dxsertrxse · 3 years
@moresinslesstragedies​ from -> xxx
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Oh shit had she really send those to Double Trouble of all people? Well not like she could change things now.
[Text] Oh these weren’t meant for you...glad you enjoy them though
Letting out a groan Scorpia just blushed hard and hoped that the other would just let things go if she didn’t appear too flustered. 
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
“You are? Awesome I’m moving next week and I have a bunch of furniture to carry”
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“I can help you with that!” 
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
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“I-I mean I’m always happy to help Catra out...” 
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
“Mostly being Adora’s girlfriend, though we have been talking about making that wife” Catra admitted with a soft blush, “Eternia has a lot to put back together, and I’m doing what I can to help. I owe people that.” She added with a sigh, “Speaking of which, how is rebuilding your families kingdom?”
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“You are going to marry?! Congratulations!” Pulling the feline close for another strong hug, it was quite obvious that Scorpia was really excited about the news. Already starting to plan what she would wear and wondering what kind of wedding the two would have the princess was snapped out of her daydream by Catra’s question.
“Oh my kingdom? It’s going quite alright, we still find old horde stuff from time to time that we have to clean up. Entrapta and Perfuma have been a lot of help so we are making great progress” 
"I object to being called their boss, their handler is more appropriate"
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
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“Well, you were our boss for a while, now you are... What exactly are you doing now? You know besides being Adora’s girlfriend?” 
"I object to being called their boss, their handler is more appropriate"
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
That last part caught Catra totally off guard, as she took a moment to process it. “Do you really think I’m the bottom in our relationship? We’d be double teaming her, come on”
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“But you are the smallest one of us, but I would be happy to double-team her too” 
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
“Yeah, of course I do, look at yourself. You’re nearly seven foot of well toned muscle with a cute face”
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Scorpia just stands there blushing happy to be complimented in a way like this “Adora would be great at double-teaming you” she said suddenly. 
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
“Exactly, plus you’re hot, so you’re the pick”
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“Yea-- Wait you think I’m hot?” 
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
@abandonedcat​:  "What, I feel like you'd put a lot of effort in"
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“Well I would!” 
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
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“We are, but she has to travel a lot, and I can’t always go with her. She knows, she’s ok with it”
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“Fair enough” 
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
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“Hey, we work hard, we deserve it” Catra grinned, tail giving a light flick to Scorpia’s side, “And steak does sound good, so go on, lead the way” She added, “You always know just what I want”
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“We sure do!” happy to just spend some time with the other, things had been hectic, so it was nice to just relax. “I’m glad you think, so I have wanted to try it out for some time.” not wanting to go out alone the princess had hoped that the other would join her. “Well food is always a save bet with you” 
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
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One last look over at the horrid lizard who would absolutely be getting another visit later, before Catra nodded. “I could eat” She smiled, a soft rumble of her stomach confirming the feeling, “Let’s go”
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“Is there a time when you aren’t hungry?” Scorpia joked, it wasn’t like she was any better the princess could always go for some food.  “There is new steakhouse not far from here, I heard that it’s good” 
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
That's gonna be a solid yeehaw from me boss scorpion
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
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She was loathe to back down from a brewing fight, but Scorpia did have a point, “What did you have in mind?”
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“Well we could go out and get some food if you like” she offered hoping some food would get Catra into a better mood.  
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
Scorpia: Can I ask a dumb question?
Catra: Better than anyone I know.
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
What say you cowboy scorpion princess?
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"I say we ride at dawn!"
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dxsertrxse · 3 years
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“But I’m bored and they’re a convenient distraction”
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“But there are better ways to entertain yourself then to argue with them,  we could do something together instead” 
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