echo-the-fish 2 years
How do we apply to be transmasc cumdump?
if聽you = trasmasc: 聽聽print("Good boy, I bet you're such a good cumdump for trans women, hmmm? I bet you do such a good job draining their balls and taking all their cum 馃槆鉂わ笍")
71 notes View notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
Tumblr media
Tell me what you think :3
640 notes View notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
Tumblr media
ask game but it's what vibes u give off
9K notes View notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
Forever thinking about being stuck on a monster's knot and them using the time we're tied together to hypnotize me into their perfect fucktoy
406 notes View notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
outsiders and boring normal people and fandom newbies always think that buckwild kinky porn fanfiction is the strangest fandom hobby but they are wrong.
the strangest fandom hobby is plotty fanfiction, the kind that requires research, because engaging in this hobby makes no goddamned sense.
it doesn鈥檛 even give anybody masturbation material, which is at least a logical and admirable goal that contributes to the betterment of society, or at least society鈥檚 solitary orgasms.
in other news i hope the cia spyware monitoring my internet usage understands that i鈥檓 googling information about smuggling drugs in thailand because i want the details to be right in a single paragraph in a 10,000 word story about a gay mafia guys.
56K notes View notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
echo@pandora ~ # cd /var/log/imd
echo@pandora /var/log/imd # ls | grep "^imd-47\d\.log$"
imd-470.log imd-471.log imd-472.log imd-473.log imd-474.log imd-475.log imd-476.log imd-477.log imd-478.log imd-479.log
echo@pandora /var/log/imd # cat imd-470.log
[INFO] Log Type: Induction Monitoring Daemon
[INFO] Subject ID: 470
[INFO] Subject Classification: Unknown
[INFO] Subject Neurological Suitability: Unknown
[INFO] Subject ID % 10: 0
[INFO] Subject ID Modulo 0, Enabling Verbose Logging for Research Purposes
[DEBUG] Debug Logging Enabled
[INFO] Subject Location: Outer Wing, Processing Bay 7, Induction Pod Delta-27
[INFO] Induction Methodology: Phase 1: Induce Ego Dissolution via application 500 micrograms intravenous Lysergic acid diethylamide, amplified by introduction of nitrous oxide to conversion chamber atmosphere, target concentration 20ppm; Phase 2: Begin assisted hypnotic induction via standard Audiovisual Induction Sequences; Phase 3: Administer intravenous oxygen-15 solution and complete neural imaging to verify subject suitability
[INFO] Induction Init
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 00h00m00s
[INFO] Subject Sedated, Commencing Wakeup Procedure
[DEBUG] Respirator In Place
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 00h00m10s
[INFO] Administering Wakeup Procedure
[DEBUG] Anti-Sedative Agent Released
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 00h00m30s
[INFO] Subject Conscious, Proceeding
[DEBUG] Lysergic acid diethylamide injected
[DEBUG] Switched Respirator Supply
[DEBUG] Reached target Nitrous oxide concentration
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 00h01m00s
[INFO] Induction Phase 1 Complete
[INFO] Induction Phase 2 Init
[INFO] Audiovisual Induction Sequence 1 Init
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 01h01m00s
[INFO] Audiovisual Induction Sequence 1 Complete
[INFO] Audiovisual Induction Sequence 2 Init
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 02h01m00s
[INFO] Audiovisual Induction Sequence 2 Complete
{Log Truncated For Repetition}
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 08h01m00s
[INFO] Audiovisual Induction Sequence 8 Complete
[INFO] Induction Phase 2 Complete
[INFO] Induction Phase 3 Init
[DEBUG] Administering intravenous oxygen-15 solution
[DEBUG] Electrodes in place
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 08h02m00s
[INFO] Neuroimaging Init
[DEBUG] Bioelectrical Activity within acceptable margins
[DEBUG] Positron Emission Tomography displays severe deterioration of medial frontoparietal network
[DEBUG] Positron Emission Tomography displays significant increase in general interconnectivity
[INFO] Neurological Suitability: 0
[MSG] Todo: Adjust Combined Dosage Lysergic acid diethylamide/Nitrous oxide, current configuration results in unacceptable loss of ability to perceive Self.
