Best Protein Smoothies On the Go
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How to Improve Protein Intake in Smoothies
Do you believe that you get daily required protein? You’re exercising more, but are you having trouble getting enough protein? Then try these protein smoothies!
If you are interested in your health, you probably already know that smoothies are a great way to improve your diet and increase protein intake. You probably know that protein is a significant part of performing a proper diet without adding fat every day.
We have compiled healthy alternatives to increase protein intake without consuming more meat or protein powder.
Because of medical reasons or the lifestyle they follow, not everyone eats meat. It is also known that everyone does not like protein powders. Finally, we believe that this does not mean that you cannot have a balanced diet. We then share the smoothie recipes that we have compiled healthy alternatives to increase protein intake without consuming more meat or protein powders.
  1. Chickpeas Protein Smoothie
Yeah, yeah, you didn’t hear it wrong. We haven’t lost our minds. Chickpeas are not only used for soup or cold starters. In fact, it is a protein-rich and low-calorie legume. So why not the chickpea smoothie? If you’re not saying that you’re a victim of prejudices.
A cup (250 g) of cooked chickpea, has only 100 calories and 22% of your daily protein that you need.
To prepare this protein-filled smoothie, you must first powder it. This way, you can prepare and store it whenever you need it. In it, you will need a good blender in the blades sharp. You can check the best blenders from the list below.
10 Recommended and Most Used Best Juice Extractors for 2019
Now it’s time to answer the question of how to make the chickpea smoothie.
Chickpea Smoothie
2 tablespoons of chickpea powder 30 g
1 slice of pineapple
1 cup of spinach 250 g
2 celery stalks
1 cup of almond milk 250 ml
An ice cube
Mix all ingredients until thoroughly mixed; then immediately.
  2. Smoothie with cottage cheese
Who doesn’t like the taste and texture of cottage cheese? It looks like yogurt, creamy, and delicious. Moreover, without any added sugar, it gives a slight sweet flavor. Besides, cottage cheese is a healthy option that avoids the sudden increase in blood sugar and satisfies the desire to eat.
Because it is a dairy product, it is an excellent option to increase your protein intake. This smoothie is a great taste you have to taste. We highly recommend it!
The cottage cheese contains about 14 grams of protein per half-cup (125 g).
2 tablespoons of cottage cheese 30 g
1 cup of frozen raspberries 250 g
1 cup of coconut milk 250 ml
2 pieces of star anise
Mix all ingredients and consume immediately.
  How to make cottage cheese? The trick at making cottage cheese at home.
The taste of yogurt and cheese made from fresh milk is still on our palates. Especially those milk-smelling, fresh cheeses… Recently, this tradition has been forgotten for a long time; our tables filled with more industrial cheese. But none can replace those cheeses. So let’s start to make our own cheese at home. No, no, don’t be scared. From the most basic cheese making to the selection of milk, as we progress a little more from the cheese to the cheese will share everything with you.
So let’s start making delicious cheeses, where you’ll be rightly proud of saying! I did it ‘!
Raw or pasteurized: How important is the choice of milk?
Before we start making cheese, we want to clarify one of the most curious topics. One of the most asked questions about yogurt yeast is pasteurized milk or raw milk preferable. We prefer raw milk. Raw milk is structurally more suitable for cheese making. Pasteurized milk is free of all germs, longer-lasting dairy, but many processes undergo some structural changes. For this reason, it is more difficult to keep the yeast and make unleavened cheese.
It is the most logical method to use the pasteurization process in your home; therefore, if you want to make cheese at home, fresh, raw milk to be at hand. Thanks to the raw milk, you can easily reach the desired results. It is possible that you will be disappointed with pasteurized milk.
Is cheese unleavened?
We want to clarify something before we start making cheese. Cheese can be obtained in two different ways in the house. As you can do using yeast, you can also prepare your cheeses without yeast. When you are using yeast, you can obtain a “sourdough” from local or organic products that you can trust in a nearby family. When you want to make, unleavened operations will be a little longer. In this case, you will need to use materials such as whey, lemon, or vinegar.
So don’t worry that you don’t have yeast. It is possible to make cheese as well. If you have yeast, with peace of mind, you can make delicious cheeses in a more practical way. But be careful about the yeast. Healthy, unspoiled, must be preferred in the right conditions yeast. Now that we know about this, we’re starting to make cheese …
Let’s start with the classic: How to make cottage cheese at home?
Sometimes due to the structure of the milk, due to the imbalance of the temperature is cut when the milk is boiled. Milk is not poured at this stage. They are made from cottage cheese as misler. Cheeses contain less fat than other cheeses. Especially for those who are dieting and want to keep their weight under control will be an excellent choice to consume cottage cheese. Let’s see how it’s done. The process begins with the cessation of milk. Let’s start by counting our materials:
Ingredients: (For about 150-200 grams)
1.5 kg. raw milk
1 lemon or 1/2 teacup of apple, grape or vinegar
1 teaspoon salt to sweeten (optional)
Preparation: Transfer your milk into a deep saucepan and start boiling at low heat. Let your milk begin to boil. Then add lemon juice or vinegar and mix. You will begin to observe cuts in your milk and fragmentation. After you see these cuts, boil for a few more minutes. Start collecting the cheese with the help of a colander. Put all the cheese aside and put them on a clean cheesecloth. Place a strainer under the cheesecloth. Place strainer and gauze on a deep container. Tighten the water nicely. In this way, soak all the water in the cheesecloth until filtered. If you want to sweeten, add salt at this stage.
