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「ind. selective Pit / KiU OC dual muse 」 ~CV; BUG~
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dualwings · 3 years ago
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     “Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?“ 
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dualwings · 3 years ago
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Pit had fully stepped into the light, looking at the songstress solemnly. He hated to interrupt her work - her music truly was a joy to hear, and judging by the soft melody and notebook, she had been busy composing. If Pit wasn’t so unnerved, he might have excused himself and slipped away.
He didn’t yet know Ivy well, yet he was glad she was here. Gone were the days of feeling alone, a living remnant of a bygone era. He knew only the vaguest details of her arrival, however - she had not been born an angel, but was a human soul who had been elevated by the gods.
It was this peculiar trait that Pit needed to speak to her about.
“…Not quite.” He quietly admitted, hanging his head. The lack of his laurel was obvious in the moonlight. Whatever his reason, Pit wished to be left alone by his goddess. “Do you mind if I sit with you?”
Not waiting for a response, he did so, crossing his legs and returning his gaze to Ivy. “I’ve been having a lot of weird dreams, lately.” He admitted. Lately being a relative term - these had been ongoing his entire life, but had picked up in frequency recently. “I…know it’s a weird thing to ask, and it might be uncomfortable for you - you can say no, and I won’t push it.” He hastily cut in before he got to his question.
“Can you tell me what living in the human world was like?”
      The lack of laurel upon his hair immediately made Ivy realize that yes, this was indeed an important discussion, if it was something he didn’t want the gods to hear. Ivy herself lacked her own laurel, as she didn’t want her song to be heard by anyone prior to any performances.
     Talk about a lucky coincidence. 
      Ivy gave a nod, a form of silent consent to his request to sit beside her. She scooted a bit to the side after their shoulders accidentally brushed, making sure to give the male a bit of personal space.
      “Weird dreams…?” Thoughts were fluttering through her mind, trying to piece together why he was mentioning this, or why he wanted to talk to her; she wasn’t a clairvoyant, she was a simple songstress, she wasn’t much else…what was it that he wished to talk about, something so important not even the gods were supposed to know?
      Ivy’s breath stopped for a moment when her unspoken question was answered.
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      Small bits of her past seemed to come back to her; small, yet warm meals at Ilios house, helping Lula do chores around the orphanage, being the big sister to the younger tenants, their playful antics and fun-filled pretend sessions…peaceful times, being human. It had almost been 20 years since then, huh?
      “It was…all sorts of things. It was fun, full of hardships, and…just unforgettable.” As long as Ivy didn’t have to recall much, it never left too heavy of an emotional burden on her. But if talking about her past allowed Pit to receive the clarity he sought, then she would tell him. Her gaze softened as she spoke once more.
     “I’m sorry, That probably doesn’t help...Is there a specific point in time you’d like me to talk about?” If he was truly in need of answers, she could provide what information she could.
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dualwings · 3 years ago
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@soaringcrowns​ : ❝ i know you’re not okay, but do you want to talk about it? ❞ - for Pit ~
invincible starters / no longer accepting
      “I appreciate it, Sora. If you don’t mind...” While usually he’d brush it off and say he was okay, this time felt a little different. Perhaps it was because he was in the presence of someone he could trust, he felt that he could let his guard down just a little bit. Taking a breath (a much-needed one at that) he gave an abridged explanation of his woes.
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      “I guess around winter I get a little upset. I lost something important around that season a long time ago, and it affects my mood a bit when i think about it.” A bit was definitely an understatement, but he didn’t have the heart to say ‘oh hey my parents died in the winter due to a rampaging god turning them into stone and crumbling them’ without feeling the sting of sounding selfish. Or perhaps he didn’t think he could share the burden. He was captain of Palutena’s Guard, after all, having things like this bring him down seemed a bit...off to him.
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dualwings · 3 years ago
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—-“I can’t wait to make WING soup”. He’s made Goat soup before so what’s the difference.
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      “Aw man, not you too!” What was it with people wanting to eat his wings? Was it ‘Pick on Pit day part II’ ?
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dualwings · 3 years ago
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“My wings are not food. If you want wings, eat chicken!” He’s hiding his wings at this point.
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dualwings · 3 years ago
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pit in the new super smash bros. trailer
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dualwings · 3 years ago
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Hello there, Tumblr rpc! I don’t have anything in the way of fancy graphics or formatting but it’s a good thing text promos are still a thing! I decided to make a new one to promote this blog and a connected sideblog because promoting the latter can be Suffering. Anyway! Do you like magical girls? Or maybe you like the side characters that accompany said magical girls? If that sounds up your alley, Tsubasa from graceful-cure-swan and the muses at @rosecoloredmuses might be for you! If you’re interested in interacting, would you mind liking or reblogging this post to spread it around? Thanks for your time!
