dunkin-your-donut · 3 hours
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what she listening to
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dunkin-your-donut · 2 months
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art by The Baby Goat
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dunkin-your-donut · 2 months
“Why is snoop dogg at the Olympics-“
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dunkin-your-donut · 2 months
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dunkin-your-donut · 2 months
Booty shorts that say "ASK ME ABOUT MY GUNPLA COLLECTION" on the back
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dunkin-your-donut · 2 months
Writing Tips Master Post
Character writing/development:
Character Arcs
Making Character Profiles
Character Development
Comic Relief Arc
Internal Conflict
Character Voices
Creating Distinct Characters
Suicidal Urges/Martyr Complex
Creating Likeable Characters
Writing Strong Female Characters
Writing POC Characters
Building Tension
Plot devices/development:
Intrigue in Storytelling
Enemies to Lovers
Alternatives to Killing Characters
Consider Before Killing Characters
Emphasising the Stakes
Avoid Info-Dumping
Writing Without Dialogue
1st vs. 2nd vs. 3rd Perspective
Fight Scenes (+ More)
Writing Prologues
Dialogue Tips
Writing War
Writing Cheating
Worldbuilding: Questions to Consider
Creating Laws/Rules in Fantasy Worlds
Book writing:
Connected vs. Stand-Alone Series
A & B Stories
Writer resources:
Writing YouTube Channels, Podcasts, & Blogs
Online Writing Resources
Outlining/Writing/Editing Software
Writer help:
Losing Passion/Burnout
Overcoming Writer's Block
Fantasy terms:
How To Name Fantasy Races (Step-by-Step)
Naming Elemental Races
Naming Fire-Related Races
How To Name Fantasy Places
Ask games:
Character Ask Game #1
Character Ask Game #2
Character Ask Game #3
1000 Follower Post
2000 Follower Poll
Writing Fantasy
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dunkin-your-donut · 2 months
Things that immediately turn me off a fiction book
I'm pretty picky with what I read, because the time I spend reading is time that I could spend writing. I generally know if I will like a book within the first chapter, and I feel no shame in giving up if I'm not vibing with it.
And no, I don't believe in the "oooh read further it warms up" because does it? Does it really? Do I want to waste time finding out?
Frankly, at this point in life, I read more nonfiction than fiction because there's just so. many. bad. books. that are getting published. Worse than fanfictions.
Anyway, here are the things that make me give up. Maybe hearing this will help you as you write your own masterpiece.
Too Many Proper Nouns
Three characters maximum in the first chapter or two. Do not throw dozens of people at me. I will get confused and give up. Let me get to know the main character, by themself or with a few of their closest companions, before you make me remember everyone else. And go deep with those characters! I want someone to stick with!
You can reference other characters, to create a sense of a deeper world, but do not go all-in on them. Make it clear that they are just there to provide a bit of context, and we don't have to remember them yet. We should only be meeting three characters maximum.
Throwing Us Immediately Into a Dramatic Action Point
This is controversial I know, but I hate when something immediately starts with a battle. I don't care if any of these people live or die. I don't know them. I haven't grown attached to any of them.
Even just a page or two to get to know them first will help. You can have them gearing up for a battle, thinking about what's going to happen, maybe talking to their friends, maybe checking their armor, whatever feels natural for them. But do not just start with stabbing people! I don't care about them yet!
Too Many Details
Many this is just me, but I simply do not care about every piece of armor your character is wearing. I don't need to hear a play-by-play of every single color of every single thing because I don't care. Pick out a few specific things for me to focus on and that's it. Stop overloading me with colors and patterns and armor styles.
Yes, yes, you've done your research on historically accurate gear. That's great. It would be good for a movie. But if I have to look up different armor pieces every five seconds, I am glossing over it and moving on. I don't care. I'm here for the story. If I wanted an infodump about medieval armor, I would simply pick up a nonfiction book (and maybe I will).
White Space Syndrome
Tell me what the overall scene looks like instead of all these hyperspecific details of certain objects, like carts or emblems or whatever. I want to know where I am!!
Don't just say "a forest." Tell me what kind of forest. Tell me if it's a young forest or an old snarly forest or a swampy forest or a cold alpine forest.
Don't just say "a castle." Tell me if it's a bustling castle or a gloomy castle or a rundown castle.
Don't just say "on the sea." Cold sea? Tropical sea? Far far away from land or is land in sight? These are the things I want!