Your cottage cheese is ready when all its juice is filtered. You can store the cottage cheese in a container with a lid and store it in the refrigerator. Olive oil, thyme can be consumed with ingredients such as sweeteners. We recommend that you consume within a few days as it does not contain any preservatives. You can use the remaining water in the pot as whey by transferring it into the jar for your next cheese productions.
  3. Pumpkin Core Protein Smoothie
Even if you usually use two or three kinds of seeds, it is not new to provide your protein intake from seeds. However, eating pumpkin seeds, healthy fats, fiber, and protein is a delicious way to eat. You are also rich in magnesium; in this way, they help regulate blood pressure and maintain bone density. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the amount and quality of the seeds you eat.
Because they have high oil content, they can have a lot of calories. Modern versions are usually sold in various serving sizes and contain a lot of salt. That’s why you should buy a pumpkin seed. You can choose a core of shelled or unshelled, but it should be salt-free.
Two tablespoons of pumpkin seeds contain 5 grams of protein.
Pumpkin Core Protein Smoothie
Prep Time 5 minutes
Calories 420 kcal
1 pear
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds 30 g
1 cup of cabbage 250 g
1 cup of soy milk 250 ml
First, mix and mix all the ingredients. 
Add some cinnamon if you want to add extra flavor.
4. Soft Tofu and Chocolate Protein Smoothie
If you are away from lactose, you should eat tofu regularly or choose lactose-free milk and dairy products. Tofu has a smooth texture, which is an excellent alternative to cheese, and always has a pleasant and creamy structure.
In addition to being an excellent alternative to increase your protein intake, it contains essential amino acids. It is a unique natural recipe for removing hot flashes caused by menopause. It strengthens your bones with isoflavones that mimic estrogen.
120 grams of tofu provides 4 grams of protein.
Soft Tofu and Chocolate Protein Smoothie
Prep Time 5 minutes
Calories 312 kcal
1 frozen banana
1 tbsp powder cocoa 15 g
2 tablespoons soft tofu 30 g
One teaspoon of honey 5 g
1 cup of baby spinach 250 g
1 cup of soy milk 250 ml
Combine all ingredients and mix until a creamy and soft blend is obtained.
You can use these protein smoothies to increase your protein intake.
Why are you still thinking? You’ve noticed that eating delicious protein choices isn’t too complicated. What’s more, these protein smoothies allow you to try new flavors.
Finally, we recommend that you include the materials we have mentioned in your daily diet. Even if you’re not used to them yet, you’ll get used to it and become healthier.
Best Protein Smoothies On the Go
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5 New Tasty Detox Smoothie Recipes
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In this excellent guide for detox, we wanted to give you some smoothie recipes that will create a detox effect. First of all, let’s mention what the detox smoothie is and how the contents of the detox smoothie. Detox is to get rid of harmful toxins that are entering our body in various ways and are waiting to be taken out as waste material. The toxins in the body can be removed in a detox diet. To accomplish getting rid of toxins, foods such as red meat, fish, milk, dairy products, bread, and cereals should not be consumed during the detox diet.
But we need to underline that the human body is a complex system. Without knowing anatomy, without knowing the interaction of foods with different foods, medicines, supplements, it is hazardous to direct people to detox without having enough knowledge and experience of people’s illnesses. Therefore, if you are going to apply for the detox diet, you should consult your doctor.
Detox should be both mental and physical purification. You should do detoxing consulting with specialist doctors because you can invite hypoglycemia attacks, fatigue, headaches, severe muscle loss, and many more. The person who takes minimal calories during the detoxification uses protein in the body because there is not enough carbohydrate to consume energy. Therefore, the metabolism also slows down as there is severe muscle loss in the system.
The only thing that accelerates the metabolism is the muscle density in the body, and the muscle is always massive. You’re losing weight quickly during detoxing, but a significant muscle loss occurs in your body. Then, when you start eating regular food, you will lose weight again because the metabolism slows down. During the detox, it can cause some severe illnesses, and surely the transition diet should be done, which accompanied by specialist doctors is very important.
Smoothie Recipes That Will Make A Detox Effect
If you want to be healthy, you need to be free of toxins accumulated in your body because of things such as malnutrition, pollution, or a sedentary lifestyle. You should also do this most healthily and naturally possible:
Eat 100% organic food.
Drink enough water.
Drink detoxifying teas.
Remove harmful foods from your diet.
Make detox smoothies.
We’re all exposed to toxins, so we’ll explain here how to make five detox smoothies to detoxify your body quickly and effectively.
Fuzzy Detox Smoothie
Chard is full of nutrients: folic acid, iron, fiber, and vitamin A are just a few of them. All of these substances are necessary to eliminate toxins in your body, strengthen your immune system, and prevent infectious diseases.
Two pieces of banana
One lemon juice
5 sheets of chard
3 stalks of parsley
3 cups of water (600 ml)
Peel the bananas and put them in a pot.
Add a glass of water and cook for 20 minutes.
Squeeze the lemon.
Wash the chard and parsley.
Add all ingredients to a blender, including bananas and the remaining two glasses of water.
Run until you mix well.
How is it consumed?
To effectively clean your body, we recommend that you consume 1 cup in the morning for the first job in 2 weeks.
What Are the Health Benefits of Chard?
It is an excellent source of C and vitamin K.
It is preventing iron deficiency in the body.
Increases the body’s resistance to diseases by strengthening the immune system.
It benefits the brain. Besides, the disease of our age is suitable for Alzheimer’s disease.
It helps control blood pressure.
The nervous system protects health.
Good for stomach ailments.
Relieves the digestive system. Prevents indigestion.
Regulates blood sugar.
It is suitable for coughing and coughing.
It has diuretic properties.
