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eclecticmartian · 3 years ago
aaron blackford 🤝 joshua templeman
making a bad first impression because they fell in love at first sight
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
you don’t realize how fucked up we all are until you have to explain the tmi plot or any tsc book plot to someone
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
plothole?// the clockwork princess (the infernal devices)
I'm not sure if i didn't get this right or smth but when Tessa changes into ithuriel at the end of clockwork princess, how is he freed?
correct me if I'm wrong but when Tessa changes into somebody she's merely a replica of them with their thoughts. for eg: when she changes into jessamine, nothing happens for instance to jessamine herself, she remains as she is. so when she changes to ithuriel, shouldn't ithuriel still remain in the her clockwork angel pendant while she's merely a exact replica of him?
my question is how does tessa changing into ithuriel essentially free him?
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
just finished reading it for the first time and i agree😩
i’d sell my soul to read the mortal instruments for the first time again
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
Every time I hear Jack talk about how Daniel wrote him a song after he told him about his anxiety, it breaks my heart. It's such a true friendship that it hurts. I felt almost too much as I heard Jack's words or when he was singing.
"It's ridiculous.. and Daniel wrote it, the whole thing. It's a beautiful song."
The look on Jack's face is full of so many different emotions that it breaks me. I hope the boys continue to accompany him on this difficult path.
«We're dancin' on the edge
of anxiety's ledge
And I might fall again
I might fall
Take me somewhere I can be
I can be myself..»
Daniel Seavey the world doesn't deserves u, but Jack does. Jack really does.
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
Hi Cassandra,  In the book of the City of Lost Souls, Simon, with the help of Magnus, invokes Raziel. He just uses an invocation spell, so if the Angel can be invoked with a spell why we must have the Mortal Instruments? Why doesn’t Valentine use an invocation spell, but instead looks for all the Mortal Instruments?— tessadriana
Magnus explains this in CoLS: “There’s a reason the ritual of the Mortal Instruments was so complicated.” Magnus made the sugar bowl float over to himself and dumped some of the white powder into his coffee. “Angels act at the behest of God, not human beings—not even Shadowhunters. Summon one, and you’re likely to find yourself blasted with divine wrath. The whole point of the Mortal Instruments ritual wasn’t that it allowed someone to summon Raziel. It was that it protected the summoner from the Angel’s wrath once he did appear.” The Mortal Instruments aren’t the only way to summon an angel. They protect the summoner from divine wrath. The Mark of Cain is the only other protection we know of that was able to fulfill the same purpose: “What happened in the pentagram, with Azazel, made me think,” said Simon. “You said summoning angels is more dangerous than summoning demons, because they might smite down the person who summoned them, or scorch them with Heavenly fire. But if I did it …” His voice trailed off. “Well, I’d be safe, wouldn’t I?” That snapped Magnus’s attention back. “You? Summon an angel?” “You could show me how,” said Simon. “I know I’m not a warlock, but Valentine did it. If he did it, shouldn’t I be able to? I mean, there are humans who can do magic.” “I couldn’t promise you’d live,” Magnus said, but there was a spark of interest in his voice that belied the warning. “The Mark is Heaven’s protection, but does it protect you against Heaven itself? I don’t know the answer.” “I didn’t think you did. But you agree that out of all of us I probably have the best chance, right?” Having Simon summon Raziel was a complete gamble, but it was one that worked out.
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
I wAsN’t rEadY
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
minding your business while lowkey judging people like
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
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Corbyn: WOAHHHH 
Daniel: -scrolling through instagram- PFT. That dress is so last year 
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
when we made fallin'
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
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The Secret Cinema (Paul Bartel, 1968)
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
To every parent or adult reading this, I've seen a lot of posts out there talking about limiting our children's screen time. 
However, what people don't understand is, that a lot of adolescents associate their happiness to small things in their life. Their phone or social media could be one of those things. Scrolling through their feed, looking at dog videos, watching videos of their favourite band, listening to music and talking to their friends could make them happy. 
So by taking away your child's phone by force you're deteriorating your child's mental health instead of helping them in any way. Don't be that person. Instead of taking away their phone, try and get them to do other things. Ask them if they want to watch a movie with you, do things they like with them. Spend time with them. Be understanding.
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
It's October?
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my notion of time while quarantined is like this. I can’t believe it’s october already
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eclecticmartian · 4 years ago
Nick: Julie we should be together
Julie: (not wanting to hurt his feelings) Nick I’m not sure-
Nick: If there is any reason me and Julie should not be together send us a sign
* Luke who has been observing this interaction the whole time launches himself across the room to push all the books off of the piano *
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eclecticmartian · 5 years ago
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He’s a good person. He wanted me before I was smart.
GIFTED (2017), dir. Marc Webb
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eclecticmartian · 5 years ago
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eclecticmartian · 5 years ago
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