Only Time Can heal
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Arthurian Legend OC Story, mostly based on King Arthur 2004 movie plotline.
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duchessofaquitaine · 6 years ago
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Chapter 4.3
"Sir Gaius, Lucius, Yvainne and Cassius, could you stay for a while, please?", said Arthur. They were about to resumed their seats beside Arthur when Lancelot said:
" Lady Yvainne, may I talk to you for a moment?"
" Yes, of course.", she then moved to Lancelot's side and they walked to a corner of the room, while Arthur,Lucius,Cassius and Gaius talked.
" I'm sorry for the way I reacted earlier, milady."
" There's no need to apologize, Sir Lancelot. I understand why you did so. I too, would be angry if someone were to simply come to my country, unexpectedly, and to top it all, being followed by an army. Which I don't doubt, is very much possible. My uncle won't rest until he's done with me. With all of us. But I won't surrender."
Lancelot stared at the woman before him. He regretted so much what he said earlier. Specially now, seeing how much this lady had suffered. He smirked at her and said:
" How about we forget what I said and start this over again?"
" I'd like that. I think, Sir Lancelot, that this, is the beginning of good friendship.", she answered and smiled.
" I do so too, milady.". After that, they returned to the round table and faced questioning looks. Yvainne looked at them and said:
" Sir Lancelot apologized for earlier and he and I have just become friends.". Arthur laughed and hugged Lancelot by his shoulder.
" Well done, my friend. But mark my words, this one is a handful… - gaining an amused look from Yvainne when he said that - … but also, a true and loyal friend." Lancelot looked at Arthur and said:
" Thank you, Arthur. Well, I believe I'm going to bed. Good night to you all."
" Good night, Sir Lancelot" they answered.
After Lancelot left, Arthur mentioned for all of them to sit down and said:
" Lucius, Yvainne, Cassius, I'm truly sorry for all you've been through. I knew something bad must have happened to you that made you come here all of sudden."
" Thank you, brother. We really appreciate it.", said Cassius, putting a hand on Arthur's shoulder, who nodded.
" Sir Gaius, I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for them. For Cassius told me great things about you during dinner."
" Thank you, Your Majesty. I'll do everything I can and more for this family. For I consider them my own.", said Gaius and Yvaine went to his side and took his hand in hers.
" And we consider you ours, uncle Gaius. You may not be my blood but you're certainly my family."
" Thank you, sweet Yvainne. You know how much you all mean to me."
" Ah Gaius, you big softy!",said Cassius hugging the man, who laughed at him.
" Well, if I'm no longer needed, I think I shall go to my quarters. Good night to you all"
" Good night, Gaius. We'll see you in the morning.", and he left the room, there remained only Arthur and the Aquila family. Arthur looked at them and said:
" After all I heard, I think we shall prepared for an eminent battle as soon as possible."
" I agree, Arthur. But let your knights take in the idea of another battle first. It will take at least another week before Tiernan gathers all his men and comes to Britain. I'm sure of that.", said Lucius
" Father is right, Arthur. Though I'm always up for training. I think the sooner we prepare, the better. What say you, little sis?", said Cassius.
" Well, I believe in being prepared. And as you brother, I'm always up for some practice. How about some archery tomorrow?", said Yvainne.
" Absolutely! I can't wait to beat you!", said Cassius
" Ha! In your dreams, brother dearest !", replied Yvainne. She then turned to Arthur who was looking quizzically at her,which made her father chuckle.
" What?", she said
" Nothing, it's just that you surprised me. I though you'd prefer to stay away from fights and battles.", said Arthur, earning him a laughter from Lucius and a chuckle from Yvainne, who answered:
" Do you think that with a brother like mine, I'd have stayed away from any of it? Cassius taught me how to fight, much to father's dismay."
" You're my little girl. I just didn't want to see you hurt.", said Lucius and Yvainne hugged her father. Arthur looked at them and imagined if Eleanor and him would be the same in the years to come.
Cassius interrupted his train of thought when he said:
" I believe we've had enough excitement for one day. It's time to rest. Thank you again, Arthur. For everything. Are you coming father?", he said from the door.
" Oh yes. This old man needs to sleep. Arthur, would you mind escorting Yvainne back to her quarters? It's very late and I fear she'll might get lost again.", said Lucius, letting out a small chuckle. Lucius, Yvaine and Arthur got out of the hall and closed the door.
" Not at all.", said Arthur.
" Well then, we shall go. Come along, Cassius. Good night, my dear - and he gave Yvaine a kiss on her forehead - good night, Arthur"
" Good night sis, Arthur." said Cassius.
" Good night", replied Arthur and Yvaine
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 4.2
Dagonet opened the door and they moved inside the hall. All of the knights, her father, brother and Arthur were there, sat side by side in the Round Table. Some of the staff and other people had already left and it seems only her and Dagonet were missing.
" Ah here they are. Got lost, did you?", asked Bors and there was a round of laughter coming from the table.
" As a matter of fact, I did, sir Bors. Luckily, Sir Dagonet was heading the same way and was kind enough to help me.", replied Yvaine. Lucius looked at his daughter and called her forward.
" Well, now that everyone is here, I believe we can begin. I know you're all wondering why we have come to Britain and what has happened to lead us this way. Am I correct?". Lucius asked them and the knights and Arthur nodded their heads.
" Yvaine, why don’t you come and sit beside me. Please Lucius, tell us.", Arthur said and Yvaine moved from the middle of the room where she had been standing, and sat on Arthur's right side, while her father stood from his seat and looked at everyone on the table, ready to address the small crowd. The room fell silent and Lucius spoke.
" I'm not sure how much you’ve told about me and my family to your knights Arthur, so I'll tell them very briefly about our history.”, began the older man. Tuning to face the knights he continued:
“ I've known Arthur since his birth. I was one of his father's closest friends, so it was only natural that such a thing occurred. As the late commander Castus, I too, was assigned to come to this part of the Roman Empire. My post was Hibernia, Britain's neighbouring isle. Upon arriving there, I fought the Celts, the natives of the island, so the Empire could have control over it. But eventually, we agreed on a truce, it was by far our best option. The Celtic king, Caedmon, upon the agreement, offered the hand of his eldest daughter in marriage to me in order to strengthen the truce and forge an alliance. Vivianne became my wife and the mother of my children.", he said, looking to Yvaine and Cassius, who shared a glance and smiled to the memory of their mother.
" Along the years, Arthur's father, Aurelius, and I kept in touch and often visiting one another. Our children grew up together, almost as siblings. Though unfortunate events and time, made us grow apart and we ended up losing our connection. My father-in-law, the king, became old and ill and passed away in his sleep four years ago. My brother-in-law, Tiernan, became king and for the following year we lived in peace. Three years ago, a sudden plague came and… and took many of us, including my wi-…", said Lucius and paused for a while.
Arthur flinched when he heard about the plague. He realised then that his aunt Viviane had died in the same plague that killed his wife and almost took his daughter away from him.
Arthur than sighed and looked to the woman beside him. Yvaine had her head bowed, her eyes closed and a single tear running down her left cheek. He turned his head away and looked to Lucius, who began talking once again.