Cystitis, i.e. urinary tract inflammation, reduces the burning of the urinary tract.
It is suitable for anemia due to anemia. Promotes the production of red blood cells.
It’s good for fatigue and fatigue. It helps fatigue.
It helps the pain in the spleen and kidneys.
As it promotes blood clotting, it prevents bruising and bleeding in the body.
It has an appetizing feature.
Balances blood pressure.
Good against stress and depression.
Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Diabetes has become a disease that many people complain about today. People with diabetes cannot eat everything. They must pay attention to what they eat. People with diabetes or diabetes can easily eat chard. This medicinal vegetable contains syringic acid and fibers that help regulate the blood sugar level. If you are at risk of diabetes or if you have diabetes, you should eat plenty of green leafy vegetables.
It contains significant amounts of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K. It is a plant that protects bone health. It strengthens the bones. It helps the growth and development of bones. It also provides strengthening of the teeth.
It is a vegetable smoothie with antioxidant properties like many green leafy vegetables. Antioxidants contain anti-cancer properties. So it’s protective against cancer. In particular, it helps prevent colon cancer. You can consume this healing vegetable smoothie to protect against cancer.
THE MARKET IS HELPFULLY AGAINST HEMORRHOIDS! If you are looking for a solution against hemorrhoids, you can try and use the market. If the bacon is prepared by spreading the porridge on top of the straw, it is beneficial for hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids. It is also suitable for skin diseases and swelling in the body.
PROTECT EYE HEALTH! It contains high amounts of beta carotene. As a result, it helps to protect eye health. Glaucoma, night blindness, such as eye discomfort, is good.
Peach Detox Smoothie
Peach is known for its water content and is full of antioxidants to help eliminate the toxins accumulated in your gut.
6 pieces of almonds
1 cup of milk (200 ml)
4 peaches
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (5 ml)
1 tbsp honey (25 g)
How to make Peach Detox Smoothie
Add milk almonds and leave for 4 hours.
Wash the peach and remove the seeds.
Then add all ingredients to a blender.
Run for 1 minute.
How is it consumed?
We recommend you to drink this smoothie for breakfast for 8 days.
What are the benefits and vitamins of peach?
It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and phosphorus. Here are the effects of peach on your health and your beauty … In addition to thirst-quenching and refreshing effects, many benefits you do not know;
It is protective against cancer.
Reduces the risk of heart attack.
The kidneys also dump the formed sand and stones.
Cleans the blood.
It softens the intestines and removes constipation.
It produces positive solutions in hemorrhoids.
It helps the treatment of gout.
It is protective against diabetes.
Increases the body’s resistance while strengthening the immune system.
It has a calming effect that resolves insomnia.
Gives skin moisture and freshness
Provides health to mother and baby during pregnancy with vitamin C content
It is recommended that peaches should be consumed during pregnancy because of providing many essential vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamin C, baby’s bone, teeth, skin, muscle, and blood vessels to help to grow healthy. It also contributes to the absorption of iron, which is extremely critical during pregnancy. Thanks to its potassium and magnesium content, it prevents muscle cramps and general fatigue, which are common during pregnancy.
It plays a leading role in cancer prevention
Contains antioxidants in Turkey and the world through the most common lung, colon, peach that contribute to the prevention of cancers such as breast cancer, is one of the essential nutrients for a healthy life. It also has a positive effect on the healing process of patients with cancer.
Friendly intestine and kidneys
It supports the intestines in terms of rich fibers in its content. It is a regulating fruit for people suffering from constipation. It also helps to remove kidney and kidney stones.
Key to a healthy life with rich vitamins and minerals
Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, folate, pantothenic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper, antioxidants and fiber-rich peach; It is also important for a healthy, shiny and radiant skin. It helps to eliminate the effects of depression as it provides benefits to the nervous system with the magnesium it contains. In addition, it contains vitamins A and C, which are very good for the eyes.
Nectarine of the same value for children with hairy fruit phobia
Nectarines may be recommended as an alternative to the peach, which some children refuse to eat because of their hairy structure. Nectarine is less hairy, harder, and more aromatic than a peach. In terms of nutritional value, peach is considered equivalent. Children’s nutrition can be added with peace of mind.
Kidney patients should take care when consuming
Because peach is rich in potassium, it is recommended that kidney patients who use a potassium-restricted diet should not consume more than 1-2 medium peaches per day.
Raspberry and Apple Smoothie
The combination of vitamins and antioxidants in the raspberry and the detoxifying powers of the apple will help:
It destroys toxins.
Improves your digestion.
It struggles with fluid retention.
Regulates the metabolism rate.
It helps you to lose weight.
2 pieces of apples
1 cup raspberry (150 g)
1 cup of water (200 ml)
How to make Raspberry and Apple Smoothie?
Wash the apples and raspberry thoroughly.
Remove the beans and chop the apples.
Then add all ingredients to a blender and run until a smooth consistency is achieved.
How is it consumed?
The best way to consume this detox smoothie is to drink 3 times a week. In this way, if you have anxiety, you will see the benefits of both detoxing and its calming effect.
Have you ever heard of raspberries before?
The benefits, preparation, and harmful sides of raspberries and raspberry tea have been investigated for you. Raspberries are also known as raspberries, sultan’s blackberry, and tree strawberries. The self-grown raspberry is a red, fragrant, and juicy fruit. You can benefit from the benefits of raspberries by consuming the fruits of summer.
What are the Benefits of Raspberry?
The raspberry that removes blood from the body also throws the toxins in the body.
Those who have diabetes and kidney disease can consume raspberries freshly.
Raspberry gives the body vitality when it is eaten.
Enables tissues to strengthen and tighten.
