dzgenesis · 4 years
Bruce: Don’t fear death, fear the state you will die in.
Jason, whispering fearfully: New Jersey
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dzgenesis · 4 years
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Botanical Sexism Cultivates Home-Grown Allergies 
Arborists often claim that all-male plants are “litter-free” because they shed no messy seeds, fruits or pods. In the 1949 USDA Yearbook of Agriculture, which focused on trees and forests, this advice was given to readers: “When used for street plantings, only male trees should be selected, to avoid the nuisance from the seed.”  In the years following, the USDA produced and released into the market almost 100 new red maple and hybrid-maple-named clones (cultivars), and every single one of them was male.
It took a number of years for these new trees to mature enough to start to bloom, but eventually they did and with them came more city pollen and the “epidemic of allergy and asthma.” Many of these same trees are still alive and well and getting even larger, and the bigger they get, the more pollen they shed.
Allergies are rarely triggered by small amounts of an allergen; they are initiated by an overdose. Small amounts of pollen exposure are actually good for us, but if we have highly allergenic trees or shrubs in our own yards or lining our streets, we will soon enough be over-exposed. In order to put the brakes on America’s allergy epidemic, we need to reverse the trend toward male-dominated landscapes and stop selling and planting any more of the most allergenic trees, shrubs and grasses in our cities.
and the kicker:
Female trees produce no pollen, but they trap and remove large amounts of pollen from the air, and turn it into seed. Female trees (and female shrubs also) are not just passive, but are active allergy-fighting trees. The more female plants in a landscape, the less pollen there will be in the air in the immediate vicinity. By relying less on males and paying more attention to the allergy-potential of all the plants in our urban landscape, all of us may one day breathe easier.
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dzgenesis · 6 years
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All the tools you need.
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dzgenesis · 6 years
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Hey so if anyone here has dyslexia or trouble concentrating, these extensions for google chrome can help so much. I was told about them through an occupational therapist today and just got them and they’re already helping. “OpenDyslexic” makes the font different (shown in the picture of the extension) and “Read&Write” can read you the text, highlight things and a few other things. Please spread the word about this they’re great apps. (This post is not sponsored I was literally told about them today and they’ve been helping so much) With that being said, feel free to message me any time bc 1- I need friends and 2- I would love to help people so hmu 
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dzgenesis · 6 years
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dzgenesis · 6 years
2018 Favourites
Thought I’d share my favourites from a few different categories for the year. The social media categories are great for inspiration/motivation while the other’s have just made an impact on me or made my year a little bit better.
Lifestyle, Self Care, Journals, Books
Kalyn Nicholson 
Aileen Xu - Lavendaire
Lovely Threads - Self Care Threads 
Alivia D’Andrea 
Anna - Alukewarmmess
Lifestyle, Self Care, Self Growth, Bullet Journal, DIY
Kalyn Nicholson | Koze
Alivia D’Andrea 
Adeline Morin | Camera Roll 
Bargain Bethany 
Beauty/Skin Care Products
Humphrey’s Witch Hazel 
Garnier Micellar Water 
Valjean Labs Glow Serum 
Freeman’s Tea Tree Oil and Manuka Honey Face Mask
Nature’s Bounty Hair Skin and Nail Gummies 
Elf Oil Control  Blotting Powder 
Benefit Bad Gal Bang Mascara 
The Little Book of Skin Care by: Charlotte Cho
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by: Marie Kondo 
Hush, Hush Series by: Becca Fitzpatrick 
Caraval & Legendary by: Stephanie Garber 
The Princess Saves Herself In This One by: Amanda Lovelace
Google Keep 
Unroll.me (condenses all your emails in your inbox) 
Google Photos 
All the links should be correct but do let me know if something goes haywire.
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dzgenesis · 6 years
Mental Health App Recommendation: What’s Up?
I am always interested in good mental health apps. The thing is, I could never really find ones that tickled my fancy beyond Calm Harm.
But alas!! I found one by accident that has done a better job guiding me than 6 months of therapy. (Note: this is not to say that you shouldn’t go to therapy, or that this app is a therapy replacement. My therapy experience just wasn’t extremely helpful, and this shining star filled in the gaps. But go to therapy and take your meds, folks.)
What’s Up?
What’s Up? Can guide your thinking, help ground you, and provide you with comprehensive information on anxiety, anger, stress, depression, and self esteem. You can also track your good and bad habits as well as your mood from day to day.
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The information section tells you what common symptoms of each illness is, what your thinking probably looks like, and dozens upon dozens of easy to comprehend ways to guide your thinking to a better path (I’m using these as prompts for a mental health journal I’ve started) Here’s a single screenshot from the self esteem portion of guided thoughts; the list is much longer than this:
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I absolutely adore the grounding game. REALLY hopeful when, like me, you can’t remember the grounding steps.
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All in all, a superb app that has been so very beneficial for me. There’s many other features that I recommend you try to navigate when you’re doing ok, so you know right where to go when things go south.
Even if you don’t suffer from a mental illness please share this and help someone!
