ecodruid · 28 days
This is so cool!!
It’s really hard to identify bird eggs since there’s a ton of overlap between species (and a ton of variation within species). I don’t know where this picture was taken, but based on nest shape and the egg, I’m going to guess some sort of sparrow. But the best way to tell is just to see what the parent(s) look like. Apps like Merlin Bird ID are really great at identifying birds for you.
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ecodruid · 29 days
When I say "connect with nature" I don't just mean the aesthetic forests with deer and beautiful flowers.
I mean the weeds growing through concrete, the fungus that grows on the rotten shed, the nettles that always seem to return and the scary, spindly cellar spider in the corner of the bathroom.
Nature is not always pretty or magical - the pigeons and seagulls you swat at are nature too, the wasps and flies that hover by your meals are animals too, store-bought strawberries and the leaves that fall from your neighbour's tree are not all that different from the Giant Sequoias and it's seeds.
If you want to connect and understand nature, I mean *really* connect to it, in it's entirety, you have to seek out and learn about the ugly, scary and mundane things as well. You don't have to like it, just don't forget that it's there.
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ecodruid · 29 days
I just think that having altars to the gods in our homes is so beautiful. It’s a practise that’s been carried down for thousands of years no matter how hard people have tried to wipe it out.
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ecodruid · 2 months
hot take but if you're going to be participating in any religion (INCLUDING PAGAN RELIGIONS) you have to research about the culture itself first.
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ecodruid · 2 months
there’s too much mysticism with witchcraft online I need some more boring pagans and wiccans in my life
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ecodruid · 3 months
If you're leaving Christianity and getting into some form of paganism, you should check and see whether you've got any internalized "faithmaxxing/worshipmaxxing is the only true way to be spiritual" going on, and if so, work on it. Stuff like thinking you need to have perfect faith in your deities at all times or thinking you need to practice 3.5 spells per day to be A Real Witch. You're going to mess yourself up if you carry on with that.
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ecodruid · 3 months
The World Tree and the Awen
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I’ve been listening to The Book of Hedge Druidry by Johanna Vanderhooven on Spotify. And, I ended up drawing the World Tree as I interpreted it from her description.
Something about Vanderhooven’s way of explaining things really resonates with me and I always forget how much warmth and homeliness I feel with the Celtic paths. And the learning of Hedge Druidry, which seems to be a slightly more structured Hedge Witchcraft path, is no different.
I drew the World Tree, which tends to be an oak in some Celtic traditions, with the Three Cauldrons representing the three world. Awen flows through, around, and between the Three Cauldrons both as water and neon water or threads. There’s stars and branches in the background. And honestly? I kinda just did this to play around with Ibis Paint since I just downloaded it.
I found the art quite meditating and I could see the World Tree in my mind. Both as clear as day and as fuzzy as a dream the moment you try to recall it after waking up.
Awen was the most beautiful part to me. The energy that connects us all—to the divine, to the ancestors, to each other, to the earth we live, to each world and the Axis Mundi *itself*, to the plants and animals, to *Everything Everywhere All At Once*—came across as three different colored liquidy threads that *glowed*.
It was truly a beautiful sight. One that I am pleased with my attempt at putting down on canvas.
If anyone has any Celtic ( mainly Insular Celtic / Arthurian ) resources, feel free to share! And hopefully the next piece of artwork will be just as beautiful.
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ecodruid · 3 months
Respecting Nature: How to Be an Eco-Friendly Witch.
Witchcraft and nature have an unbreakable bond—one that invites us to celebrate and protect the very world that inspires our craft. As stewards of the Earth, it's essential to practice our craft with the utmost respect for nature. Embracing eco-friendly witchcraft not only honors the environment but also deepens our connection to the magic that surrounds us.
In this blog post, we'll explore the art of "Respecting Nature: How to Be an Eco-Friendly Witch," discovering the importance of eco-conscious practices and offering alternative, sustainable tools to traditional witchcraft practices.
1. Sustainable Altar Decor 🌿
Consider incorporating natural and biodegradable altar decorations like leaves, flowers, and twigs instead of synthetic materials. These elements not only infuse your space with a touch of the Earth but also return to it without harming the environment.
2. Eco-Friendly Candles 🕯️
Opt for candles made from sustainable materials like soy or beeswax. These alternatives burn cleanly, emit fewer toxins, and support eco-conscious practices. You can also repurpose candle stubs into new candles, reducing waste.