Used in fever diseases, raspberries help to reduce fever.
It is rich in vitamin A.
Tuberculosis is a source of healing in diseases of anemia and rheumatism.
It provides the removal of constipation.
When the flowers of the raspberry are boiled, and gargle is good for gum discomfort.
When the mask is applied to the face with raspberries, acne is removed.
Syrup made with raspberries is used in desserts.
It is effective in leukemia disorders.
How to Eat Raspberry?
You can enjoy the benefits of eating raspberry 5 – 6 in a day. Raspberry fruit with high fiber content is especially recommended for obesity patients.
Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea?
It provides a clearance of blood.
Effective in diarrhea.
Raspberry leaf tea relieves a sore throat when drinking tea.
Relieves bronchitis.
When mouthwashes are made with raspberry tea, inflammation in the gums becomes mild.
How to make Raspberry Leaf Tea?
Dried raspberry leaves crush the flour.
Leave 1 teaspoon of raspberry leaf in cold water for 1 hour and boil with 1 cup of water.
After boiling, wait for 5 – 10 minutes to warm up and strain the tea.
You can consume 3 cups of raspberry leaf tea a day.
Harm of Raspberry
If you take regular medication, do not consume raspberry fruit and raspberry tea without consulting your doctor.
Raspberry fruit is not recommended if you have a stomach or stomach ulcer disease in your stomach.
Detox Smoothie with Celery
Celery is a special option because of its high levels of detoxifying properties that will help to remove toxins quickly and effectively from your body. Also, it is a perfect vegetable smoothie with a detoxing effect.
5 celeries
2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)
2 cups of water (400 ml)
How to make Detox Smoothie with Celery?
Wash and chop the celery into small pieces.
Put the celery in a pot with water and cook for 5 minutes.
Cool for 10 minutes.
Then, put all the ingredients in a blender.
Run for 2 minutes until it is mixed.
How is it consumed?
We recommend that you drink the smoothie before breakfast and before bed for 5 days. This is the fastest way to remove toxins from your body.
Vitamin Store Celery
You may feel a bit regretted when you learn the high nutritional value of celery, which is often prejudiced because of its taste and smell. With celery recipes enriched with different flavors, you can become the source of this healing source.
Celeries are rich in vitamins and minerals, and they will be a very useful act in terms of a healthy life. Celery, which is frequently consumed by those who want to weaken with low-calorie content, has a high nutritional value.
Celery, which has an important place in European cuisine, provides an attractive taste with its original aroma. You can consume this vegetable in the winter months, which can be shown as a celery season, and you can protect your body in the best way in cold days.
Calorie and Nutritional Value
Celery is a very useful vegetable. It is owing to its low calorie and its rich nutritional value. One hundred grams of celery contains about 40 kcal as calories. Therefore, it has an important place for those who want to lose weight. The celery, which can be consumed as a salad, is one of the prominent foods of many diets.
With celery vitamins, it is becoming a unique source of healing, especially for the digestive system. It contains a high content of vitamin B and C vitamins. Celery, which is rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium, and sodium. It is among the vegetables that should be found frequently at the dinner tables.
What are the Benefits of Celery? What Good Income?
Celery with a low calorie is among the vegetables that dieters consume heavily.
When applied in the form of a skin mask skin, acne-like skin problems are thought to be good.
It activates the mind and contributes to the strengthening of memory. It is also effective in reducing fatigue thanks to the vitamins and minerals it contains.
Celery is one of the foods considered to have an aphrodisiac effect.
The high fiber contained in it helps the digestive system to function properly. There are also appetizing and digestive effects.
Celery can be infused as a tea. Thanks to the benefits of celery tea, it will be very easy to relieve the stomach.
Celery gut is a vegetable that is consumed as a supplemental food in addition to medical treatment.
Many components in its content help regulate the metabolism.
Celery is also useful in terms of blood pressure balance. However, serious illnesses, such as blood pressure, should be referred to hospitals.
It is rich in vitamin C and contributes to the body’s resistance, especially during the cold winter months.
In the case of excessive use or degradation, celery poisoning may occur. Like all foods, celery should be consumed in consultation with doctors.
Pineapple Detox Smoothie
Pineapple is the smoothie material that will make the best detox effect, and it contains a large amount of antioxidants and plenty of water, it helps to regulate your metabolism.
It also contains fiber to help you if you have any gastrointestinal problems or are trying to lose weight naturally.
1 small pineapple
2 stalks of celery
2 pieces of grapefruit
1 tbsp honey (25 g)
How to make Pineapple Detox Smoothie?
Wash all materials thoroughly.
Cut the grapefruit in half, squeeze the juice and add the juice to the blender.
Then add the rest of the ingredients.
Run for 1 minute or until all the lumps go out and into a soft tissue area.
How is it consumed?
This detoxifying effect will be consumed 3 times a week.
The best time is before you go to bed. Thus, your body will detox when you sleep.
In addition to the rich A and C vitamins it contains, potassium and calcium help our health in a wide range.
Health Benefits of Pineapple
The health benefits of pineapple with the large amounts of nutrients it contains don’t end up counting. Pineapple is beneficial to health in many respects, from healthy teeth to free radicals, anticancer properties, and heart health.
Pineapple is a very rich source of antioxidants. These free radicals cause cancer and heart disease. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it prevents free radicals circulating in the body and helps to renew cells.
It is highly effective against microbial infections because it contains plenty of vitamin C and bromelain. In addition, it helps the drug treatment, especially against a cough.
It contains a rich amount of manganese, bone, and connective tissue strengthens. Daily consumption of pineapple in a cup provides 73% manganese in our body an average.
