5 April, 2024.
let’s try this again, shall we?
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11th December, 2023.
it’s been a long time since i’ve made a post. last post was made on february. yawn.
well, is there any progress? none. at all. i wasted the whole year. in fact, i gained.
i have many many ulcers currently.
current BMI: 27.
goal bmi: 17.
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February 26, 2023.
I drank 4 glasses of coca-cola today. Ate instant noodles today. Haven’t worked out since months. I didn’t wash my face before going to bed. Went to bed at 4:45 am. And I’ll probably wake up around 2 pm.
Do Better.
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non saggy tits >>
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hey you, whoever’s reading this ! it’s eden here ♡
i’m 21 , and i’m overweight, broke, and overall not doing too well in life.
yep, that’s my introduction.
anyways, this is kind of my log in of my progress (or regress !! ). it’s upto you if you want to join me on my journey ~ no pressure !!
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my bmi :
height ~ 5’0
cw ~ 132 lbs
bmi ~ 25.8
gw ~ 95 lbs
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measurements :
will calculate precisely and update…
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what this account is NOT :
this isn’t a pro- ana or ed blog. it’s a weight loss and self growth blog.
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warning :
there might be 18+ mentions in this blog so if you do decide to follow, for any reason, follow at your own conclusion.
♡welcome !
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