dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
When is the most effective pill for emergency contraception?
Emergency contraception is a remedy after the event. It says that it can be successfully administered 72 hours after the event. When is the most effective pill for emergency contraception? Usually taken within 72 hours, emergency contraceptive pills can sometimes cause mild side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, and breast pain. These side effects usually disappear within 24 hours. It should be emphasized that the use of an emergency pill can affect the menstrual cycle, and therefore there is an obstacle to the calculation of the safety period over the next few months. Women then try to use efficient methods of contraception, instead of taking risks and seriously leading to infertility.
The pill because of its inhibition, delay ovulation function and inhibition of endometrium, the next menstrual extension, may also be due to temporary disposable blood hormone level in medication temporarily increased, incidence of withdrawal bleeding decreased after the performance for the period ahead of time. Side effects of contraceptive drugs, can cause endocrine disorders, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, infertility, or gastrointestinal discomfort, headache, weight gain, nervous, depressed mood, skin pigmentation and acne. The pill can not exceed three times within a year, only a month between once, take other contraceptive measures you suggest
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
Teach you how to treat female endocrine disorders
Often heard that women endocrine disorders will make the face haggard, it is bad facial expression, but also can lead to irregular menstruation and other gynecological diseases. Endocrine disorders in women, if not properly adjusted, will soon find themselves increasingly ugly, so now teach women to prevent endocrine disorders unique skills! 1, treatment of female endocrine disorders - eat more soybeans
Soy and soy products contain large amounts of phytoestrogens, which play an important role in the prevention of breast cancer, especially soybeans, which can change the secretion of hormones in the body. Clinical studies have shown that soy and soy products have to balance the role of estrogen in the body, when estrogen is too low, beans or soy products will make it increase, but when estrogen is too high, beans or soy products will make it reduced.
2, treatment of female endocrine disorders - less stay up late
Lack of sleep can lead to metabolic disturbances. People who often stay up late or have irregular work and sleep are not only very old, but their health is also seriously impaired. So try not to stay up all night without staying up late! People who sleep 4 hours or less every night have problems with the body's metabolism in the treatment of carbohydrates, 4 hours a day.
To improve sleep quality, you can exercise within 2--3 hours before going to bed to keep your sleep steady. Also, it's good to have a hot bath or a cup of hot milk before going to bed.
3, the treatment of female endocrine disorders: Bath
The bath is one of the most simple method to maintain physical and mental balance, using high temperature and repeated bathing of the way, can promote blood vessel contraction and expansion. Each bath for 3 minutes, rest for 5 minutes then bath, repeated three times, can consume a lot of energy in the imperceptibly, the effect is equivalent to one kilometer jogging. At the same time, bath will also promote the renovation of old horny, keep skin smooth and delicate. But not the heart of the people are not suitable for regular hot bubble bath, try the traditional health Remedy - hot feet, foot can expand capillaries and promote blood circulation, and achieve the purpose of fitness.
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
Wild waves, wives, crazy wives, charming wives were dragged into the park Grove
Mention "wild waves wife", do you remember a film that was released in Japan? Yes, this wilderness wave wife is similar to the wilderness wave wives' story. But that's a movie, it's not real. What I'm talking about is a true story of my own experience.
My wife used to be a very conservative woman. But under my guidance, she is like a new person, completely changed a person. Especially in the sex life of the couple, it is not a scourge, always let me go.
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Wild waves, wives' madness
So I think it's more suitable to describe my "demon wife" with the words "wild wave" and "wife".
One night one year, I deliberately delayed my return to school. The janitor uncle an excuse to feel shy to bother, I put my wife in the well has been behind the park trees, and she was a never experienced field "".
My wife and I are university students, after graduation, we stayed inside the school to teach, we were together until now from the second year, although we have a lot of joy to experience, but my most memorable or the field, can be said that the field let me experience the float on clouds feeling, realize energy-saving wild.
Now, every time I mention that field, my wife calls me a goat because she doesn't want to admit she's a wild wave wife......
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Wild waves, wives' madness
Wife is the kind of very decent girl, at that time, no matter how reluctant to part I, she will be back to the dormitory before 11 p.m.. But that night, I have to delay time, so it had to stay out.
My wife might see it is deliberately missed the closing time, from just started to ignore me, in order to play out, I pretended to be innocent, is "stuffy" to the roommate called go back, and asked where the convenient hotel overnight, but also secretly the supermarket to buy TT.
Of course, the collusion is good, from the school next to the park is out of the Fasthotel, the wife's anger has not disappeared, but it is getting late, she can not follow me. I like the big tail wolf walking slowly in front, behind the "shuffle" reluctant wife.
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Wild waves, wives' madness
As I expected, we went into the park, and the beautiful woods in the daytime looked particularly ghastly at night. Of course, the atmosphere was most favorable to me. I deliberately quickened my feet and relaxed my grip. My wife was obviously a little afraid, and she trotted over to me with her arms tightly around my right arm.
I know, their wishful thinking has been more than half, in order to do not enjoy the same passion, I must let her become energy-saving tonight, and the big tree in the distance, will be our battle site. This is my thought, adrenal hormones became restless, seemed to have seen the energy-saving under me for mercy at the scene......
Perhaps the tree looks somewhat gloomy, I saw her nervous, but I have this ship the wife did not have any initiative, think about what will happen, imagination will incarnate energy-saving wife, I suddenly feel the blood seemed to burn up. Never tried "field", how such a good chance will not let my blood vessel?