Pineapple is known to be an important nutrient for dental health. It strengthens the tooth enamel with its rich nutrients and prevents rotting.
Pineapple is especially rich in bromelain, which prevents sinusitis. This substance is effective in the treatment of sinusitis. In addition, gout, sore throat, and swelling are good.
We’ve said that it blocks free radicals that cause cancer, but it’s not content with it. It also strengthens cells against cancer cells and treats damaged cells.
It is among the most important foods for heart health. It regulates cholesterol levels as well as preventing free radicals that threaten heart health. It also protects against vascular diseases due to its antioxidant properties.
Pineapple is one of the most important supporters of the immune system with the help of plenty of vitamin C contained. It strengthens the immune system and helps all organs perform their duties in a healthy manner.
In general, all foods containing dietary fiber that contributes significantly to the health of the digestive system. Pineapple also contains a large number of dietary fiber, as well as supporting the digestive system functions in a healthy manner and protecting it from possible diseases.
Apart from many properties, pineapples are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. It usually contributes to the reduction of bronchitis due to bronchitis.
It helps to solve the problems of hypertension. A pineapple diet is generally recommended for patients with hypertension. A large amount of potassium pineapple also helps stabilize blood pressure.
Pineapples are consumed on a daily basis, as well as being protected from many diseases. The skin is very important in terms of health. With the help of the nutrients and antioxidant properties of the skin prevents infections. It is effective against the acne problem. It has the feature of strengthening the skin.
Recommendations: Pineapple contributes to our health with the help of rich vitamins and minerals. It is possible to consume both fruit and liquid. Because it is a tropical climate fruit, it is possible to find it in all months of the year. It doesn’t create a serious question other than excessive consumption.
You can check for more detox smoothie on our page.
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5 New Tasty Detox Smoothie Recipes
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Powerful Watermelon Strawberry Weight Loss Smoothie Recipe
Great summer watermelon and strawberry mix for weight loss smoothie were prepared. This delightful and satisfying smoothie makes you a smoothie chef by someone’s eyes. The rich content of fiber it has, you digestive system will work properly.  Let’s talk about the benefits of watermelon strawberry weight loss smoothie.
It strengthens the immunity system of the body,
Protects against cancer,
Reduces the risk, Alzheimer.
Protects the cardiovascular system,
Very good for diabetes,
Eliminates bowel obstruction and many more.
Very good for skin health.
  Besides, it is antitoxic for your body and that makes you lose weight in a safe and healthy way. Besides, the fiber content of the watermelon will help your muscular system. With its fibers, your kidney health will be good as it is not before. Watermelon and strawberry smoothie is a very good choice for sportsmen. sportswomen and the one on weight loss diet.
Watermelon Strawberry Smoothie
Servings 2 people
Calories 242 kcal
½ cup raspberry or cranberry juice
2 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup chopped seeded peeled watermelon
6 frozen strawberries
In the blender, combine raspberry juice, lemon juice, watermelon, and strawberries. After, process as directed until it becomes smooth. This watermelon and strawberry smoothie is for 3 serves.
Powerful Watermelon Strawberry Weight Loss Smoothie Recipe
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Adorable Avocado Shake Recipe for Weight Loss
Avocado is known as a healthy fruit that is healthy and good for skin health. Its origin is Middle America and it has a lot of healthy nutrition in it. Especially, it is widely used in skin care and health. It is not only for adults but also for children and babies, even toddlers since it has natural nutrients. It has the elements of Copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphor besides vitamins of A, B, C, E, and K. Also it has a high content of protein, therefore, it is suggested to eat by toddlers and children.
avocado shake
Toddlers may have hard times when trying to lose weight. With a delicious avocado smoothie, every toddler will fulfill, and lose more weight with a fast metabolism speed without losing any nutrition that it should be taken daily.
Other benefits of Avocado:
It controls the cholesterol,
Fights against cancer,
Helps to the digestion system,
Stabilize the blood pressure,
Good for eye health,
Fights against heart diseases,
Prevents bad breath smell.
With this delicious avocado smoothie for weight loss, you will be very healthy and taking low calorie than you need. And that means you will lose weight with a delicious avocado smoothie.
How To Make Avocado Shake
Avocado Shake Recipe for Weight Loss
Keyword avocado, smoothie for weight loss
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 1 person
Calories 240 kcal
1/2 qty lemon
1 qty avocado peeled, pitted and chopped
1 qty grapefruit
1 tbsp molasses peeled, seeded and chopped
1 cup plain soy milk
In blender, combine soy milk, lemon juice, avocado, grapefruit and molasses. Process as directed until smooth.
If you do like the smoothie recipe, please comment below. Tell us the feelings.
You can reach other avocado shakes from here.
Avocado shake destroys the harmful substances in the body and tries to stop the aging of ceilings. With its high content of protein, minerals, and vitamins, it is necessary for the children and toddlers balanced nutrition. It is a great organizer in protein, carbohydrate, and oil mechanism of the body.
How to pick a good and tasty avocado?
Avocado should be picked up when it is growing to maturity. It gets the real taste when it is mature. If you want to consume it immediately, you should buy or pick the soft one.
Adorable Avocado Shake Recipe for Weight Loss
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Smoothie 101 - Introduction to Ultimate Healthy Drinks Guide
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What is “Smoothie”?
Smoothie is a word derived from the English word “smooth”. It also means a cheerful and two-faced person in English. Since the 1900s, it has started to be consumed in tropical regions such as Brazil and Argentina and spread to the world in a short time. Smoothies are cold drinks containing fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and oilseeds having a consistency between liquid and intense.
