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drspgupta · 4 years ago
 Joint pain can be your worst nightmare or an unwanted guest during chilly winters, cold monsoons, or old age. Joints – the connecting tissues between our bones – are an extremely important part of the human body. The health of your joints can determine the level of flexibility and ease with which your body performs everyday tasks.
Imagine not being able to do mundane tasks that we take for granted – standing up, sitting down, walking, picking up weight, bending, etc. While regular exercise, a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle can prevent joint pains to a certain extent, sometimes there is no way to circumvent it.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
Welcome to Diabetes Clinic in Moradabad, Ayurvedic Clinic in Moradabad, we are providing the best Diabetes Treatment in moradabad by ayurveda.Ayurvedic treatment for this disease is based on a complete change in a person's lifestyle. Along with medication and diet, the patient is also advised to guide a healthy lifestyle and lead an active life.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
Welcome to Dr. Satya Prakash Gupta, Ayurveda Clinic in Moradabad, India. We were established in the year 1989 with a mission of spreading awareness in Ayurveda and managing chronic obstinate lifestyle disorders under the astute leadership of Dr. Satya Prakash Gupta. Dr. Satya Prakash Gupta is an Ayurvedic doctor in Moradabad of repute having the post-graduate degree in Ayurveda treatments and rich experience of more than 32 years in Ayurveda Training centre and treatment.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
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If you are troubled by Disc slipdisease and are looking for Disc Slip Clinic in Moradabad you should go to Ayurveda Prasad Clinic. Disc slip disease is treated very well by. Ayurveda Prasad Clinic through Ayurvedic Treatment. Ayurveda Prasad Clinic uses new Ayurvedic medicines to cure disc slip disease. Due to this clinic many patients of the disease such as disk slip have been completely cured. If you want the Disc Slip Treatment in Moradabad then you have come to Ayurveda Prasad Clinic. Ayurveda Prasad provides treatment through Ayurvedic traditions by which the disease of the disc slip gets completely cured. There is a very good and successful treatment of disc slip in Ayurveda. In Ayurveda many new techniques are used to cure this disease. To take Disc Slip Treatment in Moradabad, you came to theAyurvedic Prasad Clinic where you will be provided with very good disc slip treatment. Disc slip is a disease which is treated with Ayurveda very well in Ayurveda Prasad.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
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Treatment depends upon prakriti and type of disease. We strictly condemn the self medication that patient consume without expert opinion of ayurvedic physician. For a case of Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis in different individuals the medicine is different according to body constitution and other ten types of patient examination. The chemical based pain killer may be same for many disease of joint pain but ayurveda treats not only each disease but each patient according to Ayurvedic diagnostic principles separately. Our self prepared medicines works on disease very fast. We are getting patient in the later & complicated stage of disease. Patient is deteriorating with chemical based medicine getting complication of ulcer, frozen joint, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, allergic skin problems, liver disease, constipation, piles etc. Our Herbal based formulas corrects arthritis and holistic treatment normalizes other body disease. There is no need to get another remedy for the above mentioned disease present with Arthritis. We treat high blood pressure & diabetes presented in patient of joint diseases. The medicine corrects the allergens produced in the body those are responsible for the rheumatoid arthritis joint deformity is prevented and movements are restored normal. Pain after viral fever and chikungunya are better managed by our treatment.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
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It is our earnest endeavour to cure our patient by enhancing their immune system.According to Tridosh Saptadhatu,Trimal principles of Ayurveda, and normalising their jatharagni(Digestive fire). Because jatharagni imbalance plays an important role in the treatment process in the diseases of acute and chronic onset. Ayurveda deals in holistic health. We treat cases which are failure in other systems of medicine. patients with multi system involvement with chronicity and complexity of the disease,we treat according to the holistic principles of Ayurveda after complete examination with Ayurveda principles keeping in mind the modern diagnostic aspect of the disease. We are having 30 years of experience treating complicated cases in Ayurveda fraternity Ayurveda is extremely satisfying to cure the incurable.Ayurveda is truly a ray of hope for those who are complicated with disease manifestation in multiple organs of the body and believe they can never get well.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
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1. We are treating cases of type-2 Diabetes mellitus with our formula success fully keeping in mind the Tridosh principle.
These medicines function over the hard cell wall and make cell wall soft so that easy penetration of Insulin is possible to digest the sugar.
We have seen Patients taking Insulin therapy but Blood sugar level is raised, our medicine reduces the dose of Insulin and normalises the Blood Sugar because the Herbal Medicine function over the causative factor of Insulin resistance in Diabetes type-2.
