dwellinginscripture · 27 days
B1BLE BY THE NUMB3R5: Number 4
The number 4 indicates completeness earthly-things.
Sometimes people see truth in patterns in the Bible that are fanciful. There are indeed symbolic numbers and spiritual meanings to some numerals, but all numbers are not pregnant with mystery or a divine conspiracy. What about the number: 4? I immediately think of the craziest spiritual beings we could have imagined in the Four Living Creatures from Ezekiel 1 and Revelation 4. I think Ezekiel…
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dwellinginscripture · 1 month
B1BLE BY THE NUMB3R5: Number 2
The number 2 seems to be a number that describes fundamental reality and life: human relationships, covenant, and even truthfulness.
Sometimes people see truth in patterns in the Bible that are fanciful. There are indeed symbolic numbers and spiritual meanings to some numerals, but all numbers are not pregnant with mystery or a divine conspiracy. What about the number: 2? When I think about the number two, my brain immediately goes to the emphasis and contrast in the Bible between good and evil. Adam and Eve in Genesis (OT)…
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dwellinginscripture · 3 months
HOSEA 1: Faithless Bride
Hosea’s life was a type and shadow of what the future Messiah would suffer because He can bear us and our sin.
HOSEA CHAPTER 1: Faithless Bride  Read Chapter 1  Hosea the son of Beeri preached to the people of Israel about sin and about repentance.  He also lived out a terrible marital situation which was meant to communicate the sin cycle of Israel.  The entire Old Testament is filled with the cycle Israel went through.  This cycle can especially be seen in the book of Judges.  The opening of the Book…
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dwellinginscripture · 3 months
MALACHI 3-4: Being Right with God
MALACHI 3-4: BEING RIGHT WITH GOD  Please read Malachi chapters 3-4  The last book of the Old Testament has four chapters addressed to all covenant people of God.  God’s very first words in Malachi to His people are “I have loved you” (Malachi 1:2).  God is expressing to the people here that His love was expressed in fact long ago, but the effects remain strong even in the present.  God…
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dwellinginscripture · 3 months
MALACHI 2: Accountable Priests
MALACHI 2: ACCOUNTABLE PRIESTS  Please read Malachi 2  In the first chapter of Malachi, we have seen God criticize Israel for their attitudes about love and their treatment of Him in the temple.  He has been critical of the Israelites.  They began to worship out of habit and sacrifice was just a word they heard on the Sabbath. They began to let the influences of the world compromise their…
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dwellinginscripture · 3 months
MALACHI 1: God Doth Love You
MALACHI 1: GOD DOTH LOVE YOU  MALACHI 1  In the beginning, the author Malachi lets us know who this message is from and who it’s to.  Malachi opens his book by letting us know that what follows is a proclamation of YHWH. The message of this final Old Testament book is addressed to “Israel.”  This name helps us understand that these words were for all covenant people belonging to God.  All God’s…
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dwellinginscripture · 4 months
ZECHARIAH 9-10: Triumphal Entry
ZECHARIAH 9:1-17  ZECHARIAH 10:1-12  Focus: A little bit of context  The places mentioned by Zechariah are the neighbors and surrounding people groups of Israel.  This list is much like Amos (before the exile).  God addresses the evil in the entire land and points out those who would suffer because of their sinfulness.  Those who do not prioritize God will be punished… Jew and Gentile alike. …
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dwellinginscripture · 4 months
ZECHARIAH 7-8: God's New Thing
ZECHARIAH CHAPTERS 7-8  Read Zechariah 7 | Read Zechariah 8  Focus: A little bit of context  The Jews were observing feasts that they instituted to remember the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC.  God desires that the people not commemorate their time of sin, but move forward with proper worship and not man-made contrived fasts.  God desires spiritual worship and worship based on truth; not based on…
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dwellinginscripture · 5 months
