chiron opposite saturn is usually quite typical of a very wounding relationship to the father and/or to authority figures in general. often, the father was tyrannical, unfair, wounding, and/or simply absent or wounded himself.
this aspect can cause someone who can have extreme fears of being judged, overall someone who experiences strong fear of inadequacy, imposter syndrome, undeserving, imperfect. often, we’ll find someone who can be extremely judgemental towards others as well, rejecting others, being harsh on others – this being simply a representation of how they were treated growing up, how they treat themselves.
knowing this can help you heal people who go through similar pain which will help you heal yours <3
there is a strong tendency compensate the wound of inadequacy by working hard tirelessly. fear of rejection is often a strong wound too, and even more so if we find chiron in libra or in the 7th house.
🕊 we’re working on undoing all of the fears, all of the negative core beliefs
(I’m not enough, I will be rejected, I will fail, I don’t deserve it, it won’t happen, people will judge me, etc) hope this helps you recognize the energy and heal better
*sending hugs*🤗
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— THE FIRST HOUSE: A lot of these people suffered bullying from a young age, most likely due to your appearance/something that was completely out of control. Feeling extremely isolated from others in your childhood, like you could never connect with the people around you and, because of that, you’ve learned to be independent and to never trust others. Now, it’s difficult for you to open up even to your closest friends, and you fear that you’ll always feel alone. You can’t stand feeling misunderstood and, because of that, you can be very obsessed with “studying” the trauma you experienced through astrology and therapy, and you feel very triggered when someone misunderstands your intentions and misconstrues your words. A feeling that the world is against you. Someone having “taken” something away from you - your freewill, innocence, power of choice. People who either get repulsed by you or obsessed about you when you’re just sitting there and being yourself, and it’s out of your control which. Having been stalked in the past. A compulsive need to be private and keep things to yourself, a fear that other people are going to take everything away from you, especially the ones you love.. that they’ll turn them against you. Being treated like a sexual object, being sexually exploited. A fear that you’ll never be able to let go of your need for control. A fear that you attract too much chaos/people who are very chaotic themselves into your life. The feeling that, at the end of the day, you’ll always be alone with your fears, sadness and experiences that you haven’t found the courage to tell others. A feeling that you’ll never feel safe or comfortable.
— THE SECOND HOUSE: You don’t understand your own emotions and that gives you a lot of frustration and anxiety. You might’ve struggled your whole life with an emotional intensity that had you swinging from being at your happiest and most cared for in one moment and at the depths of despair and distress in the next. Your sense of self-worth fluctuates with unpreditability and yo can go from being overly confident to extremely insecure. Your passions constantly change and, because of that, it’s hard for you to know what you want to pursue in your life. You might’ve experienced a lot of distrust from others from a very young age, especially when it came to financial matters. You were accused of stealing, lying, perhaps even committing crimes. You felt like you had to work twice as hard to gain people’s trust and your parents, the ones who were supposed to protect you, were the first to be suspicious of everything you did. It’s like people are waiting for you to commit any sort of mistake so they can lash out on you and blame you for everything. You can become unproductive and start procrastinating as soon as you start feeling sad, self-sabotaging your own success because you’re afraid of failure, of putting your heart to something and then, all your efforts going to waste. Fear of losing the ones you love so you become possessive over them, or you attract people who are possessive of you and treat you like their property, making you feel suffocated in relationships. The fear that you’ll never be financially stable because things always go wrong. Looking at life through a pessimistic lens. The fear that you’ll always have enough to just survive. Having to do immoral things for money that left you feeling disgusted at your own actions. People who invaded your privacy for their personal benefit.
— THE THIRD HOUSE: Having been bullied and possibly physically abused in your early school years. A feeling that you had to “survive” school, that it was a place for pain and anxiety instead of learning. This could have given you a tendency to procrastinate in school and to rebel against it, you might’ve missed classes and it was hard for you to focus on your daily schoolwork but then you got to the tests and you got the highest grade due to your intelligence without needing much study. You might’ve constantly heard that you’re wasting your potential and intelligence simply because you didn’t care for school. From a very young age, you might’ve always felt the need to escape your house and neighborhood, and you took every opportunity you could get to stay away, which could have been the source of a lot of arguments at home. You were painted as the black sheep of the family, misunderstood by your parent figures because they couldn’t understand how their toxicity drove you to want to stay away from them and how school brought you trauma and anxiety. Relationship with siblings could’ve been very troubled, parents you pit you two against each other, a feeling that you had to compete with your siblings for their love, that they were the golden child while you were the disappointment of the family. You can also feel a strong need to protect your sibling from your parents and in school, that you want to teach them and be their role model because they had no one to set the good example.
— THE FOURTH HOUSE: You wanted to take refuge in your home when the outside world got hard again, you wanted a place to retreat to and find peace and wisdom, but soon you likely found out that it’s inside your home that the monsters laid. Your parent figures can have been extremely emotionally manipulative, in a way that took you years to understand: they showed you they loved you, treated you like their pride and prized possession, but they also tried to control you, invade your privacy, leading you to feel like an extension of them. You might’ve witnessed toxic and abusive relationship dynamics in your childhood; relationships filled with power-struggles and betrayal, obsession and possessiveness, arguments and competition. A lot of these people had one parent who cheated, making them feel like they had to compete with the other person. The relationship with the mother figure might’ve been a very confusing one: on one hand, you were close to her to the point where you needed each other more than anything, but at the same time, she might’ve been toxic and tried to live vicariously through you, wanting you to live out the dreams she never could. Even if the family home was loving and instilled in you values of hard-work and passion for anything you got involved in, there might’ve been one (or more) particular event that left you traumatized, feeling robbed of your power and strength. The family home can be exhausting, as if your parents expect you to be the one to take care of them and solve their problems. You fear becoming like the ones who mistreated you, you fear never being able to protect others in the way you never were. There might be an inability to trust here; you feel like you’ll never be able to fully trust and be vulnerable with someone because you want to always guard your heart from anyone who has the potential to break it.
— THE FIFTH HOUSE: When you love something, you love hard and this itself can feel terrifying at times. You understand how loyal and devoted you can be towards your passions, and you fear putting your heart into something then watching it fail miserably in front of your eyes. Fear of rejection and failure. You tend to procrastinate and purposefuly avoid going after your passions because you don’t want to watch your dreams die in front of you. There might be a fear of having children here, a fear of raising your kids the same way you were raised or not being able to meet your own expectations, a fear of not being able to emotionally connect with them, a fear of them living through pain and traumatic events without you being aware of it. It can be difficult for you to have one-night stands because you get very emotionally attached to people even if you don’t like showing it. Relationships can be filled with drama, chaos, obsession and lack of boundaries/lack of respect for the others’ privacy. There might be trust and intimacy issues here, where you get involved in casual dating but suddenly you’re jealous of other people who your person is seeing. You try to manipulate your romantic partners in order to feel in control of the relationship, a way for you to subtly self-sabotage your chances at happiness. You might mistake having a big ego for loving yourself, covering your deep-seated insecurities under a cocky attitude. The intensity of your emotions can scare you at times. You compare yourself to others because you fear truly loving yourself. You fear stability, you’re so used to living alongside chaos that you don’t know who you are without it – just the mere idea of sitting alone with your thoughts for a moment of peace can feel scary.
