Andromeda Black
418 posts
Not the eldest, not the youngest. Certainly has the most to lose.
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
Andie and @bxwareofthedog playing one of their favorite games- the one where they make up lives for strangers.
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
“If you look at that book any harder, you’re going to burn holes through the pages. Look, I’ve brought you coffee and cauldron cakes. You should eat.” he said, taking a seat beside them and pushing over the treats. 
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“Caradoc, don’t be silly,” Andie huffed, rolling her eyes as she glanced over at Caradoc. “We’ve just had breakfast not even an hour ago.... Oh.” Her eyes had moved from Doc to the clock, and she realized it’d actually been several hours since she’d last eaten. Eyeing the coffee and treats he’d brought, she raised an eyebrow at the redhead. “Caradoc Dearborn, were you keeping an eye on me?”
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
Down by the lake, Andromeda had found herself the perfect spot; a little bank, just the perfect height to let her stick her feet as she sat back and enjoyed the sunshine. With the school year nearly over, and the undoubtedly endless summer looming over her, this was the perfect way to relax- bare toes in the water, warm sunshine streaming down on her. 
Down a little ways further, she could see someone getting closer, and she waved her hand to beckon them closer, a smile on her face. “The water feels perfect if you’d like to join me. I certainly wouldn’t mind the company.”
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
Slipping away for a study session had never been this exciting. Things usually came easily to Ted but he always enjoyed going over things again. Especially if that meant he got to spend a little extra time with Andromeda outside of class. He didn’t mind getting up a little earlier that day, or swinging by the kitchens to see what sweets he could convince the house elves to give him.
“Whatcha got this week Pinky?” Ted asked one of the elves he usually went to.
Pinky scurried across the kitchen and came back with a bowl of pumpkin pasties, the elf gave a little smile waiting for his approval. Ted gave Pinky a wide grin and accepted the pastries gladly. After giving Pinky an affectionate pat on the back he was on his way towards Hagrid’s Hut.
Their place was quiet, out of the way. Close enough for their convenience but far enough off the beaten path that there wouldn’t be any questions. There wouldn’t be any stares or disapproving glances. There were just the trees, the cool stones at the end of the archway, and a couple of potions books.
Ted arrived before Andromeda, which was an accomplishment on his end. He sat down on one of the smaller stone pillars that was closer to the ground to wait for her to arrive. He tried to conceal the treat with his cloak, turning around to fiddle with it so she would be surprised by the little goodies. He was excited to hear her reaction, he only wanted to get a smile from her. Then they could get to studying.
He opened his textbook where he had conveniently shoved some extra parchment for notes. The boy smiled fondly at the little doodle on the corner of it, leftover from one of their last study sessions. So he sat there with a stupid grin on his face while he waited, not hearing someone approaching where he was seated.
Most girls her age didn’t love studying this much, and Andromeda knew that. Andromeda also knew, however, that most of those girls never had even half as entertaining a study partner as she had, and really, that made all the difference.  Studying with Ted Tonks was never boring. There were snacks, and laughter, and sure, plenty of actual studying, but it could never once in a million years be described as dull. 
She was on her way to meet him now, Andromeda strolling leisurely across the grounds as she drew closer to their spot, though, really, she couldn’t wait to get a little time alone with him. He always managed to make everything better, even when everything was already pretty great. Plus, out of the way from the more populated areas of the grounds, she and Ted never had to worry about being interrupted, or even, and this was better, the rumours that would surely spread if anyone were to witness the wrong portion of one of their sessions, and Andie hated thinking about that. It was never fair to him, though she didn’t voice this, that enjoying their time together could be construed as a bad thing, or as something untoward, and as she flipped her hair over her shoulder, she was determined to put that thought right back out of her mind. It wasn’t welcome. 