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dualwings · 3 years ago
((Hopefully gonna get to some replies and starters tonight! Life has kinda kept me busy, but I’m here now!))
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dualwings · 3 years ago
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Pit vs. Link ♥
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dualwings · 3 years ago
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Never too early to start decorating
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dualwings · 3 years ago
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Trudging through the lonely paths in Skyworld, Pit’s wings reflected the light of the full moon, making them almost appear alight. It was a stunning, cloudless night - normally, the captain would be admiring the beauty, but today, his mind was far too clouded.
Yet it wasn’t a distracted fashion he was walking in. No, Pit had a purpose to this late wandering, burning questions that needed some semblance of an answer. The dreams he had had since he was only a child were becoming clearer and more frequent - and Pit was beginning to wonder if they were dreams at all.
He couldn’t take this to Lady Palutena. Something in him always froze up at the thought - it felt forbidden, somehow. He had certainly tried to speak of it before, but always, that tight feeling in his throat made him back down.
But he knew of one person who might be able to shed some light on this, based on what he knew of her own circumstances. His knowledge was vague, but it could at least point him in the right direction.
“Ivy?” Pit called out after reaching an open pavilion, hesitating only a moment before continuing. “I know it’s late, but…are you there? I need to talk to you.”
      Songwriting seemed to come naturally for the blonde once nightfall hit. Why that was the case was a mystery for her. Perhaps when the bustling of Centurions was replaced with silence, it could get gears turning for anyone’s creative output. That was especially the case with Ivy, who had just finished a rough draft of a new piece.
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      While not put to lyrics just yet, the Angel let the string of notes leave her lips in the form of a tune. It permeated the air and filled it with a soft melody, which was pleasant to her. When paired with the soft light of the moon, it almost created an ethereal atmosphere. She hoped that by the time she was next due to perform, her song would make those who heard it would feel happy.
      Considering her life now, it was all she could do.
      The female was taken out of her semi-reverie upon hearing her name being called. Turning around, she was greeted by the sight of the other Angel.
      “Oh! Good evening, Pit.” While the two knew each other, she still remained formal, as she was speaking to the captain of Palutena’s guard. Although personally, she hoped to become a closer friend with him. They were the last two angels in Skyworld, after all.
      Her smile soon faded, being replaced with a look of slight concern upon meeting his gaze. Whatever it was he came to talk about must have been serious. Shutting her notebook, she gave him her undivided attention. “Of course. Is everything alright?”
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dualwings · 3 years ago
((Will be getting to replies either later tonight or tomorrow afternoon- went out drinking with my parents and came back a little buzzed so it might be the latter-))
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dualwings · 3 years ago
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- THIS IS A LONG POST! (feel free to tag ‘long post tw’ or something of the sort so it doesn’t clutter the dash and people can filter it out if they so wish~!)  - Feel free to change pronouns to match - Thank you for reblogging and happy writing! <3
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“Aren’t you two a sight for sore eyes!”
“Look at the time. I guess you’d better be going.”
“Don’t you want to tell me about your trip?”
“Say no more. You don’t have to worry about a thing. I will always be here to make sure nobody bothers you.”
“You’re bothering me.”
“Royal ball? Can I come?”
“But they’re my parents, [Name]. They love me. And don’t worry. They’ll love you, too.”
“[exasperated sigh] So that’s it. You won’t come?”
“Trust me. It’s a bad idea. We are not going! And that’s final!”
“Are we there yet?”
“[exasperated sigh] For five minutes…Could you not be yourself…FOR FIVE MINUTES!”
“you still think this was a good idea?”
“[softly] Who on earth are they?”
“That’s not little! That’s a really big problem!”
“Quick! While they’re not looking we can make a run for it.”
“It’s easy to see where [Name] gets [pronoun] good looks from.”
“I suppose that would be a fine place to raise the children.”
“It’s a bit early to be thinking about that, isn’t it?”
“I suppose any grandchildren I could expect from you would be…”
“Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Right, [Name]?”
“That is, assuming you don’t eat your own young!”
“You wouldn’t understand. You’re not her [Familial relationship]!”
“It’s so nice to have the family together for dinner.”
“No, that’s all right. I need to go, anyway.”
“Thanks, but we’ve got all the happiness we need. Happy, happy, happy…”
“You could’ve at least tried to get along with my [Familial relationship].”
“Do you think it might be nice if somebody asked me what I wanted?”
“And guess what, Princess? That’s not about to change.”
“I think, [Name], you’re taking this a little too personally.”
“Oh, stop being such a drama king.”