— THE SIXTH HOUSE: A fear that there’s no stability and peace in your day-to-day life because something’s disruptive is constantly happening. Your health doesn’t normally get bad but when it does, it’s awful. A feeling that you live life on survival mode. The death of a pet of your that deeply scarred you. Parents who tried to control you and every little habit of yours in your childhood. being constantly criticized; a feeling that you had to fit a certain image to please others. Being expected to always be at your prettiest and calmest, to be the adult among children, to take on the mature role. A fear that you’ll never be enough in your own eyes, a constant striving for perfection that only leaves you feeling more pained. a fear that you will never cease your need for control. A voice in your head that criticizes everything you do - you have become your own worst enemy. A fear that you’ll keep getting stuck with looking at the world through pessimistic eyes, eyes that have witnessed its cruelty. A fear of losing hope. A fear of not finding a job that fulfills your immense passion, and that you’ll always work too hard without getting the recognition for it. Coworkers who try to gain control over you, who belittle you and see you as their competition, who try to make your life living hell and who, in turn, discourage you from pursuing your career. Being overly sexualized at work. The feeling that it’s going to always be you to solve others’ problems and to be their savior, but at the end of the day, no one will be there for you. It’s like people already expect you to be the strong one so they don’t even ask if you need help. Having parent figures whose health is fragile so you have to take care of them, the feeling that you have to forget your own needs to take care of them.
— THE SEVENTH HOUSE: Always being the therapist friend, the one who holds others’ lives together. Parent figures who had a broken marriage; witnessing toxic relationships in your childhood that left you with a warped sense of what love means. The fear of getting into a relationship that mirrors the ones in your childhood; the fear of becoming just like your parent figures. Betrayal comes from those closest to you – your family members, your best friends, your romantic partners. Associating love with pain and grief and loss. The fear that no one will match your level of intensity and devotion in love, that you’re always going to get involved with people who are flaky, inconsistent, who betray your trust and who try to control you. The fear that you always attract the wrong type of people, that all your relationships are filled with power-struggles, possessiveness, drama and obsession rather than pure, healthy love. In the past, it might’ve been very difficult for you to feel fulfilled in a stable relationship, you always need it to be all-consuming and passionate but then, when it ended, you couldn’t even remember who you were before that person and the pain the end of the connection caused. You might’ve lost yourself and your sense of identity in relationships, giving your 100% to a partner who could only take and never give. Fear of abandonment, rejection, losing the people you love the most. Having been emotionally manipulated in relationships, used in your most vulnerable state.
— THE EIGHTH HOUSE: The death of a loved one that deeply scarred you, fear of intimacy all while feeling a compulsion to engage in it. Sexual experiences could’ve been traumaziting and like the other person was trying to take control of you during the act. There might be a fear of sex due to a fear of surrendering to someone else. Feeling a strong darkness inside of you that threatens to engulf you with every step you take. Fear of your deepest thoughts. Fear both of change and of not changing at all, you might constantly feel stuck, like you’re still holding on to the past when you know you should let go of it and stop giving it the power to control you. A feeling that everyone is always trying to take something from you, to impose themselves on you. Your parents might’ve taken away your money and possessions. A fear of “revealing” yourself to others, and at the same time, that no one will ever truly know you. Fear of someone taking power over you. A strong connection with death, fluctuates between fear of death and fascination with it. A fear from a young age that you only bring destruction wherever you go. Always feeling the need to run away when you get too close to someone, scared of becoming emotionally attached because you know that your love and loyalty knows no boundaries. These people often tend to experience an almost debilitating feeling of powerlessness throughout their childhood and adolescence that can have them stuck in the mentality of “I’m weak and I won’t ever rise above this”, and it takes them a lot to come out of their shell, to accept and embrace their power.
— THE NINTH HOUSE: Having been raised in an environment that didn’t allow you to express your beliefs and personal thoughts; parent figures who tried to control you and mold you however they saw fit into their puppet, parents who enforced their philosophies on you even though you didn’t agree to them. Having your power taken away in your childhood, feeling imposed on, restricted from your freedom, which now makes you feel paranoid everytime someone tries to constrict you in any possible way. Going through life with a “I’ve only got me, I can’t trust no one else” mindset, fear of letting people in due to how much you long to stay independent. You’re at your most self-destructive when you feel that someone is trying to hold you down, control you and manipulate your thoughts. You had to fight for your freedom and individuality so now you can’t stand that being taken away, which can result in a feeling of claustrophobia when in a long-term relationship and sabotaging everything to make sure the other person will leave you so you won’t havee to trust them, rely on them. The fear that your life will never have a purpose and that unpredictable, traumatic experiences will keep happening that completely change your mindset and sense of direction in life. The feeling that the universe purposelly fucks up your life and makes you go through pain in order to change and evolve. The fear that you’ll never be in any way stable and reliable because you go through constant transformations when it comes to your beliefs and thinking processes.
— THE TENTH HOUSE: Being treated like a product and not a person. You might’ve experienced hostility from those in power, as if they’re threatened by your potential and go out of their way to make you feel like you’re less than them. In your workplace, other coworkers treat you like their competition and like you don’t deserve the success you’ve been given, spreading rumours about you or talking shit about you to the boss. You might’ve experienced aggression from “masculine” figures (it doesn’t have to be specifically from men but from those who are agressive, powerful, dominant; those who are older and more “mature”), people who want to take control over you and manipulate you for their benefit. In your career, you can be objectified and perhaps others make you feel like you got the job simply because you’re attractive and not because you worked hard for it, undervaluing you and your efforts. A period in your childhood where authority figures didn’t believe you and ridiculed you when they should’ve listened to you. Having your power stripped away from you in your earlier years, making you crave to have control again – now, you want to be in charge, you want understanding, you want to be in control of yourself; but this can have you trying to exert power over others, manipulate them before they have the chance to manipulate you. You seek control in everything that surrounds you and that heightens your anxiety every time something doesn’t go according to your plans. A feeling that tragedy follows you around, a paranoia that things are going to go wrong any second now. A fear that you’ll always have your talents and habilities underestimated.
— THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: Betrayal from friendgroups, your earlier years might’ve been traumatizing when it came to friendships. It’s like people got close to you for the sole purpose of destroying your self-esteem, of discovering your secrets just so they could air them out to everyone you knew, or spreading rumors about you and wanting you to feel embarrassed/ridiculed of every step you took. It might’ve been very difficult for you to work on your self-esteem and it might still be an on-going battle, where you see yourself as worthless and like people will always use you as the butt of their jokes. Friends who invalidated your trauma, didn’t believe you and went out of their way to befriend the people who hurt you. You fear that you’ll never be able to fit in with the society where you live because your opinions are seen as too controversial and extreme when most of the time they can simply be progressive and open-minded. You might be surrounded by narrow-minded, prejudiced, conservative people. Your parent figures might ridicule your dreams and ambitions and make you feel like you’ll never achieve anything, that you’re too idealistic and delusional. You might feel like you had to disappoint your family in order to go down your own path because they didn’t support you and wanted you to follow in their footsteps. The suffering of the world might deeply affect you and you find yourself paralyzed by injustices that happened to other people as if you felt them in your skin yourself. You yearn for deep and intimate friendships but you might’ve been disappointed over and over again. You give yourself fully to the people in your lives to the point where they start taking you for granted.