3. Ethical Crystal Sourcing 💎
When collecting crystals for your practice, research ethical sources and suppliers. Be mindful of the environmental impact of crystal mining and choose to support companies that prioritize sustainability and fair labor practices.
4. DIY Herbal Magic 🌿
Grow your own herbs and harvest them responsibly for spells and rituals. This not only ensures their freshness but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with store-bought herbs. Consider creating your own herbal oils and teas, infusing your magic with the essence of your garden.
5. Natural Incense and Alternatives 🌬️
Explore natural incense options made from herbs, resins, or dried flowers. You can also choose sustainable alternatives like dried sage or palo santo sticks from ethically sourced providers. Remember to set your intentions and respect for the environment.
6. Biodegradable Offerings 🍃
If you offer food or other offerings to deities or spirits, choose biodegradable options. Fruit, bread, or grains return to the Earth without harm, symbolizing your gratitude for nature's gifts.
7. Sustainable Journaling 📓
For your magical journal, opt for notebooks made from recycled paper or even explore digital journaling to reduce paper usage. This mindful practice also preserves trees and forests.
Being an eco-friendly witch aligns our practice with the very essence of witchcraft—an appreciation for the natural world and a commitment to living in harmony with it. As we tread lightly upon the Earth, our magic deepens, and our connection to the elements flourishes.
So, let us continue to embrace the magic of nature while protecting it, weaving eco-conscious practices into our craft's tapestry. By honoring the Earth, we honor ourselves and the beautiful world we call home.
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ecodruid · 3 months
Dear witches: my friend wants to do some witchcraft for their birthday. Any good resources/suggestions?
For context, I’m pagan, but I have only really dabbled in witchcraft over the years. I have experience in Druidic rituals, but not as much in actual spell work.
My friend’s birthday party is in a couple weeks, and they want to have some fun, relatively lighthearted witchcraft. I have access to basically any sort of witchy materials, but I would love suggestions on what we could do to celebrate my friend’s birthday and help them through this next year. Currently, I’m just thinking about doing a more involved birthday candle/wish ritual (since that’s basically witchcraft already lol), but I’m open to options. One of my other friends is planning to do tarot readings since he has more experience with those.
I’m also thinking about creating spell jars before or during the party. That’s actually some of the only witchcraft I’ve done before, but I’ll still take suggestions!
Any advice/resources/suggestions appreciated 💚
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ecodruid · 3 months
Happy summer solstice! I hope you all get to spend a little time out enjoying the sun and the outside air, today ☀️
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ecodruid · 3 months
I still consider myself agnostic. I don’t really make any claims about objective truth. My beliefs and practices are based on my values and what I think is important. I think paganism is fun and helpful for getting me through life.
As I’ve gotten into deity worship and have been more open about it with friends the number one response I get is ‘but you don’t really believe in that do you?’
and yes, I do, but if you MUST argue with me about it
I grew up non religious and described myself as agnostic for a long time, and I do still hold truth in that. I think it’s arrogant to say we know for sure whether there is or isn’t some higher powers. But if there’s really just nothing
it’s fun to believe, it’s motivating, it’s energizing. Even if the gods aren’t ‘real’ in a scientific sense, they are real in my mind.
Even if when I die it’s all been nothing but a placebo effect, that’s okay!!
it’s helped me get by, it’s helped me be happy, and that is enough
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ecodruid · 4 months
For the witches and pagans who need to hear it, connecting with nature is supposed to be about like, actually observing nature over long periods of time, not doing stuff like hoarding endangered bird feathers and beach sand, or just meditating out in aesthetically-pleasing locations. Can you tell me exactly when your wildflowers and weeds start blooming? When do your bugs come out of hibernation? When do migratory birds come and go? How does the air feel during different times of year? If you can't do stuff like that, you aren't connecting with nature.
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ecodruid · 4 months
BTW, the belief that you have to leave where you are and go somewhere in order to connect with nature is part of the problem. You can literally connect with nature anywhere; yes, even in an urban environment. You have birds, bugs, plants, weather, seasons, etc. A lot of people need to stop thinking of nature as something out there and start recognizing that it's something that's already right here.
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ecodruid · 4 months
Name: Alex
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 23
Hello! I’ve had this blog for a bit now, but I thought I’d make a little intro post for those of you who don’t know me. My name is Alex, and I’ve been involved in some flavor of paganism for about 8 years. I did not grow up religious, but I’ve always been very connected to my environment.
Note that this is a side blog! I will follow back, like, comment, etc. from my main blog @koranika which is more eclectic nonsense with an environmentalist tone.