Today, the smoothie is a healthy drink as a trend. They are easy to prepare and practical, but there are cons as well. In this article, we will try to explain the good side of the smoothie, its bad sides, and all the details. But first of all, we need to say: We don’t want you to think of it as a drink that needs to be consumed in order to lose weight or eat healthily. Because each individual’s metabolism, blood sugar, etc. values are different. Diabetes patients are advised to consult with their doctor when preparing smoothies.
what is smoothie?
What Should be Considered When Drinking Smoothie?
Smoothies may contribute to your daily intake of vitamins and minerals with the fruits and vegetables they contain, but they may cause extra calories without notice. You may have taken more than 1 cup of vegetables and fruits over your daily needs. Also because it is liquid, it does not need a chewing reflex, it is consumed quickly and easily. In this case, satiety hormones are not released sufficiently and the feeling of satiety is felt later. This can make your work harder in portion control.
To break down fruits and vegetables too much mechanically causes carbohydrates to transform into the free sugar. In this case, your blood sugar can rise rapidly, which causes you to get hungry again soon.
What Should be Considered When Drinking Smoothie?
Smoothies are one of the most talked topics of recent times. Do you know how to make a good smoothie? Let’s fill the word “good“; to make the smoothie good for you and be suitable for you:
Must meet some of your needs during the day
Keeping satiated
Must be nutritious
Must contain nutrients balanced
Should not have calories
You can consume Smoothie as a main meal or snack at any time of the day to support your daily diet. It is important to decide whether to consume it as a main course before you prepare it. If you are preparing for the snack, it is enough to have an average of 150 calories. For the main meal, calculations can be made according to your daily energy needs. If you want to lose weight or maintain your ideal weight, I recommend that you seek support from a nutritionist for alternatives to your metabolism.
To prepare the smoothie, you need to have three basic materials:
Fruits and/or vegetables
Thickeners such as yogurt, oatmeal, cereals, and nuts
Liquids like milk, water, and mineral water.
For more protein; you can enrich your smoothie with milk, kefir, yogurt, quinoa seed, chia seed.
protein smoothie
There is energy booster smoothie that we published before.
Energy Booster Smoothie Recipe
Course smoothie
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 1 person
Calories 426 kcal
1/2 cup soy milk
1/4 cup cherry
1 qty banana
1/8 cup blueberries
1 tbsp protein powder
2 tbsp almond
In the blender, mix soy milk, cherries, banana, blueberries, protein powder, and almonds. Blend until the mix becomes smooth for 1 minute.
To avoid the higher level of roughness, add them respectively.
For more Omega-3; If you want a smoothie from omega-3, you can add 1 teaspoon of flaxseed, chia or walnut. Adding krill or fish oil is also a good choice.
omega 3 smoothie recipe
Omega-3 Smoothie
A smoothie with high content of omega-3 fatty acids.
Keyword omega-3 smoothie, smoothie for weight loss
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 1 person
Calories 204 kcal
8 fl oz soy milk
1 cup spinach
1 medium banana
⅓ cup cooked oats cooled
1 tbsp Omega-3 Peanut Butter
1 tbsp chopped walnuts
1 tbsp ground flaxseed
Put them into blender and mix them 5 minutes.
For healthier fats; A smoothie with healthy fats such as coconut oil, flaxseed, avocado oil and oilseeds such as almonds, walnuts will help you get healthy fats in the day. These oils not only contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system but are also beneficial for skin health.
smoothie with healthy fats
Healthy Fatty Smoothie
With this delightful smoothie, you can gain some healthy fats for your body.Fatty acids are needed for energy and healthy life.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 1 person
Calories 320 kcal
1 cup full-fat coconut milk
½ frozen avocado
1 tablespoon nut butter of choice
1 tablespoon chia seeds
2 teaspoons cacao powder
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Put all ingredients into blender respectively.
Start grinding for 5 minutes.
For longer satiety; foods with high fiber content and water content will keep you feeling full by staying longer in your digestive system. Fruits such as dried apricots, grapes, quince, dates, dried figs, crusted apples; vegetables such as artichokes, peas, parsley, leeks; Grains like oatmeal will help you keep you satiated for a long time. Enriching a carbohydrate-containing smoothie with protein and fat will also help to increase your satiety time.
smoothie For longer satiety
You can check the 15 Fulfilling Healthy Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss  for more smoothie recipes for longer satiation. If you need more, please comment below.
15 Fulfilling Healthy Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss
  For more probiotics; fermented foods such as natural yogurt or kefir to be added to your smoothie will be a great option to take advantage of probiotics.
probiotic smoothie
Probiotics are important for our digestion and immunity system. Gut health is the key for a healthier life. For probiotics suplement, you should try that delicious detox probiotic smoothie.
Underrated Liver Cleanse Detox Smoothie For Weight Loss
Which Blender Should I Prefer for Smoothie?
For the smoothie, which is the trend of recent times, brands have started to launch many models of their own. First of all, we have to ask ourselves the following questions:
How many servings of smoothie do I make a day?
Does the blender make a noise when I make a smoothie?
Does my smoothie include ice?
Is the blender chamber glass or plastic?
How much budget do I have for the smoothie blender?
I’m gonna get it once, so should it be the best or fairly well?
which blender
After answering these questions we want to explain our choice to give you an idea without giving a brand name to not affect you. (If you wish, you can ask us what brand we use with the contact form 🙂 First of all, we preferred the one having high engine power, the high number of knives and the ice-bearing capacity and sharp. Of course, the blender with the glass bowl and extra hopper was our choice.
Don’t Turn Your Benefit into Loss!!