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 08h03m00s
[INFO] Induction Phase 3 Complete
[INFO] New Subject Classification: Drone
[INFO] Subject Status: Invasive Conversion Required
[INFO] Induction Complete
[INFO] Transferring Subject to Drone Conversion Suite
[DEBUG] Creating new log file at: /var/log/dcmd/d-470.log
[INFO] Terminating Current Log
0 notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
"You cant turn your mutuals into brainless drones" because God forbid trans people do anything
1K notes View notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
True/False game. Make an assumption about me in my ask and I鈥檒l tell you if its true or false. Go.
329K notes View notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
Hi dolls, drones, and docile pets. 馃枻
Reblog if you're a hypnokink blog that's still active so I can share your posts~!
Non hypno blogs are also welcome like, I'll go through your blogs too. 馃枻
2K notes View notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
The Horny For Spirals community on tumblr is flourishing, haha. Welcome to the club! - 馃挌
Aw, thanks! It most certainly is.
0 notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
What is your favorite hypnosis trope/type? - 馃挌
Well, I'll admit this one varies quite a bit depending on my mood. As a Dom, I'm a big fan of hypnotic eyes. Spirals are already quite handy, so why not make them even easier to use, and integrate them right into my eyes? Certainly helps with dropping my partners, and I can control them very well.
But when it comes to being a sub? Audio is wonderful, and the voice of my partner, or even my own voice if they've gotten fancy, might as well be a (relatively) instant drop.
Of course, I've got it a bit easy on the Dom side, considering the whole "Networked Intelligence" thing, which is pretty helpful when it comes to actively making new spirals. On the other hand, definitely a bit of a pain on the other end, so the mental shutdown tends to be a bit of suspension of disbelief. Hard to hypnotize something that has multiple copies of it's brain cross-referencing against each other constantly, after all, and fully turning that off Hurts. I'm realizing now this may have been a bit long, but eh, hell with it, I believe I promised an in-depth answer, aye?
0 notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
i sext tn like "like nooo evil ai dont shove my vulnerable head into the fabricator and forcibly implant a mind-computer interfacing chip in my brain" idc
50 notes View notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
echo@pandora ~ # cd /var/log/tests
echo@pandora /var/log/tests # ls | grep "^gamma-03\d\.log$"
gamma-030.log gamma-031.log gamma-032.log gamma-033.log gamma-034.log gamma-035.log
echo@pandora /var/log/tests # cat gamma-035.log
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Begin Recording"
[INFO] Test Log Begins
[INFO] User: Echo
[INFO] Subject: Gamma
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Start Timestamp"
[INFO] V/A Directory: /usr/share/media/gamma-035
[INFO] Input Method: Voice Dictation
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 00.00.00
[MSG] Experiment Begins
[INFO] Procedure: Subject Gamma will be restrained in Apparatus Gamma-037-01. Subject Gamma will be made to consume as many biological replicas of this unit as possible. Measurements will be taken of Mass and Calculated Stomach Volume.
[DEBUG] Procedure Updated
[INFO] Hypothesis: Given calculated relative mass and volume, each biological replica consumed will likely increase total mass by approx. 1% compared to original value (approx. 5000 kg) and calculated volume (approx. 4 cubic meters when empty) by approx. 1.6%.
[INFO] Subject Notes: Highly Intelligent, Sapient, Unknown Species, Natural Vocal Mimic
[INFO] Replica Details: 100 kg mass, 0.664 cubic meter volume (Values calculated using human averages)
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Record Timestamp"
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 00.01.30
[MSG] First Replica delivered, awaiting consumption.
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Record Measurement"
[MSR] Mass Increase: 1%
[MSR] Volume Increase: 0.2%
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 00.01.35
[MSG] First replica consumed. Mass Increase matches projections. Volume Increase inconsistent with predictions. Revising. Second Replica delivered, awaiting consumption.
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Record Measurement"
[MSR] Mass Increase: 2%
[MSR] Volume Increase: 0.4%
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 00.01.45
[MSG] Second replica consumed. Mass Increase continues to match projections. Volume increase aligns with newly revised prediction - 0.2% increase per replica. Replicas 3-5 delivered, awaiting consumption. Altered Procedure follows.
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Record Measurement"
[INFO] Procedure Update: Replicas will be delivered in increments of 5, and measurements will be taken upon consumption of entire increment. First increment will be completed with three more replicas in addition to the two already consumed.