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dzgenesis · 6 years
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hey everyone! it’s been a while since i made a masterpost, and i recently found some good health-related apps on the play store that i thought to consolidate into a post.
all these apps are available for both ios and android users! i’ve also grouped similar apps together.
fyi: these apps are not intended to replace your therapist/counselor – they only act as an aid. the apps listed here are those that seemed credible enough and had good ratings on the play store. some may help you and some might not. since i don’t have depression or panic attacks, i can’t speak for the efficacy of some of the apps here.
For stress, depression, anxiety, or panic attacks:
Rootd: exercises to help with anxiety and panic attacks, as well as lessons understand anxiety. it also includes emergency contact if you need help and a personal stats page.
Self-help Anxiety Management (SAM): exercises to help you manage your anxiety. you can also build your ‘anxiety tookit’ and chat with other SAM users.
PanicShield: for those who have panic attacks. it has a breathing tool to calm you down, information about panic attacks, and two techniques to train your mind to have fewer panic attacks (based on two types of therapy). 
MoodSpace: short, interactive mood workouts that may help treat depression.
InnerHour: a self-help app for stress, anxiety or depression. it has small daily tasks, helps you deal with distressing situations, helps control your stressful thinking patterns, and has a relief box.
Moodpath: an interactive two-week depression and anxiety screening program that tracks your emotional and physical wellbeing and generates a personalized mental health assessment that you can discuss with therapists.
Calm Harm: tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm.
To generally improve your life:
Youper: conversations with a bot to improve your mood and emotional health. it also has mindfulness and meditation exercises, a mood tracker, journal and symptoms tracker.
Wysa: similar to Youper, Wysa is a chatbot who reacts to the emotions you express to help with anxiety, stress, low mood, anger or sleep issues.
Primed Mind: a life coach to help you reach your personal goals and improve yourself. it can help you build habits, calm down, fall asleep quickly, and study effectively.
Headspace: meditation and mindfulness exercises
Just Rain: a soothing audiovisual rain simulator where you can control the degree of rain sounds.
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dzgenesis · 6 years
anyway, abusive women are just as bad as abusive men.
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dzgenesis · 6 years
“The Buddha said, “The moment you know how your suffering came to be, you are already on the path of release from it.” If you know what has come to be and how it has come to be, you are already on the way to emancipation.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh
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dzgenesis · 6 years
baby meeting cat for the first time
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dzgenesis · 6 years
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dzgenesis · 6 years
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By: Uplift Connect | Pic by: Corlyce Olivieri
Source: https://www.facebook.com/303661393104182/posts/1444946485642328/
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dzgenesis · 6 years
“I met the wolf alone and was devoured in peace.”
— Edna St. Vincent Millay, from The Collected Poems; “True Encounter,”
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dzgenesis · 6 years
Useful Herb List đŸŒ»đŸŒż
Hi, so I found a few correspondence lists in my old email and I figured why not share?
*I wrote this once below, already, but I want to stress that before using any of these herbs, please do your research to make sure it’s safe as facts & science change all the time*
Benzoin resin- letting go, love, aiding energy to manifest
Sage- to cleanse, purify. Tea- aids in digestion, depression, negativity
Palo Santo- cleanse, purify, & act as mosquito repellant. Tea- to boost your immune system & aid with inflammation, Oil- physical ailments such as headache
Bay leaves- for divination, reception, banishing, protection, Tea- antibacterial & antifungal
Cat’s Claw- to restore balance. Tea- anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, & antioxidant. Extract- good for sunburns
Pine needle- grounding, centering, & calm. Tea- good for cough, congestion, sore throat. Oil- helps with inflammation, soreness, & kills bacteria
Elderflower- for protection, healing, & the fae. Tea- helps clear sinuses, an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory
Horehound- For creativity & protection from magic (ex: spirits, other witches, spells). Tea- helps with, digestion, cholesterol, & cough
Marigold- To aid psychic ability, sleep/dream magick, good will, & love. Tea- flu, fever, rheumatism, jaundice, and cramps. External- use buds for burns and petal ointment for eczema & inflammation
Betony Wood- protection from negative energy, fears, & dreams. Also for purification. Tea- digestion, heartburn, headache, & asthma
Cardamom- For lust, love, passion, Tea- Reduce Blood Pressure, Inflammation & Cholesterol. Chew- for bad breath, cavities, tooth decay. Burn- for concentration, enthusiasm, confidence, & motivation
-The herbs below are poisonous or otherwise dangerous to handle. Do not eat and PLEASE research before use-
Wolfsbane- for curses & protection (Gastrointestinal decontamination with activated charcoal can be used if given within one hour of ingestion. The major physiological antidote is atropine, which is used to treat bradycardia)
Azalea- for happiness (no antidote-Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) or activated charcoal can be used to coat the stomach and prevent further absorption of the toxin)
Belladonna- forgetting heartbreak & healing heartbreak (The antidote for belladonna poisoning isphysostigmine/pilocarpine)
Morning Glory- for banishing & binding (in high doses, induce vomiting)
Uva Ursi- Increase psychic ability & intuitiveness (induce vomiting in high doses)
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dzgenesis · 6 years
english: coconut oil
french: :)
english: oh boy
french: oil of the nut of the coco
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dzgenesis · 6 years
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