dumbfuck-enterprise · 6 months
Would you kidnap a monk from 1678
hm. sure. but i'd do it real kind-like and maybe put on some spectacles (cool phone activities) to convince him im jesus harold christ. Use my long curly ass hair and bottom energy to get him to believe it too i guess. Free monk
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dumbfuck-enterprise · 6 months
bored as hell and realized posting might help with the boredom. my asks are open i guess so to my 1 or 2 followers (i know thats you charlie) PLEEEAAAAAAASE send asks. ewbojvewohalkfsdnsk
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dumbfuck-enterprise · 6 months
can confirm, i am one of the 5 people and i would crush that stupid motherfucking fishdudes skull like a dramatic cutscene from dark souls or smth
I’ve gotten over 5 people to read homestuck and like all of them hate Cronus. It is simply a principal of nature.
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dumbfuck-enterprise · 7 months
Im only tuning into this now but holy shit. Genuinely lobotomizing situation that everyone needs to know
It's Rita. We're done here for now
I'm sure everyone's heard by now that something's happened at least so I'll try keep it short [lie]. This post is a rough explanation and not a defense, if mutuals want to add evidence of what I claim then please do so, I will have a note to friends at the end, feel free to skip to that 🧡🤎
I got terminated on predstrogen due to mass false reports about sexually explicit content, I had evidence of these mass false reports, and when I asked support for help they stated "As you know, you posted sexually explicit content and additionally harrassed people"
My issue isn't with the account termination, it's the double standard around it
I've had multiple accounts. The first (madhopz) was terminated for content on sideblogs when I was doing sex work and I know I won't get it back. The second (sadhopz) was targetted by lolcow forums, and took half a year to get back, only once I humiliated myself to support by screenshotting and documenting what they were saying about me and sharing images of me. The third (predstrogen) I mentioned and I'll get back to, but I was never emailed to explain why the fourth (Avewy/Predesterone) was terminated. All we know is that it was right after the CEO got upset with me, I broke no rules and said no one should attack anyone, I posted no explicit content, none.
A man twice my age and worth $400,000,000 threatened to call the cops on a trans woman online, and then deleted me when I mentioned this
To add insult to injury, he refused to call me "she" the entire time, referring to me as "they" and backpedalling to vaguely refer to me as The Account. I'm a fucking person, and you know that by threatening to pin the cops on me. Eventually even slipping and calling me "it" before respecting the womanhood of the person he would gladly talk about and "make an exception for"
My complaint to his post was that he says I was banned for harrassment, which is a lie. I was banned for mass false reports of sexual content, despite having been told by staff directly a month prior that my blog does not break that rule, and have had people admit to collaborating on reports. But my biggest issue is that even if I was banned for harrassment, then what did they do about my own harrassment?
They did fuck all and told me my stalkers should not be removed from Tumblr
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After banning me without a reason, I immediately got an email back about harrassment and stalking that I sent a support ticket about in December. They banned me twice before looking into this, and their conclusion was "we won't do a thing". These are people who have been on my ass all of last fucking year calling me a rapist and a pedophile, and they ignored it. Does that sound like a man who cares about harrassment on his site, or only when it happens to him?
After the ban on Predstrogen and I moved to Avewy, they were everywhere. Inbox messages claiming I was sending asks to children threatening to rape them, anonymous people stating they're our victim and are scared to speak out about what I did to them. It all only happened now. They've turned a blind eye and given these people a win. I saved it all in an #archive tag as proof if I was ever asked or got through to support, but that didn't happen when i was terminated without warning or reason
When Matt deleted me himself, he deleted everything I posted and saved as evidence for my situation. Anonymous asks slandering me, reblogs of people organising to get rid of me, my own documentation of what staff did, all of it was deleted with @avewy/@predesterone.
I don't want to be on this site anymore, I was happy all day today because I feel free without it. But I miss my accounts, because of all the memories with them. I don't want to use them, but I want @madhopz, @predstrogen, and @predesterone back so that all the times ive had with friends, lovers and strangers arent completely eradicated. Every single thing uploaded to Predstrogen is gone and marked mature now, even my face and identity, because this was a sexual content ban and not harrassment as they say. They found another reason after the fact
Give me my identity and my memories back
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To all my friends and mutuals, thank you. Even people I've had falling-outs with have been nothing but kind and I want everyone to know I appreciate it. I saw every ask before deletion, I see how many people are on Discord. I can't keep up, but knowing you reached out at all means the world to me
I was happier today off this site than I have been in months. I'm not driving myself to breakdowns anymore by being on here, my mental and emotional state has been in ruins. Maybe I'll come back on this account, but for now I'm leaving it blank and still and moving on.
This post is incredibly meandering and too long, but I'm not trying to defend myself or document everything, I'm trying to make sure I say something to people I care for instead of disappearing, you deserve it. I'm doing well, please find me elsewhere.
My Twitter is mAD_h0PZ
My Cohost is Predstrogen
My BlueSky is predstrogen.bsky.social
My discord is Avewy, and my server is Public
My steam is mAD_hOPZ
Goodnight, thank you 🧡🤎
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dumbfuck-enterprise · 7 months
Hello. Find my yaois
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dumbfuck-enterprise · 7 months
STOPPPPP >:(((((((((( (/j)
Hello. Find my yaois
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dumbfuck-enterprise · 7 months
you think you can coax me? like jangling keys in front of a toddler? i am not so easily enticed. fight like a man.
Hello. Find my yaois
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dumbfuck-enterprise · 7 months
Hello. Find my yaois
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dumbfuck-enterprise · 7 months
Hello. Find my yaois
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dumbfuck-enterprise · 8 months
AAAAGGGHHRHRHHG..... riv you are so cool....
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dumbfuck-enterprise · 8 months
ultrakill rant/theory post about p-3 and all that jazz
ok so i've seen a lot of theories about the third prime soul but its always "jesus" this "judas" that and im not like trying to shoot down any theories, but like i think we can put more thought in then that.
So what did pinos and sussyface have in common? for one, they were both grecan kings, minos of crete and sisyphus of corinth. additionally, they both did something to piss off their respective gods. minos fucked around, something something labyrinth and minotaur idfk i dont pay attention to mythology. and sisyphus? heh. lets justr say. chained up death (as in the god of death) and fooled the gods several times.
So these things in mind, i propose to you the 3rd prime soul: King Lycaon of Arcadia. he literally fits in so well. he's a grecan king, much like the other 2 prime souls. and he pissed off the greek gods, which if i remember correctly he did by kiling his son and putting his chopped flesh into a stew, which he served to zeus at a dinner party to test his divinity and omniscience. he was cursed with lycanthropy as a silly punishment. im goin on a tangent but you get my point
and hey, to back it up even further, what is treachery meant to represent? betrayal of family and loved ones. what did lycaon fucking do? he killed his son.
of course there are probably hundreds of other good candidates that im lowballing but whatever idrc i've put absolutely zero thought into this and my evidence is probably really wobbly or unstable
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