" After her death, things got a little strange. Tiernan became cold, distant and secretive. The Empire no longer cared for Hibernia, which made many Roman soldiers leave the island. In time, my influence over my brother-in-law's decisions became less and less relevant. Not that I cared for power, but as it progressed, his tactics became aggressive towards the remaining Romans living in the isle and also against the soldiers who were in under my command. His relationship with the family also changed…  Specially towards Yvaine.", concluded Lucius. All eyes turned to her, and Lucius encouraged her to speak. Taking a deep breath, she gulped and said:
" My uncle had always treated me differently. When I came of age, he became more protective of me and used to be constantly by my side, following me around. When I was seventeen summers old, I became betrothed to one my uncle's warriors, Niall. But when the Saxons came…”, she paused for a moment, fighting the tears who were about to come, and continued,
 “... he went off to fight them and... and perished in battle. I tried everything I could to save his life, I’m healer you see, but I couldn’t... the wound was far too deep...", she stopped, taking a deep breath and continued:
" My grandfather died months later, making my uncle the new king. Then, when all seemed better, the plague came and my mother passed away as well. That was when everything turned even stranger in our home and my uncle started to show his true nature.”, said Yvaine sighing.
“ He made his intentions very clear towards me. You see, my uncle is a widower; his wife died of breathing complications, living him childless. And more importantly, heirless. He wanted to make me his new wife. If I were to refuse, he would gather his army of mercenaries and kill every Roman born on Hibernia, every member of my family. He gave me three days to decide and after that... after that he would come for me, and, regardless of my decision, would bring his army along with him to collect me. When I told father about this, he made up his mind to get us out of Hibernia as soon as possible and come here, for he somehow knew Arthur would help us. Please, I beg of you to do so. He’s a vile, aggressive, repulsive man and will stop at nothing to hurt not only my family but also my people."., she finished her tale, tear-eyed. Once she was done telling them her story, there was silence among the round table, until Lancelot stood from his seat, face contorting in anger.
" So you simply left and now there's probably an army behind all of you, coming to Britain! Coming to our shores!”, he exclaimed. Yvaine looked at the knights defeated.
" I'm truly sorry to have caused you trouble, Arthur. To have caused all of you trouble.", she stated and bowed her head, once again. Arthur took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
" It's not your fault, Yvaine. It is your uncle's. I've been receiving reports for a while of troubles in Hibernia…”, he said, looking at Tristan, who nodded in confirmation.
“ … that the new king was tyrannic and ill tempered. I did not know the extension of his crimes, thus far.", continued Arthur. He then turned his head forward, addressing the knights.
" Knights, you've all been aware of the problems in Hibernia and the possibility of an eventual war, if they were to come to Britain. I've told you so a couple of months ago. Their story only reenforces what we already knew. That this Celtic king is a power-seeker tyrant and if they set foot in Britain, we will fight to protect it!", he finished, with the knights agreeing.
" I believe what Lord Lucius said and also what Lady Yvaine told us. I'll fight. Who's with me!?", said Gawain, receiving a boisterous shout of agreement from his companions.
" We'll fight! Not only for Britain and Arthur, but also for the Lady here !", said Bors. Arthur gently grabbed Yvaine's hand for reassurance and she smiled kindly at him.
" Well, I believe we need to rest our minds on what we've just heard. If any of you have any thoughts or concerns, we'll debate them tomorrow night.", said Arthur and everyone stood and started moving to their rooms.
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 4.1
The dinner progressed smoothly, conversation ran freely, as did the food. Arthur sat beside Lucius and Lancelot, while Yvaine sat beside little Elaine and Cassius, who was sat beside their father. Her family was introduced to the remaining knights, who were scatterer along the table: Sir Dagonet, Sir Tristan and Sir Bors.
" Papa said you know him since he was little. Is it true, Lady Yvaine?", asked Elaine. Yvainne looked at the little girl and smiled, nodding her head.
" Yes, it's true. Your father, my brother and I were very good friends and played together all the time when we were children.", replied Yvaine. Elaine looked at Yvaine in awe and gave her a big smile. Arthur grinned as he saw the two of them talking together, which didn’t go unnoticed by his fellow knights. Lucius, observing the young king, turned to him and said:
" You have a very beautiful daughter, Arthur. She'll grow into a striking young woman one day."
" Thank you, Lucius. And I surely hope so. She's my precious jewel.", said Arthur, still looking at the interaction between his daughter and Yvaine.
" Ah, daughters. They can make you do anything for them.”, commented Lucius, making Arthur turn to face him.
“ I remember when Yvaine was that age. How time flies… Look at her now, a grown woman. But in my eyes, she'll will always be a little girl.", he continued, giving the young king a sad smile. Arthur and Lucius then shared a smile and looked at their daughters. Seeing as Elaine was starting to become sleepy, Arthur called for Nella to take her to her room.
" My princess, your father says it's time for you to go to bed.", said Nella to the little girl.
" But I'm not... sleepy yet.", Elaine replied, yawning, which made Yvainne and Nella chuckled.
" Well, if your father thinks it's time to go to bed, I think you should listen to him, little princess." said Yvaine, caressing the girl’s cheek.
" Alright, I'll go... but can you come with me and tell me a story, Lady Yvaine?", asked Elaine.
" If your father agrees, then I will.", replied Yvaine. Eleanor quickly stood from her seat and went to her father's side. Yvaine, also stood but remained close to her place at the table. Seeing the little girl approaching, Arthur, Lucius, Lancelot and Cassius stopped talking. Arthur then turned to face her, smiling.
" Yes Elly?", he asked her.
" Papa, I'm going to bed now but can Lady Yvaine tell me a story, before I sleep?", asked Elaine. Arthur looked at his daughter and then to Yvaine, who smiled, nodding her head.
" If Lady Yvaine wants to, she can go with you.", said Arthur. Upon his answer, the little girl giggled and put her little arms around his torso.
" Thank you, papa. Good night, everyone.”, she said happily. Then, turning to Yvaine and Nella, she said:
 “ Come Nella, come Lady Yvainne!", taking Yvaine by the hand and both women followed her. Before she could leave the room, though, Yvaine stopped and her father's side and said:
" As soon as she's asleep, I shall return to the hall.", Lucius smiled kindly to her and answered:
" Of course, my daughter. We will wait for you.", Yvaine then excused herself and followed Elaine.
Elaine's room was in the opposite direction to Yvaine's. Much like hers, it had a four post bed, a high window, a trunk right in front of her bed, a wooden vanity desk and a couple of shelves on the walls. The tapestries and silk fabrics on the walls created a pattern of decoration in tones of yellow, brightening up the room. Nella proceeded to change Elaine into her nightgown and undo the plait on her dark brown hair. When she was finished, she excused herself and left the room. Eleanor, now tucked in the bed, called Yvaine to sit by her.
" Lady Yvaine, can you tell me a story now, please?.", asked Eleanor. Yvaine smiled gently and nodded to the girl, starting a story.
" Once upon a time, in a far away land, lived a beautiful princess…"
Soon after the beginning of the story, Elaine fell sound asleep. Yvaine then rose from her seat by the bed, put the covers tightly around the princess, blew out the candles and left the room as gently as she could. She made her way back to the great hall, trying to remember the way she came. Suddenly, she found herself lost.
" Oh no, which way should I go?", she spoke to herself, looking from side to side of the long corridor.
" You seem lost, milady.", said someone behind her. She let out a small scream and then turned to see Dagonet looking at her.