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Wild waves, wives' madness
In the night I can't see her red face, but the silence of the night, let us hear our breathing. I have lost patience, fortunately, wife is more relaxed dress skirt, I slowly lifted her skirt, and then take off his pants, the body began to contact with zero distance......
With the feeling of deep eyes slowly, his wife is more simple and blurred, obviously also enjoy this feeling, imperceptibly after I have already turned into full combat wolf, also has always been law-abiding wife, have been more and more deeply with the sense, incarnation of the energy-saving, revel in this a field......
Although it was only a trap I had planned for, my conservative wife thought it was a "field battle" that happened unintentionally".
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
Relieve premenstrual symptoms should be eaten like this
Many women have unpleasant symptoms before menstruation, such as breast discomfort or soreness of the waist and belly pain. Premenstrual syndrome, how to relieve the female syndrome? Chandra, the American medical experts pointed out that 75% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome, symptoms include depression, anxiety, obvious stress, emotional vulnerability, irritable, fatigue, headache, chest pain and bulimia. The immediate cause of these problems is a lower concentration of serotonin, a substance in the body. Serotonin, a brain chemical responsible for nerve conduction, sends messages from the brain to nerve cells. Once it has not enough concentration in the body, people become anxious or sad. Carbohydrates act as a sedative, and studies have found that carbohydrates can act as a calming and soothing nerve because it increases serotonin levels. Generally speaking, you can see the effect by taking about 50 grams of carbohydrates. Potatoes and cereals, whole wheat foods, such as a variety of staple food with rice, flour, millet, sweet potatoes, potatoes and other food containing carbohydrates, extremely rich, thus become the typical antidepressant food. In addition, glucose in carbohydrates is an important source of energy for the brain's work, which reduces the fatigue of women who still work during the period. The intake of carbohydrates per day by women during menstruation should be 55% to 65% of the total energy. Inadequate carbohydrate intake can affect the absorption of other nutrients and reduce the body's immune capacity.
Vitamin B6 can reduce depressive symptoms
Drink plenty of water during menstruation to keep your bowels open
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
Can you go to the steam moisture which foods can help remove moisture
Having health is the premise of everything. With the improvement of people's health consciousness, more and more people begin to pay attention to the maintenance of their bodies. Moisture is a common problem among women, and it is also a difficult problem to solve.
Steam is a lot of women love the way of health, in the process of steam body will be a lot of sweat. Whether the steam can help the body to remove moisture? How do women determine if they're heavy in humidity?
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You can remove moisture female steam
If you can go to a steam moisture
Steam can let the body sweating, by this way a detox wet effect, but also can accelerate the body The new supersedes the old. increase circulation, deep, take away the body of waste.
Note that the steam dehumidification or physical:
The virtual physical person is not suitable for steam, the constitution was weak, then a large number of sweat will make the body more empty; and phlegm dampness constitution, especially usually do not love sweating, or exercise after sweating in the summer, can increase the number of steam, sweating, help wet gas discharge.
Two, wet weight performance
1. see spirit: if you are sleepy, Jingshenbuzhen, heavy limbs, uncomfortable you need to.
1., look at the appetite: if you find yourself poor appetite, and often sticky, boring, thirsty, but do not want to drink water, the body needs to go to moisture.
3., look at the stool: if the stool every day is not shaped, sticky on the toilet, not easy to punch, the body needs to go moisture.
4., look at the tongue coating: if it is found in the morning after the tongue coating thick greasy, the body needs to go to moisture.
Three, dehumidification food
1. letinous edodes
Letinous edodes is one of the "four delicacies," Queen of plant "," Su flesh ", is the much lauded diet. Letinous edodes Ganping sexual flavour, liver and stomach, deficiency of Qi and blood, not for work tired conditioning etc.. Especially the wild letinous edodes, Qi dampness effect is more obvious. Because letinous edodes wild growth on the hillside above the more moist places, so there is a strong defense force for moisture, its function mainly comes from the dampness.
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You can remove moisture female steam
2. barley
Barley is beneficial to water swelling, spleen dewetting, Shujin chubiclearing heat, pus and other effects, for the common benefit of water Shenshi medicine. Good seed have a taste of the medicine, no musty nor long hair. Barley can and red bean porridge, is pure barley plus red beans, but do not add rice, drink plenty of water to eat beans, insist for a long time will have the effect of the.
3. red bean
Red bean can enrich the blood and can also remove dampness. Chinese medicine point of view, red beans flat, sweet and sour, there are Jianpi Li Shui, heat dehumidification, swelling, detoxification effect. Boil water with red beans, or add black beans and mung beans to boil water together, you can well remove the moisture in the body. Red beans can also make bean paste, do Rice porridge, desserts, but be careful not to buy the kind of red bean, bean belongs to the medicine category, eating more will be poisoned, and red beans are generally easy to confuse.
4. yams
Yam and no direct dehumidification effect, but yam can fill the spleen, and indirectly can make the body moisture discharged. Yam can eat fried, stew to eat, can also eat steamed pastry, dipped in sugar can also be. Choose good tiegun yam, is edible, the spleen effect is better, but also can supply air than ordinary household yam better.
5. chili peppers
Body moisture large, might as well eat chili, vitamin C supplement at the same time, you can dehumidification, killing two birds with one stone. Best not to eat very hot kind, or fire trouble, or ordinary chili peppers is good, do not eat chili sauce, there is not only the general add pepper, may add other things to improve taste.