Controls Carbohydrate, Protein and Fat metabolic disorder.
Corrects liver functions to produce adequate digestive enzymes for the normalising of metabolic disorder.
Resistance due to hard cell wall is also the causative factor for the Hypertension (High B.P.) and you are taking antihypertensive but blood pressure is not controlled.
Our ayurvedic formulas correct the cause of Hypertension and control Hypertension very easily.
There is no need of chemical based medicines along with our treatment.
At the same time our treatment controls obesity factor and normalises lipids disturbance and liver enzymes.
Many hyperthyroidism cases also present with type-2 diabetes and Hypertension with obesity and lipid Irregularity.
The only way to normalize the abnormalities in Hypothyroidism cases is Ayurvedic treatment.
Obese patients may develop Type-2 Diabetes so control obesity and maintain proper health Ayurvedic is the need of hour for disease of current scenario known as life style Diseases.
In Many cases sugar is not controlled even after increasing the dose of Insulin. The increasing dose of Insulin sometimes creates threat to ones life due to severe Hypoglycemia.
Our Ayurvedic medicine checks the dose of Insulin and controls Blood sugar normalises lipids &liver enzymes.
No complications we have seen yet because these are made of Herbs only we never use metals based Basnt Kushmakar Ras.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
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R Prasad Ayurvedic Chikitsa Kendra In Moradabad
Dr. Satyaprakash Gupta provides the best treatment in Moradabad. Ayurveda is considered as the most ancient system of medicine known to Human being. It is the total knowledge of Life. It originated in India since occurrence of its culture. This culture under went many changes during the millennium and it still continues to change. This trend of transience is found in Ayurveda too. Ayurveda started with the empiric use of Herbs and animal products. Which were easily available in the vicinity. Treatment in Ayurveda is done with thorough examination of the patients. Ayurveda treatment is based on equilibrium of 3 Humours(Tridosh), saptadhatu(7BodyTissues) and Trimal(3 excreta).
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
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Psoriasis is one of the commonest diseases of skin.
It may occur at any age but usually occurs between the Ages of 10 and 30.
The patchy lesions consist of sharply defined slightly elevated bright red papules or plaques.
When the plaques are remove the tips of red papillae are exposed.
Central clearing and peripheral extension is there.
In most cases the only disability is cosmetic.
Irritation but is usually mild but may be exaggerated in nervous and anxious individual.
Psoriasis usually increases in traumatized area.
Tends to spare those exposed to light.
It is usually more severe in winter season of the year.
A single plaque may persist unchanged for many years. 
In guttate Psoriasis a profuse eruption of small popular lesions is present on the trunk and limbs.
It usually occurs in children and young adult.
It is uncommon and involves the palms and soles.
Crops of sterile pustuls are succeded by brownish crust.
Involves the natal cleft and external genitalia and groines and is often irritable.
Joint pain with swelling in small and large joints is presented in few cases of Psoriasis.
Small joint deformity and stiffness of joint makes the life trouble. 
It may be followed by skin lesions or may occur alone.
The nails may become discolored & thickened and fine pitting is there.
It is sometimes seen and may occur as the result of chemical based medicines.
Occasionally there is no obvious cause for the universal spread of disease.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
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Generally Adolescent or young adult.
Family history of similar attacks may or may not be there.
Complaints of recurrent paroxysm of unilateral, but rarely it may be bilateral also.
Spreading head pains, photophobia and biliousness may be preceded by transitory visual Aura.
Each attach lasts 4 to 48 hours or longer. The Aura lasts 15-20 minutes.
The common aura is visual & consist of glittering Zig Zag lines curved or straight figures often in movement.
Paraesthesia constitute a less frequent aura.
Transigent difficulty in finding words (Dysphasia)
Writing difficulty may be there (dysgraphia).
Much less commonly transient vertigo or double vision lasting 2-3 minutes are met as a migraineous Aura.
Head Ache succeeds or is contemporary with Aura.
Head Ache never precedes aura.
Head Ache typically starts in one frontal region spreading to the opposite side of the head.
Some times it remains to one half of the head (Hemicrania).
Accompanied by photophobia, flushing, pallor, vomiting or faint feeling.
The attack may leave the patient exhausted if the attack has been prolonged.
During an attack unequal pupils may be observed.
Attacks may be heralded by bouts of euphoria, anxiety or depression.
Attack may be precipitated by menstruation, eye strain or dietetic indiscretions.
Paroxysm may occur at varying intervals and may consists of re-correct head ache.
Re-current head ache with vomiting.
The Aura with a subsequent head ache.
