What is Osteopathy?
Often, The first question I’m asked is “what is osteopathy?” this is an understandable response considering that osteopathy is quite uncommon in Alberta and BC with most people tending to seek out a chiropractor or massage therapist to manage their aches and pains.
Osteopathy is a fusion of both chiropractic and massage techniques that treat the body as an entire functional unit. this means that treatments are focused at finding the source of the problem instead of just treating its symptoms. It includes modalities such as cranio sacral and visceral manipulation as well as soft tissue therapies and joint mobilizations
Feel free to contact me to find out how osteopathy might be able to help you
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Why I became a manual osteopath
I have worked in a therapeutic capacity as a massage therapist for the past 7 years and have been able to help a lot of people rid themselves of annoying and chronic aches. Sometimes I would find it frustrating that my treatments didn’t seem to “stick” with certain clients. I would try referring out to other health care professionals but these clients seemed almost resistant to treatment. Often times only osteopathic treatment seemed to be the right mix of structural alignment and soft tissue release that made the results last.
After seeing the success that manual osteopathy had brought to my clients, I decided to learn more about it and eventually decided to attain my diploma in manual osteopathy! I am excited to be putting these new skills to use and getting results in fewer treatments that are lasting longer.
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Courses, courses, and more courses!
Everything is shaping up to be an exciting and jam packed back end of 2017! I’m looking to run 2 more trigger point workshops (one in Edmonton, AB and one in Calgary, AB) as well as to develop a few more Professional development courses for massage therapists. 
I’m also looking to run an intro to thai massage workshop or an intro to swedish massage for people with no previous training who are just interested in learning how to do a bit of body work on their friends and family. Likely these ones will be offered on Vancouver Island in the fall/winter.
If anyone has something they would like to learn a bit more about and would like to see me offer a course, just send me an email with your idea. I’m open to teaching the general public as well as courses specific for massage therapists or yoga instructors.
Stay flexible my friends,
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Welcome to my blog!
Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Scott and I’ll be posting some interesting insights as well as helpful tips for dealing with pain and injuries.
I’m a massage therapist, soon to be manual osteopath, and a yoga instructor. I have a passion for human kinetics and enjoy both movement and manual therapy. 
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