— THE TWELFTH HOUSE: You notice even the subtlest changes in others’ behavior, how they said hi in a slightly different tone and what that might imply… being so perceptive of everything that’s going around you feels emotionally draining to the point where you’re left with your anxieties and paranoias of not being enough for others, believing you should be stronger, you should be more reliable, you should be easier to love. Your mind is your greatest enemy and when you sit alone with your thoughts, you hear all the self-doubt, guilt and fears that are threatening to destroy all chance for stability. You can have nightmares that fill you with stress, making you fear go to sleep and you can stay up all night because it’s the only time of the day where you can be by yourself without having to put a mask of happiness for others – during the day, you’re expected to take care of others, to save them, to put their needs above your own, but at night, you can finally breathe. Your childhood can be a blur of moments you can’t comprehend and things you’d rather forget, and you might’ve been ridiculed for your emotional sensitivity. You were told you’re too emotional, obsessive, stupid for giving your heart to the wrong people. You can be very self-destructive as a way to escape reality, wishing you could just turn your feelings off. You repress your emotions and bury them deep within yourself. You might’ve dealed with drug abuse and mental illness/people around you who struggled with it and it affected you deeply. You feel others’ pain as if it’s your own. You fear asking others for help, being seen as weak. You fear that you’ll never be in control of yourself, that your emotions will always be too intense.
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Pluto in the houses- Catastrophe vs Awakening
Pluto in the first house: Systematic deep transformational experiences. There’ll always be renewal and healing no matter what the circumstances are. Life is filled with definite endings, as if there’s always something dying or being destroyed. All the time.
Pluto in the second house: “You only know what you’ve got until it’s gone” so you keep losing what you value the most. Financial losses are almost destructive, but you’re able to regenerate resources like no other. There’s also a profound lack of self-worth.
Pluto in the third house: Inevitable but periodic destruction of ideas and opinions. There has to be a mental renewal of thoughts so you don’t feel weighed down. You feel strangely pressured to grow intellectually.
Pluto in the fourth house: Constant urges to understand your family background or biological roots in order to break free. You’re aware that you need to overcome the behavioral patterns you inherited from one of your parents. There’s the danger of getting lost in self-destructive tendencies while trying to individualize the self. Pluto in the fifth house: Never ending supply of creative energy. Romantic affairs, even if not many in number, will have the capacity to completely change your life’s direction. Plenty of lessons to be learnt from working with children. Pluto in the sixth house: Enormous regenerative health capacity, a (self-)healing guru. Difficulties in finding a balance between abusing/being abused in the work place. Tendency to seek one’s own benefit by dominating others or by manipulating one’s work environment. Pluto in the seventh house: Partnerships work as a form of renewal. Relationships strengthen you. Be careful with deceit and manipulation, as you’re prone to being tricked by those who you trust the most. Don’t give anyone the power to destroy you. Pluto in the eighth house: “Amazing turns of events” happen unexpectedly. Spend all your life discovering just how powerful you are and what you’re capable of. Sexuality can be destructive- or a healing agent. Pluto in the ninth house: Traveling plays a major part when it comes to your life’s direction. Seminars and long journeys will completely change you. About religious views you grew up with- there’s a tendency to wipe them out and adopt new beliefs. Pluto in the tenth house: Professional crisis have the potential to either destroy you or renew you. You have the power to either inspire great admiration, or great fear in others. You don’t belong in the crowd. Pluto in the eleventh house: Power issues within the social sphere- you’re a lone wolf by desire or design. When in groups, you’re the devil’s advocate, and discussions with said circle’s members will stimulate you in therms of personal growth, so don’t avoid it. Pluto in the twelfth house: Predisposition to feel that there are hidden treasures everywhere waiting to be discovered. Also- prominent danger of being caught up in “underworld” schemes, even if unintentionally… Deep web addicted.
by crystal melbourne | within the zodiac
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The 3rd House of Ideas, Communication & Writing
Third House in Aries ~ Writing Style: Always an active voice, declarative statements, kernel sentences, strong verbs. Straightforwardness, creativity, imagination, challenges to be won and rules to be broken. Personal approach. Vivid imagery. ~ Author who shares this placement: J.K. Rowling
Third House in Taurus ~ Writing Style: Observant. Realistic approach. Critical about the values around them. Focus on the tangible, physical, material. Lyrical writing. Consistent ideas, evocative characters, dealing with luxury/wealth/success/hedonism. ~ Author who shares this placement: F Scott Fitzgerald
Third House in Gemini ~Writing Style: Free verse, loose prose, accompanying & recording the self’s mind. Ambiguity. Dialects, slangs, colloquialisms- varied forms of speech. Intellectual exploration, mental bonding. Pluralist views. ~ Author who shares this placement: Walt Whitman
Third House in Cancer ~Writing Style: Inner thoughts, the Psyche. “Domestic drama”. Historical examination while sharing deep insights into human nature, almost like a psychological analysis. ~Author who shares this placement: Leo Tolstoy
Third House in Leo ~Writing Style: Opinionated, straightforward, visionary. Tendency to exaggerate to make a point. Over-examination of relationships around them. Dynamic mind actively seeking to understand/explain the environment the self is inserted in. ~Author who shares this placement: Aldous Huxley
Third House in Virgo ~Writing Style: Carefully constructed string of thought. Philosophical digging accompanied by a sophisticated use of irony. Deadpan humor, factual information, methodical & long sentences. ~Author who shares this placement: Franz Kafka
Third House in Libra ~Writing Style: An emphasis on the female character. Chaste simplicity and the beauty of words stringing together. “Refined, educated, precise and intricate”. Use of interconnected ideas instead of short, simplified sentences. ~Author who shares this placement: Charlotte Bronte
Third House in Scorpio ~Writing Style: Exploration of human’s psychology- struggling, evolving, growing. The unsolved, the unknown, the unseen. Sharp remarks, a clever pace, and a focus on dark subjects such as death. ~Author who shares this placement: Agatha Christie
Third House in Sagittarius ~Writing Style: Philosophical. Mostly, rambling. Fast rhythm, with sentences rushing across the pages. Spontaneous prose. An ecstatic embrace of the world and every possibility. ~Author who shares this placement: Jack Kerouac
Third House in Capricorn ~Writing Style: Sad, tragic or dark themes. Structured sentences, serious tones, focusing on the struggles and challenges of life…and death. ~Author who shares this placement: Allan Poe
Third House in Aquarius ~Writing Style: Peculiar and unique. Interesting and inventive. Odd construction of sentences. A humorous style, sometimes parodical, other times satirical. Great use of one’s ability to think outside the box. ~Author who shares this placement: Lewis Carrol
Third House in Pisces ~Writing Style: Free-flowing ideas and concepts, sometimes contradictory and confusing, other times ingenious and mind-blowing. Mostly confessions or bits of self-examination, or a cry out for the underdog. ~Author who shares this placement: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Find your 3rd house placement | by Crystal Melbourne | Within the Zodiac
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Chiron conjunct part of fortune (I looooovveee ur blog ✌🏻😔✌🏻💕, i'm sorry if I keep sending you placements later 🤦🏻♀️)
aw thank you✨
really means a lot when having people around that's not that supportive (。;_;。)
the part of fortune is calculated as a simple blend of your ☀, 🌙, and ascendant degrees. it indicates a point in your chart where the "real you" can shine; for example like a job that can help you show the true potential that you've within you
every planet have good and bad traits to an extend so knowing this energy could help you with constructing the potential of it than focusing on the negative side.
so with chiron, which can show our deepest spiritual wounds but also our spiritual strengths
in a simple way i would say healing a wound of somebody which is familiar because you've been through it before but failed to heal.
this is a basic interpretation, you can connect it with the sign/house/aspects.
