A homebrew tabletop Digimon RPG, currently in development and welcoming helping hands and minds!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
As I’m sure most of my followers both on this blog and my sideblogs can guess, this account has the December 17th mark of death on it. I’m not jumping ship as a result, since I like this platform for role playing too much to leave it without any immediate ideal alternatives, but I am moving what content I want to save over to a new account. I am going to have this post reblogged to every blog on this account multiple times for about a month in the hopes that everyone gets the news. I do not feel that all of my sideblogs are worth salvaging, however. @dungeonsanddigimon, @wizardingwanderer-archive, @sleepysteward-archive, @fire-thunder-crystal-archive, and most likely @jumpinjokinjester-archive have all been very inactive for a long enough time now that I don’t feel they’re worth the effort of rebuilding from scratch. I’m not going to delete them, but they will remain inactive permanently along with this account.
HOWEVER, You can still find my new main blog at the same url this one has had for a while, @vibrant-echoes, and I’ve rebuilt @hoodedhalcandran-archive and @swords-masks-wings-archive on the new account. You can now find my Magolor blog at @spells-hoods-lies, Meta Knight at @swords-masks-wings, and now Dark Meta on his own blog, @swords-mirrors-wings. I’m also considering making a sideblog on the new account specifically for posting content I make myself, such as art.
For those of you who are leaving Tumblr and still want to be able to find me, don’t worry. I’m still on the following sites:
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As I’m sure most of my followers both on this blog and my sideblogs can guess, this account has the December 17th mark of death on it. I’m not jumping ship as a result, since I like this platform for role playing too much to leave it without any immediate ideal alternatives, but I am moving what content I want to save over to a new account. I am going to have this post reblogged to every blog on this account multiple times for about a month in the hopes that everyone gets the news. I do not feel that all of my sideblogs are worth salvaging, however. @dungeonsanddigimon, @wizardingwanderer-archive, @sleepysteward-archive, @fire-thunder-crystal-archive, and most likely @jumpinjokinjester-archive have all been very inactive for a long enough time now that I don’t feel they’re worth the effort of rebuilding from scratch. I’m not going to delete them, but they will remain inactive permanently along with this account.
HOWEVER, You can still find my new main blog at the same url this one has had for a while, @vibrant-echoes, and I’ve rebuilt @hoodedhalcandran-archive and @swords-masks-wings-archive on the new account. You can now find my Magolor blog at @spells-hoods-lies, Meta Knight at @swords-masks-wings, and now Dark Meta on his own blog, @swords-mirrors-wings. I’m also considering making a sideblog on the new account specifically for posting content I make myself, such as art.
For those of you who are leaving Tumblr and still want to be able to find me, don’t worry. I’m still on the following sites:
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As I’m sure most of my followers both on this blog and my sideblogs can guess, this account has the December 17th mark of death on it. I’m not jumping ship as a result, since I like this platform for role playing too much to leave it without any immediate ideal alternatives, but I am moving what content I want to save over to a new account. I am going to have this post reblogged to every blog on this account multiple times for about a month in the hopes that everyone gets the news. I do not feel that all of my sideblogs are worth salvaging, however. @dungeonsanddigimon, @wizardingwanderer-archive, @sleepysteward-archive, @fire-thunder-crystal-archive, and most likely @jumpinjokinjester-archive have all been very inactive for a long enough time now that I don’t feel they’re worth the effort of rebuilding from scratch. I’m not going to delete them, but they will remain inactive permanently along with this account.
HOWEVER, You can still find my new main blog at the same url this one has had for a while, @vibrant-echoes, and I’ve rebuilt @hoodedhalcandran-archive and @swords-masks-wings-archive on the new account. You can now find my Magolor blog at @spells-hoods-lies, Meta Knight at @swords-masks-wings, and now Dark Meta on his own blog, @swords-mirrors-wings. I’m also considering making a sideblog on the new account specifically for posting content I make myself, such as art.
