ecl-blog-jp · 7 years
Major masterplan (top-down), the local authority VS small-scale refurbishment projects / エリアリノベーションと行政 の関係
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After the war, Japan quickly reconstructed itself through major developments - a typical top-down planning process where masterplanners, developers, architects and consultants led the project and delivered to the users. In the book ‘Area Renovation’ by Masataka Baba + Open A (2016), Baba introduces six case studies across Japan that follows the new pattern of ‘area renovation’ - where the lead of the project plans, make/construct and use it. He describes the DIY process as musicians starting an improvised session on street. With major decrease in population, major developments are no longer the best scenario. There are many vacant shops on high streets and old houses that’s been left empty for long time. They find the landlords, negotiate and one by one start renovating the building. In parallel they call out for tenants who would like to be embedded in the neighbourhood to live or start their businesses. Some buildings are used for university students / summer schools to learn about renovation, taught by local construction workers. Out of six case studies, only two projects are in partnership with the local authority. They helped set up a programme / guidance to smoothen the area renovation process with some funding. However others either decided not to ask for support as it will delay the process, or they are not willing to listen. Will an individual and / or a private sector or local authority help bring more industries = more people to the area? Is it better if they all come together or will it bring more issues?
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ecl-blog-jp · 7 years
Walk #01 Sasazuka & Nishihara area / 笹塚・西原の街歩き
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Sasazuka / Nishihara area in Shibuya district is located north-west of Shibuya station and west of Yoyogi Park. It has a friendly neighbourhood vibe with high streets, independent coffee shops / bakery / general stores, small parks and a promenade along the old Tamagawa water supply that allowed Tokyo to grow as a major urban living area during the Edo period (between 16th - 18th century). The hills create interesting landscape with winding roads and stepped-alleyways. The shops along Nishihara shopping street is generally run independently with some new coffee shops / restaurants, some old shops and some vacant shops. I wonder if some of these vacant shops will be taken over by more coffee shops, maybe some high-street shops. Or would it turn into a major development like the rest of Tokyo?
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ecl-blog-jp · 7 years
The challenge of bottom-up urban planning / 自分たちが挑戦する渋谷のまちづくり
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To coincide with 2020 Summer Olympics (Tokyo 2020), there are currently number of large-scale development projects across Tokyo. These are mostly top-down developments, created by developers and local authorities. Shibuya (famous for the Shibuya crossing, one of the busiest intersection in the world) is also going through major changes. There are number of community groups / organisations who have stepped up to challenge developers and test bottom-up developments in Tokyo - one of the example is the Shibuya Hack Project led by one of Tokyo’s private rail company (Tokyu Dentetsu) and a creative agency.
Again there are many groups of people who’s trying to do something by themselves. It’s the same case in London where a number of community organisations are starting some kind of movement to celebrate unique characters of the area through heritage, arts & culture, green features etc. But is it really possible to be aware of what other people in your area are doing? Some groups are big, some are just group of local hangouts. What if you’re doing something similar to the others? I wonder, If they can all come together, could it be the most ideal situation for a bottom-up development? What about people who’s not voicing / aren’t able to voice their thoughts? These questions are going round in circles and I’ll continue to think about it while I take part in this year’s Shibuya Hack Project this coming week - should be interesting! http://shibuyahack.com/
From ‘Doors of Perception’ by sustainability thinker, John Thackara: ‘If we wait for the governments, it’ll be too little, too late. If we act as individuals, it’ll be too little. But if we act as communities it might just be enough, just in time’.
2020年の東京オリンピックもあり、現在東京では色んなエリアで大規模な都市開発が進んでいます。大半は行政やデベロッパーが上に立って計画している、いわゆるトップダウン型の都市開発。渋谷もそのひとつです。長年渋谷に地のある東京急行電鉄(東急電鉄)とクリエイティブ・エージェンシーが2016年に始めたShibuya Hack Projectは自分たちの手で渋谷のこれからの都市づくりをボトムアップ型で挑戦しているプロジェクトです。
渋谷を良く知るクリエイターや地域住民たちから見る渋谷はどんなまちでしょう?こういった活動は東京もロンドンも一緒です。まちの景色を眺めると、大きなクレーンだらけ。新しい複合施設の高層ビルや住宅街がジワジワとできていく中、見慣れた街の景色が少しずつ薄れていく。人や空気も変わっていく。馴染みのある地域で何かしたい、と思う人がたくさんいて、その人たちが集まってプロジェクトを立ち上げる。その地域の中でもそういったグループがたくさんいるのは素晴らしい。皆別に対立している訳ではない。でも、お互いどんな活動をしているか全てを把握できるのは可能なのでしょうか?市民ホールを借りて活動しているグループもいれば、仲良しメンバーが居酒屋で集まって活動作戦しているグループもいる。皆似たような事をそれぞれやるより、その地域に対する熱を持ったグループが一つになって何かする事の方が理想的なボトムアップ型の都市づくりなのかも?でも、市民の声は人それぞれ。まずはリサーチして実践して見ることが大切。それを進めていけば、個々の声に応えられるボトムアップ型の都市づくりを全うできるのか?と、日々考えさせられる課題です。今年のShibuya Hack Projectのイベントに参加する中引き続きこの課題を頭の中ぐるぐるさせます。http://shibuyahack.com/
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ecl-blog-jp · 7 years
eclective wanders japan
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Hi there! This blog explores one of eclective’s co-founders, Yukie’s journey since she moved to Tokyo in December 2017. She will share her observations and experiences through meeting people, reading articles and wandering the streets of Japan.
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