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The 1st House Ruler and your identity
The first House or your Ascendant/Rising sign represents your character, your self and everything that is a part of you, including your physical body and appearance.
The planet that rules your 1st House is highly important - what it represents is greatly connected to your identity, its the most influential energy in your chart.
How to find the planet ruling your 1st House?
Look at the sign on your 1st House/Ascendant and the planet it is ruled by:
Aries - Mars, Taurus - Venus, Gemini - Mercury, Cancer - Moon, Leo - Sun, Virgo - Mercury, Libra - Venus, Scorpio - Mars,Pluto, Sagittarius - Jupiter, Capricorn - Saturn, Aquarius - Uranus, Pisces - Neptune.
If the planet ruling your 1st House is the Sun:
You exude courage and confidence. You are warm, inviting, give people the energy you want to receive. Your world revolves around you, at times you may feel like other people's worlds have to revolve around you too. You can be authorative, you were likely very influenced by your father or male figures in your life. You are inspiring ro yourself and others.
If the planet ruling your 1st House is the Moon:
You are emotive, you are likely to face changes quite often, there can be lack of stability, you may be very reactive and sensitive to your surroundings and other people. You are highly empathetic, you like to nurture others, understand them, make them feel better. You are focused on caring about yourself and others, maybe even prioritize others at times. You are a person who feels like home. You may experience a lot of daily travelling or movement (for duties, job.)
If the planet ruling your 1st House is Mercury:
Your personality revolves around your intellect - you are a curious person who wants to understand everything they face. You are intelligent and quick-witted (If your Ascendant is Virgo, you may have a dry but smart sense of humor). You like to talk, share your thoughts and opinions. You like to play the devil's advocate and at times defend others just for the sake of it. You have great memory and good ability to collect information.
If the planet ruling your 1st House is Venus:
You exude beauty and harmony, you bring peace wherever you go. You are charismatic and have the ability to make people like you without much work. You are influenced by the feminine figures in your life. You like to see and represent the beauty in life, you like to bring things together, you like to appeal to everyone and visualize the world as a beautiful place to be.
If the planet ruling your 1st House is Mars:
You are dominant and assertive. You like things to go your way. You may have a troubled temper, inability to stay patient, you are expressive of your dissatisfaction or irritation. You can be prone to violence - it can be expressed in different ways, it's not always direct. You are very competitive, you are bold and brave, you have the courage to do things others may be afraid of. You aren't afraid to face your fears. You are a warrior at heart.
If the planet ruling your 1st House is Jupiter:
You are born with luck, throughout your life you are likely to meet many people who are willing to help you and guide you through anything. You attract opportunities and now matter how hard the situation you're in might be, there will always be a way out. You are wiser than your age, you learn through other people's experiences, you love freedom and knowledge. You receive double the amount of what you give.
If the planet ruling your 1st House is Saturn:
While Jupiter represents positive growth from experience, Saturn can show th growth we have from suffering, from hardships and what we've been through. You are a dedicated person who is persistent, unwilling to give up no matter how hard it is. You may feel restricted, limited, blocked from certain experiences in life - like something is holding you back. Despite the downs and sorrow you may experience, you must know that you have the strength of two people combined, you are the person who builds their own life's structure.
If the planet ruling your 1st House is Uranus:
You are an innovator, you are a person sent from the future, a stranger in a strange land. No one knows what to expect from you, you are the hidden genius - you may be misunderstood often, people rarely have the same perspective as you. You are an unconventional person, you have a distinctive way of presenting yourself, of being. You live in the future, you look foward to the way things will be, not how they are or were. You are bold, unapologetically yourself and unafraid of how you're perceived.
If the planet ruling your 1st House is Neptune:
You represent glamour - but in the untouchable, far-away type of way. You give an illusion about yourself that could be very different from reality - whether it's intentional or not. You are vulnerable and may often view the world and others in a deluded way - you may think things are better or worse than they are. You have a very strong inutuition and are likely to follow your heart.
If the planet ruling your 1st House is Pluto:
Even if you are quiet your presence is always noticed. You may experience things intensely - everything that has happened has influenced you in one way or another. Life feels like a constant transformation - big changes are made quite often, for better or for worse. You are strong-willed, you have tough-skin and the ability to overcome anything.
The House your chart ruler is in and which area of your life has the biggest impact on your identity:
Example: Kim Kardashian has Sagittarius on the 1st House Cusp/Ascendant. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Her Jupiter is in the 10th House.
1st House ruler in the 1st House:
Similarly to the Sun, your world revolves around you. You are a very self-focused person. You are true to yourself. You may be seen as selfish, but you prioritize yourself. You are likely focuse on self-improvement throughout life. You are the face of your own brand. You are very connected to your body.
1st House ruler in the 2nd House:
Your identity is focused on the way you support yourself, your values and what brings value into your life and character. You may be seen and vain or materialistic, because you understand the worth of money. You have a strong sense of self-worth. You can sometimes be passive or avoidant of action. You like having stability, a pattern, you might be a creature of habit.
1st House ruler in the 3rd House:
You are a communicative person with a strong need to express yourself. Your siblings or neighbourhood have influenced you. You are a person who feels responsible for their community. You are creative and have the ability to transform any information in a useful way. You may often have short trips.
1st House ruler in the 4th House:
You are someone who is very connected to their roots, their home and family. Your family has had the biggest influence on your identity. You are a very home-oriented person who looks for parts of their home wherever they go. You may have traditional values or values taught from your family. Your life may revolve around homes, properties, ancestry.
1st House ruler in the 5th House:
They are constantly inspired - a very creative individual. They are great with children. Their life may revolve around anything that brings them pleasure and makes them feel good - relationships, hobbies. They have a strong need to express their creativity, to show off a product of theirs, to be proud of something in their life. They are a person who is very fun to be around, someone that brings out other people's best side and inspires them.
1st House ruler in the 6th House:
Another creature of habit, of routine. Their work and work environment is highly important when it comes to how they generally feel. Happy wife, happy life, but make the wife your work. They can be very health-conscious and keep a steady healthy lifestyle (if they have time). They are prone to health problems especially ones that come from stress (again, work-related) - especially headaches. They are very responsible and reliable.