ZECHARIAH 6: A Crowned Priest
ZECHARIAH CHAPTER 6:9-15  Read Zechariah 6  Chapter Outline:  Crowning of the Priest (verses 9-14) (Vision 9)  Messianic Note (verse 15)  Focus: A little bit of context  There were several social roles in the ancient world that did not cross.  Royalty and kings and nobility were one class.  Priests and prophets were another class.  It was very rare for those to mix and people usually chose…
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dwellinginscripture · 5 months
ZECHARIAH 5: Woman in a Basket
ZECHARIAH CHAPTER 5:5-11  Please read Zechariah 5  Focus: A little bit of context  The first set of visions of Zechariah were visions of great hope and power and accomplishment of the will of God.  The next set of visions carry with them more warnings.  Evil has no place among God’s people and God warns them of this Truth. Sin is serious. Disobedience is nothing to ignore. Selfishness and…
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dwellinginscripture · 5 months
ZECHARIAH 5: The Flying Scroll
ZECHARIAH CHAPTER 5:1-4  Read Zechariah 5  Chapter Outline:  Verses 1-2: Flying Scroll Vision (Vision 6)  Verse 3: Meaning of the Vision  Verse 4: Application  Focus: A little bit of context  The first set of visions of Zechariah were visions of great hope and power and accomplishment of the will of God. They have much symbolism for the people to whom they were written.  The next set of…
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dwellinginscripture · 6 months
ZECHARIAH 4: The Lampstand
ZECHARIAH CHAPTER 4:1-14  Read Zechariah 4  Chapter Outline:  Verses 1-2: The Lampstand (Vision 5)  Verse 3-5: The Two Olive Trees  Verses 6-7: Message to Zerubbabel  Verses 8-10: Message to Zerubbabel  Verses 11-14: Messianic Symbolism  Focus: A little bit of context  Lampstands (also called menorahs) were created for the Tabernacle by Moses.  This is a Jewish religious symbol. …
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dwellinginscripture · 6 months
ZECHARIAH 3: The Shadow of Jesus
ZECHARIAH CHAPTER 3:1-10  Read Zechariah 3  Chapter Outline:  Verses 1-3: God, Satan, and Joshua (Vision 4)  Verse 4-5: Iniquity Removed  Verses 6-7: God’s Message to Joshua  Verses 8-10: Messianic Prophecy  Focus: A little bit of context  Joshua was the high priest during the time that Zechariah was prophesying. The prophet has a vision about this priest and what God will do for His…
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dwellinginscripture · 6 months
Zechariah’s prophetic vision of Jesus is not to be missed and worthy of our time this Easter! ZECHARIAH 3:1-10 (ESV): “Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him. 2 And the Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, O Satan! The Lord Who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is not this a brand plucked from the…
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dwellinginscripture · 7 months
ZECHARIAH: An Overview
ZECHARIAH: OVERVIEW  Zechariah (“God Remembered”) is the post-exilic prophet given waking visions by YHWH.  The pattern of the immediate and the relevant as well as the future fulfillment should always be in view when reading through Zechariah.  When we have options for meaning, we should meditate on the Old Testament and then also pray.  There are patterns of meaning from other passages in the…
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dwellinginscripture · 7 months
Haggai: Rebuild My House
Read Haggai Chapters 1-2 The Prophet Haggai [“my festivals”] was a prophet of God for the people returning from their exile in Babylon in the years 521-510sBC and was focused on commanding and energizing the people to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple of God. Haggai spoke of a revival and rebuilding among God’s people who would obey God and lay the foundation of His Kingdom which would give…
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dwellinginscripture · 8 months
ZEPHANIAH: Clean Up Your Act
Read Zephaniah 1-3 The Prophet Zephaniah [“the Lord hides”] ministered to the people of God in the years 640-609 BC and focused on Southern Judah. Zephaniah lived in a time of wicked leadership in Judah and he spoke words of judgment. The judgment would not be the end, but salvation and restoration were promised for God’s people. First, a little background (mixing 2 Kings and Zephaniah). 2…
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