losing my religion !
99 posts
dean robinson. 22. they/she. i curse you on the front of the steps. i'll burn this house, i mean it.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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lost and lovely lunar years !
OOC; i am NOT going to go on another rant about how much i love y’all. that’s embarrassing, i’d rather tell u all that dean is FINALLY peace-ing out of this godforsaken town like they’ve always wanted <3 i’ve never in my life wanted to wrap up my character’s story as much as i have for this rp so here u go lovelies also like. there’s no point of the below other than the fact i wanted to write dean one last time. gonna miss this bitch and this place<3
when you’ve spent your whole life getting stuck at every corner you turn, you have to let it go at some point. you need to start a new cycle.
from the moment dean was born, this town hadn’t wanted them. when the franklins had taken dean in, and they had sat on the stiff sofa of their living room, dean had decided they had two choices: they could let that destroy them or they could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
what they don’t really tell you: growing up with that kind of environment chips away at a person. they could live up the shitty standards the town put on them, but it would also strip them of something integral - bit by bit, every year - until they are a patchwork of a person sewn together roughly and trying to call it a life.
how many times can you hit a brick wall before you stop getting up?
there’d been nothing left for dean in this town. when they looked at their poor attempt of a life, they could do a check-list of things that had went wrong:
the further they got from the franklins, the better.
dean could spit fire about their family all they want, but they couldn’t save josie, if she wanted to get out, she had to damn well get out herself - dean’s already given too much.
crashing at blair & ethan’s couch for a few days had been fine until mildly unbearable. they’d found eric on craigslist, but they don’t think eric would care much of leaving after a few months’ rent.
it was a hard truth but --- jennifer was never going to hire dean again at high volume. jerry might’ve had a soft spot for the town’s local saddest orphan, but jennifer wasn’t here during the robinsons’ tragedy. she had no guilt to give to dean.
naz though. that was another story. or the end of one before it began. dean, for lack of anything better to do, hatched a plan of seducing naz long enough to persuade her to rehire them at the stupid store. unfortunately, after a mere few meetings, dean realised that naz was perhaps going to burrow further under dean’s skin than they cared to admit. so naturally --- YEET.
when dean had tried to run away at the beginning of the year, they’d packed all their belongings into one duffel bag and tried not to think about how everything they had was reduced to such a small space.
this time, dean leaves everything. there’s nothing they want to take. to start a new life, sometimes you need to leave it all behind.
it’s not quite a plan, but dean wakes up one morning and realises they really can’t do this anymore. they get up. they put on their favourite combat boots and leather jacket. they hitchhike out -- when the driver asks where they are heading, dean smiles. shark teeth.
anywhere. anywhere but here.
they don’t really have a destination, but it doesn’t matter. watching woodstock fade in the distance is enough. dean’s never been one for goodbyes, but they think the few people in this town who care about them will understand. if they stayed any longer, they were going to suffocate into nothing here. didn’t they deserve to write themselves a new story?
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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i was actually going to slap a psd and make it nicer but i couldnt be bothered :))) i also want to do a deep character analysis for each one but i ALSO still cant be bothered :)) so below is going to be bullet point vibes - LMAO they all just have bad attitudes and hate people frankly, like my babe dean, but n e ways
jess mariano - bad attitude, hates people! intellectual who flunked out of school! town’s dirtbag! 
alex karev - bad attitude! people think they r a dick! 
jessica jones - bad attitude, hates people! questionable morals!
derek hale - bad attitude, hates people!
raven reyes - life keeps beating them up! deserves better!
rosa diaz - bad attitude, hates people!
mickey milkovich - bad attitude, hates people! questionable morals! neighbourhood’s piece of shit!
ronan lynch - bad attitude, hates people! intellectual who hated school! complicated relationship with religion! 
thalia grace - bad attitude, hates people! emo! 
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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“it’s only a date if we go for one shake, two straws. like lady and the tramp, but with liquids.” naz is having to stop herself from blushing now. she’s like a rose, blooming under the first rays of love. little does she know what dean has in store for her. “no, but i bet it’s cute.”
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“we have very different ideas of dates,” is dean’s reply, thinking back to their own past of having first kisses in shitty parking lots, mild robbery and vandalising the walls of their high school. looking back at naz, dean highly doubts that the girl has been anywhere near such a realm of delinquency. oh well - culture shock then. “dean. and you should tell me your name because i know everyone in this shitty town, but not you.”
