echo31d · 5 years
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echo31d · 5 years
how is “””pretty boy””” supposed to be an insult i’m the prettiest goddamn boy in town
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echo31d · 5 years
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echo31d · 5 years
alex but he;s alive and lives under a different name somewhere in europe 
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echo31d · 5 years
im gonna try n do some icons later but this is my last week before christmas break and im excited dlkfgjsdf
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echo31d · 5 years
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feel free to change pronouns / wording !
“ we may have a problem. ”
“ looks like someone was playin’ with fire… ”  
“ put ‘em outta their misery. ”  
“ element of surprise is not on our side. ”  
“ who the fuck is this ? ”  
“ your fingerprints are all over this. ”
“ they fucking got him ! ”  
“ you armed up ? ”  
“ can you help him ? ”  
“ you broken ? ”  
“ you saved lives today. ”  
“ this shouldn’t have happened in the first place. ”  
“ lie of the fuckin’ century, that is. ”
“ let’s just take the bloody gloves off and fight. ”  
“ this occupation must end. ”
“ that’ll get their attention. ”
“ too far on that path and we lose ourselves. ”
“ if they see your weapons, they will shoot. ”  
“ this is where we split up. ”  
“ you’re resourceful, good. ”  
“ please - she’s just scared. ”  
“ don’t be a stranger. ”
“ check your shots. ”  
“ get your head on straight. ”  
“ they will kill you ! ”  
“ you’re wasting good ammo. ”  
“ do exactly as you’re told, or you’re a dead man. ”  
“ i chose to take you alive, i can still change my mind. ”  
“ we are all killers here. ”  
“ they’re breaking through now. ”  
“ we need to engage these guys. ”  
“ fuck off. ”  
“ still fighting the good fight. ”  
“ don’t move. ”  
“ keep your head down ! ”  
“ are they armed ? ”  
“ laughter is the best medicine. ”  
“ what happens when the CIA goes to sleep ? they go under cover. ”  
“ nothing but the wind. ”  
“ go on … don’t be shy. ”  
“ i’ll go ahead and make sure it’s safe. ”  
“ look what you did to my leg, you bitch ! ”  
“ i don’t think they saw us. ”  
“ don’t complicate it. ”  
“ we take care of our own here. ”  
“ i’m not asking. ”
“ show me your hands ! ”  
“ rise and shine. ”
“ we’re cut off, it is only us now. ”  
“ just like old times… ”  
“ too bad we couldn’t kill him twice. ”  
“ what you’re doing is illegal. ”  
“ you look sick … ”  
“ no one is coming to rescue you. ”  
“ you think this is a game, huh ? ”  
“ we will make them pay. ”  
“ even war has a high ground, stay on it. ”  
“ i can get you in. after that you’re on your own. ”  
“ parking here sucks. ”  
“ you can’t hurt me, you weak piece of shit. ”  
“ you tried to be a hero, but you’re just an angry boy. ”  
“ there’s a fine line between right and wrong. ”
“ when you take the gloves off you get blood on your hands. ”  
“ end of the day someone has to make the enemy scared of the dark. ”  
“ we get dirty and the world stays clean. ”  
“ i can do this on my own. ”      
“ best advantage we’ll have is the dark. ”  
“ you have a few more ribs i can break. ”  
“ clear your head. ”  
“ this was a one way trip. ”  
“ i smell blood. ”  
“ don’t make this ugly. ”  
“ we’re all just pawns in this. ”  
“ we’re all a little crazy, aren’t we ? ”  
“ you’re a good friend, and a worse enemy, I’m sure. ”  
“ i’m a long way from a proper pint. ”  
“ that’s classified. ”  
“ this place was nice once. ”  
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echo31d · 5 years
alex things !!
- he’s respectful but also Very Petty - has two sisters! mother and father are alive, but he Very rarely sees his family due to his work. - very skilled at behaviour analysis and psycology! excellent with things like body language and speaking patterns! his job is a lot of convincing people so his people skills gotta be good - he speaks most common languages, or can at least understand them  - his real name is james wilson but u didn’t hear that from me - “what’s ur rank?”  “alex” - my protrayal of alex is turning out to be a Lot More chaotic and slightly feral than he seems to be in canon but this man knows Exactly how much snark and sarcasm he can get away with without consequence  - he’s bisexual thank u
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echo31d · 5 years
alex vc: with all due respect sir, fuck u
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echo31d · 5 years
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