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
Ectopic pregnancy after surgery, how long can the same room without affecting women's health?
Ectopic pregnancy is a symptom of pregnancy outside the uterus and usually requires surgical treatment. Ectopic pregnancy after surgery, how long can the same room without affecting women's health? Ectopic pregnancy surgery on how long after the problem of the same room, we consulted the relevant gynecological experts, gynecological experts on the subject as follows.
Gynecological experts answer: this depends on the surgical approach and the patient's recovery, if the operation is used in the traditional way of operation then the postoperative recovery time will be longer, if is the use of advanced abdominal hysteroscopy, so good to be fast. In addition, the patient's recovery depends on the maintenance of his own, if the doctor's instructions to do the necessary attention to the matter, then basically can quickly and completely restored. General ectopic pregnancy 1 to 3 months after surgery can consider the resumption of sexual life, but in order to ensure safety, it is best to go to the hospital for regular review, in the case of a doctor's permission to consider the same room.
Gynecological experts pointed out that the ectopic pregnancy not only make their own physical and psychological pain, but also affect future fertility problems, because of a history of ectopic pregnancy women after chance of ectopic pregnancy will be higher than normal, so the ectopic pregnancy surgery is necessary to pay attention to the following points:
1, pay attention to diet and nutrition, to ensure protein intake. Protein is an important component of antibodies, such as inadequate intake, the body resistance decreased. Ectopic pregnancy surgery within half a month, the protein per kilogram of body weight should be 1.5 grams to 2 grams, the daily amount of about 100 grams to 150 grams. Therefore, you can eat more chicken, pig lean meat, eggs, milk and beans, beans and so on.
2, pay attention to hygiene, prevention of infection. During this time, we must pay special attention to maintain vulva cleanness, use sanitary towel and underwear and other supplies to change frequently wash, not a bath within half a month after the operation, in order to avoid the dirty water into the vagina, cause infection. Pants should be kept loose and do not wear too tight.
3. Pay attention to rest and avoid excessive exertion. After surgery, because the body is relatively weak, if you do not pay attention to rest, it is easier to make bacteria invade the body. So don't do manual labor and minimize abdominal pressure.
4, one month after the operation is strictly prohibited sexual life, adhere to good contraception. Ectopic pregnancy after a month, the body has not yet fully recovered, if the sooner than the same room, will cause infection, leading to other inflammation. A month later, if the same family, but also to do contraception measures, so as not to happen again.
5, after surgery, pregnancy, at least six months later. To go to the hospital to check before pregnancy, the b-tip lump disappears, then tubal, bilateral tubal patency before pregnancy.
6, regular review after surgery. In order to ensure good health, other complications are avoided. Should go to the hospital regularly for examination.
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
Does cervical erosion affect fertility? Can you conceive?
Does cervical erosion affect fertility? Cervical erosion is not an independent disease, but a form of chronic cervicitis, which is caused by pathogens invading and causing infection. Typical symptoms: excessive leucorrhea, yellow, cervical congestion, edema, lumbosacral pain, pelvic floor down feeling, dysmenorrhea and so on. Cervicitis, cervical erosion early treatment is very important, because early if not timely and effective treatment, is likely to lead to cervical cancer.
Does cervical erosion affect fertility? Cervical erosion is generally divided into three degrees, once, two degrees, three degrees, if the cervical erosion occurs to severe, it may lead to female infertility, so found the cervical erosion must take active treatment.
The occurrence of cervical erosion, usually associated with childbirth, abortion, puerperal infection, or surgical procedures or mechanical stimulation, such as making love, damaging the cervix, invading pathogens, and causing infection. The cervical erosion occurs, often appeared leucorrhea increased, viscous, occasionally may appear purulent, hemorrhagic leucorrhea, backache, abdominal pain and abdominal weight are often accompanied by sex, when it may cause contact bleeding, the smell is very likely.
In general, cervical secretions will increase obviously than before, and the texture of thick, because it contains a large number of white blood cells, sperm through the cervix when, inflammatory environment can reduce sperm motility, sperm thick secretions also makes difficult to pass. Inflammatory cells also eat large amounts of sperm, and the rest of the sperm is destroyed by bacteria and their toxins. If there is still Escherichia coli infection, but also make sperm produce strong agglutination, so that sperm lose vitality.
Cervicitis, cervical erosion early treatment is very important, because early if not timely and effective treatment, is likely to lead to cervical cancer. According to a survey of cervical malignant patients, as a part of patients with cervicitis delaying treatment, the cervical malignant probability increased 5 ~ 10 times. About 200 thousand women die from the disease every year around the world. In developed countries, the incidence of cervical cancer has declined markedly, which is largely due to the early diagnosis and treatment of precancerous lesions. Therefore, it is possible to effectively prevent cervical malignant lesions on the basis of early diagnosis and effective treatment.
Women's health network (Editor)
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
What are the symptoms and symptoms of dry socket symptoms? Dry socket days after tooth extraction
The average adult is between 28 and 32 permanent teeth, but even 32 permanent teeth do not make sense because we only have 28 teeth when we eat. A lot of people gradually began to long wisdom after the age of 18, at the end of the tooth gums will emerge a new teeth.
Most people develop painful wisdom teeth, so many people choose to pull out wisdom teeth. After you have wisdom teeth, you can easily become dry socket, so you need to do a variety of preventive work. Next, and Xiaobian together to understand the relevant knowledge of dry groove bar.
