drthyrainbow · 5 years
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          HE SHOULDN’T have expected so much out of this.   he should have prepared for the worst,  or even realized that the worst was probably exactly what would come out of this situation.   but somehow he’d gotten his hopes up,  thinking she’d come running into his arms like some cheesy movie.   big mistake.   oscar had changed so much in the time since he’d been torn away from his home in the land without magic.   fame and fortune and power had gotten to his head,  turned him into a vile man.   not that he was ever a saint to begin with.   meeting glinda had bettered him,  only for her to ruin whatever progress he’d made to become a better man when she’d stripped him of his magic.   ❝   i didn’t leave you and your mother.   i was taken from you.   ❞   which wasn’t entirely a lie.   ❝   you hadn’t been born yet.   the tornado came for me just like i sent it to you.   i was trapped here,  dorothy.   and after a while i realized you and your mother probably didn’t want me around anymore.   i chose not to come back because i knew you were better off without me.   ❞   again,  not entirely untruthful.   he knew from the day her mother told him she was pregnant that he was never going to be a perfect father,  nor even a good one at that.   growing up an orphan he’d always felt as though he’d just repeat the mistakes of his own parents.   and in a way,  he had,  but not of his own accord.   actually,  the story unfolding with he and dorothy was a lot like his own,  in some ways.   if it continued on the next thing would be for glinda to tell her she was destined to save oz and she’d find out she had powers.   not likely,  of course.   at least,  oscar hoped it wasn’t.   ❝   i’m sure you’re far better of here than back home.   this,  dorothy.   this is your home.   i see that now.   ❞   he almost didn’t miss the shoe as it came flying towards his face,  but was lucky enough to move away just quickly enough that the point of the heel just grazed his cheek instead of leaving a disastrous mark upon his face.   ❝   you know,  i really pictured this meeting going differently.   ❞
“im so sorry to disappoint you,” she almost went to pull off her other shoe, imagined hitting him with it until he sent her back home. but his words had her hesitating--while she didn’t think she could trust a word out of his mouth, she couldn’t help but hope he was telling the truth. hope that his excuses weren’t just him trying to save face, that maybe he actually did get pulled away from them, that he didn’t leave them by choice. she stared at the man in front of her--her father--and found herself wondering what her mother could have seen in the man. maybe she was being too harsh on him; she had just met the man after all, and her aunt had always told her not to judge a book by its cover. even if this particular book’s cover wasn’t the prettiest, she couldn’t shake the thought that maybe, maybe this was supposed to happen. she should be happy, shouldn’t she be? she had finally met the man she wondered about her whole life, and the first thing she did was throw a shoe at him? she could only imagine the look of disappointment on her mothers face. that thought alone had all of the anger leaving her body; she slipped off her other shoe, not to throw it at him, but just so she wasn’t standing awkwardly with only one shoe on. she took a deep, calming breath, meeting his eyes with all the courage she had, “i don’t know if you’re right about us being better off without you, but...but i guess that doesn’t matter.” she sighed, shaking her head, “keep your excuses--I don’t want them. what i want is for you to tell me why you brought me here, please.”
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
(don't hate me i have to) thoughts on meeting your dad?
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“Oh, him,” she spoke the words with such disdain, a look of annoyance flashing across her face as she crossed her arms, “that man is not my dad, first of all. dads are supposed to be loving and caring and...and not leave their children before they’re born.” she let out a breath, “meeting that guy is bittersweet--bitter because he seems like the worst kind of person.” she paused, a smug look in her eyes, “sweet because i threw a shoe at him. straight at his big head.”
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
what scares you most about this world?
“oh, everything is scary in this world,” dorothy laughed softly, “there’s monsters, fairies, magic, wizards, werewolves, vampires...everything is terrifying compared to things back in kansas.” she smiled, “my mom used to tell me that it was okay to be scared, though, as long as you’re brave enough to face it.” she paused, the smile dropping from her face as the truth felt dragged out of her, “but the scariest thing about this world is Oz, or Oscar, or whoever he is. my dad or...or whatever, well. its scary.”
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
what is something you absolutely love about yourself ? and what is something you are insecure about ?
“I love my social skills!” she answered with a smile, “people seem to like me, and that means its easy to get them to do what i want.” she paused, her brow furrowing, “that came out awful. i meant, they’re more inclined to help me, which is nice.” a thoughtful look passed across her face, “insecure about...probably my smarts,” she admitted softly, “i’ve never been the smartest, and i can be pretty oblivious a lot of the times. i hate that about me.”