Even if the smoothie is basically a healthy drink, no nutrients can help us meet our daily needs completely. Drinks such as smoothies can be used to support daily nutrition, but it is not right to be fed by them all day. Fluid feeding all day can cause harmful health consequences.
Moreover, it may cause more harm than good when not properly prepared;
Very Large Servings; A green smoothie you’ve prepared can look great. So, did you notice how much green you put in? There may be more than 2 or 3 times of you can eat hidden in that glass. If you want to stay away from too much calorie intake and want to see that your drink is really good for you, take care to stay true to the ideal portion.
Extra Calories; Usually, when we hear that a product is light or healthy, we never think that it contains calories. But the situation is not what we think. Although an average meal contains 150 calories, the drinks you prepare may contain as much as 2 times or more calories. Avocado, dates, nuts and similar nuts, peanut butter, yogurt, fruit milk, freshly squeezed fruit juices, oats, fruits, and many other foods contain calories. Move away from the idea of using this useful material in plenty of pouches. If you want to stop taking extra calories, prepare your drink considering the nutrients you should take daily. So by cutting off the extra calories you take, you can consume your drink instead of snacks. Remember, even if it is healthy, everything you take extra will be stored in your body as fat.
High Carbohydrate, Low Fiber; Although the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in the fruits have a positive effect on our health, the excess carbohydrates are not always good. High carbohydrate consumption alone can leave you tired and sluggish after a few hours. It should not be recommended for individuals with prediabetes or diabetes. In addition, in the smoothies prepared using the juicer, the low fiber content will be reduced as a large part of the pulp is discarded.
Why Smoothie is subsidiary drinks of diets?
Smoothies allow you to obtain fiber which has great importance in the dietary content; containing healthy foods such as red fruits, oats, avocados, greens, kiwis, pears, chia seeds. This brings along the feeling of satiety. Smoothie regulates digestion. It is imperative that you get the protein so that you can do sports and spend energy. Skim milk, almond milk, soy milk, peanuts, walnuts are a healthy source of proteins in smoothie content you will often see. With the fruits by taking into consideration the calories, your blood sugar increases with balance, your sweet will be suppressed and you will stay feeling full. It’s just one of the golden rules of starting the day more energetic. It is a healthy snack or starter drink. We don’t believe it if you know all these benefits and will not prepare homemade smoothie. Let’s obtain a blender, fresh vegetables and fruits and consider the tips in the recipes.
Is It Possible to Lose Weight with Smoothie?
Of course, the word “losing weight” sounds good. But it is unfortunately not possible to lose weight by just drinking a smoothie. In addition, only feeding by the liquid can cause disruptive health effects. First of all, you have to ask yourself:  Can I lose weight with five portions of fruit in one sitting?  If your answer is no, the smoothie made with 5 portions of fruit will not help you. But if you can calculate the nutritional values of the smoothie ingredients and the total caloric value of the smoothie, you can be sure that it will help us in the way of losing weight.
Smoothies can be a healthy meal or snack, but the whole event is based on portion control. A banana, a small bowl of forest fruit, an ordinary recipe containing 240 ml of yogurt, some milk or fruit juice will unquestionably increase your calorie and sugar intake.  But instead, the smoothie can be fuel your weight loss program with a healthy and satisfying two tablespoons of peanut butter or a quarter of the avocado, with 240 ml of yogurt or skimmed milk, a portion of fruit that keeps you healthy, feeling full and high protein value.
smoothie for weight loss
  When is the Best Time for Smoothie?
In fact, the answer to this question is very simple. With the right portions, anytime when you want to drink! Smoothies can contain a wide range of foods, from light and fruity blends to dark green leafy vegetables. Therefore, the main question is not which time is the right time, but at what times of the day, which foods are more accurate.
Good start to the day 
Welcome to the most beautiful time for a green smoothie! It is in your hands to create a balanced smoothie in terms of macro and micronutrients. 1 handful of spinach, half green apple, half a lemon juice, 2 walnuts, half a teaspoon of ginger powder to prepare the green smoothie will keep you for a long time. It will also help you to start your day energetic.
You can reach 10 best healthy morning smoothies from here.
10 Healthy Quick and Easy Smoothies for Breakfast
  Main Course 
Those who do not have breakfast tend to choose unhealthy food at noon and can eat more during the day. Some of the people who do not have breakfast feel more advantageous thinking to have fewer calories. However, in other courses, this gap is closed exceedingly. The biggest advantage of smoothie is for those don’t have time to have breakfast or those without appetite in the morning, it can be replaced for breakfast. The smoothie you drink in the first hours of the day can help keep your energy during the day with its balanced structure. Adding protein and healthy fats as well as carbohydrates provides a more even and longer-term distribution of your energy. At this time of the day, you can prefer a fruity smoothie, enriched with oatmeal and oilseeds. It might also be a good idea to add a red fruit that will strengthen your brain to start your day. It will be a good alternative for those who don’t have time for lunch or dinner and are looking for different tastes.
For a Snack
Suppressing hunger between lunch and dinner is always a wise move. Here, fewer calorie smoothies with an appropriate portion are ideal. Smoothies in creamy consistency with peanuts or seeds (such as quinoa, chia) are good choices in terms of both tissue and saturation, and serotonin is very helpful for increasing your hormones.
Before or After Exercise 
If your exercise time is approaching and you don’t have time to cook, you can easily prepare it at such times, and it will be easier and faster to digest during exercise because you will not just take a light and energetic meal but also consume liquid. In order to keep our energy in exercise for a long time, you will have a great exercise with a smoothie that is rich in carbohydrates and will be prepared with low fiber foods to make digestion easier during exercise. Of course, not just before the sport, after sports to get high-quality carbohydrates and protein smoothies can be beneficial. No matter which course you choose for a pleasant smoothie, a smoothie prepared by fresh and nutrients will be a good choice for you!