For those of you who are leaving Tumblr and still want to be able to find me, don’t worry. I’m still on the following sites:
186 notes
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As I’m sure most of my followers both on this blog and my sideblogs can guess, this account has the December 17th mark of death on it. I’m not jumping ship as a result, since I like this platform for role playing too much to leave it without any immediate ideal alternatives, but I am moving what content I want to save over to a new account. I am going to have this post reblogged to every blog on this account multiple times for about a month in the hopes that everyone gets the news. I do not feel that all of my sideblogs are worth salvaging, however. @dungeonsanddigimon, @wizardingwanderer-archive, @sleepysteward-archive, @fire-thunder-crystal-archive, and most likely @jumpinjokinjester-archive have all been very inactive for a long enough time now that I don’t feel they’re worth the effort of rebuilding from scratch. I’m not going to delete them, but they will remain inactive permanently along with this account.
HOWEVER, You can still find my new main blog at the same url this one has had for a while, @vibrant-echoes, and I’ve rebuilt @hoodedhalcandran-archive and @swords-masks-wings-archive on the new account. You can now find my Magolor blog at @spells-hoods-lies, Meta Knight at @swords-masks-wings, and now Dark Meta on his own blog, @swords-mirrors-wings. I’m also considering making a sideblog on the new account specifically for posting content I make myself, such as art.
For those of you who are leaving Tumblr and still want to be able to find me, don’t worry. I’m still on the following sites:
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I have a question about signature skills. When you cast the skill do you use the Digimon's best stat or their spell casting proficiency, or does it depend on the nature of the skill. For ex. if I'm Agumon who has a strength proficiency would I need to put points in Charisma to boost the effectiveness of Pepper Breath. Is Guilmon's Rock breaker effected by strength or charisma?
It depends on the skill itself. I don't yet have a list with all of them and all the info on them.
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That Fate point system is actually pretty dope. Also have you considered incorporating Spirit, Armor, and Jogress digivolution into the system?
I have, and I won’t be doing that to ensure the system stays simple enough to understand. The biggest drawback of tabletop RPGs is that they are complicated to set up and play, and can be confusing. Unfortunately, Digimon also has a similar problem. I want to minimize that, so for all intents and purposes, all digivolution will function the same as just, normal digivolution. The only exception to this is digivolution to Ultra stage, which will have to be discussed with the DM beforehand, and that’s -IF- I decide to include it.
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Was looking through the talents section, and was wondering what the Destiny point is used for. I also want to thank you for all the work you've done so far. It's all so easy to understand while at the same time clearly having a lot of thought put into it.
No probs. Destiny Points are basically the same as Fate Points in the Warhammer 40k system. A quick google search should yield more answers there.
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Is there anything specific you can think of, that you could use assistance with?
Not particularly, but thank you.
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Do you have any idea how long till there might be like a beta handbook people can take a look at and try some play testing?
Not a clue, but you can follow this blog to keep up with the progress of the handbook as it’s being worked on.
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Hey I was wondering what where your ideas on handling digiviolution. Does the rookies stats just reach the champions stats, and then you become the champion. Or is it more akin of going from rookie to champion will be a massive bonus to the rookies stats. Like +10 in everything for example
When you reach a certain level you gain the ability to Digivolve. This can change your max HP, evasion rating, natural armor, proficiencies, speed, size, and so on, but your stat scores only go up through other means such as buying Talents. Digivolving changes the pool of Talents you can purchase, though.
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Hey do you have any advice for a place to find players for this? I can't seem to find any interested, maybe a Discord server or something?
We do have a Discord server for people interested in playing the game once it’s finished. If you send me a PM I can link it to you.
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This isn't so much a question as it is a thank you. There are so many official table top games out there, some even based on pokemon, and I like the fact that there are dedicated fans who are making table top games for digimon.
I’m glad it’s appreciated! Thanks for letting me know.
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Playable Digimon: Kudamon

A holy beast Digimon coiled around a sacred ammunition cartridge at all times. The earring on its left ear is said to constantly accumulate holy power, having a greater effect on digivolution the more power is stored. Its cool and collected personality lets it stay calm in a fight and assess the situation, allowing for superior progress in battle. When at a disadvantage, it enters its ammunition cartridge to defend itself. It wears a Holy Ring on its neck.