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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coming home after a long shift at high volume, ethan paused in the doorway. for a brief minute, he thought that maybe someone had broken in, which had nearly sent him into a panic. but on closer inspection, the body napping on their couch belonged to dean - someone ethan was not expecting to see. 
he blinked at them in surprise, mouth having already fallen open slightly in confusion. “oh, um. hi?” he offered once he’d forced himself to snap out of it. no use in making things even more weird and awkward than they already were. ethan took a moment to shut the door behind him, giving himself a chance to adjust to the weird situation. “oh um, yeah. that’s…that’s fine.” ethan told them, although he knew for a fact that blair had never run something like that by him. but, he wasn’t going to throw dean out - they clearly needed a place to crash, if the duffle bag was anything to go off of. he knew nothing about their situation, but ethan wasn’t heartless. he’d definitely be having a word with blair about it later, though. “um, do you…” ethan paused, having no fucking clue what to even say in this situation. “want to order a pizza, or something?” was the best thing he could settle on. after all, he was starving and maybe a meal would make things slightly less weird. 
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surprisingly, ethan’s awkwardness has always been more endearing than annoying for dean. even when they were both two loners at school in each other’s orbits, dean found the awkward pauses much more content than the useless white noise of chatter around them from everyone else. 
“did she not tell you? sorry, dude.” it’s not quite a sincere apology, but it’s the best dean can offer. they push themselves up into a sitting position, raising a shoulder. there were many reasons for not wanting to crash at blair and ethan’s place in the first time and, whilst maybe 99% of the reasons was everything to do with blair and the whole situation there, the last time dean had seen ethan properly was that halloween party where he made out with blair. which, like. yeah, whatever. but also. not dean’s most favourite memory. 
still, it’s not ethan’s fault, they guess. “pizza would be great. but i can also get out of your way if you need.”
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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he nods in response, thinking he gets it, before he smiles in response to the record they hold. “ blair’s on break out back, ” he tells them  though he wouldn’t be surprised if she’s bailed, it’s mostly been quiet today. “ but yeah, it’s a little different. ” he tilts his head, the general feeling of the store being a little unfamiliar still, something not quite right as his pessimism persuades him that it’ll never feel the same as it did before everything. 
he snaps out of his weird little daze as his gaze focuses back on dean. “ uh, so were you wanting to buy something or ..? ” kem’s not trying to be rude, he’s just curious and he’s never been the best at small talk. 
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really, dean doesn’t mean to make a face at the mention of blair out back, but it’s a bad habit from years of bitter. quickly, they look around the store in a sweeping gaze, trying to catalogue any differences. dean’s always been on the outskirts of any social group, but it still feels like being purposely shut out of an exclusive club, no longer working at high volume.
they look back at the record in their hand and set it down again. they couldn’t afford it right now anyway. “um. no. had nothing much better to do, the town’s not that interesting. you know anywhere hiring?” 
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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“i mean, i’m personally relieved to have healthy bowel habits.” once again, naz speaks without thinking, clasps a hand over her mouth and another over her eyes, peeking to see whether the strange is the least bit amused. it doesn’t seem dire, so she feels her fingers away; one by one. “not a single wrinkle.” naz declares, fingers picking at the menu’s frayed edges now. “although, maybe we’ll get them, the longer we wait to order these milkshakes…if you - er - you know - wanna join me for one?”
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it’s actually kind of endearing. dean’s eyebrows raise and they throw her a grin. “is this our first date?” they tease. “y’know. i usually know the other person’s name before i agree to things like this. do you even know mine?” dean hopes not. 
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
how am i supposed to process the information that lee hojung used to own a motorbike??
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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“not lactose intolerant people.” naz blurts out the words without thinking, without considering the mental image she has now painted on the utter cutie’s mind. “i’m not - i’m not lactose intolerant. if you were wondering. which you probably weren’t, now that i come to think of it.” unable to keep the surprise off her face when the stranger slides in, naz offers up a small, shy smile. taking their presence as a positive sign, she decides to go bold. naz puts the menu down - and, clearly in jest, retorts “yeah, hasn’t anyone told you about those crow’s eyes?”