Is Every Smoothie a Detox Drink?
Not every smoothie is a detox drink, but you can create a detox smoothie with every fruit and vegetable rich in antioxidants. For this, you should know which fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants.
Astonishing Green Detox Smoothie Recipe for Weight Loss
You can add color to your detox diet with a balanced smoothie made of carbohydrates, proteins, and oils prepared with healthy fats such as red fruits, fresh fruits, dried fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, oilseeds and chia oil, almond oil, avocado oil, coconut oil. Generally, weight loss and detox are mixed with each other. First of all, let us explain: The purpose of detox is not to lose weight. The ultimate goal is to purify, and this purification is not only physical but also spiritual and mental cleansing. Do not forget! It is not enough to purify your diet. You need to stay away from negative emotions, negative thoughts, anxiety, anger, and hatred as much as possible.
What Do You Want to Change for Your Health?
Obesity has increased by 33% over the last 10 years (an external link here). With the increase in the number of individuals who are aware of healthy nutrition and who are open to innovation and awareness, world trends have been followed to prevent diseases, diet and lose weight. We also want to inform you about the smoothie which is one of these trends and which has the advantage of easy and practical preparation as well as being a great food source when the rules are followed.
It’s time to refresh our body, the biggest gift we’ve ever had, forget the calories you’ve taken and turned a new page in your life. If you want to be healthy, fit and thin, you should not just count calories. what is in the content of the food you consume is more important!
Smoothie Recipes for After Exercise
Nutrition and exercise are very important for a healthy life. Especially if you add a sport to your life and adjust your diet accordingly, you have opened the door to a healthy life. So if you knew you could help your diet with a sweet transition after the exercise, what would you do? Here smoothie recipes filled with energy that you can drink after the exercise.
What should be the post-training diet?
The biggest mistake to be made after training is to postpone your diet. Because energy accumulates in your muscles, this energy is quickly cleaned 1 hour after the training. Therefore, you need to make nutritional supplement within 30-45 minutes after sports. With this supplement you get with nutritional values, you can increase your body’s muscle strength producing capacity. One of the nutrients you will receive after training is banana. Banana is a fiber food and it is quite easy to digest. It also provides potassium to your body. Except this Kiwi can also be consumed after training. Kiwi is an antioxidant food with vitamin C.
Things to be Considered When Preparing Smoothie
The smoothie should include antioxidants that help with tissue repair. Vitamin C and vitamin E are the right options at this point. You should also get potassium support to keep the electrolytes in balance. In addition, there is a need for amino acids in the protein powders for the protein production process. At this point, the use of protein powder is your own choice. If protein powder is not used, different food groups that meet the amino acid requirement should be added to the recipes. For this reason, you can try the recipes with protein powder or you can try the recipes that meet the protein support from different foods
  Smoothie recipes with protein powder inside:
Smoothie with mulberry
300 ml water iced green tea or milk to be preferred (almond, oily, oil-free)2
spoons of vanilla or strawberry
flavored protein powder
2 handful mulberries can be fresh or frozen
5 walnuts
100 grams of plain yogurt vegan can be alternative
Combine all ingredients and stir for 1 min. 
Recipe Notes
Enjoy your meal. Don't forget to add ice if you have used fresh fruit in the recipe. If you want carbohydrate support you can add raw oats.
Smoothie with coffee and nuts
Smoothie with coffee and nuts
250 ml milk can be cow or almond milk
100 ml chilled espresso
2 spoon chocolate flavored protein powder
1 handful of spinach
2 tablespoons peanut butter
Combine all ingredients and stir for 1 min. 
Recipe Notes
Enjoy your meal.If you want to add extra flavor, you can put ground peanuts and grated chocolate. 
Smoothie with pumpkin and vanilla
300 ml water coconut water or milk of your choice (almond, oily, oil-free, etc.)
2 spoon vanilla flavored protein powder
1 handful of crushed pumpkins
5 walnuts
1 handful of oatmeal
Combine all ingredients and stir for 1 min.
Smoothie with strawberry and banana
300 ml water coconut juice or your preferred milk (almond, oily, oil-free)
2 spoon strawberry flavored protein powder
1 banana
1 handful of strawberries
1 handful of spinach
5 walnuts
Combine all ingredients and stir for 1 min
Recipe Notes
Enjoy your meal. If you have used fresh fruit you can add ice. If you want carbohydrate support, you can add yogurt or if you want protein support you can add raw oats.
Smoothie recipes without protein powder:
Banana smoothie
200 ml low-fat milk
½ pieces of bananas
3 pieces of palm
2 pieces of the whole walnut
10 grams of oat bran
Remove the kernels of the dates and cut as cubes. Then break the walnuts into small pieces and combine all the ingredients. Pass through the blender until the ingredients are concentrated.
Recipe Notes
Enjoy your meal.
Kiwi smoothie
200 ml freshly squeezed green apple juice
1 piece of medium kiwi
100 grams of spinach leaves
½ bunch of parsley
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
Prepare apple juice by squeezing green apples in a juicer. Then combine all the ingredients and pull in the blender to a smooth consistency.
Recipe Notes
Enjoy your meal.
Smoothie with mango and orange
200 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
½ pieces of medium size mango
30 grams of vanilla ice cream
3 cloves
5 pcs mint leaves
combine the ingredients and pull on the blender until a smooth consistency is obtained.
If there is anything missing about smoothies, please search it via search bar or comment below. You can follow our facebook, twitter, and Instagram.
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