drxgonfarts · 10 years
Send me ⁇ to interact with my muse while sleep deprived
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"Yooo-sano! Oh my god, the beginning of your last name is like ‘Yo’ as in ‘yo’ so it’s like ‘YO YOSANO!’ Oh it also sounds like— like yoyo! Yoyos are so fun. I haven’t played with a yoyo in years! Oh— sorry, am I scaring you? I just feel a little-- a little off today ‘cause I only slept like… three… hours…”
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
Send me ⁇ to interact with my muse while sleep deprived
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
Iris raised her eyebrows. What was there to be confused about? Was it something she had said? But no, she hadn't said anything particularly confusing. All she said was that she would take this confused girl to a Pokémon Center. The girl looked genuinely lost, though. She looked as if she'd just seen a ghost. Iris put her hand on the girl's shoulder.
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     "Hey, relax, it's alright... I'm-- I'm kinda confused too, but-- we'll figure this out!"
She gave the girl a weak smile, but in her head was going through every possible option for dealing with this situation. Should she take her to a doctor? No, what good would that do? The Pokémon center, maybe? No, no one there would be able to help.
Iris let out a deep sigh and decided. She would take this girl to her house and give her something to eat. Maybe then she'd calm down, and they could talk about why she was here.
     "Do you want to come to my house? I've got a ton of yummy food there! We'll figure this out over there, huh?" This time, she gave the girl a full smile.
✧   Suzume’s eyes, dazed with confusion, almost bore into the stranger. Pokemon? Was this some subculture she wasn’t aware of? She had known of those silly dog shows, where they dressed them up all fancy and made them do cute tricks, but some of these ‘dogs’ were, what looked to be, levitating. There were no words, no answers that she could offer to the girl but honestly, her expression spoke it very loudly and clearly. 
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      ❝ I’m—- ❞
✧   She spun around, taking a closer look at everything which surrounded her. The trees which grew from the oddly light ground, the bright skies’ inhabitants were not your average birds, and the gadgets which the children carried all become much more clear, much more foreign. Her minds suddenly became jumbled up with various thoughts, confusions, and questions, much like the Math midterm her uncle yelled at her for; scary, and extremely complex.
       ❝ —-very confused. ❞
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
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                         ❝ True power—
                                             the divine right to rule —
                                                         is something you’re born with. ❞
indie AU Azula roleplay from ATLA
multiverse + multiship
3+ months of experience on Tumblr; some experience outside of Tumblr
semi-selective; OC and self-insert friendly
mun is cool + friendly i swear so don’t hesitate to interact B)
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
Iris suspiciously narrowed her eyes. Country side, what did this girl mean by that? She definitely looked lost and out of place... perhaps she was indeed lost? Iris decided she would help her out, but was suddenly taken aback by the girl's peculiar question.
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     “Dress up my... pet?” she giggled. “What are you talking about? Listen, do you need some help? I feel like you may have amnesia or something.” Iris giggled again, but quickly stopped, in case it were true... “Are you a trainer? I can take you to the Pokémon Center if you want-- get your Pokémon rested, and we can talk more there.”
She smiled at the girl, but a face filled with pure confusion stared back at her. Iris's smile slowly faded. Is there something actually wrong with her?
     “Hey , a-- are you alright?”
✧   Suzume nodded slowly at her words, it was almost unbelievable. How could someone have such hair with no taming whatsoever? It looked very well nourished and healthy, but Suzume knew little to none about hair products and all that jazz. She desperately wanted to touch it, but that wasn’t a way to make friends. For now, she was left with the tingling desire to play with the girl’s hair. Her strange thoughts were interrupted by the girl’s soft voice.
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      ❝ Hm? Ah no, I am not from here. I’m from the country side.❞
✧   She placed her hands over her chest, tilting her head at the strange creatures bouncing about. Suzume had noticed the train ride seemed quite long, however she was too absent-minded to even notice where she had landed. They looked like regular animals, however they were all painted in strange colours, with unique decor. Were they really dogs?
      ❝ If I may ask, why did you decide to dress up your pet so…elaborately? ❞
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
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     "--Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! HAPPY EVERYTHING! Man, I can't wait to have some yummy Christmas dinner!"
