dyketrewho · 10 months
I should remember to use this blog
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dyketrewho · 1 year
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Juno my lady... I've been listening to the Penumbra Podcast a LOT the last few weeks and I... love these stories so fucking much they're incredible and the level of wordsmithing is *insane*!
I am adding Juno to my collection of sopping wet detectives
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dyketrewho · 1 year
people make ianto too sweet sometimes. that man is a CUNT
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dyketrewho · 2 years
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had the sudden urge to draw these two
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dyketrewho · 2 years
Thinking about ‘The Long Game’ and how the Doctor says Adam is Rose’s boyfriend and she immediately says “not anymore”
And just the entirety of her on-off relationship with Mickey
I feel like there’s something to be said too about how it’s implied Jackie is always with a new man…but she always loved Pete
Idk where I’m going with this exactly but I feel like dating for Rose must have been a very casual thing she learned from Jackie, I really never even got the sense that she and Mickey were in a serious relationship (neither one of them treated it that way honestly)
Maybe it’s why it’s so impactful when she talks about how the Doctor isn’t her boyfriend because he’s more important than that
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dyketrewho · 2 years
the end of “doctor who and the silurians” is so unexpectedly dark? the brigadier just does a genocide. the end. interested to see how the doctor and the brigadier reconcile here
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dyketrewho · 2 years
I need to get a friend with video editing skills on board with me so I can make the Doctor/rose the moon will sing amv of my dreams. no one understands my vision
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dyketrewho · 2 years
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[ID: a set of tumblr tags with the following text: #yes this #this right here #this is one of my main issues with moffat's era and his characters#amy and river and clara #they all just enabled him and encouraged him to get worse and worse#whereas rtd's characters generally had more to say about his behaviour #i havent watched thirteen in a while to judge her companions but#graham and ryan seemed to be more along for the ride (distraction from their grief if you will) #yaz seemed to also be more along the lines of enabler than not #then again thirteen was more stable in that aspect . she didnt seem to have as many high stakes plotlines iirc #but anyways #rtd dominated the character aspect of who#everybody was important and had flavor #i remember mickey much more than i ever will danny #the time lord victorious never really left ten as he transitioned into eleven . its shown by the way that he acts that lesson wasnt learned #at least thats what i tell myself in response to moffat's writing]
hey @jacks-the-flower​ how does it feel to be so incredibly correct and key into exactly the criticism i wanted to make here. like 13 has her issues but none so glaring as the fact that quite literally EVERY SINGLE COMPANION for 11 and 12 existed just to prop up the doctor and how cool and awesome he was. it was exhausting. anyways i don’t have a bunch to add here i just loved your tags
ppl who say they hate the time lord victorious arc like…guys do you not understand. the point is the doctor can’t get disconnected from the reasons they are the way they are. they can’t choose to be a god because that’s not what a time lord is. and they should be kept in check by somebody. but they’re disconnecting from what matters, forgetting what rose + martha + donna taught them. and they learn their lesson! they do. but the waters of mars has to teach them that they’re not all-powerful
and that’s what I hate abt moffat who. the doctor becomes that unstoppable force that the world revolves around and everything adapts to work for them. they’re never wrong, they change everything and the world simply bends. and nothing stops them or keeps them in check. in fact characters like river and clara bend over backwards to give them that, to make them the hero. it sucks and I wish that the narrative of the doctor being punished for hubris continued because it’s so interesting when the protag is legitimately punished
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dyketrewho · 2 years
clara oswald was mostly boring as a character (sorry jenna you’re adorable and a wonderful actress given the most boring plot to save your life) EXCEPT when the impossible girl plot was over and she and the doctor got weird and toxic and codependent. that shit was interesting because it showed a mutual understanding of they were hurting one another and themselves but they kept doing it. “do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference” thank you for the first interesting unique doctor/companion dynamic since end of rtd
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dyketrewho · 2 years
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dyketrewho · 2 years
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dyketrewho · 2 years
I have GOT to start reading the DW comics because if I rewatch series 1-4 any more than I already do I’m going to literally have every episode memorized and I can’t do that to myself
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dyketrewho · 2 years
i dont even have the brain to write out a full opinion. just know that in this post i am writing that people who are pro-moffat or even act as if they are “neutral” or “in between” on his writing do not know how to read for nuance and are generally not watching the same doctor who that i am
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dyketrewho · 2 years
the thing about doctor who is that its only good when the writers remember that the doctor is Literally Just Some Guy. doctor who should be a show about a weird annoying burnout who travels through space and hangs out with humans because his own species don’t want him. whenever the show buys into the idea of the doctor being a Very Important Universally Beloved Hero Prophesized To Save The World instead of a cosmic dipshit driving a busted old car he stole on graduation day doing the alien equivalent of backpacking across europe the show starts hardcore sucking
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dyketrewho · 2 years
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dyketrewho · 2 years
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DOCTOR WHO | 2x13 ↳ Doomsday
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dyketrewho · 2 years
People don’t appreciate the episode 42 enough. That episode didn’t deserve to be an echo of the Satan Pit because it’s such good horror tbh
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