The AuroaAlone.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
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Kidney Disease Clinic In Moradabad
The chief function of kidney is elimination of nitrogenous waste from thy body.
When waste elimination is interfered with the kidney disease a toxic condition ensues in the form of raised blood urea and known as uremia. Kidney stones (also called renal calculi, nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis) are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys.
Diet, excess body weight, fattyliver,uric acid improper medication etc are among the causes of kidney stones. Kidney stones can affect any part of your urinary tract — from your kidneys to your bladder. Often, stones form when the urine becomes concentrated, allowing minerals to crystallize and stick together as concrete in early stage.
The most constant and cardinal symptom of kidney disorder is some alteration in urine.
Pallor of skin and malaise is a very constant feature.
Swelling is body.
Body symptom due to toxemia resulting from the retention of nitrogenous and water and electro light balance is disturbed.
The pallor (waxy hue) affects the whole body but is always most evident in the face.
Edema (swelling) the edema of kidney starts around the eye lids. It is most marked on the first waking in the morning.
Towards evening the ankles become edematous.
In acute nephritis the edema is often present.
In Chronic nephritis oldema is comparatively rare.
In uncomplicated pyelitis (part of kidney) and/neoplasm fluid retention is not present.
Kidney function chiefly remain on the principle of elimination of waste product produced in the body during metabolic activity organs.
Our Ayurvedic self prepared herbal medication not only improve kidney function but prevent the collection of metabolic waste in the body.
Detoxify the body cells.
Blood urea and serum creatinine are not collected in the body.
The kidney function remain normal.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
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R Prasad Ayurvedic Chikitsa Kendra In Moradabad
Dr. Satyaprakash Gupta provides the best treatment in Moradabad. Ayurveda is considered as the most ancient system of medicine known to Human being. It is the total knowledge of Life. It originated in India since occurrence of its culture. This culture under went many changes during the millennium and it still continues to change. This trend of transience is found in Ayurveda too. Ayurveda started with the empiric use of Herbs and animal products. Which were easily available in the vicinity. Treatment in Ayurveda is done with thorough examination of the patients. Ayurveda treatment is based on equilibrium of 3 Humours(Tridosh), saptadhatu(7BodyTissues) and Trimal(3 excreta).
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
Liver disease
The Enlargement of liver is painless and uniformly enlarge
Jaundice and portal obstruction are absent
Fatty liver sometimes remain symptomless
It may occur in association with general obesity
Often it occur with chronic alcoholism
In the current scenario we find the cases of fatty liver having no faulty dietary habits.
Perhaps adulterated food products may be the cause of fatty liver.
It remains undiagnosed for a long period.
The digestive problem ensues and constipation continues with gastric problem like acidity, distension of abdomen, sour eructation persists for many years. Patient takes self medication like antacid and other gastric symptoms relieving medicine without consulting a Doctor.
Due to complication all medicine further complicate the condition.
Obesity factor increases and abdominal obesity is more prevalent.
Lipid profile disturbs in many cases.
In case of prolonged constipation, piles, fissure and anal swelling is the main complication that patient gets without Ayurvedic management.
Disturbed liver function creates many complication of other body organ like high blood pressure may occur due to hardening of Arterial wall because of faulty metabolism.
Fat deposits in arterial walls and makes arterial wall more thickened and hard.
Tingling and numbness sometimes results due to lack of blood supply to the limbs.
Diabetes may develop due to obstruction in metabolism.
Sluggish liver function creates so many metabolic and digestive diseases.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
Disc Slip Clinic In Moradabad
If you are troubled by Disc slip disease and are looking for Disc Slip Clinic in Moradabad you should go to Ayurveda Prasad Clinic. Disc slip disease is treated very well by. Ayurveda Prasad Clinic through Ayurvedic Treatment. Ayurveda Prasad Clinic uses new Ayurvedic medicines to cure disc slip disease. Due to this clinic many patients of the disease such as disk slip have been completely cured.
If you want the Disc Slip Treatment in Moradabad then you have come to Ayurveda Prasad Clinic. Ayurveda Prasad provides treatment through Ayurvedic traditions by which the disease of the disc slip gets completely cured. There is a very good and successful treatment of disc slip in Ayurveda. In Ayurveda many new techniques are used to cure this disease. To take Disc Slip Treatment in Moradabad, you came to the Ayurvedic Prasad Clinic where you will be provided with very good disc slip treatment. Disc slip is a disease which is treated with Ayurveda very well in Ayurveda Prasad.