1st House ruler in the 7th House:
You are very influenced by your relationships with other people. People with this placement tend to mirror other people's characteristics unintentionally. They are very considerate people, very willing to compromise in order to keep a good relationship with everyone. They tend to attract and be attracted to people similar to them. They are very diplomatic and have a natural good sense for business.
1st House ruler in the 8th House:
A very private, secretive person, who can often lack trust in other people. May be very money-focused. They value truth, they have the ability to face everything, every topic no matter how uncomfortable it is. They seek power, validation, to have any kind of impact. They aren't afraid of the darkness of the world.
1st House ruler in the 9th House:
A person very focused on knowledge, education or generally the complex matters in life. These are the people who are focused on gaining experience throughout life, undertaning different perspectives, travelling and mastering any topic that peaks their interest. This is a great position for a guru, a political leader, a professor, someone who has responsibility on a greater level.
1st House ruler in the 10th House:
They can be someone who is well-known, who has a large reputation and is known by a lot of people., especially from their career and what they do professionally. Their personal identity is influenced by their field of work. They are good at self-marketing, how they present themselves, carefully building their own image.
1st House ruler in the 11th House:
Another house that can show fame - more specifically fame from a following, from building an audience, networking. Their identity is influenced by their friend groups. They are a people's person, who seeks support from others. They often think for the good of a larger group of people, they can be very selfless.
1st House ruler in the 12th House:
Possibly the biggest sign of an introvert, someone more focused on their inner world than their surroundings. While it can show that you can be prone to isolating yourself, it can also show that your time alone is your most productive and joyful time (depending on the aspects). There people are highly intuitive, very close to the spiritual world.
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Fixed Star: Antares

Fixed stars affect more than the point they appear at in the sky. Stars appear to rise, set, and culminate (reach the highest point of their journey) at important degrees as well. Planets and angles conjunct important degrees of fixed stars contribute to the characteristics of the chart owner. Note: The rising and set points included in this series are approximate and are applicable to those born within 73 degrees north or south of the equator.
Antares Located at 9 degrees Sagittarius, Antares is associated with the energy of Mars and Jupiter. It lies in the heart of Scorpio and is found prominent in people who are involved with Mars-related life-or-death missions. Antares was considered the “watcher or the west” in Persia and the god of the dead, Yima. This directional association with the afterlife is shared by Egypt, Mesoamerica, and Eastern traditions. Positioned against the ascendant, this star can manifest as ruthless ambition. Planets rising and setting with Antares tend to take on Scorpionic obsessive themes. At its best, Antares’ forward drive can manifest great feats as represented by Nelson Mandela and Joan of Arc; however, this energy is also associated with self-undoing.
Other points associated with this star are the rising and setting points at 11 and 6 degrees Sagittarius and culminates at 9 Sagittarius.
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signs on the house cusps: part 2
Libra on the 1st: you come across as very agreeable, level-headed, fair, and charasmatic. you veiw the world in a very balanced way, and like to take in every account and point of view and keep all parties happy.
Libra on the 2nd: you value the finer things in life, however you tend to have a great knack for balancing spending and saving, and dont go overboard.
libra on the 3rd: your relationship with siblings is likely very amicable, peaceful, you rarely fight or have disagreements. your primary schooling was a good experience for you.
libra on the 4th: you had a very venusian upbringing and/or homelife. you liked to keep the peace between family members.
libra on the 5th: you might like to engage in debate and/or humanitarian or charity based projects/initiatives in your spare time, or as a sode hustle. in your dating life, you are super flirty, and fun and dont take it too seriously.
libra on the 6th: you have generally very good health, however may have some lowerback issues here and there or possible kidney issues. your daily routine is very balanced, you like getting shit done.
libra on the 7th: you attract partners who are very charasmatic, people pleasers, who will always go with what you want and cant make a decision to save themselves. your partnerships with others will have limited conflict.
libra on the 8th: you likely have very aesthtically pleasing genitalia. you may benefit from inheritnace.
libra on the 9th: you might enjoy studying law, criminology, or sociology at a tertiary level. you might like to explore different philosophies and religions.
libra on the 10th: you might have a career in the legal field, or be attracted to professions of this nature. You are likely seen as very attractive and charasmatic in the public eye.
libra on the 11th: you are a fair and devoted friend, who will always remain neutral in frienship drama.
libra on the 12th: behind closed doors you are a very kind, gentle soul. you may struggle with balance in this lifetime.
scorpio on the 1st: you come across as intense, people are either intensely attracted to or repulsed by you, you cause a strong reaction in people when they first meet you. Your apperance is ever changing.
Scorpio on the 2nd: your possessions and values may undergo transformation regularly, meaning you may contsantly be revaluating what is important to you.
scorpio on the 3rd: you might have a sharp, intense voice. your relationship with siblings could be a bit full on, maybe you guys keep a lot of secrets from eachother.
scorpio on the 4th: homelife for you was unstable and rocky, maybe a lot of skeltons in yoru families closet, maybe you were the blacksheep in the family.
scorpio on the 5th: you might love reading self-help, psychology books for fun. in your dating life you might find it hard to date casually as you tend to lock onto people hard.
scorpio in the 6th: you may have health issues concerning UTI’s STD’s and other sexual or urinary diseases or infections. your daily routine is often not very set in stone and always undergoing change.
scorpio in the 7th: you attract intense, passionate and possessive partners, who may be prone to jealousy and trust issues. your partnerships with others can be transformative for you, whilst also running the risk if being quite toxic.
scorpio in the 8th: you love the occult and taboo, and thrive on delving deeper into people. probably hate small talk. always horny!!
scorpio on the 9th: you might be interested in studying the occult, astrology, psychology, or anything a little taboo.
scorpio in the 10th: might have or want a career in psychology, social science, criminology, law enforcement, post-mortum or forensics. Seen as shady, withdrawn, intense in your workspace.
scorpio in the 11th: an emotionally supportive and in depth friend!! you dont like superficial frienships and are great at keeping your friends secrets.
scorpio in the 12th: when you are alone, you are inquistive, have deeply penetrating thoughts and question everything!! you may struggle with openning up in this lifetime.
sagittarius in the 1st: come across as super jovial, free spitited, a little earthy, and a jokster. people think of you as the life of the party.
sagittarius in the 2nd: you may be very lucky when it comes to money, always seemingly falling on your feet and coming into money when you need it. you might be a bit reckless when it comes to spending!
sagittarius on the 3rd: might have a loud voice. likely has a very fun-loving not overly serious relationship with siblings, maybe they are loud and over the top types.
sagittarius on the 4th: might have a very big family, might have a very loud, and overly open family. might have moved around a lot as a kid (international perhaps).
sagittarius on the 5th: could have a lot of creative talents!! kids might be rowdy or have a lot of masculine energy. could enjoy casual dating quite a bit.
sagittarius on the 6th: doesnt like routine, always on the go, and likes to keep active. might have weak thighs and get sprains and strains in these areas often.
sagittarius on the 7th: attracts free spritied partners, who are flightly and not wanting to stay in one place at a time. may have a lot of luck in partnerships.
sagittarius on the 8th: might have a very experimental and active sex life. could enjoy other cultures taboos.