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
Iris tensed up, her eyes widened, and her heart skipped a beat. She looked up at the man. Something about him was very... intimidating. Could it be his bright red eyes and hair, or his crooked smile? Whatever it was, it ran chills down her spine. She had never seen someone who could make her so uncomfortable.
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     "Er-- uhm..." she stammered, "wow, that really-- that really sucks! Uh, I don't think there's any train stations nearby... I could take you to the nearest Pokémon Center. Maybe someone there could help."
She awkwardly cleared her throat.
     "I'm Iris!" she said with a forced smile, "N-- Nice to meet you, Yvel. Kalos, huh? That's cool. I've always wanted to travel there."
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"Hello there, sorry to bother you but I’m a bit lost. A friend of mine completely ditched me and I am now left to my own devices and my sense of direction is not very good when I am far from my home. Could you possibly help me out with leading me to a train station? Or perhaps even a hotel? I may not even get a ticket back this late.” Stranded yet again by people he chose to trust. How typical. At least he wasn’t shy on asking strangers for assistance. “…how rude of me I have not even given you my name yet. I am Yvel. Kalosian native, lost as can be out here.”
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
Send me "I want to spend Christmas with you" for my muses reaction
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
Iris blinked. She had been lost in thought after passing by some children attempting to ride on their Pokémon, wondering if she could try that with her Dragonite. She looked at the girl who had come up to her. Recalling the compliment, she immediately gave her a warm smile.
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     "Aww, thank you! To be honest, I don't really do anything! It's naturally poofy and purple. I just tie it up!" Iris giggled.
She cocked her head slightly to the side, eyeing the girl up and down. She looked very... different. Iris had traveled a lot around Unova, but she had never seen a girl like this. Perhaps she was from another region--?
     "Hey, are you from around here, or...?"
✧   Suzume couldn’t help stopping in her tracks upon seeing the extravagant style of the girl before her. Her hair long and luscious, a strange purple colour, but it reminded her of the night skies in Tokyo. The girl’s desire of speaking to her got too strong, and she walked right up to her, not being the shy type.
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      ❝ I’m sorry, miss! Your hair is really, really nice. How do you get it to stay that way? ❞
✧   She stared up at the girl, seeing as she was a bit taller than her. Suzume noticed her long lashes and beautiful eyes. It seemed as if everyone was so beautiful outside of her country home! It made Suzume feel so puny compared to all the women. 
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
                                    ❝  It is not in the  s t a r s
                                                       to hold our  d e s t i n y 
                                                                     but in  o u r s e l v e s  ❞
indie AU roleplay for Iris
multiverse + multiship
three months of tumblr roleplay experience (some experience outside of tumblr)
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
Let's go to the hot springs! Send a ♨ and I'll generate a scenario from 1-10.
Read More
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
[I just want to say, your url cracks me up.]
ty ty I try B)
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
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                                   ★ You were like my daytime shooting star ★
Rules                                                     ➸                                                         About
• semi-selective
• multi-shipping
• multi-verse
• indie
• hella friendly pls talk to me
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
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                                    ❝  It is not in the  s t a r s
                                                       to hold our  d e s t i n y 
                                                                     but in  o u r s e l v e s  ❞
indie AU roleplay for Iris
multiverse + multiship
three months of tumblr roleplay experience (some experience outside of tumblr)
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
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drxgonfarts · 10 years
you want that dotted effect over your images like everyone else has? use these amazing textures to achieve that effect.
looking for psds and textures? here are some great places to look.
you should check out THIS amazing person, as they actually go step by step in photoshop to show how they create some of the most beautiful graphics you’ll ever see!
need some more photoshop tutorials? here is a whole youtube user dedicated to photoshop, from beginner to advanced!
are you looking for a nice theme? check this place out!
don’t know how to format html? an experienced roleplayer breaks it down here.
ultimate roleplaying advice here!
here’s a phenomenal masterlist for roleplayers (how to write bios, how to avoid anon hate, how to write particular characters, and so much more). THIS IS THE BEST SOURCE FOR ROLEPLAYING BEGINNERS.
wanna look for icons for your faceclaim? try hollow-art.
need inspiration for graphics? pinterest has an amazing slew of samples to use as inspiration, not to copy. check out my own personal board for design inspiration right here!
another amazing resource blog, here.
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