I’m a member of OBOD (Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids) but also vaguely involved with my local ADF branch. I don’t always agree with what those organizations say, but I like having a community. I’m mostly into Druidry and Celtic paganism. You could probably call me a soft polytheist or pantheist. I don’t worry too much about those labels. I’m starting to explore deity work, which I haven’t done much in my practice. I dabble in witchcraft sometimes. I post about things related to all of this.
This blog is NOT open to racists, homophobes, transphobes, TERFs, sexists, or other bigoted rhetoric and beliefs. I will block you. I might also block you for something I haven’t thought of here.
This blog is SFW, so I’ll allow minors to follow/interact, but I will not follow you back. Please do not DM me if you’re under 18.
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ecodruid · 4 months
friendly reminder that you don’t need to spend a ton of money on your altar, and it doesnt need to be a picture-perfect aesthetic.
my altar is almost entirely thrifted, handmade, or gifted. it’s not the most lavish or expensive space, but it suits my needs and honors my goddess.
never feel like you don’t have the right “stuff” for magick- you are more than enough 💗🦢
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ecodruid · 4 months
One of my favorite realizations from biology is that like... every creature is your relative. You look at your sister or brother or your parents and you think "that's my family" and you look at uncles and second cousins and distant relations you've never met and think "well I don't know them as well, but we're all part of the same... clan, you know. They're my family too". Surely not everyone thinks this, but some people do. Well anyway, that same thing is true of your dog. The ants crawling on the ground. The birds in the sky. They are, literally, members of your extended family. Not merely as species but as individuals, the way each brother or cousin is an individual member of your family. There is no line between these things. My distant relation, this guy, this bug crawling around. I'm related to him. We're very different, we've lived different lives and are good at different things. But he's my family.
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ecodruid · 4 months
Welsh Druidic Dates to Remember (Rhod y Flwyddyn):
Calan Gaeaf - 31st Oct/1st Nov
Ivy under the pillow, bonfires and apple bobbing. Jump the veil. If there’s a good time to smoke 🌱 or take 🍄, this is it. Walk barefoot through the woods and listen to the trees. Connect with Earth.
Gwyl Ganol Gaeaf / Alban Arthan - 19th/23rd Dec (Winter Sol.)
Mari Lwyd; engage a loved one in a battle of wits. Play some drinking games. Give thanks to the elements, offer alcohol. Cauldron and mistletoe. Stir it clockwise. Set your intentions. Honor Lleu, the lightgiver.
Gwyl y Canhwyllau - 2nd Feb
Candles and ale, wassail, drinking from a horn. Commune with a river spirit and banish negativity before it can even start. Consume salty foods (in moderation). Connect with Water.
Gwyl Ganol y Gwanwyn / Alban Eilir - 19th/23rd Mar (Spring Equ.)
Watch the rising sun. Plant seeds. Gather daffodils and snowdrops.
Calan Mai - 1st May (Ysbridnos is the eve)
Divination, decorate with hawthorn, drink mead, eat honey. Climb a mountain and speak to its bones. Tell your secrets and wishes to the blistering winds at its summit. Connect with Air.
Gwyl Ganol yr Haf / Alban Hefin - 19th/23rd Jun (Summer Sol.)
Bonfire of 9 woods, storytelling and poetry. Dance until you drop. Watch the sun rise. Another great opportunity to smoke 🌱 or take 🍄. Commune with the fair folk. Spirit yourself away for a while. Get debaucherous with it. Drench yourself in honey. I tend to wash my face with honey-water and eat as much of it as possible: freezing a squeezy bottle and eating it cold is an ✨experience✨. Drink honey mixed with milk, melted butter and rum. Chew up some raw honeycomb.
Calan Awst - 31st Jul/1st Aug
Gathering mistletoe, mugwort tea, honey, baking. Bask in the sun. Connect with Fire.
Gwyl Ganol yr Hydref / Alban Elfed - 19th/23rd Sept (Autumn Equ.)
Welcome in and honour Arawn. Feast. Create a spiral of stones in a sacred place, obtain a black and a white candle. Obtain a stone from a special place, and an apple. Place the white candle at the outer spiral, and the black candle in the centre. Meditate on balance and equilibrium, lighting the white candle and walking the spiral inward to the black. Light the black candle. Place your stone and your apple between them, and sit down. Find your balance. Then devour the apple. Eat it as your body dictates. Do not pussyfoot; give in.
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