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
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          THAT SASS,  he knew damn well that wasn’t something she inherited from her mother.   if he were being honest,  he was rather proud.   it seemed as though he’d rubbed off on her without ever having been around her.   ❝   very well,  actually.   ❞   he replies,  but his expression drops and he stops in his place when she mentions the death of her mom.   it seemed as though he’d spent so much time focusing on getting dorothy here,  that he completely missed what was happening to her long before she arrived in oz.   it made him regret not going to visit,  see this woman he once shared a connection with.   ❝   i apologize,  i wasn’t aware.   ❞   he says,  the first time in a long time he truly means what he says.   ❝   oh come on,  dorothy.   you’re a smart girl,  shouldn’t be that difficult to figure out.   ❞   oz replies,  starting to walk once more.   ❝   the name’s oscar diggs,  and i’m your father.   ❞
“You’re my father?” she questioned, anger bubbling to the surface of her words. she wanted to say he was a liar, to not believe him, but it made too much sense. he knew too much to not be, and it couldn’t be pure coincidence she’d show up at his doorstep. all of her frustration, confusion, fear, anger--all of the emotions she had been feeling since she got sucked into this world, all of the emotions she felt anytime she remembered the heartbroken face of her mother when her father was brought up--they filled her until she couldn’t think straight. “you’re the one who left my mother, left me, with next to nothing?” her mind started working faster, the pieces falling into place, “you’re the reason I’m here, aren’t you?” her eyes narrowed, “you sent that tornado to my house, didn’t you? you ripped me away from my home to--what? help you?” maybe it was that realization that caused what happened next; the realization that this man was so selfish, that he was still somehow her only hope at getting back home--maybe that’s what caused her to reach down and pull off one of the dumb ruby heels she’d been forced to wear ever since she got here, aim it at his head and throw it as hard as she could. 
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
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          HE NOTICED HER smile fade when he denied her of what she wanted,  and his own smile almost widened - until he reminded himself that’d be rude.   he wanted to gain her trust,  after all.   truth was,  he didn’t have any intentions of sending her home.   not for a while at least.   ❝   you’re persistent,  just like your mother.   ❞   he mutters,  starting to turn towards the large set of doors in which she came through,  not paying much attention to if she really started to follow him or not.   ❝   i was there when your mother picked it out.   tell me,  how is she these days ?   ❞   often times he wondered what his life would’ve been like if he had decided to leave oz when he got the chance.   went back to a life with a woman he had no intentions of spending his life with and a daughter he wasn’t sure he was capable of raising.   he sees now she was better off without him,  though that wouldn’t stop him from meddling in her life.   ❝   you can call me oscar,  you know.  oz is just a stage name.   ❞
“Excuse me?” she questioned, her voice dropping its friendly edge. she followed him anyways, of course she did, what else did she have to do? According to Glinda, he was her only hope of getting home; though, at this point, she was tempted to just walk away and forget about going home if only that meant she didn’t have to talk to him any more. “You knew my mother?” The question was out of her mouth before she could stop it, but really, how did this man know her? They were from two completely different worlds. With a strained voice she replied, “Well, oscar, my mother is dead. Has been for about five years now. So I would say she’s doing pretty good.” She tried to keep the sarcasm out of her voice--that wasn’t how her mother raised her, how she’d want her to act. “Who even are you? Actually?”
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
👁‍🗨, 🍻
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
“I pretend to hate being here,” she smiled a bit, looking around with a content sigh, “But I truly love it. I never liked Kansas much, mind you, so being somewhere new and exciting well...I like it here. I think I’d like to stay here, for at least a bit.”
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
🐇 📒 📲
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
“I have this locket...” she paused, pulling it out from where it was hidden underneath her shirt, “My mother gave it to me. There’s a little emerald gem inside instead of a picture...and I never quite understood why.”
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
“Fine fine, I’ll read an entry,” Dorothy giggled, shaking her head as she opened her journal, “The crops are doing well today, or well, that’s according to Auntie. Even though I’ve lived here for years now, I still don’t know the difference between a healthy crop and a sick one. I didn’t do much today other than get the eggs from the chickens and make them lunch--I’m really getting quite bored of the same old ham and cheese sandwiches, but they refuse to go into town for groceries until our food runs out. Some days, I wonder what it’d be like if I took uncle’s truck and drove away from here and never came back. Then I remember that’s their only truck and I might be killing them if I take it. So I stay too.” 
📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like
“Oh well...,” Dorothy made a face, “I don’t know if I do a good job at pretending I like him, but. He’s...a very selfish man, and from what I’ve heard a very dangerous and powerful man. I’m guessing he’s the reason I’m here--or well, he’s at least the reason I’m still here.”
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
🙃, 🍻, 👻
🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
“I fell, straight on my face, when I first met Glinda,” Dorothy laughed, brushing a strand of hair out of her face, “I didn’t know how to walk in those heels! I only wore sneakers on the farm.”