" Sir Dagonet, you gave me a fright.", Yvaine said, letting out the breath she was holding.
" My apologies, milady.", said the tall man, bowing his head.
"Not to worry, I was just startle that’s all. And yes, I am lost. Could you please show me the way back to the hall?", asked Yvaine, politely.
" I'm going there as well, I'll accompany you, milady.", replied Dagonet.
"Thank you Sir Dagonet.", said Yvaine, and they both started walking along the corridor towards the great hall. As they made their way there, Yvaine couldn't help but to stare at the man beside her. He was very tall and muscular. A couple of scars adorned his face and arms. Although he looked frightening, she could see he had gentle, caring eyes. A familiar door stood ahead of them a Yvaine broke her reverie and smiled.
"Here we are, milady.", said Dagonet, opening the door for her.
" Thank you for helping me find my way here, Sir Dagonet. I'm very grateful. Shall we go inside?", she said and Dagonet smiled, nodding.
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 3.4
More less half an hour later,  Isolde returned to Yvaine’s room in order to help her prepare for dinner. The young maiden was wearing a pale green linen dress, that highlighted her golden red hair. Simple yet elegant.
" How would you like your hair, milady?", asked Isolde, standing behind Yvaine, who sat before a wooden vanity table.
" I'll leave it down. Thank you, Isolde.", said Yvaine as she finished combing her hair. 
" So, what did you think of Camelot so far?", asked Isolde to her lady.
" I think we shall be very happy here, milady.", replied Yvaine with a smile gracing her lips.
" Oh I agree! Have you seen the young men around here? Oh, I'm certain of my happiness here in Camelot. ", replied Isolde, making Yvaine chuckle.
" The king has been very gracious to me and my family. I believe we'll truly be happy again here. But, all in due time.", continued Yvaine, smiling to Isolde. Just as the lady was finishing combing Yvaine’s hair, a sudden knock came from the door.
" Yes? Who is it?", asked Yvaine.
" It's me, sister. May I come in?" , asked Cassius already opening the door. Yvaine, upon seeing her brother, raised from her seat, making her way towards him.
" My, my… look at you brother! So handsome! Surely you'll break the heart of every maiden in the kingdom!", said Yvaine, smirking. Cassius laughed wholeheartedly and gave her a wide grin.
" You and I shall be quite the pair.”, he replied, taking her hand into his. “You look beautiful, sister. I'll have a hard time keeping all those men away from you tonight.", he said kissing her cheek. Yvaine chuckled and shared a smiled with her brother and lady.
"Are you ready?” Cassius asked her and she nodded her head. “Shall we then?", asked him, taking her arm into his. 
" Isolde, you may do as you wish for the reminder of the evening. Have a good night. I'll see you later.”, said Yvaine, waking out of her bedroom. She saw Isolde nodding her head and smiled, as she passed through the young woman as they made their way to the great hall. 
" Sister? Should we go meet father?", asked Cassius, as they walked side by side on the long stone corridor.
" Yes, yes. Let us go meet him."., she replied. At the end of the hallway, they found their father talking to one of Arthur's trusted knights and friend, Sir Gawain.
" Good evening, papa, Sir Gawain." said Yvaine as they approached the pair.
" Milady.", replied Gawain, bowing his head to her. Yvaine smiled at the gesture, as she took her father’s side, placing a kiss on his cheek.
" Ah Yvaine, Cassius. Shall we move into the hall? Sir Gawain was just telling me that the king is expecting us.", said Lucius. All nodded and together, they descended the steps that led to the Great Hall.
The hall itself was filled with light and noises. Music and dancing also accompanied the merry gathering. Yvaine noticed the different groups of people and how incredibly well they lived; all in perfect harmony. It amazed her to see such a thing, considering they were at war not long ago. As soon as they approached the long table were the king and his trusted companions sat, Arthur smiled, raised from his chair and met them halfway.
" Lucius, Cassius, Yvaine, welcome! I hope everything is to to your liking.", he said to them, beaming.
" Yes, everything is great, Arthur. Thank you for your hospitality.", said Lucius. Yvaine smiled, nodding her head to Arthur. He then turned, as if mentioning for someone to come close to them. It was only then that the trio spotted a little figure approaching them.
"May I present to you someone who’s very special to me?", he said and mentioned for a little girl to come forward.
" My friends, this is Elaine, my daughter. Ellie, these are the friends I told you about.", said Arthur, urging the girl forward. She was dressed in a pale yellow dress and carried in her hand a small bouquet of flowers. She stopped before them, smiled and curtsied like a perfect lady. 
" Good evening milords and milady. Welcome.", said Elaine, very eloquently for such a young child.
" Thank you, my princess.", said Lucius, smiling and bowing to the young girl who giggled. Cassius, ever the charmer, completed: 
" You look very pretty, young princess", taking Elaine’s hand and kissing it gently.
"Thank you for receiving us, Princess Elaine.”, said Yvaine, kneeling down, into the little girl’s height. The younger eyed her carefully, then smiled, offering the flowers in her hand to the older. “ These are for you, milady.", she said and gave Yvaine the flowers.
" Thank you very much, they're very beautiful, as are you.", replied Yvaine, exchanging a smile with Elaine.
" I picked them myself. Nella told me that I should give something to papa’s pretty lady-friend.", she said and Arthur smiled.
" That was very kind of you. I love them.", said Yvaine, smiling at the little girl. The men watched the interaction with smiles on their faces, no one more than Arthur.
"Now, shall we sit?", said Arthur taking his daughter’s hand. Agreeing with the king, the party moved to the high table. As they were sitting, Elaine tugged her father’s sleeve, making his head turn, and said:
" Papa, can I sit by the pretty lady?". That made the Aquila family pause, waiting for the king’s reply. Arthur smiled, then, looking at Yvaine, said:
" Well, you have to ask the Lady Yvaine if you can.", he replied. Elaine was more than happy to walk back towards Yvaine and, stopping in front of her she asked:
" Can I sit beside you, Lady Yvaine?"
" Of course you may, princess Elaine. It will be an honour to have you beside me. ", replied the lady. Her answer made the little girl grin and run to Yvaine's side, taking her hand. Yvaine looked at Arthur and they smiled and each other as he guided them to their seats.  I was right. They are already getting along, thought Arthur and they began eating.
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 3.3
Arthur told Nella, Jols and Giles to help them settle. First they needed rest, then he would have my answers. Lancelot, who still was standing in the hall, lurking, walked towards him.
" Arthur? Do you really trust them?", asked the knight.
" Yes, Lancelot. With my life. We may have been parted for a long time but I know their friendship is true.", replied Arthur.
" Well, if you are certain… I wonder what made they return to Britain without a warning and after such a long time. They seemed to be in trouble, if you ask me…", said Lancelot and Arthur nodded his head, pensive.
" I'm curious as well. But we shall discover their reasons later.” said Arthur beginning to walk away from the room. “ I think I'm going to see Elly. I must tell her of our new guests.", he continued, smiling.
" Will you let her come to the gathering this evening?", asked Lancelot.
" Yes, I want them to meet her. I think Lady Yvaine and Elaine will get along quite well.”, replied Arthur grinning.
" Speaking of Lady Yvaine, she's quite the beauty.”, said Lancelot smirking.
“And her lady, well, she’d not far behind. Do you think I have a chance with one of them?", asked Lancelot and Arthur laughed at his friend.