sagittarius on the 9th: a true intellectual, thrives in tertiary education environemt, could be a professor or full time academic or asprie to be.
sagittarius on the 10th: seen as a happy go lucky, larger than life type by the public at large. probably has or wants a career in; travel, philosophy, higher education, anthropology, sociology or similar.
sagittarius on the 11th: biggest cheerleader kind of friend, always goes above and beyond for others, has many friends. big goals and aspriations in life.
sagittarius on the 12th: has a rich intrapersonal existence, loves alone time, in fact where they thrive. can struggle with recklessness in this lifetime.
capricorn on the 1st: stern, firm, and professional outward look to the world. they can come across as ridgid to some, but nevertheless have intensely sharp bone structure and facial features which people find striking. age really well!!
capricorn on the 2nd: great with money!! knows how to save. values old school traditional values.
capricorn on the 3rd: clear, eloquent speach, extensive vocab. might have strained or very formal relationship with siblings.
capricorn on the 4th: traditinal upbringing, might have recieved little affection from parents, perhaps was more so encouraged to be seen and not heard.
capricorn on the 5th: takes dating very seriously, might literally interview potential romantic dates. kids may be very responsible and mature for their age.
capricorn on the 6th: very logical and structured daily routine, which rarely changes. might be prone to issues with bones (broken bones, osteoporosis etc.)
capricorn on the 7th: attracts partners who are classic romantics and very old school romantics, people who are very stuck in their ways, married to their work, and like being right. partnerships are very strcuted and reliable.
capricorn on the 8th: may undergo challenges with sexuality or sexual idenity which will take a long time to work through. may keep a lot of secrets.
capricorn on the 9th: might study business, entreprenurship, marketing, sales psychology, or medicine at a tertairy level or be interested in these areas.
capricorn on the 10th: seen as disciplinned, serious, and determined by the public. might be or want to be a business exec, CEO, start a small business, work in comerce or ecommerce, be a doctor or similar. might be slow to climb to corporate ladder.
capricorn in the 11th: might be slow to make friends, have a very small trusted circle. very determined at setting and achieveing their goals.
capricorn in the 12th: are strong on their own, and can keep a very logical level-headed mindset when left to their own devices. may struggle with overworking themselves in thsi lifetime.
aquarius in the 1st: seen as unusal, unique, and radical by peopke who first meet you. people might not know quite how to think of you, you might shock them.
aquarius in the 2nd: you hace strong values that closely allign with unpopular belifes, you might have very abstract world views, others dont agree with.
aquarius in the 3rd: your voice might be peircing, or strange to some. you and your siblings might have a very unusal relationship, you may not know them very well kr be quite distant.
aquarius in the 4th: homelife was out of the ordinary, definitely wasnt apart of a regualr neuclear family. may have moved around a lot, or had a very unsettling and unstable vibe. might have been thr odd one out.
aquarius on the 5th: may have unique talents. kids may be ostrascied for being weird or not like the other kids. you have a unique appraoch to dating.
aquarius in the 6th: you hate routine, and like to keep people guessing. may have ankle or calf problems, with lots of sprains, strains and breakages in these areas.
aquarius in the 7th: attract partners who are out of the ordinary or are free thinking radical extremeists. you partnerships can abruptly start and end.
aquarius in the 8th: unusal fetishes. bug interest in the taboo, you like to bring up topics that make others uncomfortable and shock.
aquarius in the 9th: might like to study engineering, information technology, digital art/design, computer programming, maths, science at a tertiary levl.
aquarius in the 10th: seen as weird, radical, or strange by the public. might be or want to be a scientist, an actor, a humanitarian, mathamatician, engineer or simialr.
aquarius on the 11th: massive people person, kind and inclusive to all, has many friends and social connections. understands society at a deep level.
aquarius in the 12th: allows themself to be weird and themsleves when they are alone. may struggle with imposter syndrome.
pisces on the 1st: come across a dreamy, idealistic, sensitive and out of this world. you are an illusion to others, and are quite the chameleon. always changing and morphing.
pisces on the 2nd: may not be very good with money or tangible possessions, may find it hard to ground themselves in the phsycial realm.
pisces on the 3rd: dreamy, soft, melodic voice. siblings were sesnitive, or you had a very emotionally connected relationshil with them.
pisces on the 4th: family life was a bit of a dream, you might not have always been aware of what was going on for you at home, what was real and what was not, parents might have been neglectful or dellusional.
pisces in the 5th: very spiritual and creatively inclined. datinf life might be a bit all over the place, might find it hard to tell when people are into you or not.
pisces in the 6th: very disorganised in temrs of dailr routine, always in a daze, finds it hard to complete necessary daily tasks, sometims lazy. might have feet aches or lymphatic system issues.
pisces in the 7th: attracts dellusional partners, who are not very realistic or grounded. may put up with bad behaviour from partners because they only see the good in others.
pisces in the 8th: very fluid sexuality and open to pretty much anything and everything. sex can be a spiritual experince for them.
pisces in the 9th: might study arts, interior design, medicine, or literature at a higher level.
pisces in the 10th: seen as lazy, day dreamy, and hard to out your finger on by colleuges and the public. might be or want to be an artist, designer, alternative therapist, chiropractor, psychic, psychologist or counsellor.
pisces in the 11th: friendhips might be very dellusional, may have less true quality friends than they realise because they are too forgiving and good at overlooking friends bad qualities.
pisces in the 12th: thrive by themsleves. have psychic tendnacies, and have the ability to absorb the undercurrents of emotional enegry of others. they can struggle with escapism in this life.
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Which placements/aspects could indicate a talented fashion designer?
Hi there,
I'll answer this ask from my point of view 😊
🦋 Gemini or Virgo placements/Mercury-Venus aspects/Mercury-Mars aspects/Mercury-Uranus aspects/Gemini or Virgo Midheaven/ Gemini or Virgo Ascendant or in 2nd house
Gemini and Virgo placements are good with their hands (Especially with Gemini). I have noticed these people love to sew their own clothes instead of buying one. Their fashion also often contain their own messages to it. For example: they make jewelry or accessories that have hidden message to a specific person or an event or embroider their clothes with the message they want to spread. You have to be a real observer to notice the small details on their fashion. The fashion they create always have a meaning behind.
🦋 Leo placements/Sun-Mars aspects/Sun-Venus aspects/Sun-Ascendant aspects/Leo Midheaven or Sun in the 10th house/ Leo Ascendant or in 2nd house.
Extravagant style. These people love flamboyant colours. I can see high heels and gown dresses. Having these placements, individual might be really good with fashion for wedding, balls, prom, etc... They love the glam and glitters so that's why their fashion is so eye-catching. These people love making other feel pretty and glamour so to them fashion is also a way to self-loving and catching attention. The fashion they create is extraordinary.
🦋 Libra and Pisces placements/Venus-Neptune aspects/ Venus or Neptune dominants/ Libra or Pisces Midheaven, Venus and Neptune in 10th house/ Libra or Pisces Ascendant or in 2nd house.
