dyadfilm · 4 months
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1989 (TAYLOR'S VERSION) Of course everyone had something to say, but they always will. I learned lessons, paid prices, and tried to... Don't say it... Don't say it... I'm sorry, I have to say it... Shake it off.
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dyadfilm · 10 months
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The Fall - (2023)
Inspired by The Lament for Icarus by Herbert James Draper.
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dyadfilm · 10 months
they kissed but at what cost. oh my god. crying
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dyadfilm · 10 months
nolan: i truly believe that the scientists at los alamos, and more specifically j. robert oppenheimer, may have doomed the entire planet with their shortsightedness, willingness to follow any order, and failure/refusal to translate theoretical morals into material action
the internet: why isn’t there a scene where the characters look at the camera and say “bomb bad” in unison
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dyadfilm · 11 months
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eras tour bodysuits 🌟✨
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dyadfilm · 11 months
my friends are a bit concerned i find a 47 year old attractive but in my defence: irish accent
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dyadfilm · 11 months
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Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. For this he was chained to a rock and tortured for eternity. Oppenheimer (2023) dir. Christopher Nolan
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dyadfilm · 2 years
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What We Do in the Shadows | 1.01 - 3.08 | “Creepy” paper
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dyadfilm · 2 years
adding onto my previous elriel post, i don’t necessarily think the love triangle will be az/gwyn/elain, rather it will be az/elain/lucien.
if there’s one thing sjm has emphasised throughout the series, it’s the woman’s freedom of choice. elain has often had this stripped away from her; she’s been overlooked by others for a long time.
i think there will be a love triangle, but having an az/gwyn/elain love triangle would mean pitting elain and gwyn against each other, and isn’t that exactly the opposite of sjm’s writing so far in acotar? wouldn’t it make more sense for the triangle to be az/elain/lucien?
i also feel like the “well, elain already has a mate” argument doesn’t work. as said previously, the woman’s freedom of choice has been a leitmotif throughout the whole series—feyre chose rhys before she knew about the bond, and while i’m not sure about nesta and cassian as i haven’t read acosf yet, i’m fairly certain nesta wouldn’t have let anyone rip away her freedom of choice in terms of a mate. elain hasn’t necessarily displayed copious amounts of affection toward lucien, but continually, she freely gives it to azriel. through words, gifts or otherwise.
do you really think a mating bond between elain and lucien—one elain doesn’t really like to acknowledge—will stop sjm from writing elriel? because so far it hasn’t. she has planned elriel. i think sometimes people forget that sjm writes this on purpose! she makes characters say and do things for reasons, like every other writer.
sjm has killed and brought characters back to life multiple times. do you really think a mating bond will stop her? now?
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dyadfilm · 2 years
wow oh my god 😭😭 i didn’t expect this to get such a response but thank you to all the elriels out there for the discussion! i’m not really involved in the acotar fandom that much online so that explains the first sentence but ty
i hate to engage in online ship discourse, but it’s very clearly going to be elriel endgame in acotar.
(bare in mind i haven’t read acosf yet, but,) the visual imagery of “death and his lovely faun” as feyre describes azriel and elain in acowar, and later dialogue of feyre and rhysand discussing mating bonds, feyre literally says: “why not make them [azriel and elain] mates?” rhysand goes on to explain more in depth about how mating bonds work, yada yada yada.
ALSO THE PARALLELS OF BOTH OF THEIR POWERS. feyre and rhysand’s powers both compliment each other (rhysand being a high lord and feyre having powers from all courts of prythian), nesta and cassian having paralleled powers (again, idrk much about their powers as i haven’t read acosf).
elain and azriel have paralleled powers! azriel is a shadowsinger which allows him to collect intelligence for the night court; he oversees their spies. elain is a seer, which allows her to see events as they happen or to possibly see the future.
like… also not to mention the ACOFAS SCENES. that moment in the book when elain asks azriel about his wings and azriel opens up to her easily and answers her questions with an open heart—then elain calling them “very beautiful”. elain’s gift to azriel, as well. i feel like we don’t talk about that moment enough . . .
and, of course, who would i be if i didn’t mention the “i’m getting her back,” line from acowar, and that whole scene following.
i could literally go on about elriel scenes from not even having read acosf.
tl;dr: it’s basically all about the visual imagery and symbolism. sjm has been foreshadowing elriel for ages.
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dyadfilm · 2 years
i hate to engage in online ship discourse, but it’s very clearly going to be elriel endgame in acotar.
(bare in mind i haven’t read acosf yet, but,) the visual imagery of “death and his lovely faun” as feyre describes azriel and elain in acowar, and later dialogue of feyre and rhysand discussing mating bonds, feyre literally says: “why not make them [azriel and elain] mates?” rhysand goes on to explain more in depth about how mating bonds work, yada yada yada.
ALSO THE PARALLELS OF BOTH OF THEIR POWERS. feyre and rhysand’s powers both compliment each other (rhysand being a high lord and feyre having powers from all courts of prythian), nesta and cassian having paralleled powers (again, idrk much about their powers as i haven’t read acosf).
elain and azriel have paralleled powers! azriel is a shadowsinger which allows him to collect intelligence for the night court; he oversees their spies. elain is a seer, which allows her to see events as they happen or to possibly see the future.
like… also not to mention the ACOFAS SCENES. that moment in the book when elain asks azriel about his wings and azriel opens up to her easily and answers her questions with an open heart—then elain calling them “very beautiful”. elain’s gift to azriel, as well. i feel like we don’t talk about that moment enough . . .
and, of course, who would i be if i didn’t mention the “i’m getting her back,” line from acowar, and that whole scene following.
i could literally go on about elriel scenes from not even having read acosf.
tl;dr: it’s basically all about the visual imagery and symbolism. sjm has been foreshadowing elriel for ages.
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dyadfilm · 2 years
hey hi hello i was just thinking can we please make helion and lady of the autumn court’s ship name “heliumn”? like yeah idk
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dyadfilm · 2 years
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So I couldn’t help but do more of this AU. This is a reunion for the king and queen of the underworld. Rey has added more belladonna and hemlock to her repertoire, not exactly happy to be parted from her husband…
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dyadfilm · 2 years
vivi: are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
jude: i’m a knife
cardan: she’s the little spoon
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dyadfilm · 3 years
idk i just think you shouldn’t insult someone’s taste in fiction, especially when you do it over the internet and you know NOTHING about them.
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dyadfilm · 3 years
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Cardan and Jude - The Cruel Prince
Artist: @sallteas
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dyadfilm · 3 years
“…The reason he had to keep wiping their memories was because it didn't matter how many times he reset the story or remade the introductions—Aaron always fell in love with her. Every time.
…Paris seldom let them spend that much time alone. But they were alway drawn together. It was obvious, every time he put them in in the same room, they were like”—Delalieu claps his hands—“magnets.”
— defy me, by tahereh mafi.
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