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What are the symptoms and manifestations of dry socket?
First, what is dry socket disease?
Dry socket is also known as alveolar inflammation, clinical manifestations of tooth extraction in 3 days after alveolar fossa clot decomposition loss, infection, bony plate necrosis, and tooth position of persistent severe pain, but not limited to the site, may to the ears, the temporal radiation, there will be a mild export limited phenomenon.
Two. Detailed symptoms of dry socket
1. the hollow or dark gray blood clot in the alveolar fossa, and the necrotic tissue gradually falls off and exposes the alveolar bone.
2., 3-4 days after the extraction, the sensation of local persistent, severe pain, and involve pain in the ear and the ear.
3. the necrotic substance contained in the alveolus is corrupt and odor smelling. The probe can touch the bone surface directly and have sharp pain.
4., the extraction of the wound around the swelling.
5. the lower jaw may have lymph node enlargement and tenderness.
6. open mouth restriction, low fever, accompanied by general malaise.
Three, dry socket disease what should I do?
Once a dry socket occurs, it is necessary to go to the hospital immediately for treatment, including:
1. under the anesthesia, rinse with 3 hydrogen peroxide and saline repeatedly, and thoroughly remove the infected tissue.
2. with 3% hydrogen peroxide and repeated washing with normal saline into the alveolar fossa and iodoform gauze in the inside, when necessary, need to take suture.
Attention: all comply with the doctor's advice, and can not act without authorization!
Four, how to prevent dry socket?
1. keep in touch with the dentist. If more than 3 days after extraction, extraction and persistent your wound is severe pain, or the oral cavity have great taste, call your dentist or check to see the specific circumstances, in order to get the correct and timely treatment.
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What are the symptoms and manifestations of dry socket?
2. eat soft food. After extraction, avoid chewing the food with one side of the tooth extracted, and do not eat too hard and crunchy food, so as to reduce the stimulation of the wound.
3. women who take birth control pills and smokers have higher rates of dry socket disease than normal people. If you take the pill regularly, it is recommended that the tooth extraction time be scheduled for 23-28 days during the menstrual cycle, because the estrogen lowering is beneficial to the recovery of the wound. If smoking or smoking other tobacco products, it is recommended to stop smoking 24 hours before the extraction. And do not smoke after the extraction of teeth, because smoking will cause the stain of the tooth extraction, smoking suction blow action also prompted extraction position, blood clot displacement, thereby increasing the risk of dry socket disease.
4. avoid using straw after extraction. A sucking action caused by suction of the sucker may cause loose and moving blood clot in the tooth extraction wound.
5. can use ice cold compress. When you have a big trauma, you need a cold compress from time to time with an ice pack. This method can reduce local pain and reduce swelling after the first 24 hours of extraction.
6. avoid frequent gargling. Dentists may advise you to rinse your mouth with warm water or saline or even antibacterial mouthwash after eating. Avoid gargling too often and use irritating mouthwash.
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
Taking pills lowers the risk of ovarian cysts
Although oral contraceptives have a certain effect on women's health, they also have some benefits. Women who take birth control pills are far less likely to develop ovarian cysts than those who don't, according to a new study. Ovarian cyst is a small developmental cyst of the ovary, which is filled with fluid. In the new study, the researchers studied a special type of cyst, a very common form of ovarian cyst called functional ovarian cyst. This cyst occurs because the follicles fail to rupture during ovarian development.
Thus the failure of the egg to be released during ovulation. Functional ovarian cysts are not neoplastic and often disappear spontaneously in a few months. In some cases, surgical treatment is required because the cyst is larger and causes severe pain. The contraceptive, which blocks ovulation and inhibits ovulation, may prevent ovarian cysts, according to the study, published in the recent issue of the journal contraception
Odense University Hospital in Denmark, the researchers of 428, women aged 14-45 were investigated, the results showed that 29 of them had ovarian cyst. After comparing women who took birth control pills and those who used intrauterine devices without contraception, the researchers said the drug users were probably 78% less likely to develop functional ovarian cysts than others. The findings suggest that oral contraceptives have a role in the fight against functional ovarian cysts, although most cysts gradually disappear within a few months. In addition, the study showed that the risk of ovarian cancer was not related to women's age, height, weight, or number of births.
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
Can polycystic ovary syndrome be cured? How much does it cost to treat polycystic ovary syndrome?
Can polycystic ovary syndrome be cured? How much does it cost to treat polycystic ovary syndrome? Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder characterized by follicular development, insulin resistance, and excessive androgen secretion. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is caused by endocrine disorder. The clinical manifestations include menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, infertility, obesity, hirsutism and acne.
Now the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, western medicine is generally used to treat the contraceptive pill, the effect is obvious, but there are many side effects, because the pill is hormone composition, long-term use may cause amenorrhea or menstrual cycle disorder, menstruation is not easy to recover after the withdrawal, the cause of infertility. Some patients also have facial pigmentation; there is also a transabdominal ovarian wedge resection because of traumatic surgery, causing serious intra-abdominal adhesions after surgery, clinical is seldom used now, and now the use of laparoscopic surgical treatment, surgery with electrocoagulation, laser drilling, the purpose is in laparoscopic surgery the puncture follicles, decreased androgen levels, thereby achieving the purpose of treatment, but the surgery recurrence rate is very high.