These individuals want to make a dream come true. Yes, their fashion stems from their own fantasy of being a princess or a fairy or things that aren't existing. Whatever the mystical characters wear, they want to bring that in real life. The fashion that helps these people lost in their own fantasy. The fashion that help them create their own kingdoms so that the outfit they are wearing will intrigue their dream princes/princess. The fashion they create is otherworld.
🦋 Aquarius placements/Uranus-Mercury aspects/Uranus-Venus aspects/Uranus-Sun aspects/ Aquarius Midheaven or Uranus in 10th house/ Aquarius Ascendant or in 2nd house.
You often hear this but yes, they are trendsetters. They make clothes no one ever think of and wear clothes that no one ever would. Same with Pisces and Libra, their fashion often inspired by their fantasy, but their fantasy is different. They don't want to be dreamy, they want to concur. They want to create clothes that helps them define who they are and want to set trend that makes people follow (they concur your taste in fashion lmao). The fashion they create just naturally stand out.
And those are my answers for this question, I hope this help!
🌸 Hope you have a nice day and stay safe :)
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All About Pholus
Pholus in Astronomy
His orbit around the sun meets Saturn’s elliptical and reaches past Neptune, almost touching Pluto with his aphelion (farthest point from the sun) crossing paths with Orcus.
His orbit period is a little over 92 years and spends 7.6 years in a sign on average.
He was the 2nd centaur discovered in 1992, found at his perihelion (closest point to the sun).
He was the cause of the centaur class being named such and was the first of several centaurs found in that decade after the long initial gap in centaur discoveries, with Chiron being discovered 15 years earlier. This adds to “the lid comes off” effect he is associated with.
Pholus in Mythology
He is the son of Pan. Similar to Chiron, he was uncharacteristically gentle and wise for a centaur, and helped create many Greek heroes.
To settle a dispute between Dionysus and Hephaestus, he was the keeper of Dionysus’s holy wine. This wine was sacred to all centaurs and was only to be opened for ceremonial purposes.
He is known as the thinking centaur, often lost daydreaming in trains of thought.
Hercules was hosted by him while he was hunting the wild Erymanthian boar. He convinced Pholus to uncork the wine, the scent of which drawing the attention of a tribe of centaurs led by Nessus. Battle ensued, causing the infamous wound of the immortal Chiron. After the battle, Pholus pulled one of Hercules’s arrows out of a fallen centaur, amazed such a stick could kill such a beast, and dropped it on his foot. He was killed instantly by the poison.
Pholus in Astrology
One could imagine Sagittarius and Virgo being co-ruled with Pholus like Chiron is theorized to be. Jupiter traditionally co-rules Pisces, who is faith from Sagittarius that leads to the ultimate belief, maybe to the point of delusion, in Pisces. He represents the service to uphold with Virgo, diligent and with much trial and error. Where Chiron is long, helpless waiting, Pholus is immediate release. Like Chiron, however, he tests our ability to be thoughtful of others, as well as of the consequences of cause and effect.
There’s a strong theme between Capricorn and Pisces here. Not only does his orbit connect the modern ruling planets of said signs, but he was the son of Pan and keeper of Dionysus’s wine (both are Capricorn deities). He broke trust with his fellow centaurs by sharing the wine with Hercules. He stepped into the unknown opening the cask, and furthermore fiddling with the dangerous arrow.
These associations highlight the Butterfly Effect that Pholus is known for in a chart, bringing painful realizations of boundaries after seemingly harmless curiosity as the gentle fluttering of wings creates a violent storm elsewhere. His discovery was at his perihelion at 0 degrees Leo. This doesn’t sound like a coincidence when taking the myths of his Greek counterpart into account. His curiosity in grandeur, that he was a hard beast to kill, in a moment by himself led to his death. The first degree of a sign is discovery of such, and Pholus leads to the discovery of creative potentials and the risk of failures that comes with them.
In the chart, he represents a Pandora’s box situation in which curiosity kills the cat. This is where you become unhinged, through transitory or synastry aspects. Natally, this is where you tend to overstep boundaries while trying to learn them. You are reminded of mortality of all after the seemingly harmless action, when there is nothing but consequences left. When it is aspected, a seemingly uncontainable sequence of events unfolds which tests your capacity to learn from your mistakes or die trying.
Pholus in the Signs/Houses
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Pholus in the Signs & Houses
With unbridled curiosity comes the death of something grand, as Pholus was wondering how a small pointed stick could kill a large beast just before he himself dies from it. Here, painful realizations of boundaries and responsibilities come as you grow. Pholus is where one absentmindedly, even blindly, goes about one’s business until he sees the mortal light and crashes, grounded by confrontation of karma and responsibility.
Click here to go to the extended chart selection on Astro.com. Under additional objects, go to ‘multiple selections possible,’ and select Pholus. This will show you his sign and house placement, as well as aspects to him. His glyph looks like a key with a P on top
Pholus in 1st House/Aries: Splashes the room with your vibrancy. Goes through many changes in appearance as well as identity crises. You look for something that can spark a new battle or even new life. This placement can have depressive symptoms in between lifestyles that pique your interest at the time. You were confrontational as a child. With time, you learn that sometimes it’s best to sit back and wait, take your time to shed your skin. You may find that jumping to attack finishes what you start too soon. You are well known as someone who is explosive, dressing eccentrically and maybe having a temper, or at least love a good debate. You spark many interests as you live your life full of color, and your intense life brings much change to others as you are constantly changing yourself. Childhood for you brought you all over the place, and even now sometimes you feel like you’re being stretched too thin. Try not to lose sight of your refined passions in search for new shiny ones and appreciate the lows as they allow you to relish the highs in your life.
Pholus in 2nd House/Taurus: You accumulate much in life, as this opens the box possessions and creation. This placement brings explosive artistic and musical talent. You may go through periods of impulsive buying and saving, shifting between minimalism and excess. It could mean a lot of clothes, plants,- always something that makes you feel sustainable, while less of what you know you can’t keep up with, like dishes or pets. You find out early what you can and can’t be held responsible to keep going. You create things or find sources that makes people’s jaw drop often. Self-worth fluctuates with your comfort levels, either boistering ego or deflating it. With persistence, projects that seem like they’ll take forever will achieve tremendous results, including knowing one’s own immense worth, as you realize that it’s a long uphill battle to fulfilling accomplishment.
Pholus in 3rd House/Gemini: An extensive word bank has trouble reaching your mouth and fingertips, leading to keen improvisational skills. You find yourself with a plethora of data and seemingly useless trivia. You may have ‘foot-in-mouth disease,’ in which you try to say so much at once that it comes out jumbled up, or you may say one thing innocently and accidentally offend others, as your words carry a lot of power. Each day, something surprising happens to you and you’ve started to get the feeling that the world is out to get you. This is because this placement means torrential every day travel, wild siblings and an interesting neighborhood. You can at least say that you’re never bored. You may have made a lot of mischief in grade school, or read an asinine amount of literature. Keep in mind that, no matter what trouble your mouth gets you into, tomorrow is another day with fresh possibilities.