" Oh Lancelot, you’ll never change, will you?", commented the king, which made Lancelot chuckle and leave the room with his signature smirk on his face.
Walking down the corridor, on the east wing of the castle, Arthur made his way to his daughter's room. Upon reaching the door, he gently knocked.
" Elly, are you there?". he asked. The door was opened by Nella and a bubbling mass of dark brown hair ran towards him.
" Dada!", said Eleanor, hugging tightly her father's legs. Arthur smiled and chuckled, running his hand on her hair.
" Hello my princess. How have you been today?", he said, kneeling in front of her.
" I've been good. Nella braided my hair. Look!", she said and turned to show her plait to her father.
" That's very beautiful.”, said Arthur. “ Listen darling, there's something I have to tell you.", he continued, taking her in his arms, seating her in a chair. She looked quizzically at him.
" Today, papa's oldest friends came to Camelot. They're going to live here now.", said Arthur and the little girl smiled.
" Live here with you, me, Nella, uncle Lancelot, uncle Gawain, uncle Bors…", she began, listing all the people than lived in the castle.
" Yes Elly, with all of us.", replied Arthur, chuckling.
" Are they nice?", asked Elaine, with a serious face. Arthur chuckled at her attitude.
" Very nice. They know me since he was a little boy.", replied Arthur and she looked at him surprised.
" A little boy? Is that a long time, dada?", asked Elaine and Arthur smiled at her.
" Yes, darling. A very, very long time. You'll meet them tonight at dinner.", said Arthur and she smiled, excitedly.
" Really?!", she asked grinning. " Yes, really.", replied Arthur smiling. She smiled and encircled her little arms around her father's neck, and hugged him.
" Now, be a good girl and let Nella dress you ready for dinner. I'll come here to get you when it's time, ok?", instructed Arthur.
" Yes. Don't worry papa, I'll dress very pretty.", she said, nodding her head, with a wide smile. Arthur kissed her head and left the room to get ready for dinner.
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 3.2
Nella led her through a long corridor full of doors. Upon reaching almost the end of it, she stopped and opened the door. She gestured for Yvaine to come inside and she walked in the room, followed by Isolde. It was a spacious yet simple room, that was almost like the one she had at Black Portmore in Hibernia. It had a large bed and a big enough trunk at the end of it. My things had already been set there. But the thing that caught my attention was window. A very high, glassy window that gave view of the court yard, she observed,
" I loved it" , said Yvaine to Nella and the older woman smiled.
" The king will be very glad to hear it, milady. Your lady’s room is just across from your. I'll leave you to rest. If you need anything don't hesitate to call me.", said Nella.
" Thank you, Nella.", she nodded and left the room. Yvaine then turned to Isolde and said:
" Well, you're free to rest and unpack your things. We've had a long journey."
" Do you need any help with your trunks, milady?", said Isolde concerned.
" No, I can manage, thank you. Go on and rest. You are just as tired as I am if not more.", they smiled to each other and Isolde left, closing the door behind her, leaving Yvaine alone.
She was finally by myself after what it seem a long time. Walking around the room, Yvaine paused at the very same window that caught her attention and sat by it. 
There, she glanced at the court yard beneath her. The people walking, the horses drinking water, the children running around… it all made her feel like she belonged. Hadrian’s Wall had always made her feel like this.
It felt like a long lost home. Sighing, she got up form her seat and started unpacking some of of things. Opening one of the trunks, she stumbled upon a wooden box, beautifully crafted. Inside, a single jewel: a silver & amber necklace that once belonged to her mother.
- flashback 5 years ago
Seventeen year-old Yvaine sat below an olk tree, a book on her hand. She was so lost in it that she didn't even noticed her mother approaching her. Slowly, Lady Vivianne, the Princess of the Celts, walked to her daughter's side.
" What are you reading, my darling?", she said softly.Jumping from her seat on the ground, Yvaine looked up and saw her mother’s gentle and caring smile.
" Mother! You scared me!", said Yvaine, putting a hand above her heart and closing her book. Her mother chuckled and sat next to her.
" So? Won't you tell me what has been capturing your attention so much that couldn't even her me?", asked Vivianne.
" I was reading father's Socrates. I like his ideas on ethics and virtue. I believe we have a lot to learn from his teaching…", replied Yvaine.
" You are just like your father… always thinking about these philosophers and their ideas…" said Vivianne, making Yvaine chuckle. Looking at her her mother, Yvaine asked:
" Were you looking for me, mother?". Vivianne smiled, and ran her hand on her daughter golden-red locks.
" Yes. I'd like to give you something.", she said and took a leather pouch in her hands, opening it for Yvaine to see. Inside there was a beautiful silver necklace.
" This necklace was your grandmother's. She gave it to me when I became engaged to your father and now I'm giving it to you.", said Vivianne, putting the necklace around Yvaine's neck. 
" Thank you, mother. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.", Yvaine replied, touching carefully the gem.
" This way, when you marry Niall and move away from us, you can always have something to remember me by, close to your heart.", said Vivianne with teary eyes.
" Even without it, I could never forget you.", Yvaine said, moving forward and hugging her mother.
" I love you mama.", said Yvaine, holding her mother tightly.
" And I love you more than you can ever imagine, my beautiful, fiery, loveliest girl.", said Vivianne.
- end of flashback
" I miss you mother. More than you can even imagine.", said Yvaine outloud, picking up the necklace and holding it in her hand; a single tear dropping from her eyes. She put it on and continued unpacking her things.
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 3.1
Upon entering the Great Hall, Yvaine felt an enormous sense of relief inside of her as she walked beside Arthur. Father was right all along, she thought.
As they walked, Yvaine noticed how the people, who looked to be servants, glared at her and her family with curiosity. She looked behind her, seeing her father and brother engaged in lively conversation with Gaius, Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahad, and Isolde being escorted by Sir Tristan. Then, she glanced back to Arthur, who only smiled at her, leading her forward. Upon reaching the middle of the hall, Arthur stopped to address his people there present.
"People of Camelot! Dear friends, may I present to you my dearest and oldest friends, General Lucius Aquila, his son Cassius and his daughter, Yvaine. They are my guests, and shall remain here with us for the time being. Make they feel at home.", said Arthur and they bowed their heads. Two men and a woman stepped forward. Arthur turned to the Aquila family.
"These are Jols, Giles and Nella. They will show you to your quarters. Your soldiers have already been escorted to theirs. Please take some time to rest. Later at dinner we'll talk." . Lucius smiled and was about to say something when Yvaine said first:
"Thank you, Arthur. For everything.", and smiled to him, placing her hand gently on his arm. He smiled back, gave Lucius and Cassius a simple nod and left. The servant woman, Nella turned to Yvaine and said:
"This way, milady. Some of your thing have already been brought to you quarters." Yvaine smiled and followed the woman, being accompanied by Isolde.
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 2.4
With sir Lancelot on the lead, they made our way to the heart of the castle. Everything looked like it was from years ago, but different at the same time. Where once stood small stands and shops, now was a vast and colourful market, full of people, moving around, making their trades and living their lives freely under Arthur's rein.
" It seems like yesterday since I last set my eyes on these walls", said her father, riding next to her. Yvaine turned my head to look at him and smiled.
