What do the pros have to say about church marketing? Here are some great strategies from those that know!
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Marketing mistakes every church should avoid.
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Some great free resources for churches needing marketing advice.
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Marketing your church includes going livestream - here’s how to do it quickly and cheaply!
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For the church still trying to figure out how to navigate the new landscape on virtual church.
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This is great information for the smaller church.
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Proverbs 30:26 - might just be a surprising verse about Rock Badgers. Check it out . . .
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DYM does a great job with video and crazy stuff. Speaks youth language.
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Francis Chan, well known Bible teacher, has developed a Bible study for youth that speaks to youth because it’s about real life youth stories. They speak the language which speaks to youth.
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Youth ministry, Young Saints, Bethel Church, Redding, CA - dynamic and speak the language of youth. Here’s a little promo for a conference they were doing. Everyone loves Target!
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Hillsong Youth are so dynamic, even online, of reaching youth - a great example with a variety of music, stunts like “Hotseat” interviews, personal connection, etc.
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What is more basic than water? Jesus, our source for life anytime, but during difficult times, essential. This is a dance about communing with Jesus.
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God: I'm so glad you came. I've been calling you for awhile.
Me: I know, Dad. Sorry, I've been so busy . . .
God: There's no reason to feel bad - I've just missed you.
Me: I love you, so much, Daddy!
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Prayer is a conversation with God. It can be a simple walk in the woods and just talking with your best friend, your Father, Abba, Who listens and walks with you. Let this song prepare your heart for your time with God today . . . 
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The “Wailing Wall” - Western Wall, the only remains of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, is considered sacred and holy to the Jews. The experience of putting a tangible piece of paper with a prayer on it and placing it in the cracks of the wall are a symbol of giving God the concern, the worry, the difficulty and allowing Him to take it and to then do His will with the concern.
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Then you will come and pray to me, and I will listen (Jeremiah 29:12).
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I love the Billy Graham Evangelism group - they have a guided prayer for new believers online which one can pray and accept Christ as their Savior. It then leads them to resources for continued growth as a new Christian.
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