There is a good treatment method, can be used to the white deer, can help break the Caine Sanjie Xiaozheng role, helping to crack small immature follicles, promote the recovery of ovarian function, estrogen and progesterone secretion, make ovarian maturation and ovulation, also reduce androgen levels, only in white to medicine the treatment is relatively slow, but the side effects are very small.
Women's health network (Editor)
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
What are some of the top 4 disasters that lead to contraception failure?
Obviously already on the birth control ring, why has this month's menstruation still not come? Obviously eating the pill, why will the "caught"? Birth control has been adopted, but it is still "winning the lottery", which often happens. What is the reason for these unsafe methods of contraception? Let's take a look at what causes the birth control failure and see what you've got.
First, the safety period of contraception is not reliable
"Safety period, contraception is the most unsafe way of contraception, there are many people who have chosen a safe period of contraception, and the" caught "." Experts pointed out that female ovulation time is difficult to infer, and some women menstrual cycle is not allowed, it is very difficult to calculate the safety period. Even if the law of menstruation, ovulation may not be as regular as menstruation, it may advance or push back. Sexual arousal can also lead to premature ovulation." Zhou Longshu expresses.
Some people pay attention to the feeling, do not take birth control measures, but the outside ejaculation as a so-called "contraceptive method", this is also unsafe way of contraception. "This method of contraception is too insecure, and it is difficult to grasp the timing of ejaculation when high tension occurs. Moreover, most of the people who take out ejaculation are young people who are usually less able to control themselves." Experts say a leak of semen in the woman's body can lead to unintended pregnancy, which is equivalent to contraception.
"Inappropriate use of condoms is also equivalent to contraception."." Experts say the proper way to use condoms should be to wear them before they start a sexual life, but some people wear them before ejaculation, in order to feel better, and the results are like ejaculation in vitro.
Reason two, IUD shift, expired
"On the ring, how can you still be pregnant?" Xiao Xiao puzzled and asked the doctor. Because there has been a child, Xiao Xiao after birth, went to the hospital on the ring, this thought safe and secure, I did not expect, or "caught". After taking her B-mode ultrasound, the doctor discovered that her contraceptive ring had shifted to the cervix. That's why she failed the iud.
Experts told reporters that, generally speaking, Sheung Wan would be a better contraceptive method with a high rate of failure, but there were also a few times when contraception failed. "Some people on the ring, the menstrual volume becomes a lot, menstruation will be transferred to the cervix of the uterus or other places, you can not get contraceptive effect."."
Experts say intrauterine devices should be placed in the womb to prevent the implantation of fertilized eggs. But the size of the contraceptive ring has small, medium and large points. Each person should choose the appropriate size according to the size and depth of the uterus. If the choice is wrong, it will easily lead to the shift of the contraceptive ring and will not achieve the contraceptive effect.
"On the ring, but still pregnant, there is a possibility that the contraceptive ring has passed the validity period."." He pointed out to reporters, and now most of the contraceptive ring is valid for 5 years, and some drugs ring expired, the basic release of drug components, the contraceptive effect will be reduced. If you do not change in time, you will fail in contraception.
Cause three, short acting pills are damped
Was scorched by the flames in the advertising company to Amanda, usually busy with work not long ago, her group has just passed a proposal proposal by everyone after dinner to celebrate, this celebration is a night. Just a few days to catch the proposal because boil through top Amanda, a home down on the bed asleep, even every day she will eat the pill did not eat.
Second days off at home, the mood of Amanda and husband gentle about it, don't think less take a day pill. At night, when she saw the birth control pills on the dresser, she suddenly remembered what she had missed. Indeed, once the price is missed, she found out she was pregnant after a month.
"Short acting contraceptives according to daily cycle, for a period of time, we found that in the process of taking once missed once, easily 'action'!" short acting contraceptives can be regarded as a daily dose of just one day, so missed easy trouble". Generally speaking, short acting contraceptives must start from menstruation fifth days, take 1 tablets every night, even take 22 tablets, without interruption. In case of missing clothes, 1 tablets should be taken in 12 hours.
Another possibility is that the short acting pill fails, and the cause of the failure is expiration or damp, and most people are not aware that the pill will suffer from dampness. "A lot of contraceptives wrapped in a layer of sugar, the icing sugar and general medicine, general medicine outside the sugar to taste good and package, and short acting contraceptives outside the sugar, itself contains ingredients." Experts say, after wetting with icing dissolve, leading to drug composition fall off, and also served white clothes, contraception will fail.
Reason four, mix antibiotic, reduce curative effect
Zhang took the girl to the hospital shy people do. Because two people a close, let the girlfriend accidentally pregnant. The depressed girlfriend whispered to the doctor, "after two people were defenseless, she ate the emergency pill, but the suspect was fake.". The doctor carefully found that Zhang is his girlfriend hoop teeth, asked the sentence: "at that time to eat anti-inflammatory drugs?" Zhang girlfriend surprised to say: "yes, at that time an infected tooth, taking anti-inflammatory drugs for a period of time." Originally, this contraceptive failure may also be related to her taking anti-inflammatory drugs.
"Within 72 hours, the sooner the better."." This is the advice of experts to take an emergency pill. "Some people mistakenly believe that emergency contraceptives can manage sexual activity within 72 hours. After taking the drug, they have sex again without taking contraceptive measures, which leads to the failure of contraception, which is more common among young people."." Zhou Long said that if the fertilized egg has been implanted or into the uterine cavity, and then take emergency contraceptives, contraceptive effect is poor.