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thank god for naz. dean’s pleasantly surprised at how easily this plan is going to work; they hadn’t really had a preference on which sibling to go for as a stepping stone to get back into volume, but they are instantly glad that they saw naz around town first before their sibling. “i don’t know - i feel lactose intolerant people will put up with the shits for this kind of milkshake,” dean snorts, and then stops abruptly. right. flirting. the type of flirting that probably doesn’t involve talking about shitting. “ah, you’re going to make me self-conscious of wrinkles now.”
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
as soon as they hear dean’s voice calling to them, marty lets out an exasperated sigh. she doesn’t really know why ( she could take a very educated guess, though ) but her patience has been running lower and lower and dean’s not the first person to come to mind when marty first hopes someone distracts her. marty scoffs. “i haven’t been avoiding you, robinson,” marty starts, amused. they turn to face dean. “i just don’t go out of my way to talk to you.” she shrugs. “either way, i don’t have cash on me right now. so, tough shit.”
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“y’know. if you keep talking like that, i’d have to start assuming that you don’t like me,” dean retorts, coming to a halt in front of marty. they fold their arms, not quite aggressive but not quite friendly either. dean doubts jennifer would take this gatecrashing in their stride, so they should at least put some effort in being low profile. “convenient excuse. i could’ve sold you out to that shithead ! ” 
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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it’s not like dean’s presence goes unnoticed. in fact, kem has sort of been keeping tabs on them since they entered. not for any particular reason other than obviously he knows them and then the subsequent events to follow just happened to hol`d his attention. once a mess is created he feels like he wants to sort it out immediately, especially with a new boss, but he needs to finish with this customer at the till first. 
as soon as he bids them adieu, his gaze flickers to dean, then back down as he sorts the receipt, shaking his head at their question.“ not unless you can find her. ” he says slightly sharp, not really intending to before he looks back to dean. “ but no, she’s not scheduled in today. ” kem offers instead. “ do you have plans or something ? ” 
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to be honest, dean doesn’t think they’ve had any plans, long-standing or otherwise, with josie since they were in their pre-teens, but it’s not an outlandish assumption about siblings. especially from someone like kem, who wouldn’t know the ins-and-outs of the fucked-up dynamics of the franklins.
“something like that,” dean says instead, shoulder shrugging. they hold up the record they were looking at as some sort of explanation. “are you in charge of the store yourself today? is jennifer changing up shift patterns already?”
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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a smirk teased the corner of christian’s lip at dean’s deadpan, but in another second it was gone. that was the way they worked – everything kept under wraps, but comfortable together nonetheless. “you think you’re the only one that’s broke right now?” christian pointed out, but he wasn’t mad. he didn’t really expect anything in return, not from them. the two had a give and take. like now, for example. even before they reach the barn, he gave dean the bottle and waited for them to take it.
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without looking, dean reaches for the bottle offered their way and takes a long swig. it doesn’t take good, but it does taste familiar, and they’ll take anything right now. they take another gulp, smaller, and then hold the bottle out again. “ha, don’t you have a job? maybe jennifer’ll even pay you lot better now.”
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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     EYES  NARROW  SLIGHTLY  AS  MAXINE  regards  dean  carefully.  it’d  be  easy  to  tell  them,  and  she  wants  to  tell  someone  —  besides,  she’s  a  bit  buzzed  and  won’t  people  know  soon  anyway  ?  «  can  you  keep  a  secret  ?  »  max  asks  after  a  beat  of  silence.  she  doesn’t  know  if  she’s  expecting  an  honest  answer  or  no,  or  if  she  even  really  cares.  «  so  the  black  hole  of  woodstock  pulled  you  back,  huh  ?  »  unsurprisingly.  no  one  seems  to  leave  this  town  for  too  long.  «  it’s  good  to  have  you  back  though.  »
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     DEAN GIVES A MOCK-OUTRAGE LOOK, hand on heart. “ can i keep a secret ? ” they repeat incredulous. they make a show of looking around them and leaning forward, lowering their voice as if telling a secret. “ let me let you in on something, max. nobody wants to talk to me enough to hear any secrets i might or might not have. ” with an amused grin, they sit back again, “ knew you missed me. you’re dying to tell me, c’mon. ”
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
LOCATION: blair and ethan’s LOL STATUS: closed ( @outsldcr​ )
dean’s taking a nap on the couch, using their worn-out army jacket as a blanket and duffel bag as a pillow. sure, they could use actual pillows and blankets, but it’d taken a blow to their own dignity to accept a roof over their head from their ex-girlfriend in the first place. dean’s not been in the mood to ask for anything else - they’re pretty good at being self-sufficient anyway. 
they startle awake at the sound of the door opening, squinting at the figure half-asleep. “oh. hey.” there’s an awkward pause and then dean offers, “blair said i could crash.”