" Yes, even though I was a little girl, I have very good memories of this place…", she said, giving him a gentle smile.
" A couple of things look familiar to me… I remember running around the courtyard, chasing after Arthur with a wooden sword on my hand!", said Cassius, riding behind her alongside Gaius. Lucius laughed and smiled, remembering the mischiefs of his son.
" And making your mother and Igraine furious because your were getting mud all over your clothes."., commented Lucius, and Cassius chucked at the memory.
Yvaine then left her father's side and went to the back of the party, beside the carriage where Isolde was. She looked around and a strange feeling of insecurity came over her. Unable to conceal it, she let it show on her face, making Sir Galahad, the knight who was riding closest to the carriage look at her with worry.
" You seem troubled.”, he said. “ If it is about what you ran away from, don't worry, you're safe here."., he continued. Yvaine managed to nod and smiled politely towards him. Galahad rode off and she heard noise coming from the carriage. Isolde put her head out of the carriage window and Yvaine said smiling:
" We're almost there, Isolde. Make yourself ready to leave the carriage."
" Yes, milady.", replied Isolde. Yvaine smiled at her, and moved back to my father's side. They rode past the courtyard and into the place where once stood the romans' quarters, now converted into a castle of sorts. As the party arrived at the inner yard of the building, Yvaine noticed that a small gathering was waiting for them. Lancelot, Tristan and Galahad slowed their horses and so did them.
Waiting, at the top of the small flight of stairs, was a tall, muscular man, dressed in roman attire. Is that Arthur?, she though. Yvaine remained lost in her thoughts, looking at the man at the stairs, when she felt a hand reaching for hers, which were still holding the reins of her horse.
" Sister? Come, let's meet our host and dear friend.", said Cassius, helping her dismount.
Yvaine looked ahead and saw that Lancelot, Galahad and Tristan had already walked towards the man she thought now, could only be Arthur and were standing beside him. She then walked beside her brother, both of them standing on each side of their father. Arthur, who now stood at the base of the stairs, looked at their faces and pausing in front of Lucius smiling.
" General Lucius Augustus Aquila! I can't hardly believe my eyes! Is it really you?", said Arthur, approaching her father, taking his arm and greeting him.
" Little Artorius Castus, look at you! The very image of your father… Well, except for your smile.", said her father laughing and pulling Arthur into a hug. The men looked at each other, as if trying to see the changes in their complexions. 
“ Aunt Vivianne... did she-”, began Arthur but seeing the sad eyes on Lucius face, stopped himself. “ She passed, a few years ago.”, commented her father and the younger man nodded his head. Arthur then turned his face to look at her brother, with curious and happy eyes.
" I imagine you remember Cassius and…", said Lucius, but he couldn't even finish, because the two friends were already embracing each other.
" My friend, it's been so long", said Arthur.
" Too long…  my brother.", said Cassius. They smiled and chucked and Yvaine saw both men turning their heads towards her. Arthur smiled at her and said:
" This woman before me cannot possibly be that little red haired girl who would hide in the stables and wait for her brother and I to find her?". She chucked lightly and stepping forward, she replied:
" And you always did…". They smiled and embraced each other. And at that moment, in that embrace, all her fears, all her insecurities were gone, and for the first time, after a long time, she felt protected. Arthur broke their embrace, taking her hands into his, still in close distance.
" It's so good to see you, Yvaine. I'd never thought we would see each other again.", he said, and kissed her hand, receiving a smile from her.
" I’ve missed you very much, Arthur.", she said and he smiled at her. He then looked at her brother and father and grinned, happily.
" I cannot believe you're all here! Well, let's get inside for we have much to talk about.". Lucius nodded and grabbing Arthur's shoulder said:
" Indeed we have, my boy. Thank you for having us." Arthur simply smiled to her father and offering his arm to her.
" Shall we, milady?", her asked Yvaine. And with that, her father, brother, Arthur and her made our way inside the castle; Isolde was following behind, along side Lancelot, Tristan and Galahad.
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 2.3
Midday, they spotted Camelot. The journey was easier and slower than she thought. Isolde had remained in the carriage while Yvaine continued to ride on Angus, beside her brother. He was talking to Sir Tristan, who barely responded, and Sir Galahad, a lively soul much like her brother, while her father talked to Sir Lancelot and Gaius.
" So, milady, your brother tells us you and him grew up with our fiercely leader.", said Galahad.
" Yes, we were very close as children. I looked up to Arthur as much as I did my own brother, though they loved to tease me for being the youngest.", she said chuckling. The men smiled at her.
" I can't imagine Arthur teasing a little girl. He's so serious and proper.", commented Tristan and Yvaine smirked.
" Oh, believe me, sir. My brother and Arthur were quite the pair, causing mischief around the Wall. They infuriated my father and general Castus and let our mothers sick of worry.”, she commented.
" That, I'd have loved to have seen. Arthur causing trouble! Who knew? ", said Galahad. They talked for a little while longer until Yvaine spotted the familiar iron gates of the city, the former Hadrian's Wall.
It was almost noon when Arthur received a message from Lancelot. This particular note left him with mixed feelings. So it was really them, he pondered. They were on their way Camelot that very moment and would arrive at any time now. I have to alert Jols and Ganis to prepare for their arrival., thought Arthur.
Walking out of his study and along the hall, Arthur began to remember his childhood moments with Cassius and Yvaine…
* Flashback - Hadrian's Wall - almost 20 years ago…
" I'll catch you, Yvaine! Hurry Cassius! I know where she's hiding!", said a ten-year old Artorius, running around the green camp outside the main fort of Hadrian’s Wall and followed by young Cassius Aquila. They ran together up the hill, until they reached the stables. Both companions looked at each other and smirked.
They approached the doors carefully, without making a sound, and slowly made their way to the last stall. No horse in it, but it was full of hay. Once again, the boys looked at each other and silent nodded to one another. Then, Cassius said in a very low tone:
" On three?"
" On three.", replied Arthur. - " One…two…THREE!", and they jumped in the pile of hay and were met by a bubbling laughter…
" You’ve found me! You’ve found me!", said a happy little golden-red haired girl, trying to put her small arms around the two boys beside her. They looked at her chuckling.
" We always find you, little sister.", said Cassius giving a kiss on his sisters head.
He then stood up and started shaking his head, taking off the hay that had stuck on his hair. Arthur looked at the little girl and taking her hand he said smiled.
" Come Yvaine, aunt Vivianne is going to be very angry with us if she finds you covered in hay.", said Arthur.
Yvaine nodded her head and followed the two boys, never letting go of Arthur's hand. When the trio reached the foot of the hill they saw three figures standing near the at the top and Yvaine screamed happily, letting go of Arthur's hand.
" Papa! Mama! Aunty Igraine!", running with her little legs towards the adults, with both Cassius and Arthur following behind her. When she reached them, she was met by her father, who threw her in the air as she giggled. Vivianne and Igraine looked at the boys a little sternly and sighed.
" You two were playing with Yvaine in the stables again, weren't you?"., asked Vivianne. They looked at her with downcast eyes and nodded. Igraine looked at her son and 'nephew', and gave them a tight smile, sighing.
" Boys, look at you! You're both filthy! And Yvaine has hay all over her!", complained Igraine. Yvaine, who was being held in her fathers arms, turned to her mother and 'aunt' and said:
" Mama, aunty... please don't be mad at Arthur and Cassius. I like playing with them". The women looked at the golden-red haired girl and laughed.