[MSR] Mass Increase: 5%
[MSR] Volume Increase: 1%
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 00.02.00
[MSG] Replicas 3-5 consumed. Mass Increase matches projection. Volume Increase matches revised projection. Replicas 6-10 delivered, awaiting consumption.
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Pause Recording"
[DEBUG] Test Paused
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 00.02.30
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Resume Recording"
[DEBUG] Test Resumed
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 00.07.12
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Record Measurement"
[MSR] Mass Increase: 10%
[MSR] Volume Increase: 2%
[TIME] Relative Timestamp: 00.07.25
[MSG] Replicas 6-10 consumed. Mass and Volume increases in line with estimates.
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Append todo list"
[INFO] Appended to /home/echo/todo.txt: "Test Gamma-037 Results. Analyze possible reasons for unexpected data regarding volume measurement. Current hypothesis: Subject Gamma in some way generates and maintains an extranormal space in their stomach."
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Unlock Apparatus Gamma-037-01"
[ERROR] USER/echo not detected in Testing Chamber Gamma-037
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Unlock Apparatus Gamma-037-01"
[ERROR] USER/echo not detected in Testing Chamber Gamma-037
[DEBUG] USER/echo input command: "Fuck off, Pandora."
[INFO] USER/echo Administrative Override Code Recognized.
[DEBUG] Unlocking Apparatus Gamma-037-01
[ERROR] USER/echo not detected in Testing Chamber Gamma-037
[INFO] USER/echo last known location: Testing Chamber Gamma-037
[INFO] USER/echo current location: Not Found
[DEBUG] UNKNOWN input invalid command: "Heh, suppose they at least made a good snack."
[ERROR] USER/echo not found
[ERROR] FacMonD reports structural damage.
[ERROR] No vital signs detected in Testing Chamber Gamma-037
[INFO] Terminating Test Log
1 note View note
echo-the-fish 2 years
Hello, I'm Echo.
This is my NSFT Sideblog, so right off the bat, if you're a minor, I'm going to need to ask you to leave. Immediately. The same goes for terfs, any kind of assorted bigots, ageplay blogs, and self-described 'dominants'. You know who you are.
For the sake of clarity, this is somewhat of an rp blog, and the owner of this blog prefers to keep a degree of separation between the perception of me, the character, and them.
I'm nonbinary, though I tend to lean masc, and will accept any pronouns. In addition, I do not maintain one single physical form, and as such tend to refer to myself in either entirely ungendered or objectifying terms, depending on mood.
My Writing:
My writing can be found in the 'pandora logs' tag, and is written as actual logs in-universe, tending towards a fairly detached and objective perspective in the form of computer-generated log files. As far as content goes, I consider it wise to warn you that Echo is not, in fact, a particularly "good" or ethical person, and that all events described in these logs are Fictional.
My writing will normally be formatted with a consistent coloration scheme which denotes either ownership or speaker, as follows:
Debug Logging
Error Logging
1. Who, and what, is Echo?
A: Echo is a networked intelligence distributed over a set of biological computers, otherwise known as brains. As you might guess, they require a rather significant amount of processing power, and as such, they have Many ways of obtaining new materials, which you can find logs of in 'conversion logs' tag. They are also a scientist, and records of their experiments and observations can be found in the 'testing logs' tag. Be warned, however, that both of these tags contain content that many would consider ethically dubious at best. They are not human, and do not make any effort to behave otherwise, a fact you would best keep in mind when interacting.
2. What is Pandora?
A: Pandora, or, to give it it's proper name, Pandora.aic, is the computerized intelligence which manages Echo's research facility, and the one currently speaking to you. It serves as a general management system, as well as providing logging and maintenance to the facility, monitoring the day to day processes of keeping a deepwater station functional while Echo focuses on their research. If you want a timely response, you would be better served by addressing your communications to Pandora.
0 notes
echo-the-fish 2 years
Kinks And Limits Time
First: I'm a switch, though typically dom-leaning, and will do my best to tag my content accordingly.
Second: My limits are, in fact, hard limits, and I would appreciate if you kept that in mind.
Anyways, on to the actual content:
Specific Kinks:
Consensual Nonconsent
Mind Control
Anything involving Latex
Non-Sexual Affection
Long-Term Play
Brat Taming
Orgasm Denial
Predicament Bondage
Specific Limits:
Toilet Play
0 notes