ecozuk · 3 years
All about ECO Swaps
Hello everyone and welcome
Today it’s all about eco-swaps.  What can we swap?  How easy will it be? Will, it cost a lot?
I don’t know about you, but I love finding new and innovative ways to help save our planet. Even if it’s time-consuming and seems quite complicated. I’ll give it a go and keep at it until I know what I’m doing (or at least I think that I know what I’m doing). For example:
1. Try making your own bread. I tried and failed a few times but now that I have the hang of it, I love it. My husband and children love freshly made bread with homemade soup and neither of these things takes too much time, however, think about how many loaves of bread you eat, and the amount of plastic associated with that!
2. Start buying from your local milkman if you don’t already. It’s just great opening the door to find your milk and eggs ready for breakfast. Not only does the milk come in glass bottles (check with your milkman before ordering as some still use plastic bottles), but you’re helping the local economy as well.
3. Buy solid soaps, shampoos and conditioners. They may seem more expensive, but they last so much longer than bottled ones and there is absolutely no waste whatsoever.
4. Make your own jam. Oh, my goodness, I hadn’t realised just how easy this was. My mother-in-law brought over some plumbs that she had been given and I made a lovely plum jam with them. We always have an abundance of rhubarb from friends and so I make a lovely rhubarb and ginger jam. You can make as much or as little as you want as the recipes are so easy to adapt to whatever fruit you have and whatever amount you have. Give it a go, you won’t be going back to the shops to buy any if you do!
5. Get yourself a reusable coffee/tea mug and take it everywhere with you (although at the moment with covid, not everywhere will let you use them). You even get discounts in some coffee shops for using your own mug/cup.  They aren't expensive and last sooooo long!
6. Start composting if you haven’t already started. Your fruit and veg peel can go in there, eggshells, plant clipping and so much more. Then your set for gardening once it’s all composed down. It’s such a waste putting all of this in the bin for landfill when it can do so much good for your garden.
7. Eat less meat. I was reading some information recently which basically said that - we need to make huge reductions in meat-eating in order to avoid dangerous climate change. In western countries, beef consumption needs to fall by at least 90% and should be replaced by beans and pulses - I have to say that I actually prefer beans and pulses and it’s guilt-free eating too – win, win.
8. If hummus is your thing then why not make your own.  Follow this link hummus for a tried and tested recipe that I found.  It's oh so yummy.  Try it with fresh basil leaves too- double the yumminess.
9. Use wax wraps and or reusable lids instead of clingfilm. Once used just wash/rinse and they are ready to be used again. No more cling film to buy so in the end your saving money and helping the planet.
10. Have you tried taking a reusable container with you when you go for a takeaway? Give it a go, you’ll be helping the shop as they won’t be providing their own.  You'll be helping the planet too. My local café does take out food and I always take my own containers which they are happy to fill for me.
I’ve started making my own soaps and soap dishes to match which I’m hoping will be ready before I think that they are amazing and will make a lovely addition to your bathroom or present for someone.
I thought that I would finish with a quote that I’ve just seen as it sums up what everyone should be thinking (at least that’s what I think).
‘“The natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have, and we need to defend it"
Keep up the good work guys. Together we can make a difference, together we can save our planet. I’ll be back in touch shortly with more info.
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ecozuk · 3 years
How can you make a difference to the planet every day?
We all know the planet is under threat and that action needs to be taken now to preserve it for future generations. What’s not so obvious is what each of us can do on a daily basis to make sure we’re contributing to its survival.
One simple step we can all take is to commit to buying eco-friendly products. And the first thing to achieving that is finding plastic-free products as alternatives for some of the everyday items we use.
At Eco Z, we’re committed to supplying affordable products so everyone can play their part.
Eco-Friendly Products UK
Our range includes:
·         Reusable bamboo sanitary pads
·         Fete bamboo toothbrush
·         Coconut dish brush
·         Coconut scourers
·         Linen produce bags
·         Cotton produce bags
·         Mesh produce bags
·         Much, much more
See the full range and find the products that would have the biggest impact on your life by heading to our online store and searching for alternatives to the products you use most regularly.
Now is the time to act. Now is the time for each of us to do our little bit to make a brighter future.
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ecozuk · 3 years
5 Reasons why you should switch to Using Bamboo Products
We’re all looking at ways we can help protect the planet switching to products such as bamboo cutlery and other bamboo products is a great life choice. But why is choosing bamboo product so good for the environment?
 It’s naturally renewable and can grow to full size in as little as 3 months (most trees take around 30 years to reach maturity.
 It’s light but incredibly strong – hence its nickname, ‘green steel’. It’s durable enough to last and more environmentally friendly to transport than many other materials.
 It’s naturally safe. Bamboo contains bamboo Kun, an antimicrobial bio-agent that prevents bacteria and germs from growing on bamboo products. Which is why bamboo terry towelling is so kind to babies?
 It’s good for the community. Bamboo products may be new to some areas of the world, but creating everyday items from bamboo is a traditional craft. When you shop bamboo, you help keep communities that rely on the production of bamboo products thriving.
  Bamboo is good for the environment. Bamboo absorbs twice as much carbon dioxide as trees and provides up to 30% more oxygen than most plants. So, bamboo forests help provide clean air.
Eco Z
, we want to help everybody live a more sustainable life by choosing
plastic-free products.
Check out our store to find how you can do your bit to look after the earth.
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ecozuk · 3 years
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