as the Guajira language) before speaking Spanish. This makes me think that Kuvira was not only close to Aiwei, but also to the chef. I have the HC that Kuvira doesn't know how to cook, so it's nice to think that the chef patiently tried to teach her, but due to Kuvira's volatile nature, she ended up burning everything. Either way, the chef would tell her to try again even if she burned the food again.
"We're leaving Macondo in your hands," was all they said to Arcadio before departing. "We left it in good shape; make sure we find it even better."*
Arcadio gave a very personal interpretation to the recommendation. He invented a uniform with marshal stripes and epaulettes, inspired by the illustrations in a book by Melquíades, and hung it on his belt.
One Hundred Years of Solitude, page 101-102. Translation from Spanish to English using Google Translate.
*This dialogue is an adaptation rather than a literal translation. I only have the original version, so it may differ from the official English translation.
It's literally Kuvira making her own army.
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ee1stlady · 29 days ago
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ee1stlady · 29 days ago
I'm also a sapphic Kuvira believer and I must say lesbian Kuvira is more an ooc HC.
It's more the energy that she transmits (just like Lin's lesbian HCs). Probably very based on harmful stereotypes, yes.
Kuvira loved him, but she probably loved the Empire more. It should be considered that the Empire is consolidated on Kuvira's desire of being valued and had the control of the situation (things she didn't have/feels like she didn't have as a child). It is a "Tell me that you are proud of me, Shifu", but with Suyin.
I love Kuvira so much and loving is also laughing at the way she feels for how Baatar treated her in RotE. Honey, you tried to kill your fiancé, what did you expect? That he would welcome you with open arms? Honestly, Baatar has too much emotional intelligence to just make a few comments and end up collaborating. I would have cursed Kuvira for 10 minutes.
No actually I find it so weird that people are so insistent that Kuvira simply has to be a lesbian and she never loved Baatar Jr. Like I also am a sapphic Kuvira believer, and you don't have to like Baavira but what is the obsession with Kuvira being a lesbian specifically.
Argumets about Kuvira never truly caring for Baatar ring kinda hollow because he honestly seems like the only person she actually did care for. Oh she tried to kill him? That doesn't really mean she didn't love him. She just valued her empire over him, which is very in line with Kuvira's characterisation thus far.
Honestly it's not that she didn't love him she's just a shitty person.
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ee1stlady · 29 days ago
I started out as a short fanfic for my selfship/ocxcanon/yumeship and now I'm at over 3,000 words.
Dude, where did I get +3,000 words?
Kuvira's heart was finally completely freed from that exile of stupor and oblivion. The abandonment of her parents, the cries in Aiwei's lap, the nonexistent figure of Baatar Senior, Huan's indifference, the rivalry with Opal, the hatred of the twins, Suyin's disappointment, that single night of sour passion with Baatar Junior and the entire world were reduced to nothing, for a few minutes, in a jasmine breath; her only regret was not having been born a man, but she quickly retracted it because she didn't want to continue her lineage and preferred to live her romance in secret than die of love.
(It sounds better in Spanish, honestly).
Girl, what were you doing writing that at 2 a.m.?
I've been telling my friends for a week now: "I'm only halfway through the writing." Girl, everyone knows it's going to take you a week and +3,000 more words.
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ee1stlady · 29 days ago
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ee1stlady · 1 month ago
How I love this sequence of drawings
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help her su
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ee1stlady · 1 month ago
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i forgot to post this here welp … i draw of course my otp for this art trend on twitter last january hehe
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ee1stlady · 1 month ago
I like to think that Baatar Senior really did see Kuvira as a daughter and treated her as such, but Kuvira never felt comfortable with it because the one who brought her to Zaofu was only her father.
Baatar Senior was a good father, but every time Kuvira saw him, she was reminded of her biological father abandoning her at the gates of Zaofu.
The feeling I get from Baatar in book 4, especially in chapter 5, is one of regret, weariness and a certain resignation. He feels that he was not a good father to either of them, but in the end he understands that his son is an adult and the disappointment passes to his son.
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ee1stlady · 1 month ago
korvirasami but kuvira isn't aware she's in the relationship, she thinks she's third wheeling
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ee1stlady · 1 month ago
Mako Sugar Baby should become popular in the fandom. Yesterday I was reading posts about that, and I love the idea. It's so funny.
I can just imagine Bolin making fun of Mako for that. Wu saw that Mako was really stressed out, so he sent him to one of those spas with a 4-hour beauty routine to relax. So you have Mako wrapped in seaweed while Bolin asks him if he gets pretty for Wu.
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ee1stlady · 1 month ago
I sometimes wonder when the day will come when, as a society, we consume content critically and without falling into the extremes of demonizing those who have a different opinion.
My pookie Kuvira is my baby and I love her, her personality, her decline from a mass leader to someone blinded by her lust for power and revenge against life, and personally, my baby deserved the death penalty for all her crimes against human rights, not just house arrest.
But Kuvira remains a fictional character. We can criticize her actions and raise awareness, but canceling a character will not end fascism.
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ee1stlady · 1 month ago
We are not free from anything, José Arcadio Buendía... we ended up raising a monster.
(An Úrsula Iguarán's translated dialogue from the Netflix adaptation of One Hundred Years of Solitude).
I really feel like this is something Suyin and Kuvira's birth mother could have said to their respective partners when they saw what Kuvira became.
Especially since both Colonel Aureliano Buendía and Kuvira were military leaders.
I sometimes wondered what Kuvira's biological parents would have thought when they saw their daughter become a dictator.
They handed her over to Suyin's care because they didn't know what else to do. She almost killed her mother in a fit of rage and in RotE she did not accompany Kuvira's father to take her to Zaofu.
I especially think of her mother. Imagine holding your baby without knowing what she will become. Imagine being almost killed by your little daughter. What must she have felt when she saw everyone bow to Kuvira? She thought Su could lead her down a better path, but in the end Kuvira did what she did because she felt abandoned and unloved.
I can't help but think that Kuvira's biological mother feels guilty for everything Kuvira did. And I can't help but think of Azula saying that her mother thought she was a monster and "was right". Maybe Kuvira thought the same thing.
Once, while watching an analysis of Kuvira, I remember seeing someone say, "Fascism is 'daddy issues' made into ideology." Well, Kuvira's ideology was, roughly summarized, Mommy Issues made into ideology.
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ee1stlady · 1 month ago
It's the question I ask myself every night...
I am very curious of why military dictators have such a chokehold on the sapphics
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ee1stlady · 1 month ago
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