dropbymuses · 2 years
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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“Has anyone seen my dad?”
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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“ Are you ready for your therapy?”
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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“ Hm.”
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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Oh no he didn’t…
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Placing his arm out in front of the younger of the two boys and rolled his eyes. “Touya. Stop screaming like a child. I’ll replace it so there is no need to continue arguing. Natsuo had obviously forgotten exactly how fragile it was. Natsuo, apologize and we can all move on.”
“ Fuck you it was perfectly fine before! “ Touya gave his brother the middle finger. Just the fact that he talked up against him was reason enough for Touya to get more worked up! He didn’t try to run over yet but he made sure to give Natsuo a good glare from over their dad’s arm! 
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“ I don’t want it replaced. It didn’t need to be replaced until this happened! “ 
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“ Ohhhh real mature! It looks the same as it did back then! You wouldn’t have noticed it if Fuyumi hadn’t told you and if you didn’t look too closely at his knees! Sorry I dropped it then fixed it for you!” Natsuo retorted.
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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“This is ridiculous. That Gundam toy was broken long before we placed it next to the shrine in the first place. The head was super glued back on by Rei before Shouto was even born, then one of the arms had fallen off during an argument between you two in the courtyard.”
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 “Now, could you two cut it out?! You’re both grown adults!”
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“ It wasn’t as broken as it is now and if you know it’s already frail why would you handle it in a way that breaks it?! “ No adult in this manchild! He’s loudly arguing now, getting unreasonably worked up about an old broken toy.
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“ Well maybe if you took care of it when you had it it wouldn’t be fragile now!” He pokes his tounge out for extra measure, if Touya was gonna act that way so was he.
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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“And why exactly would he be running from you? Care to explain that part?”
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“ I don’t know? He’s just running. I didn’t even do anything and he’s running from me. Did you do something else, Natsuo? Did you break more of my shit? “ He grits the last sentence through his teeth.
“ You are very threatening to me! This-” he gestures to himself and his father, “ Is preventative measures!”
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“ Of course not!” Nothing he’d admit now anyway.
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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…They can’t be seriously fighting at this age.
“…Would either of you like to explain what is going on here?”
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“ Remember the Gundam I asked you about earlier? Natsuo has broken it… and I only know because Fuyu told me… and now he’s running away from me. “ He is suspiciously calm. 
“ It was an accident!! I knocked it off the table!”
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“ And of course I’m running from you! I don’t have a death wish!”
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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“..Work? Ah, work was fine. Not extremely busy as most days. Is everything okay? It’s.. strange for you to ask me how my day is. Not unwelcome of course.”
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“ Look, I just wanna talk. “
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He lets out a scared noise as he slowly moves himself to the other side of his father away from his brother.
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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“ Heya Dad. How was work today?” He’s totally not using his father as a body shield 
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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He’s just gonna avoid his brother for ,,,until forever then.
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Just wait, he’s gonna find out where you live real quick!
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Oh boy an overseas internship is looking pretty good right now.
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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“That old thing was broken by Natsu just before we moved.”
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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Sure hope nothing happened to it, or else big brother gonna throw another fit!
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He’s just gonna avoid his brother for ,,,until forever then.
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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Oh right..... The Gundam
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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@0rainy0muses0 asked: { Shoto } "Happy Birthday, Natsuo." He's got a small box wrapped up very badly and another with some cupcakes in it. || Birthday asks ||
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“ Thank you Sho!” Natsuo says happily looking at his younger brother. He tilts his head at the gifts, wondering what could be in the smaller box “ Are those for me?”
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dropbymuses · 3 years
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bigsisfuyumi asked: “Happy birthday Natsu!"
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Natsuo smiled widely at his sister. “ Aww you remembered” Like she hadn’t been constantly grilling him to come over for his birthday dinner.
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