" Oh my dear, we're not mad at them…." said Vivianne. Igraine nodded and completed:
" We just want them to be careful..", as she looked from Yvaine to the boys before her.
" Don't worry mother, Cassius and I will always be there to protect her.", said Arthur, puffing his chest, and Cassius did the same and nodded fiercely. The adults chuckled and smiled at each other. Lucius then put Yvaine on the ground and smiled at the boys.
" Now, come along you three. Let's go back to the wall, it's getting late"., he said taking Yvaine’s hand into his. Arthur grabbed his mother’s hand and Cassius, his. Together, the three children and three adults returned laughing and talking animatefdy to the fort.
* end of flashback
Arthur smiled fondly at the memory. He had sworn to his mother that he would protect Yvaine. Maybe that's why they are here, though Arthur as he strolled down the hall. As he turned around the corner, he met Jols and the man came to a halt and said:
" I was just on my way to your study, Arthur. Lord Lucius and his family have arrived."
" Thank you Jols.", said Arthur, heading towards the main entrance of the castle.
" Here we are, sister.", said Cassius, grinning at her. Yvaine only nodded and smiled, looking around the place of so many fond memories. 
Their party caused a curiosity to set in the air, for as they walked, the people inside the wall turned to look at them with wonder and cautious. Some even pointed to her father... maybe they recognised him.
Sir Lancelot, at the front with her father and Gaius, guided them to the inner courtyard of the now castle of Camelot.
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 2.2
In the following morning, Yvaine, her family and their entire party had breakfast together inside the stronghold of Caer Ligualid, seeing as it was the only place big enough to house all them. “Milord”, said Gaius, “ We must make haste in our departure if we want to arrive before the weather changes.”, he continued and her father nodded his head, looking outside the stone windows, seeing the clouds moving in the sky, bringing rain from the sea. 
After a light meal, they packed what they had taken from their trunks for the evening, loaded the horses and the carriages, and began their journey towards Hadrian’s Wall, or Camelot, as Yvaine was told it was called now.
" Milady, we should get going. Your father has asked me to come and get you and Lady Isolde inside the carriage.", said Gaius, bowing his head.
" Of course. Thank you, Gaius.” With that said, Isolde and Yvainne started moving towards the carriage and boarded it.
“ You know what? I think I’m going to ride Angus.” said Yvaine. 
“ Milady, I’d advise against it...”, began Gaius but Yvaine put her foot down and was having none of it.
“ Thank you for your concern, Gaius. But I think I can manage an hour’s ride.”, replied Yvaine, hoping onto her saddle. Soon, they were riding in a continuous pace out of Luguvalium, which to her surprise, looked almost the same city she remembered when she last visited it with her family.  
The weather seemed to begin to change faster than they expected, and the party increased their pace. They were almost at the end of the city gates when a group of armed men came riding on the top of the road. Her father was soon by her side, positioned his horse beside hers. Lucius father grabbed her hand tightly as he watched the three figures coming at full gallop in their direction.
“ Yvaine, get yourself inside the carriage. And stay there until you're called!", he said urgently.
" But father, I can protect my-", she started saying but as interrupted by her father.
" No, Yvaine. This is not the time to argue! Go and stay hidden!", he said, pulling her from Angus and urging her inside the carriage along with Isolde. There, with the curtains shut, she could only hear what they were saying.
" Men ahead! Into formation!", screamed her brother and all the men surrounded the carriage and she heard the sound of unsheathing swords. Suddenly, Yvaine heard the stop of hooves near where the carriage was. A strange voice shouted:
" In the name of King Arthur of Britain, who goes there?", said the man.
" I'm Lord Lucius Aquila, former general of the Roman Empire, commander of the Cróeb Road Knights and Lord of Black Portmore, in Hibernia. I'm here with my family, seeking help of your king. And who are you, sir knight?", asked her father.
" I'm Sir Lancelot, second in command to the army of his majesty. This are Sir Tristan and Sir Galahad. If you really are who you say, you won't bother coming with us to Camelot, will you.?", asked the man called Lancelot.
"Not at all. Knights, stand down.", said Lucius and the men sheathed their swords. Yvaine heard sounds of thumping into the earth and guesses her father had jumped from his horse.
“ This is my second in command, Gaius.”, introduced her father, and she could imagine that the younger man gave the other knight a short reply.
" And this, is my son, Cassius.", he said and Yvaine heard Cassius say a friendly hello, making Yvaine roll her eyes. “ He and Artorius used to be great friends.”, continued Lucius.
" Really? Is he your only offspring, milord?", asked another. Upon hearing that, she stepped out of the carriage. Putting on a brave facade, Yvaine glanced sideways to the concerned and slightly amused faces of her father’s knights, and started making her way towards her father, brother and the group of men.
" No, my daughter is-", before he could say, Yvaine interrupted him and said coming into view.
" I'm here, father.", said Yvaine, steeping close to her father, brother and Gaius. She eyed the men with curiosity and they looked intrigued by her.
" Yvaine, you should have stayed inside the carriage.", said Lucius in a whisper, sighing.
" I'm sure this men are not here to harm us, father. You said yourself that Arthur would send help. I imagine he heard of our arrival upon his shores and sent these men to investigate, and probably, take us to their him.", said Yvaine and one of the knights smirked.
" You're right, milady. I'm Sir Lancelot and this are Sir Tristan and Sir Galahad. We’ll take you to Arthur. But we should be off before the storm reaches us or we’ll never make it to Camelot.", said the one who smirked at her. And so, they mounted their horses and started making their way towards Camelot. On their riding, she often sent a silent prayer to the Heavens.
Oh Lord, protect us, guide us, deliver us from evil, gives strength to face every challenge ahead and please... let him remember and help us., she thought.
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 2.1
After half a day’s journey, they arrived at the mouth of River Eden, heading for Luguvalium. The group navigated through the calm waters until they reached the stronghold of Caer Ligualid. There, upon reaching the shore, one by one of them disembarked the little they had brought with themselves onto the horses and carriages, which were provided by them. A short, sturdy man, called Fabian was at the head of the small group of men waiting for them. The elderly man smiled as he saw her father’s tired face.
“ Milord Lucius. How good to see you after so many years... even though I wish the circumstances were better.”, said the elderly man approaching Lucius. They embraced and Yvaine saw her father smile tiredly.
“ It’s good to see you, my friend. Even at times like these.”, replied Lucius and they nodded to each other. “ These are my children: Cassius and Yvaine. I’m sure you remember them.”, said Lucius and Fabian smiled, a little twinkle of curiosity in his eyes.
“ My, my haven’t they grown!”, commented Fabian happily. “ It’s a pleasure to welcome you to my home, milord and milady.”, continued the elderly man, greeting Cassius with a customary salutation by taking his forearm into his hand and by receiving the same gesture in return; and gave Yvaine a gentle, subtle kiss on the back of her hand.
“ Please, come this way. My humble home is waiting for you.”, said Fabian, guiding them to the path that lead to the entrance of the cottage attached to the stronghold. 
Later that evening, after a light supper, Yvaine learnt that the man who had so graciously sheltered them for the night was an older friend of her father, more of an acquaintance, who provided him with supplied and the occasional housing whenever he had been passing by on his way to Hadrian’s Wall. It had been years since his last visit, but the men managed to keep in touch, unlike with Artorius.
