edzyow · 2 years
Blog 4
Lecture Series 2
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Start-Up Journey
As I've watched the entire video of Ms. Jannine Eballe, CEO of J Consultare, discussing and sharing her experience on how she got started on her journey, I grasped some valuable ideas and insights from her on the importance of a start-up. So here are some words of wisdom from her that I really take note of: Failure is important, Work on your passion, Surround yourself with people who believe in you and support you, and above all, put God first.
Update on our Start-Up Journey
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Update on our start-up journey which is apparently in its last phase. The team's software developers and graphical artist are on its final stage of completion and are ready to release the model app soon. So the team is at its final stage on launching the Clockwise application, and will be very soon available online on both android and ios users and can be downloaded from Playstore and Appstore. Here are the proposed layout designs for the application, click the link below.
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edzyow · 2 years
Blog 3
Lecture Series 1
Intellectual Property Rights
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As the speaker stated, applying for or registering an intellectual property right is important in order to obtain protection over that particular intellectual property. It is the right given to a person over the innovation of their intellect. It gives the creator an exclusive right to utilize his or her innovation for a set period of time. In addition, there are several rights to apply for intellectual property, and these are the following: Patents, Utility Model, Industrial Design, Trademark, Copyright, Lay-out Designs, etc.
Proposed Startup Venture
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In connection with our start-up venture product which is apparently in its early phase. We seek to apply for or register a trademark and copyright as an intellectual property right for our product. Knowing that our product is a software application and that its contents are made up of graphical designs such as a logo, sign, symbol, theme, and sound effects created by the team’s developers. Thus applying for trademark and copyright for our software application is the best choice to protect our graphical contents from any infringements.
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edzyow · 3 years
Blog 2
Entrepreneurial Expedition
Target Market
Technology may be a distraction for students who need to get their job done. However, some technologies, such as time-management applications, may be able to help students stay focused on their assignments. This app’s target market will be students, employees, and regular people who need assistance staying on task.
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As of 3rd and 4th week of the venture we have explored 43 respondents, specifically students and employees who are working and studying from home which is also our target market.
Customers' Pain Points
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It is clear that this pandemic has utterly disrupted an education system that many assert was already losing its relevance. Often than not, when we are struck by changes, it also gives us struggles to work with. Having said that we believe that one of the struggles that students and work from home employee struggle is time management. We assume this as their pain point since studying and working at home have many disadvantages.
Interview (Video Conferencing)
For the 3rd and 4th week we made use of video conferencing applications for our interview with the same questions but with additional sub questions regarding their answers.
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Within the responses of the respondents the most prevalent pain point is lack of time management with 36%, which demonstrates that, while many students complain about slow internet connection with 21% , we managed to learn that many of them have other struggles too like dealing with their tasks and managing their time just like what we assumed.
Team's Decision
Together with my group mates, we decided to design an app for both Android and Apple users that not only manages their time but also integrates with their calendar, allowing users to schedule assignments and other tasks by date, course, and priority, a pomodoro technique for studying, as well as enter details for emails and many more features to be tackled by the team first.
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But how could we make money from it? Naturally, developers who provide free apps expect to be compensated in some other way. So we made certain that even if it was free, it would still generate a profit. One strategy that we will use is the Freemium model, which Canva used to generate revenue. As the term implies, it is a combination of free and premium features, in which our app is made available for free, but includes premium features that you need to pay if you wish to use them on your device, thus making it fermium. We can also monetize the app through advertising, as mobile ads are the simplest and most common way for a free app to earn money.
Lesson Learned
In the duration of another two weeks of venturing with this group, I have just learned that everyone’s idea counts. After the in-depth brainstorming and discourse with the group, we exchanged opinions on how we could monetize or earn money from our software application. Because of the teamwork we have, we have decided to have it in a Freemium way and add banner advertisements so it could add more income.
Also having an online interview with our customers really makes us assess their struggles and pain points and had the chance to ask more questions regarding their sentiments.
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edzyow · 3 years
Blog 1
Entrepreneurial Voyage
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Students' struggles with online learning since the pandemic begun.
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Distractions. Poor time management is one of the most serious problems that online students are facing. Lack of a schedule, too many distractions is one thing that can lead to poor time management.
Mental Health. The pandemic itself has caused much worry, stress, and grief. These stressors can cause mental health challenges for students in online learning. Students are prone to feelings of loneliness, and they experience higher rates of anxiety and depression.
Testing the Hypothesis
Through Google form survey (Google Form Questionnaire) we’ve disseminated our online questionnaires to selected 20 interviewees for a duration of 2 weeks. 17 interviewees responded with their corresponding answers about their struggles in online learning.
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Out of 17 responses, 12 students in question no. 3 have answered YES that they are in constant difficulty in managing their time in online learning.
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And 8 students have answered in question no. 1 that they have experience anxiety, pressure, and depression.
Team's Decision
Together with my group mates, we have identified the solution at the same time a problem that will apt our capacity for it to be pacified. Realistically, we chose to explore the business of software application development that can directly provide the needs of students in terms of time management and well-being status.
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[Suggestions of Ideas]
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[Final Decision: App Services]
Lesson Learned
Having this group activity really gave me insight into how to plan a business model by knowing the customers' struggles. With the customer pain points that we have gathered, which help us as a team to brainstorm and exchange ideas, we have finally come up with a solution that would possibly address our customers' needs through a software application.
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