dueldeudala · 2 years
Here's my New Concept Deudalaphon still remains the one who enforces the rules.  But more to a criminal aspect.  If there's a prison for all of the wayward concepts too useful to destroy, than certainly there exists a justice system for people too useful to return to the star prematurely, yes?  Yes. I think that Amaurot was a Utopia only because it was enforced and molded to appear that way
I have taken Deudalaphon's name apart and have interpreted it as "god gives sound".  Here deu and dala are both latin.  deu - god, dala - gives.  phon, being greek.  the root word of phonetics.  sound.  Thus one could interpret the name as being "god gives words".  what words did god give?
laws.  commandments.  10 of them So We know that Deudalaphon is the "law keeper" but that Pashtarot makes the laws, right?  Right. So Who keeps the law in the current society?  The justice system Deudalaphon has never been seen.  Her existence is merely spoken about.  Even the Convocation does not know what she looks like.  Why?  Because to see her would mean that the most atrocious crime was commited against Amaurot and her people.  It means there has been no greater injustice done.
Instead, she has 6 "arms" who handle things for her.  These are carefully chosen women who serve Deudalaphon as her "wardens".  Each handling one of the 6 branches of crimes.
Crimes against persons ( murder, assault, sexual assault etc ) Crimes against property ( theft, arson etc ) Crimes against morality ( bigamy, indecent exposure, illegal gambling etc ) Statutory crimes ( crimes that are prohibited for the betterment of society, in their case: misuse of creation magicks etc ) Financial crimes ( forgery, fraud, embezzlement etc ) Inchoate crimes ( aiding and abetting, conspiracy, attempt, solicitation
So about the moths.  Deudalaphon has not been seen because of the above, and also because she is cocooned in a chrysalis.  Every time one of her arms dies, she and she alone obtains their aether  This is to ensure a strong entity who could handle a threat to the whole of Amaurot.
additionally each of the arms can take the form of a large moth ( roughly rat sized? ), and do so to communicate with her. I still need to name all of the arms
Deudalaphon's rough appearance is a giant ( think transformed hades / lidi ) six-armed woman, bearing moth wings, too many eyes, and probably uniquely colored skin.  At a time when she is needed, her arms "die" and return to her.  Hence why there's six. The one and only time she was ever called to serve?  The final days. Tinkering with the idea that her work during the final days is what allowed enough people to live for Hydaelyn to execute her plan.  When deudalaphon was sundered, all of the aether/souls of the arms she had absorbed was released so they were set free to the aetherial sea, while she was broken into shards.
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dueldeudala · 2 years
No, no, no!  No!  Tis not a day of sin!  Oh!!  Oh, please put your clothes back on-- oh no, not you too-- please!!  It is a holy day!  Ah!  No!  Absolutely no kissing or canoodling!!!!
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dueldeudala · 2 years
The only rule Deudalaphon ever breaks: wearing six inch heels under her robes so she’s 11′ tall.
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dueldeudala · 2 years
Quick & Dirty About Duedalaphon
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Name: Calliope Age: Young for an ancient Things you need to know before I finish this blog:
Frequently quotes rules and laws.  Is not afraid to whip out The Book and cite each section and line item.
Stuck up.  Seriously.  Stick right up her arse.
Is very By The Books and Expects You To Be Too
What does she do outside of being a stuck up know it all?  IDK.  I’ll figure that out.  I know she is the check and balance to Pash.
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