Level: Rookie
Size: Small
Vision: Normal
Speed: 35 ft
Attribute: Vaccine
Element: Light
Resistances: Light, Confusion
Weaknesses: Dark
Languages: Angelic, Feral
HP: 3d4+4+(Con-10)
Natural Armor: 0
Evasion Rating: 10+(Dex-10)
Stat Score Modifiers: Intelligence +2 Wisdom +1
Ability Proficiencies: Arcana, Investigation, Insight, Negotiation
Saving Throw Proficiencies: Intelligence, Wisdom
Species Bonus: "Mystic Protection" Upon becoming afflicted with a status ailment, the player flips a coin. If heads, they are not afflicted. This only activates after the necessary calculations resulting in an affliction to begin with.
Spellcasting Ability: Intelligence
SP: 12
Attacks: Claw Swipe, Tail Slam
Skills: Wind Claw, Saint Knuckle, Holy Light
Signature Skill: Blinding Ray
Digivolves From: Cupimon, Pinamon, Wanyamon
Digivolves Into: Airdramon, Angemon, Gatomon, GoldNumemon, Lobomon, Peckmon, Pegasusmon, Piddomon, Reppamon, Sorcerymon
Available Talents Cost
Bargain 200
Battle Dancer 200
Cat’s Feet 100
Catlike Reflexes 100
Common Sense 300
Cover Taker 200
Data Recovery 200
Demon Slayer 100
Destined Strike 300
Doctor 200
Dodgy 200
Evaluate 100
Foresight 100
Light Sleeper 100
Light Step 100
Literacy 100
Meditation 100
Opportunistic 100
Slip Away 200
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Playable Digimon: Goblimon
An impish Digimon that loves evil. With a cunning and cowardly personality, it prefers to attack in groups from the bowers of forests or ambush from inside buildings. The moment things get dicey, however, they'll scatter to the winds as fast as their legs can carry them. Its intelligence is a little higher than most other Rookie Digimon.
Level: Rookie
Size: Small
Vision: Darkvision
Speed: 30 ft
Attribute: Virus
Element: Earth
Resistances: Electric
Weaknesses: Wind
Languages: Terran
HP: 3d4+3+(Con-10)
Natural Armor: +1
Evasion Rating: 6+(Dex-10)
Stat Score Modifiers: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1
Ability Proficiencies: Athletics, Toughness, Intimidation
Saving Throw Proficiencies: Strength, Intelligence
Species Bonus: “Haymaker” Land a natural 19 or 20 on attack rolls to land a critical hit.
Spellcasting Ability: Intelligence
SP: 8
Attacks: Claw Swipe, Petty Punch
Skills: Comet Hammer, Shock, Heavy Strike
Signature Skill: Goblin Strike
Digivolves From: Gigimon, Pagumon, Tanemon, Tsunomon
Digivolves Into: BlackGreymon, Coredramon (Green), GaoGamon, Golemon, Grizzlymon, Growlmon, Leomon, Nanimon, Ogremon, Yaksamon
Available Talents Cost
Assiduous 200
Berserk 300
Bone Breaker 300
Chitter-Chatter 100
Cleaver 200
Cold-Hearted 100
Doctor 300
Double Up 200
Game Hunter 100
Head-On Charge 200
Heavy Sleeper 100
Legion Fighter 300
Opportunistic 200
Reverse Grapple 300
Ruthless Fighter 300
Spiteful 300
Toughen Up 100
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It seemed like a good idea at 4am. Anyways, here’s a quick fantasy insult table for when you don’t have a witty line prepared. The ‘Son of a” tables are based off of Shakespearean insults.
Tag your weird combos? I have no clue what else to use this for.
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DM (to our bard): The six cultists shove you to the ground, bow to the massive green dragon, and say, “Oh Great One, we have brought you this gold and this human sacrifice as tribute to your greatness. Please accept our offering.”
Rest of Party, looking on from a distance: Shit. He’s dead. He’s so dead. RIP Edward.
DM: The dragon thanks the cultists and asks if you have any last words.
Bard: I look up at the dragon and say, “I have brought you this gold and these six cultists as tribute to your greatness.”
Rest of Party: OH SHIT!
DM, who was clearly not expecting that: …………roll persuasion.
Bard: 17.
DM: The dragon says, “I like you. Duck.”
Bard: ….I duck?
DM: The dragon incinerates the cultists with his poison breath and leaves you alive, flying off with his treasure.
Bard: Oh my god. I thought I was dead.
DM: Honestly? So did I.
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