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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she’s in the middle of her strawberry-shortcake-sheds-her-halo fantasy, with her sister’s borrowed biker boots on her feet and a thrifted leather jacket on her back. the main character in her own fantastical scenario, naz doesn’t notice the stranger’s presence until it’s almost too late. she glances around, uncertain if she’s the object of their attention. it doesn’t have often. ever? straightening out the crease in her eyebrows (does she look indecisive? confused? dumb?), naz pretends to read the menu. “you don’t look like a milkshake kinda person.” she meant the words as fun - to imply they look punk ass, badass - but now there’s only one ass - and it’s naz. gasping, she grimaces. “i mean - because it’s like, super sweet and a lil bit childish and you’re like, you know,” she gestures up and down, searching for words…salty? savoury? “…an adult? a cool one. i think.”
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does dean have a particular opinion on milkshakes either way ? absolutely not , but -- 
“what does a milkshake person look like ? surely everyone is a milkshake person,” they throw back, complete with a mock gasp. they kind of hate themselves a little bit right now. “that being said, i guess you do look like a milkshake person. i’m inclined to chocolate but you definitely look like a strawberry kind of girl.” without an invitation but taking this conversation as a positive sign, dean slips into the seat opposite. “an adult ? are you calling me old ? ”
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
LOCATION: miracle video STATUS: closed ( @martytsui​​ )
“ OI ! tsui ! ” the shout is loud and abrupt enough for the only other customer in the store to startle. over at the counter, agnes arches an eyebrow at dean’s way, but they hardly pay attention. they’re already weaving their way through the aisles towards marty, having caught sight of them through the store window as dean was walking past. “have you been avoiding me? there’s, like. three people in this entire town. if you think you can avoid me until i forget about the fact you owe me, then think again. i want twenty bucks from that loser at the battle of the bands.”
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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Seven Scenes: S05E10 - Roadkill
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dvrtbags · 3 years ago
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– BLAIR ROLLS HER EYES, “ YOU’RE SO FUCKING DRAMATIC. ” she shakes her head, bag hitched over her shoulder. “ unless i still really drive you that crazy, ” she adds with a teasing glint in her eye, though no matter how difficult she’s being, she would genuinely find a way to be civil or … respectful, or whatever the situation called for if it was the difference between dean going back to the franklin’s house or not. it makes her think about josie, holed up in that house with all of her deferred acceptance letters.
blair thinks about telling this to dean, she loves to gossip, but she holds back the secret just a little bit longer, dangling it instead. “ have you spoken to josie recently ? ” she offers, like a middle ground. she does know things were always better between them than the monarchs of the house, which makes her feel an old, familiar rage. she’d always wished there was a way to make things better for them, ran when it felt the most pointless. 
“ oh, aren’t they ? ” blair shrugs, nonchalance in her reply. the smirk on her lips is playful, leaning forward to catch dean’s eye. she knows they’re joking, but there’s something ironic and painful about it too, coming from the only person who might have actually. “ c’mon, don’t let it stop you from crashing. ” 
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– DEAN SNORTS. “ you have, and always will be, the main reason i’m scrambled, ” they throw back - and it feels good to be laughing with blair again, amusement woven into their words. for so long, any thought of blair had been shrouded by bitterness, by anger and hurt and the awful. walking side-by-side, dean wonders if this is healing. 
“ me ? dramatic ? i’d bet you five dollars right now that they try and have an exorcism on me before they let me sleep in their house again. i mean, they’d let me stay, of course, ” dean adds, mouth twisting. they don’t meet blair’s eye. “ they’d have to let me back or the town will talk about what shit parents they are. but they wouldn’t be happy about it. ”
they feel something twinge in them at the mention of josie. their sister was perhaps the most complicated part of dean’s tangled life; only such family could breed such intense feelings of missing them and resenting them, all in the same breath. if dean thinks about josie too much, their head starts to hurt. “ nah. i should probably speak to her though, right ? maybe i’ll stop by the church this sunday. ” dean shrugs. “ don’t worry about me, i’ll find somewhere. ”
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