In addition, for some special populations, the use of emergency contraceptives is less effective. "If you are taking anti-inflammatory drugs, such as sulfa drugs, erythromycin, cephalosporin antibiotics, will affect the absorption of emergency contraceptives." Experts say.
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
Five leading causes of cervical erosion
Cervical erosion is a common disease and common disease in women. Especially married women who have been born, almost 60% to 80% have varying degrees of cervical erosion. Cervical erosion can lead to increased leucorrhea, vaginal bleeding or bleeding after intercourse, often have backache, menstrual disorders, infertility and so on. Severe cervical erosion, such as no treatment, a small number of cervical precancerous lesions or cervical cancer. Therefore, women in addition to regular gynecological census, cervical erosion is serious, should be timely and thorough treatment, should also understand the life of cervical erosion caused by the five killers.
Five leading causes of cervical erosion in women
1, feculent sexual life, male before sexual life, did not clean genital organs, easy to bring bacteria into the vagina, infection of the cervix.
2, many artificial abortion, repeated abortion can cause varying degrees of cervical injury, give the bacteria an opportunity, lead to cervicitis. As a result of inflammation stimulation, the local secretion increases, the cervix of the uterus long-term immersion in the inflammatory secretion, can cause the erosion.
3, excessive cleaning, women are very particular about hygiene, often with a larger concentration of disinfectant solution vaginal flushing, the result is counterproductive. The vagina is not only harmful bacteria, bacteria. The correct method should be: clean the vulva with clean water, if not necessary, do not wash the vagina, maintain the natural line of the female genital tract, do not destroy the ecological balance in the vagina.
4, menstrual duration is too long, menstrual duration is too long, the cycle is too short, is one of the reasons for high incidence of cervical erosion.
5, many personality partners, sexual strength is too large (more than 4 times a week), menstrual life, etc., is also the cause of cervical erosion can not be ignored.
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
Commonly used lotion cleaning vagina, easy to suffer from gynecological diseases
For the sake of women's health, reminding MM who usually uses the lotion to clean the vagina can be cured of this habit. If there is no gynecological diseases, only routine health care is not recommended if the female vagina cleaning lotion, so not only to the health care function, but also counterproductive, causing some common gynecological diseases, such as vaginitis, pelvic inflammation, cervicitis etc..
The microbial flora of vagina mainly live in the mucosa and folds of the vaginal wall, and then in the vaginal fornix and cervix. The number of viable bacteria in vaginal discharge of healthy women was 100~1 million / ml.. At present, the most important member of the normal vaginal flora recognized in Lactobacillus, the amount of up to 80 million / ml, its main function is to protect the vagina from foreign germs, is the vagina health guardian, so often in the medicine number of lactic acid bacteria in the vaginal secretions to determine the cleanliness and judgment vaginal self-cleaning function is good or bad.
Recently foreign scholars analyzed 30 years of women's vaginal washing reports, found that weekly washing one or more, can significantly increase the chance of pelvic infection, moderate increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy, flushing more frequently, the risk of pelvic infection is greater. Women with vaginal fluids increased their risk of pelvic infection by 73% compared with women who did not use the vaginal fluid, the Journal of the American public health reported. This is because the washing liquid destroys the self-cleaning function of the vagina, causing pathogens along up to take advantage of a weak point, the cervix of uterus and fallopian tube, cause pelvic infection.
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
What's the leucorrhea like (Figure)?
What is leucorrhoea, leucorrhoea is a kind of sticky liquid that female vagina flows out, have moisture effect. What is the normal leucorrhea like? The normal leucorrhea is translucent liquid, slightly thick, no abnormal smell!
Newly married honeymoon period leucorrhea leucorrhea secretion quantity and menstrual cycle and sexual thoughts, sexual activities are closely related. Women in the honeymoon, sexual life is frequent, but also naturally stimulate the secretion of leucorrhea increased.
Pregnancy leucorrhea, pregnancy women temporarily menopause, but leucorrhea increased. This is due to the role of estrogen in the female body, the water in the cervix and vagina wall and the blood in the blood vessel are increased more than usual, and the leucorrhea is also increased naturally.
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Menopause, leucorrhea, menopause, due to ovarian dysfunction, women lack estrogen, reproductive organs atrophy, leucorrhea secretion gradually become scarce, weak, vaginal will gradually dry, or even no leucorrhea
Before puberty, leucorrhea in this period of girls is generally no leucorrhea, because the formation of leucorrhea and estrogen are closely related.
Puberty, leucorrhea, ovaries begin to develop, and secrete estrogen, in order to promote the development of reproductive organs, at this time, leucorrhea appeared
Menstrual cycle, leucorrhea due to the secretion of estrogen for a long time, and the quality and quantity of leucorrhea also change. Generally in the middle two periods (equivalent to ovulation) estrogen secretion peak, excessive estrogen stimulation of the cervical glands secrete more mucus, so leucorrhea quantity are many, transparent, like the egg white sticky and can pull into filamentous, genitals are moist feeling. At this point, the increase in leucorrhea to reduce the acidity of the vagina, is conducive to sperm preservation vitality, and smooth through the vagina. After ovulation, progesterone increases, and the inhibition of cervical mucus secretion, now leucorrhea less, thick. In the few days before and after menstruation, due to pelvic congestion, increased vaginal exudate, leucorrhea is also slightly more, because of containing more exfoliated cells, so white opacity. In addition, after pregnancy, sexual excitement and sexual intercourse, leucorrhea also increased. Women of childbearing age before menstruation, leucorrhea increased significantly.