Ayurveda Prasad have a good Disc Slip Doctor in Moradabad. Today the fast pace of modern life is affecting physical health and currency. Through this, persistent issues of back pain and slipped discs are seen in public health discourse. If you are troubled by disc slip and are looking for a good Disc Slip Doctor in Moradabad then go to Ayurveda Prasad Clinic. Apart from this, obesity and excess body weight is the cause of back pain and slipped disc triggers.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
About Us
It is our earnest endeavour to cure our patient by enhancing their immune system.According to Tridosh Saptadhatu,Trimal principles of Ayurveda, and normalising their jatharagni(Digestive fire). Because jatharagni imbalance plays an important role in the treatment process in the diseases of acute and chronic onset. Ayurveda deals in holistic health. We treat cases which are failure in other systems of medicine. patients with multi system involvement with chronicity and complexity of the disease, we treat according to the holistic principles of Ayurveda after complete examination with Ayurveda principles keeping in mind the modern diagnostic aspect of the disease. We are having 30 years of experience treating complicated cases in Ayurveda fraternity.
Ayurveda is extremely satisfying to cure the incurable. Ayurveda is truly a ray of hope for those who are complicated with disease manifestation in multiple organs of the body and believe they can never get well.
(selected from RAV New Delhi, Ayush ministry Government of India). Apart from giving solace to patients we even trained the doctors selected through All India competition of Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (national academy of ayurveda), delhi ,an autonomous body under ministry of Ayush. For training of BAMS doctors I am appointed as guru in kayachiktsa(medicine) by RAV, Ayush ministry, government of India. For the dissemination of practical and clinical ayurvedic knowledge Thorough clinical history of patient is prepared and appropriate diagnosis is made. I think even for a general hassle people are not getting healthy.
In my opinion ayurveda fraternity has the capability to treat not only chronic ailments but acute ailments also such as acute sinusitis, acute abdominal problems, migraine, acute osteoarthritis, various neurological pain of acute onset etc.
Because according to Dosha prakop and disease manifesting, prepared medicines are not available in pharmacy market. Many powders of herbs have very short expiry say 6 months or rainy season expiry. So the medicines become in effective.
Patients attending our clinic are found suffering from disorders of many systems and Tridosh Prakop. According to each Dosha Prakop and involve system of disorder, medicine is not available accordingly from market. So we prepare according to disease and presenting state of patient.
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
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R Prasad Ayurvedic Chikitsa Kendra In Moradabad
Dr. Satyaprakash Gupta provides the best treatment in Moradabad. Ayurveda is considered as the most ancient system of medicine known to Human being. It is the total knowledge of Life. It originated in India since occurrence of its culture. This culture under went many changes during the millennium and it still continues to change. This trend of transience is found in Ayurveda too. Ayurveda started with the empiric use of Herbs and animal products. Which were easily available in the vicinity. Treatment in Ayurveda is done with thorough examination of the patients. Ayurveda treatment is based on equilibrium of 3 Humours(Tridosh), saptadhatu(7BodyTissues) and Trimal(3 excreta).
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drspgupta · 4 years ago
Thyroid Clinic in Moradabad
If you are troubled by Thyroid disease and are looking for Thyroid Clinic in Moradabad you should go to Ayurveda Prasad Clinic. Ayurveda Prasad is a clinic in Moradabad that has cured many patients by its Ayurvedic medicines are of which patients of thyroid are also found. Ayurveda Prasad Clinic has made Ayurvedic medicines using many Ayurvedic elements to eliminate the horrible disease like thyroid. By which Ayurveda Prasad's thyroid patient is absolutely fine today. Ayurveda Prasad Clinic is the best clinic for Thyroid Clinic in Moradabad.
If you want to your Thyroid Treatment in Moradabad then you should go to Ayurveda Prasad Clinic.The patients come from the other city on this clinic and it is Moradabad's best Ayurvedic clinic for the treatment of thyroid. Ayurveda Prasad gives a very good Ayurvedic Treatment to the clinic patients. Ayurveda Prasad Clinic has prepared such medicines which are very effective for humans, to remove the disease like Thyroid. Ayurveda Prasad Clinic always uses new Ayurvedic Medicines to cure diseases of their patients.
If you found the best Thyroid Doctor in Moradabad. Thyroid is a disease that is considered very common today. There are two forms of thyroid: first Hyperthyroidism or Thyrotoxicosis and the second Hypothyroidism. If you want to treatment the disease like Thyroid in Ayurveda, then you are found Thyroid Doctor in Moradabad. Successful treatment of this disease is found in Ayurveda. By both Ayurveda Prasad, both forms of thyroid are completely cured.
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