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
“I was never a bad kid,” dorothy smiled softly, her eyes getting a far-away look in them, “But my mother...she used to make this amazing cherry pie. I once ate a whole pie myself and blamed it on Toto. She believed me, of course, but I always felt bad about lying.”
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
“I am a burning star wrapped in tender moonlight.”
— simple musings (via @vadamalli)
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets
🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret
🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist
❤️- For a secret crush
📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about
💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)
🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse
❓- Free Space! Ask them about a specific secret!
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
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          ❝   OF COURSE,  not everyday a girl just falls from the sky.   ❞   of course,  he had a hand in this,  not that he’d tell her that.   but when she speaks up again,  a grin spreads across his features,  chuckle pushes past his lips and he just laughs.   ❝   no.  ❞   he tells her simply,  tone and expression becoming serious,  as if there was never any laughter there just moments before.   ❝   not yet.   i need something from you first.   ❞   he explains,  stepping down from the throne and inching towards her.   ❝   why don’t you follow me,  dorothy.   ❞
dorothy’s friendly smile dropped the instant the word ‘no’ left the mans lips; she had a moment, no matter how brief, to feel upset about the situation. Glinda had told her...told her that if she got here, if she met with him, she’d be able to go home. Instead, it seemed like she’d be sent on another wild goose chase--another adventure she was an unwilling participant in. 
She didn’t back up when he came closer to her; no, every instinct told her to stand up straighter, try and meet the mans posture, so she did. “how do you know my name?” she questioned, her eyes narrowing. but she remembered one thing her aunt told her; you catch more flies with honey then vinegar. so she put on a smile, giving him a slight nod, “and, anyways. i’d be happy to help you if it’ll get me home, mister.” 
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
‘ why not? ‘ he paused momentarily, dark hues flashing to meet with her own, ‘ everyone has an interesting story to tell, and quite frankly you look a little out of place, so color me interested. ‘ he gestured towards the rest of the people settled within the bar, mostly common criminals such as himself. whereas the woman with the rosy hair seemed fairer. ‘ so what does bring you to this bar tonight, beautiful ? ‘ 
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“I was thirsty,” she answered honestly, a confident smile on her face, “And I was sure someone here would buy me a drink out of the kindness of their hearts.” she giggled softly, “and I wouldn’t say my story is that interesting. just on a little adventure before i go back home. And you? what’s your story?”
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
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“it’s okay to experience hat envy - i know i have …”  an answer isn’t truly produced for her as he’s already scanning the crowd around them for another hat to add to the collection.  nothing to be found, only hatless heads! what a shame.  oh well. suddenly delighted by her acceptance of a cup of tea. his usual tea party participants haven’t been around as of late, and admittedly it’s been quite lonely. 
“lovely! i know just the place to go get one.” interlocks his arm with hers and begins leading the way towards his favorite cafe in these parts. “not as good as my cup of tea but it’ll suffice on short notice.” a smile and giggle sent her way at the compliments. “oh thank you! i think hats always compliment me. i’ve been terribly rude, i’m jefferson - the hatter.  some say quite mad. you are?” 
she let herself be dragged along by the very...energetic man, a smile finding its way onto her face. he reminded her of an excitable puppy dog, in a way, and it had her relaxing even as she was being dragged away by a stranger. “its very nice to meet you, jefferson,” she laughed softly, “and my name is dorothy. and why, might i ask, do they say your mad?”
she wasn’t exactly sure if that question was rude or not, but she simply couldn’t not ask it. “and as long as there is plenty of sugar in that tea, I’m sure it’ll taste just fine.”
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
Kay had not been up to much. Honestly his mind was in a turmoil. Well, more of a turmoil than usual. Thus when a young woman asked him for help, the knight simply had no reason not to try. “ I will do what I can, but I myself am not from these parts. What might it be that you were in search of ? ” 
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“i’m in search of anything interesting,” dorothy answered the man with a smile, “if this were my first time in this city--which it is--do you know at least one thing I should make sure to see?” she gave a soft laugh, “i’m sorry, that questions very vague but, I haven’t seen a map or anything around. 
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drthyrainbow · 5 years
“Big, loud crowds like this…always freak me out,” She quickly explained. It had been a mistake, deciding to come into town at this time of day, so she was more than happy to come to the side towards one of the quieter pockets. “Not really. I’ve only been here for…I don’t know, the past couple months maybe? And I spend more time at the beach, so I’m…still finding my footing.”
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“oh, the beach?” dorothy exclaimed, excitement clear in her voice. she had very little knowledge on the beach; she had read stories of cool, blue water, the smell of salt in the air and a wonderful ocean breeze... she was suddenly very happy she had talked to this girl out of the hundreds in this city. “could you maybe point me that way? I’ve never been to a beach and it’d be wonderful to go at least once!”
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