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
What reason is leucorrhoea peculiar smell, leucorrhoea has peculiar smell, how to do?
All say that leucorrhea is a barometer of women's health, what causes the smell of leucorrhea, what is the smell of leucorrhea? These are the health concerns that women are most concerned about. Leucorrhea is a normal female secretions. If the leucorrhea has unusual circumstances, it shows that the female body has some problems. Under normal circumstances, women's leucorrhea is white paste, no special smell, the amount is not much, can only make women slightly moist feeling. However, leucorrhea volume, odor, color change or purulent shape, it indicates some gynecological diseases or other diseases.
Normal leucorrhea is white, sometimes clear, sometimes sticky, no smell. Adolescence leucorrhea by estrogen, periodic change, sometimes increased, sometimes reduced. The ovulation period leucorrhea transparent, quantity, and other time is less viscous. Adolescent reproductive organ development exuberant, leucorrhea generation also increased. In addition, in hot weather, engage in physical activity and sexual impulse, these liquid secretion will increase, possibly still sometimes outflow. Therefore, we should keep the genitals clean sanitation, often with warm water to wash the vulva. Even in peacetime, the leucorrhea quantity is not too much, it will often flush vulva, so can reduce the bacteria baamz long and intrusion.
The above these are physiological increase within the normal range, do not be afraid. However, when the number of leucorrhea, color, odor and other changes, adumbrative disease, recommend the use of Sadie son gel, gel to the uterine cavity Er Lusardi toxins, harmful bacteria and cell killing and tissue necrosis. Is the natural preparation, no toxic side effect.
Colorless, transparent, sticky leucorrhea: similar to the egg white, or slightly cloudy, but in addition to leucorrhea increases, there are few other symptoms, this leucorrhea is more common in chronic cervicitis, cervical inflammation, and the use of estrogen
Foamy leucorrhea: in the public baths, or use a public bath towel, tub, appear gray or yellowish gray foamy leucorrhea, and sour taste, should think of whether infected trichomonad sex vaginitis.
Tofu sample leucorrhea: endemic to fungal vaginitis. Vulvar and vaginal wall often covered with white film, wiping out inflamed mucosal surface exposed, susceptible to mildew, often accompanied by vulvar itching and burning pain. Especially in diabetic patients or pregnant women, more should think of it, because pregnant women and diabetics poor quality, low immunity, easy to cause fungal infection.
(of leucorrhea: Yellow amine) are mostly caused by bacterial infection. Neisseria gonorrhoeae, tuberculosis and so may be the cause of syphilis can also cause vaginal suppurative infection. When the patients discharged from a special taste of the vagina leucorrhea, should be suspected in the presence of a foreign body in the vagina, causing increased leucorrhea, serious the infection.
Watery leucorrhea: malignant tumor or uterine cancer, fallopian tube cancer and so on, will appear in the early leucorrhea phenomenon
Hemorrhagic leucorrhea: leucorrhea mixed with blood. This should be alert to the possibility of malignant leucorrhea, such as cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, vaginal tumor. Some benign lesions also can appear the leucorrhea, such as senile vaginitis, cervical erosion and so on.
Yellow mucus leucorrhea: in cervical erosion, chronic cervicitis and so on, it is caused by mild infection
White mucinous leucorrhea: the same characteristics as normal, the amount increases, this leucorrhea in the use of estrogen or pelvic congestion, it is cervical gland and vaginal mucous membrane secretion increased
Common leucorrhea abnormalities are the following:
1. foam leucorrhea: most are caused by Trichomonas vaginitis. In addition to the increase in leucorrhea, often genital, vaginal itching, and if there is purulent bacterial infection, the leucorrhea is yellow pus like, and there is foam.
2. colorless transparent sticky leucorrhea: similar to the egg white, or slightly cloudy, but in addition to leucorrhea increases, there are few other symptoms, more common in chronic cervicitis, or appear in the use of estrogen.
3. bloody leucorrhea: that is, the leucorrhea mixed with blood, should be alert to the possibility of malignant tumors, such as cervical cancer, uterine body cancer.
4. yellow mucinous leucorrhea: seen in cervical erosion, chronic cervicitis, etc., it is caused by mild infection.
5. purulent leucorrhea: yellow or yellow green, and more odor, genital infection caused by infection.
If women appear above several leucorrhea abnormalities, it is recommended to use the treatment as soon as possible, in addition, do a good job of disease prevention is an important prerequisite for women's health.
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
What time is the end of 2017, the dog dog days to health
Summer is a year for the hot season, and the day was hot for a period of time for the summer. No matter how people love summer, the dog days will be hot heart irritability.
The dog days of 2017 up to 40 days, hot weather, long time so many people are very distressed. What the dog what time can end? The dog needs to pay attention to what? The correct answer will be given below.
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What time is the end of 2017 dogdays No.
What time 2017 days end
2017 volt time is July 12th, the ambush time is from July 22nd to August 10th, the volt time is August 21st.
In a word, the dog days of 2017 from the beginning of July 12th, officially ended in August 21st.
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What time is the end of 2017 dogdays No.
The dog health care matters needing attention
1., drink less cold, cold porridge is not cold
Try to eat ice cream, summer ice cream frozen food, the best food is Jieshu porridge cold. The cold porridge mentioned here is not a cold porridge with sand ice, but a gruel with a little coolness after being chilled.