“You force me to do something I really don’t want to do.”
“We made a deal, [Name], and I assume you don’t want me to go back on my part.”
“Who dares enter my room?”
“But for this, I charge a great deal of money.”
“Sorry. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“I was hoping you’d let me apologize for my despicable behavior earlier.”
“I don’t know what came over me.
“Do you suppose we could pretend it never happened and start over…”
“We passed that three times already!”
“Don’t get huffy! I’m only trying to help.”
“Don’t feel bad. Almost everybody that meets you wants to kill you.”
“I just… I just wish I could make [pronoun] happy.”
“Join the club. We’ve got jackets.”
“I am obliged to accompany you until I have saved your life as you have spared me mine.”
“Be sure and use small words, dear. He’s a little slow this morning.”
“You know, you didn’t exactly roll out the Welcome Wagon.”
“Well, what did you expect? Look at what he’s done to you.”
“[Name] Coffee and a Monte Cristo. Now!”
“We represent the workers in all magical industries, both evil and benign.”
“Are you feeling at all degraded or oppressed?”
“We don’t even have dental.”
“They don’t even have dental.”
“You don’t exactly smell like a basket of roses!”
“Look. Make yourself useful and go keep watch.”
“What? Where is he? I shall rend his head from his shoulders! I will smite him where he stands!”
“I do believe we can make this work to our advantage.”
“See, you’re allergic to that stuff. You’ll have a reaction. And if you think that I’ll be smearing Vapor Rub over your chest, think again!”
“You still look like an ass to me.”
“It’s just the rain, [Name].”
“Don’t worry. Things seem bad because it’s dark and rainy and [third party]’s father hired a sleazy hitman to whack you.”
“Who are you calling donkey?”
“Pick me! I’ll be your true love!”
“And let’s face it. You are a lot easier on the eyes.”
“First things first. We need to get you out of those clothes.”
“You want to dance, pretty boy?”
“I know you never get a second chance at a first impression, but, well, what do you think?”
“Oh, shoot! I don’t think they can hear us, pigeon.”
“But look at me. Look what I’ve done for her.”
“If you really love her… you’ll let her go.”
“I can’t believe you’d walk away from the best thing that happened to you.”
“shockingly, this isn’t making me feel any better.”
“Perhaps it’s best if we just call the whole thing off, okay?”
“That’s not mine!”
“Ah. I thought I might find you here.”
“Change? [Pronoun]’s completely lost [pronouns] mind!”
“But it’s the old one I fell in love with, [Familial relation]. I’d give anything to have [pronoun] back.”
“You have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity.”
“Say something crazy like “I’m wearing ladies’/mens’ underwear!”
Pardon me, would you mind letting me go?”
“Boom! That’s what I like to hear. Look who’s coming around!”
“we’re gonna need flour. Lots and lots of flour.”
“No, you great stupid pastry!”
“Is that glitter on your lips?”
“Mmm. Cherry flavored. Want to taste?”
“Will you honor me with a dance?”
“[Name], my dearest, if there’s one thing I know, it’s that love is full of surprises.”
“Let’s crash this party!”
“Brace yourselves!”
“Watch out!”
“[whistles] Come on!”
“[sobbing] He needs me! Let me go!”
“Go! Go! Your [pronoun/relation] needs you! Go!”
“Hey, you! Back away from my [familial relation]!
“I’d hoped you’d never see me like this.”
“[giggles] Now, where were we?”
“Baby, where you been?”
“What? Say it one more time. What you talking about? Are you serious?”
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dualwings · 3 years ago
♡ i mean i guess it doesn't take long, ur fab! <3
If you like my blog, send me "♡" / accepting! (Unformatted bc mobile)
((Thank you so much! Your kind words can definitely make this Bug feel happy~ I can’t wait for us to interact! I got your starter in my drafts too!))
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dualwings · 3 years ago
If you like my blog, send me "♡" / accepting! (Unformatted bc mobile)
((Thank you so much! I have yet to look at your muse list, but once I do I’d love to see which muses of ours can get along!))
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dualwings · 3 years ago
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡!!! (I really like your ideas! If it's okay, I'd like to write together, particularly cuz we did follow each other!)
If you like my blog, send me "♡" / accepting! (Unformatted bc mobile)
((thank you so much! Of course I have not forgotten the starter that I owe you, and I’d love to interact with you too! Your muses are all super adorable~))
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dualwings · 3 years ago
If you like my blog, send me "♡" / accepting! (Unformatted bc mobile)
((Ayy thank you! I admit this is my first time RPing Pit (second time with Ivy) so I’m glad the boot fits! I also agree that we definitely need to interact. Don’t hesitate to dm me! I promise I don’t bite-))
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