droppedseunghyun-blog · 12 years
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droppedseunghyun-blog · 12 years
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droppedseunghyun-blog · 12 years
(/ it had been a pleasant, normal day. he hadn't expected anything different, but he took the day off for himself - maybe a little coffee, he thought - there had been a new cafe he wanted to check out. in the mid-afternoon sun and ocean view - it sounded pretty satisfying.
he shifts in his seat as another chime rings through the room, a small scowl crossing his features as it does. it causes him to glance up at the intruder, though when he recognizes who it is -- he smiles. getting up, seunghyun pushes his glasses up with his free hand before picking up both mugs of coffee, slowly walking over to where the newest visitor sat down. he allows himself to slip into the seat across from her, arm moving to slide the mug across the table as a smirk finds his lips, speaking with an amused tone ) 
... hello, miyoung.
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droppedseunghyun-blog · 12 years
like this post for a plot!
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droppedseunghyun-blog · 12 years
¤ quick bio
- so it's not a good idea to tell him that you're a "mutant who is so much stronger than him and will kick his ass", cause then he's just gonna think you're stupid. 
- he's adopted, but was completely raised by his adopted father -- there was no mother -- and his father was always a scientist at the research facility in seoul, but when his father was put in charge of the facility on jeju, he molded seunghyun to be the perfect 'heir'.
- seunghyun didn't know he was a mutant until he went into the military for a few years. once he did find out, he kept it a secret.
- though he did succumb to his power's addictions, he still managed to keep it a secret; using a deceased mutant's remains to restore his own. he's got an addiction to becoming the best 'human' out there, and so far, his cover hasn't been blown. no one knows.
- he's the villain everyone's been waiting for. he hates you all, he takes your body parts to make himself better - he's not looking for love, thx.
- but he's not looking for a fight, either. he's just got an ego problem, which causes him to be power hungry; he wants to be the strongest 'non-mutant' out there, which means that all the mutants gotta go. 
- he's got a 'prince-like' aura around him, but that's just because that's how he was raised. otherwise, he's fairly quiet and reserved.
- seunghyun's not going to argue over petty things; if he thinks you're a waste of time, he's just going to leave.
- he likes to give the feeling that he's always busy and doesn't have time for anyone, but this is mostly just his time to return to his moments of solitude.
- annnnnnnd.
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droppedseunghyun-blog · 12 years
“Why not just express what I see and what I feel as the time flows along? I would inevitably be different on each fragment of time but in the end, all of those pieces would be me.” 
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droppedseunghyun-blog · 12 years
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