Too Much Backstory
For the love of god do not explain the entire history of this culture in the first chapter. The first chapter is for getting to know the characters we're going to be following. You can introduce those things slowly and carefully as the story unfolds.
I get that fiction writers are delighted by all the worldbuilding (or research, in historical fiction) they have done. But the reader does not care right away. They need to get invested before all those little specifics matter at all. My eyes glaze over and I give up because I don't want to have to remember all of that all at once. It's like you just threw a college textbook at my face.
Plus, if you're doing third-person limited, you have to remember that the character is not going to be thinking all of that! They won't say all of that either! Because they know all of that!
Even a general on the brink of a major battle is not going to go "yes, this all dates back to when we took Iuanfutila back in 181, when the brave Iuanfutilans protested the rule of our Yawwbaawnwhryr leaders ...." They are focused on the present moment, and they may discuss the backstory later. Tell us what we need to know now because that is what the character would be thinking too.
"Oh, but Topazadine, how will the readers understand the context if I don't tell them??"
There's a battle. Two groups are at war. Or something was stolen. Or two people are fighting. Whatever. We understand those things. We can get the basic gist of how things are going to play out by just showing us these things happening. Then, as we have gotten a feel for the characters, you can tell us more about the context.
If you walk into a store that's being held up by an armed robber, do you give a shit about his backstory, or do you only care once that person has been arrested and you have to testify? I think we know the answer. You're not going "ohhh why is he doing this??" at first. You're going "HOLY SHIT THERE'S A GUN WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NOW???" and then you'll care about the other stuff later.
Too Much Play-by-Play
I also do not need a play by play of a fight scene. I need to know the general movements, and then the overall atmosphere. I want to feel what the character feels rather than feel like I'm watching a football game.
Your reader will fill in the gaps if you give them enough information, but when you overload them with every single action, they're now trying to keep track of what went where instead of how this moment is supposed to feel. And now the action and drama has gone out of the writing because it's become a manual of fighting techniques.
Pointless Dumb Conversations
"Oh, could you turn around for me? I want privacy."
"Sure, of course, I'm a respectable man." Manfred knew that a lady-in-waiting would be unsettled by the presence of a strange man, so he wanted to be respectful.
"You're welcome."
Oh my god no one cares!!! No one!! We don't need this exchange. Cut it. This is stupid. Unless something is actually happening or something is meaningful about them saying this, shut up.
How to Not Write a Horrible First Chapter That Makes People Ragequit
Can you tell I'm mad today? I started and stopped three different books because they were all so bad.
Three characters max in the first chapter, with deep discussion of each. (One or two is better.) General appearance, demeanor, profession, whatever.
Restrain the urge to infodump! Dribble it out over the chapter!
Give the setting more attention than random little details that ultimately do not matter. I don't need to know the pattern of the curtains on the horsecart that's about to be burnt. Don't care.
Do not give a play by play of every single action that a character takes because it's boring and no one cares.
In media res is great but do NOT start with a big climactic intense battle or fight or whatever because we don't know these characters and don't know who to root for (or why we should care).
Your character is not going to give us a history lesson in why this conflict is happening. Do not do it yourself either. Give us just enough to get intrigued and no more. Think how your characters would think and what they would prioritize in discussions.
If a conversation is just pleasantries and has no purpose, drop it, we don't care.
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dunkin-your-donut · 3 months
Why did I only find out today that the “I think we need to kill this guy meme” was a fucking Steven Universe vs Hitler comic?????
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I was just caught so off guard by this
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dunkin-your-donut · 3 months
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i just think itd be funny if kittypets were a little more familiar to twoleg things such as: cars and bad words
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dunkin-your-donut · 3 months
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stumbled across some of my printer opinions that i don't recall writing but am correct about
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dunkin-your-donut · 3 months
Anyone that follows me play destiny 2?
Maybe there are other games that we each have that we can play together too?
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dunkin-your-donut · 3 months
I like the fact that the two most well-known uses for lithium are treating people who are bipolar, and making batteries, which are also bipolar but in a completely different way.
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dunkin-your-donut · 3 months
whoever made the decision to make umpires wear cameras... you are a legend
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this is genuinely the funniest thing i've ever seen
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dunkin-your-donut · 3 months
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dunkin-your-donut · 3 months
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dunkin-your-donut · 3 months
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dunkin-your-donut · 4 months
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