Before she retired for bed, in a small room which she would share with Isolde, Yvaine went to the small chapel inside the stronghold. It was made of stone, like the building that held it; lit with candles and oil lamps, with fours rolls on each side made of wooden benches. She walked on the stone ground, nearing the altar where a brass crucifix stood above a wooden table clothed in white canvas. Kneeling down on the steps of the altar, she bowed her head, closed her eyes and began to pray.
“ Oh merciful God, give me strength to face what’s to come. And please I beg of you, guide us and protect us on this journey. We know not of the dangers wanting ahead, but I trust you shall provide for us and show us the right path in order to face and defeat them. I know I am but a mortal, oh Lord, but I humbly ask that you help him remember us. If he does not, I don’t know what can happen to us. Please, Lord, let he remember us...”, she pleaded. 
“ Sister?”, Cassius called her, startling her. Yvaine turned her head and looked at her brother. “ Yes, Cassius?”, she asked, a little annoyed.
“ I was just wondering where you were. Lady Flora, Fabian’s wife told me I would find you here.”, he replied and she nodded her head. 
“ Why do you pray so late and alone, my dear sister?”, he asked her.
“ I pray alone because I seek solitude. I needed to speak to God by myself in order to calm my tormented heart.”, said Yvaine. 
“ Tormented? Why?”, asked her brother. She turned to face him, angrinly staring at him.
“ Why? Do I really need to answer that?”, said Yvaine irritatedly. “ We’ve left our motherland, our home behind, we’re being chased by a tyrant, we’re all but homeless, the one who’s suppose to help us has no idea we are coming and furthermore, he quite possibly, has no recollection of us!”, she continued.
“ Yvaine, we’ve been through this... we know Arthur will-”, began Cassius but Yvaine interrupted him.
“  We know nothing!”, hissed Yvaine. “ Now please, leave me be with my prayers.”, she told him, turning her face away from him and returning to her prayer.
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 1.4
The day was uneventful like every other before it. The kingdom was at peace and the people of Britain had learnt to live and respect each other. There were Romans, the Sarmatians, Woads, Celts and even some repentant Saxons, all living in harmony in Britain. As he pondered over the events that lead to this peace, a noise on the room took Arthur out of his reverie.
" Your majesty, these are the last reports from Sir Tristan. Sir Jols wanted me to hand it to you.", said Ganis, handing me the paper.
" Thank you, Ganis. And once again, you may call me Arthur.”, he replied.“ We're all equals here. I’ve already told you that.", continued Arthur.
" I'll try, milord. Is there anything else that you require of me?", he shook his head and Ganis left the room, bowing before doing so. He walked towards the window and look at the paper in his hand. Reading Tristan's report made him think about all that has happened in his life for the past five years. The retreat of the Empire, the Saxons, Badon Hill, Guinevere… .
Two years. It has been two years since she has been gone, and I still find himself struggling to care for everything without her. To care for our land, for our child…, he thought.
" Papa?", he heard a faint voice speak and small steps came from behind him. Elaine. He turned his body and smiled as he saw her.
" Hello my darling. How are you?", he said picking my three-and-a-half-year-old. She looks so much like her mother…, thought Arthur.
Elaine smiled and put her small arms around my neck." I'm good, papa. Uncle Lance and Uncle Bors played with me all morning!”, she said happily. ” They're teaching me shoot with a bow!", she continued with a big smile.
" Are they now? Humm, I think you're too young to start learning how to shoot, darling. Maybe you can wait a little longer…", replied Arthur.
" But grandpapa said mamma learnt to shoot when she was little like me.", said Elaine, making a face.
" Your grandpapa was there?", asked Arthur, frowning quizzically. Elaine nodded her head and smiled. " Yes. He said I'll be a good archer like mummy was.", she replied
" I'm sure you will. Your mother was very good at archery and very, very brave.", he said and she smiled sadly. Seeing the sadness that took over her father’s features, the little girl reached for his cheek with her small hand.
" Papa? Why did mamma have to go?", said Eleanor with a sad look, then buried her face on his neck.
" I don't know… But she's with God and the angels in heaven now. And she'll always be with you, right here, in you heart. Never forget that, alright?", Arthur replied, hugging her tightly.
" Alright.", she said and he put her on the floor. As soon as her little feet touched the ground, she started running off but suddenly stopped and said:
" I love you, papa." and as she ran off, making him smile. That one is going to be a force to be reckon with, he though.
It was late in the afternoon, almost dusk and he was dinning at the great hall with almost all the knights and the court when Tristan and his group of scouts entered the hall.
" Arthur. We have news. A ship has been spotted near our shores, close to the port of Luguvallium, coming from the west. If they don’t stop to rest, they should arrive at Camelot in a day's time. It bore a green flag with a lion's head. Does it means anything to you?", said Tristan. 
A wave of shook took over me and my eyes went wide. I can't believe it! It couldn't possibly be them…, he though.
" Green flag with a lion's head. I only know one who had this flag. But it can't be… It's been so long…", he spoke out loud... thinking to himself.
" Who is it, Arthur?", asked Gawain, from his left.
" A friend, a long lost friend that I haven't seen or heard from in more than fifteen years. His name is Lucius. He was my father's best friend. He had a son of my age, Cassius and a daughter, Yvaine. But it's been so long since we last saw each other. Why would they come here now?", Arthur pondered.
" Maybe we should sent an armed party to this costal city, just for safety. It could be someone else.", argued Lancelot.
" I'm positive it's them, but you're right my friend. Lancelot, Tristan and Galahad, take a handful of men and go to Luguvallium. Find out if they really are Lord Lucius and his family. And regardless if they are or not, bring them here.", ordered the king.
" Yes, Arthur. We'll leave at dawn. Come Galahad, we have to pack.", said Lancelot, leaving the hall. Tristan and Galahad followed soon after.
On his bed, Arthur was restless and couldn't sleep. He was too troubled thinking about the news that had came to him that evening. Could it be that his friends had come to Britain after so long? He hadn't heard from them in more than fifteen years! 
But why haven't they send any message all this years? Why have they come here? I'm not complaining about it, I'm very happy with the prospect of seeing them again: Lord Lucius, Lady Vivianne, Cassius, little Yvaine. Though she's probably not that little anymore… But why, why?, thought Arthur.
That night, he dreamt of a time when things where simpler and all he cared about in the world were his two best friends and the great adventure they’d have in their playtime. 
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 1.3
In the middle of the night, a knock came on the door. Yvaine and Isolde were suddenly waken with a startle.
"Yvaine? Isolde? Are you awake? We're nearly approaching the shore !", said Cassius in a muffled tone.
" We are now, thank you for being so gently.”, she replied ironically and heard her brother chuckle.
“ You must change and meet us up on deck...”, said Cassius. “ We will. Tell papa we’ll be up there soon!", said Yvaine loudly. 
" Alright. I’ll see you in a bit.", said Cassius and she heard his heavy footsteps leaving the door.
No more than five minutes later, Yvaine emerged from her cabin with Isolde. The moon was now hidden behind the clouds but the temperature was pleasant enough. Her father, seeing her, went to greet her.
" Yvaine darling, how did you sleep? “, asked her father, kissing her temple.
