drosswraith · 4 years
Tiny tanks are just so much fun to print.
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drosswraith · 4 years
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But what if....40 turrets
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drosswraith · 4 years
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A new model stomping its way towards the metal oak shop! I'm excited to be able to start selling prints!
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drosswraith · 4 years
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Something silly, but for a bit me and some friends were doing Quarencosplay, we’d pick a D&D theme (like Cleric) and then using stuff around the house take some cool pics! So here’s my Knowledge Domain Cleric researching a magic item or something.
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drosswraith · 4 years
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Link first ask questions later I've been thinking a lot today about what exactly I wanted to say about this so I'm going to be a bit long winded.   --- Over the past... many many months, I've been lucky enough to have a hand in the creation of a game! Starfall: Age of Mercenaries. I might be helping with the physical models aspect but mad respect to Eevi for making up a world and a ruleset as a mostly one person show! When Eevi and I were first sitting around talking about what sort of game we'd want to make for ourselves, there were hex maps and cards that gave you your resources to cast spells and a whole lot of fun stuff that would probably never have worked in an skirmish game.   Throughout the alpha it's become something so much more and greater and I'm so proud to see everyone's work and I'm so excited to see where it goes now that it's out in beta and the rest of the world can get their hands on it.   Give the rules a whirl, check out the lore, and join us in creating something cool.
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drosswraith · 5 years
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I've been painting alot of crisis protocol. I've also come to the realization that I don't actually have any confidence to paint bright comic style colors. Doing crossbones was just so much easier for me than Ironman was.
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drosswraith · 5 years
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He wants to help us!
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drosswraith · 6 years
Gen:Lock Vehicle Analysis Part One
Because Gen:Lock has become my new hyperfixation, I’m going to spend way too much time analyzing the design of the Vanguard vehicles. I’ll be focusing on 4 main designs- the Vanguard Interceptor fighter, the Vanguard Razor attack VTOL, the Vanguard Strider Mech-Suit, and the unnamed heavy transport dropship.
First Up- the Interceptor Fighter
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This design is the one that Chase flies in episode 1. It’s really neat, and I could honestly see it as a military aircraft fifty or so years from now. It’s a nice mix of modern-day and futuristic, Macross-style technology.
For propulsion, the Interceptor appears to rely on six separate engine sources. The main forwards thrust comes from the two stern engines. I don’t think they’re traditional jet technology, as they don’t appear to have visible intakes anywhere on the fuselage. The four rotary fan engines mounted in the wings appear to be primarily for lift and maneuvering purposes, and they enable the interceptors to pull off maneuvers that would be impossible for most standard fighter jets today, such as quite literally flying backwards.
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The fans appear to be able to rotate 360 degrees in any direction.
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I GUARANTEE you no fighter jet today could do this, with the possible exception of the AV-8 Harrier or the US Marine version of the F-35.
Now, onto weapons fit. This is where the Interceptor is most similar to the combat aircraft of today. The primary weaponry of the Interceptor are air-to-air missiles and nose-mounted cannons.
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As seen in this picture, the Interceptor carries six air-to-air missiles, which are practically direct visual copies of real-life missiles like the AIM-9 Sidewinder or the AIM-120 AMRAAM. Two of the missiles are mounted on the forward wings (canards is the technical term IIRC), and four are mounted underneath the hull.
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The Interceptor also carries two nose-mounted automatic cannons. If the real-life aircraft influences are anything to go by, they’re probably gatling type-weapons. An interesting divergence from modern-day aircraft is the presence of two nose cannons- most U.S. fighters tend to view a single nose-mounted cannon as sufficient.
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Lastly in terms of weaponry, the Interceptor carries a single ESD. I don’t think we were told what the ESD acronym stands for but it’s also referred to as “Threat Pulse Weaponry”. The weapon is concealed in the hull until it is used, which is a common trick on stealth fighters to lower radar signature. The other missiles are carried on outboard pylons, so I don’t think that’s why the ESD is carried inboard, though. The ESD has a significant charging time, during which the interceptor is vulnerable. The main purpose of the ESD seems to be to deactivate weaponized Union nanotech, which it does-if it manages to go off. The Union appears to be able to detect a charging ESD and pre-empt its detonation, making the weapon practically useless.
The final point of interest when it comes to the Interceptor is the wings. To be precise, the wings’ ability to change position. This isn’t some new, futuristic technology either- we’ve had variable geometry fighters since the 1970s, when the U.S. Navy introduced the F-14 Tomcat. (there may have been earlier variable-geometry aircraft, but the F-14 is the earliest I know of. The purpose of the variable-geometry wings on the interceptor appears to be similar to the purpose of the F-14’s variable geometry: one configuration is built to increase aerodynamics and speed, another is built for maneuverability in close combat.
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The speed-focused configuration.
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The maneuverability-focused configuration.
That’s about it for the interceptor. This ended up way longer than I thought it would be, so I think I’ll call it here for this post. Next time, the Vanguard’s Strider Mechs!
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drosswraith · 6 years
hypothetis: “stabby the space roomba” is a folkloric figure
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drosswraith · 6 years
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ive been sucked into Critical Role thanks to @tactfulgrimalkin who I’m also giving some credit for helping me out w/ some of the writing for this. It’s my interpretation/imagining of how Nott and Caleb’s first meeting went down based on what we know about that event. There’s 16 pages. Because I have no self control. 
Part 2 
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drosswraith · 6 years
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‘Arry Pot’a, the boy who WAAAAAGH’d
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drosswraith · 6 years
an apocalyptic cult prophetically warning that the world won’t end, ever
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drosswraith · 6 years
No skin is allowed on tumblr. If you have flesh you will be B A N N E D, you horny HEATHEN.
Cover up. Cover up your flesh, you absolute wanton.
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drosswraith · 6 years
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Only death separates a trainer and his Bulbasaur
Artist:  kusasugiruneko / Twitter
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drosswraith · 6 years
Hey friends and followers. In the spirit of remaining connected if/when tumblr all comes crashing down around us, you can find me on Instagram @drosswraith or on Twitter @drosswaith
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drosswraith · 6 years
Maybe a stupid idea, but maybe it already exists
You start a game of DnD with a blank character sheet. Your DM has them all. You only discover stats and things as they become relevant. 
Like, “I rolled 7 on my constitution check” “You get a +2 bonus so that’s a 9.”  *Hurriedly marking it down*
“I would like to ask the innkeeper if there is anything weird going on in the area” “Dragonborn are rare in these parts, so she is suspicious at your approach.” “Wait I’m a DRAGONBORN?!?”
It would be absolute chaos but for a one-shot I feel it would be fun. Maybe all the characters have amnesia and they have to figure out what they can do from scratch.
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drosswraith · 6 years
*releases pack of dads into home depot* go……be free
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