Being that she was never late for anything, she was almost, almost, surprised to find that he’d beaten her there, but the look on his face made it that much better. “You know,” she started, grinning as she reached Ted, “in my experience, a smile like that usually means I’m about to become an accidental accomplice to something that my cousins or sisters have cooked up.” She was still grinning as she dropped carefully, Andromeda ever the lady, to her knees before folding her legs up beneath her. “But on you, it only makes me wonder what’s got you so pleased, rather than making me wonder how much trouble I’m about to be in. Care to share the secret?” she asked, raising her eyebrows in interest.
Her eyes remained mostly on Ted as she pulled her things from her bag, only ever dropping her gaze to make sure her ink hadn’t gone splashing through the bag, and that the cookies she’d made hadn’t been smashed. “C’mon, tell me. I’ll only get more and more curious until I burst, and I’m not above pleading and whining,” she added teasingly. “Pleeease?”
Just a Smile | Tedromeda
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
Work by:  LaurenMichelle (YT)
@dromeda-black​ @malfaithss​ @secondheirbetterhair​ @bellacism​
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
dusky pink or mustard yellow? bean bag or hammock? seaside towns or neon cities? milkshake or smoothie? misty forest mornings or warm pool-side evenings? violin or acoustic guitar? fairground or fireworks show? stripes or florals? ladybugs or butterflies? maple syrup or honey? 
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
@bxwareofthedog @bellacism @secondheirbetterhair
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
Bellatrix lit up. Her head tilted back as she cackled. “My darling sister, how you grow in my eyes.” Her lips curled with excitement. “You know that Druella would simply die if she saw her daughter drinking.” Bella’s finger played with the edge of her parchment. “Perhaps I’ll join you,” she sighed. “I’ve been bored myself.” She grinned at Andie. “But nothing does more wonders for boredom than spending some time with my sisters.” Bella looped her arm through her sister’s. “Shall we?”
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Glowing under the weight of her sister’s praise, Andromeda grinned. “A girl can dream, can’t she?” she teased. Andie didn’t hate their mother, but she certainly didn’t hold any fondness for the woman, either. “Imagine if she knew we smoked like chimneys.” A confident girl by nature, Andie rarely gave a second thought to the opinions of others, but she never shied away from her sister’s approval. Or her company. “Exactly,” she agreed, the smile remaining on her face as Bella connected them. That was the entire reason she’d strayed from her original course outdoors; to see her sister. “Yes, let’s. It’s fairly nice out today. What do you think? Maybe we could go down by the lake?”
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
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Pictures of Bob Ross with Akira Kurosawa movie quotes #1 - Ikiru
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
Ted was sat in the library going over some of his homework for charms class and he was desperately fighting off sleep. He’d get through a line or two, feeling his internal desire to finish the assignment before the warmth of sleepiness crept up on him. His eyes were beginning to feel heavier like he couldn’t keep them open much longer. He began to think resistance was futile.
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Someone sat down at the table next to Ted’s and the screeching of the chair being pulled out startled his heavy eyes open again. He rubbed his eyes and the bridge of his nose, trying not to look like he was basically taking a nap on his charms textbook.
Andromeda smiled warmly as Ted blinked at her, doing her best not to laugh, though, admittedly, she found it humourous. “You know,” she began, whispering, “I hear that it’s easier to read when you have your eyes open. Sorry about the noise,” she added, gesturing to the chair. “Seems you make the most noise when you’re trying to be quiet. Or, at least, I do.” She shrugged, leaning forward onto the table and propping her head up on her hand. “Long day?”
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
Drops of Jupiter - Train
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control.
Elizabeth Gilbert
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
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the black sisters
“We — Narcissa and I — have never set eyes on our sister since she married the Mudblood.”
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
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Andromeda Black
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dromeda-black · 7 years ago
“Right, so that’s ten points, then. Get back to your house, it’s after curfew, and this is the second time I’ve caught you out tonight.” Andromeda shifted her weight, one hand on her hip, staring down her victim. “Well? What are you waiting for? Go.”
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