" What I could sleep, I did just fine.", she answered, a little irritated by being woken up. Her father shook his head and smile. Yvaine had the same fiery temper his late wife used to have. It made him smile to think on how similar they both were.
Looking at her, he noticed that she had turned to face the shore, just in front of them. ” I know that you have some doubts, Yvaine. But you must have faith. Arthur will help us.”, he replied.
" Yes, father." Pleased with her answer, Lucius left his daughter's side and went to talk to his knights about the landing. Yvaine, accompanied now by Isolde, sat in a corner of the ship.
" Milady, do you remember your time in Britain?, asked Isolde.
" Only a little. You see, I was very young when I spent my days in Britain, alongside my brother and Artorius.”, replied Yvaine.
" Is this Artorius the one that is going to help us, milady?", she asked.
" Yes... and I do hope he does, Isolde. It's been too many years since we last spoke to him. He may have changed. He may not recall us... ", she said, with a faint smile.
" Or maybe, he'll be just like you remember, milady. Maybe he's even a better man than you imagine him to be.", said Isolde
" I hope you're right, Isolde. But anyway, are you looking forward to living in a new place?, she asked her lady in waiting.
" Yes, I love getting to know new things. Who knows what awaits ahead of us.", said Isolde. " I've never left Hibernia. So I'm a bit scared but excited all the same to live in Britain. I'm sure that I'll even find the right man for me, one that will love me passionately.", she continued.
" Isolde, the dreamer…Always thinking about love. If I ever find a man to marry ...", said Yvaine.
“ Do you think I’ll find him? A man loyal and worthy? Do such men even exist?, Isolde continued on.
" I knew one.", said Yvaine, in a rushed tone, head bowed down. Realising what she’d said, Isolde’s eyes widened.
” Oh milady! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to… I only meant…”, began Isolde but Yvaine shook her head, giving the younger woman a tight smile.
" It's alright, Isolde. I know what you meant. Excuse me.", said Yvaine, getting up and making her way towards her brother, who was currently talking to their father.
- Flashback - 4 years before
The music was merry and the people were dancing. In the middle of the room was Yvaine and her betrothed, Niall. She couldn't be happier. She knew she had found the right man to spend her life with. Niall was three years her senior; he was brave, handsome, kind and a skillful warrior. As soon as the music ended, the lovers went for a walk in the gardens of Black Portmore Manor.
" My love, are you happy?", asked Niall, facing his betrothed.
" Yes, the most happy!”, she answered. Looking at him she smiled. “ Can you believe that in a month's time we'll be husband and wife?", Yvaine asked him.
" Oh yes… and I cannot wait for the day…", replied Niall, smirking and wondering his hand down her back. She gasped and he kissed down her neck teasingly.
" Niall! Stop it, you big oaf! We can't! ", she exclaimed in rushed tone. He stopped kissing her neck and started pulling her close to him. He then looked at her and smiling said:
" I know, love. I was only teasing you.”, he replied, taking her by the hand and resting it above his heart he said, staring into her eyes. “ I promise I'll be a good husband to you, Yvaine."., he told her.
" I'm sure of it. I've never doubted it. And I vow to you that I'll be a good wife. I can't promise to give you sons but-", said Yvaine but Niall interrupted her.
" I don't care if we have only daughters. I'll be happy with any children we have together. All I want is you by my side. Your love, your smiles... Everything else will come in time…", he said.
" Well, then you have no need to worry because that, you already have.", she said. He laughed, grinning widely at her and they kissed. The couple remained there, in each other’s arms until Cassius came looking for them.
"Oi, love birds! Everyone is looking for the two of you.", he said. Yvaine and Niall hurried back to the dinning hall and started talking to the people, who congratulated them and began dancing once more. Everything was perfect, until a very loud messenger came shouting into the hall. The music stopped and people made way for the him to come forward.
" Lord Lucius! Lord Lucius! I have urgent news!", said the messenger. Yvaine's father soon got up from the main table and went to the center of the room to meet the flustered man.
" What is it, lad? What is so important that you have to interrupt this merry gathering?, said Lucius.
" The Saxons are coming."
- End of flashback
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 1.2
Time flew by and just as they entered the night away, someone of the ship's crew screamed: " Land-ho!", meaning that the coast of Britain could already be seen. That made Yvaine even more anxious. The moon shone bright and everyone, except for the crew, retired for the night. Yvaine was restless. She tossed and turned in her makeshift bed but couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts hunted her sleep. What if, despite of everything father said, he became a tyrant just like the King? What will happen to us? Where could we go?
" Milady, are you still awake? I heard noises…", asked Isolde, stirring in her sleep next to Yvaine.
" Don't worry about me, Isolde. Go back to sleep.”, replied Yvaine in a whisper.
" If something is troubling you, milady, you can talk to me.", Isolde said, sitting up in her bed.
" I know... and I thank you for it, Isolde. You and Isolde are more than just servants to me, you know that, right?", Yvaine said, looking to her lady in waiting. Isolde nodded and smiled.
"So, what is it? What's been worrying you that made you sleepless?, asked Isolde.
" It's just… I'm not sure if everything will work out with my father's plan. There are so many things that could go wrong…", she said, sitting up as well.
" Milady, nothing in this life is certain. We must have faith in God that everything will be alright in the end.", said Isolde with a smile. Yvaine sighed and said:
" Thank you, Isolde. You always know the right things to say." The maid only smile to her lady and went back to sleep. Yvaine also laid back and began to slowly drift into sleep.
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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Chapter 1.1
After settling in her cabin with Isolde, Yvaine decided to take a stroll on deck, turning her gaze at the horizon, to the land they were reading towards. The night was beginning to settle in and they had to cross the small portion of water during it. Luguvalium, the city where they’d come ashore, was locate an hour’s journey from Hadrian’s Wall and, according to her father’s calculations, they’d arrive there in the middle of the night. She voiced her concern about finding a shelter until the morning, but Lucius reassured her, stating he had already arranged a place for them all to stay.
Lost in thought, Yvaine jumped when she felt a hand touching her shoulder." Are you alright, sister? You look unease.", said Cassius
" Yes. Yes, of course. You’ve just startled me.”, she replied. Cassius eyed his sister critically and shook his head. “No… that’s not it…there’s something is troubling you. Whatever it is, it will be fine, my dear sister. I promise you.”, he comforted her, knowing all to well, she’d would not speak a word of what was going though her mind to him.
“Come, let's get in. Supper will be served soon.”, said Cassius, holding his sister's hand.” I'm not hungry.”, she replied, eyes still fixed in the horizon. 
“Cassius, do you think we'll ever come back?", Yvaine asked, now facing him.
" Honestly, I don't know. I like to think that someday we might.", he said, looking to the sea and the land left behind. They stood there, side by side, staring at the water, the chilly wind blowing on their faces. A few moments passed by, and the first stars began to appear in the sky.
" Come, let's get you something to drink then, if your not hungry.", said Cassius, taking Yvaine by the hand and leading her towards the cabins.\
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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King Arthur (USA - UK - Ireland, 2004)
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duchessofaquitaine · 8 years ago
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“Land of bears and land of eagle. Land that gave us birth and blessing. Land that called us ever homewards. We will go home across the mountains. We will go home singing our song. Hear our singing, hear our longing. We will go home across the mountains.”  (requested by khuzdith)
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