If you can stick to a dog not to touch the ice drink, ice cream, even if not specifically to winter disease, stubborn cold in the body also can oneself most.
2. hot water bath dampness evil
After entering the trough, the temperature will be as high as more than 30 degrees, approaching 40 degrees. People will invariably feel limb weakness, body sweating and sticky, aching. The root cause of all this is that there is dampness in the body. Do not always take a cold bath while dealing with dampness. You should take a hot bath.
3. don't stay up late
Lack of sleep is the symptoms of spleen deficiency, indicating excessive moisture in the body. The dog days except that night sleep time, also should catch a nap for 30 minutes, the most suitable. More than 1 hours of nap will affect the night's sleep.
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What time is the end of 2017 dogdays No.
4. dry your hair before you go to sleep
Many people think that summer temperatures are high, you can not dry and dry your hair to sleep, but in fact, this is a very bad habit! The hair does not dry, it will lead to "dampness" unknowingly invasion of the body. So, in summer, dry your hair and go to sleep.
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What time is the end of 2017 dogdays No.
The 5. cervical vertebra, waist not to air
From the outside, a sweat back, or after the movement, the air conditioning to blow cool breeze, moisture will take the opportunity to follow the opening of sweat pores into the body, damage yang. Dressed in the air conditioning room, to elbow over the shoulder, female midriff, male does not reveal the cervical vertebra.
6. moderate amount of activity
In summer, when you move, you sweat, so many people choose to stay at home without going out. But sedentary people can cause blood shortages, increase fatigue and muscle soreness, and affect the elimination of moisture. So, the summer can not be completely immobile, should be slightly active.
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dsoerweid-blog · 7 years
What kind of woman does a 40 year old man like?
Between men and women is always the most talked about topic, 40 year old man like what kind of woman? In searching, every woman is a certain man in the eyes of a woman, called each one according to his lights, the eye of the beholder, no men do not desire his side there is a beautiful and gentle woman with a lifetime. Yes, men like beautiful, gentle, generous and virtuous women.
However, in today's fierce competition, restless society, men live hard, men nowadays keen topic is the most eager to find the kind of understanding woman, the beauty of a woman is just one of the gentle.
Compassionate woman is such a woman, she has a certain understanding of life, she knew this man around, although she loved the this present life, but as an individual man, his heart belongs to her at the same time, more still belongs to him; she knew, in the man heart in career or love. Therefore, understanding when a woman no matter what men do not regard as private property, to the man to his toe, don't complain about men regardless of men are busy at work, will not let a man always concerned about their own. An understanding woman knows that a good man is like a hawk circling high in the sky, and only when the eagle is tired or wants to rest will he return to the woman to remember his love.
Savvy women know that men are strong and very fragile, and some men is to honor and the nerve is heavier than life, so considerate of the woman know what the box in a man's spiritual world, she is always very careful not to touch the box, she is always thinking not to hurt the dignity of man. When a man is a man living things, or unwilling to inconvenience themselves to solve, want to help your woman, considerate woman never Natang, she would not open when a man went to get it done, it's not going to happen after that thing. Savvy woman will not be vindictive and his men to fight bravely, never to play like a man defeated fighting cock shrewish. An understanding woman knows that a man's anger is more than 90%. This is not the cause of the moment. The fuse is hidden in another part of the emotional world of the man. Compassionate woman knows light is really flat, well chic dinner, a birthday gift, reading and writing to send a cup of tea, bit by bit off the overall situation.
Most men are very rational, they would not be considerate of the woman humility and insatiable, they will be thankful for understanding women. The river of life, they ride a boat with a stand together through storm and stress has apparently not enough, because in the eyes of men, understanding women is not just a boat, the boat is not, but helped a man punt. I am a really good woman, is very clear about the standard, good woman writer Li Ao, he said: "the real good woman, she is smart, beautiful, handsome, charming, deep, considerate, considerate of his beloved people, her lovely is not very strong, she just didn't like a secluded orchid in a deserted valley. Easy to be found.
When you find a woman like this, you know how touching she is. She made a call your soul; a letter, she makes you dream, in the love of God in the universe of 1,000,000,000 universes, two chi." Men find considerate woman is really wonderful, compassionate woman how precious!
What kind of woman does a man like? This may be the most popular topic for women in private. Generally, women think men love a woman should be beautiful, clean, gentle and virtuous. But what is most sought after in a man's heart is the kind of understanding woman.
An understanding woman has a certain understanding of life. He knew the man lying on the side of this present life although she loved ones, but as an individual man, his heart belongs to her at the same time, more still belongs to him; she knew, for men, the outside world is much greater than at home; she also knew this a man's love for her, but his career is still more important than love. Therefore, understanding when a woman no matter what men do not regard as private property, to the man to his toe, don't complain about men regardless of men are busy at work, don't ask a man always concerned about their own. An understanding woman knows that a good man is like a hawk hovering in the air. Only when the eagle is tired and wants to rest will he return to the woman to remember her enjoyment.
The sensible woman knows that the man is both strong and fragile, and that some men value honour and face more than life. Therefore, the understanding woman knows in the man's mental world has what forbidden area, she always very carefully does not enter the forbidden area. If one day, the couple quarrel for some things, understanding woman and men never grudge fight, never to play like a man defeated fighting cock shrewish.
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