Pholus in 4th House/Cancer: You may be, as your mother would describe in an endearing way, a “happy accident.” She impacted you in a huge way, and you have strong feelings about her, one way or another. Her influence on you reverberates throughout your life, and if your relationship with her is left unresolved, you will find that you can never escape her. Either way, family and your proverbial home unleashed emotions you would rather not have bubble up to the surface at first. This is due to a strong resonance you have with your ancestral past, and try as you may, you can never escape your family’s legacy, for better or worse. Regardless, when you find a house that actually feels like a home, you liven it up like no other. Once you settle down and have a family of your own, the intensity of such responsibility can be intimidating. Fear not- each new edition to your home brings a fresh start, another way to explore your deep inner emotions and bring out the best, as you always seem to do in the end.
Pholus in 5th House/Leo: Creativity is impulsive here. When you decide to make something, in awakens forgotten oceans from within you, choppy with excitement as it laps the shores of your mind. Your inner child can overwhelm you at times as you try to suppress it in fear of being too overwhelming to others as well as yourself, leading to a feeling that you lack an ego entirely. It’s likely that you will pick up many hobbies, particularly art-based, as well as a few lovers as outlets for your immense energy. You may compulsively seek relationships of every kind as the love you find in them ignites your uncontainable passion, or maybe shy away from them in fear of what those feelings can invoke. You meet many soul mates in your life, and this compulsion after your lust life may get you in trouble as you cross lines in the sand. This is because you just cannot be contained, no matter how hard you try. In a way, you never grow up, being able to entertain yourself in any situation. Never let that fire of passion go out- just remember to balance the wild things that make life worth living with the mundane things that maintain your livelihood in the first place.
Pholus in 6th House/Virgo: Major transformations come in health and work. You seem to have unexplainable health problems rather often, caused by lack of caution in your daily work. Like You are creatively as well as mechanically inclined, able to enhance details in music and art, anything you put your hands to, really. In fact, the more hands-on a project is the better. This placement leads to potency in daily work and service possibly leading to quick promotion in day jobs. This promotion, while at first glamorous, eventually feels stagnating. In the past, you realize a pattern of biting off more than you can chew. This leads to periods of hopping from one daily routine to the next, with many changes in career and education paths, before you find the situation where you ‘never work a day in your life’ due to the immense passion you have for it. With experience, you can gauge the amount of work a worthwhile project needs and when and find the drive to keep at it.
Pholus in 7th House/Libra: You are almost always open to welcome new friends, but equally wearisome from previous relationships you realized you didn’t want to be responsible for. You gain a lot of acquaintances (though more than you often bargain for) as you are eternally approachable because people realize you’re very accepting of others. This acceptance comes from the knowledge that everyone is a can of worms waiting to be opened. When you do find people to be close to, boy do you open up. Often, you are more contained alone than you are with friends. Others bring out things in yourself you never realized on your own. Though you bring the life to the party, time to yourself can help you recuperate as you get so wrapped up in relationships that you feel the need to explode, often on those you’re close to. The intensity others bring out in you is better in smaller, more manageable doses, otherwise it can burn everyone involved quickly unless they can handle and match it.
Pholus in 8th House/Scorpio: You search for something that will open the doors to intimacy, but get closer to others than you could ever hope for. You often joke about how emotional you are fully aware of how deeply your wounds hurt, and you learn that laughter is the best medicine at an early age. You may absorb others’ passions for your own gain. You expect the most out of your relationships because that’s exactly what you bring to the table. When you do let someone in and get attached, you share what you have in hopes that the return will be higher. You don’t let go without years of resentment put behind you, should someone let you down. This placement makes you as quick to hate as to love, as these emotions go hand in hand for you. You have premonitions of the end and want to quickly get the grieving process over with before something even dies. Remember that change is inevitable and the grieving process is far from linear, as your explosive emotions may get the better of you until you learn to keep them in check.
Pholus in 9th House/Sagittarius: When you finally find something to believe, you have forcefully strong opinions on the subject. You get inspired to acquire knowledge when information shakes you to the core. With travel and secondary schooling comes strong changes in perspective. In fact, you’re always expanding your perspective by reading books and articles on what fascinates you, debating with others, or just by leaving your house and absorbing the world around you! Secondary education and long-distance travel may be a painful awakening on how little you know and how far you have to go. However, instead of letting this petrify you, you take it as a personal challenge and push through, no matter how many tearful nights it takes. You are fascinated with other cultures and points of view. However, don’t forget that you’re human, like everyone else. We all make mistakes and believe things that are biased, sometimes to the detriment of others. The reason we make mistakes is to learn from them, and if your point of view doesn’t match up with someone else’s, it doesn’t always mean that you’re better than them. Share your patience and determination with others by teaching them, helping them to understand differences and bridge the gap, not just looking down on them.
Pholus in 10th House/Capricorn: This placement longs for a career that makes a strong impact. Their presence, especially in public and the workplace, is hard to miss. You have explosive ideas and plans for the future. You remember your childhood as boring, and aim to for an exciting life, often longing to move to a big city. However, you easily get wrapped up in the daily grind and lose track of time, realizing that weeks or months have slipped by and you haven’t progressed much towards your goals. This placement can relate to the guardian aspect of the Pholus myth, which means you must keep in mind boundaries and avoid overstepping them absentmindedly, as this can lead to much pain and wasted time. You may jump from career to career as you search for the ideal public image, or take your sweet time figuring what exactly it is you want to do with your life. Keep in mind that any venture brings experience which can be applied to other facets of life.
Pholus in 11th House/Aquarius: You look high and low to find a cause to be passionate about, often becoming entranced by friends and anything you can invest hope in. The connections to make in groups opens a whole world of information to absorb. In this age of information, you thrive on the internet, as you love having immense information at the tap of a finger. You may lose yourself often in technology, as you find these newer ways to connect to the world around you astoundingly interesting. You associate yourself with people that you know will wind up doing something off the wall, which is what you live for, but you take responsibility for the group. This leads to problems with trying to balance many different strange people and still having the ability to be as weird as you want yourself, without feeling overwhelming to others or overwhelmed yourself. Pholus spends most of his orbit near Uranus, so you already accept the sudden change aspect he brings. Integrating these changes into your hopes and friends is needed.
Pholus in 12th House/Pisces: Has sudden and reverberating realizations with divine energy, often exposed to, even tested, several religions- as many as you can get your hands on, at least- to find a true belief system that shakes you to your core. You often find that things just don’t quite click, shaping your beliefs around the one you just feel is right. It is common for this placement to jump from one end of the spectrum to the next over your life, converting from one faith or even obsession to one that seems the polar opposite. You find the similarities and form an at least digestible belief system if not the ideal one. Alone time is rejuvenating, as one way or another you never seem to have you truly to yourself. It can also be scary, as you realize perhaps too much at times. Don’t be afraid of solitude or meditation, as you may find something worth devoting yourself to, as after death comes rebirth.
All About Pholus
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what does chiron conjunct midheaven mean?
- these people are someone who has the potential to be healers, helpers, and savers ✨🦋
- they are percieved as someone who others can relate to when it comes to certain issues or problems and trauma ✨🍯
- or people in your career might see you for a disability, mental illness, life circumstance or traumas ✨🐢
- they could have potential to be publicly exposed or wounded as celebrities that grew up in front of the cameras most likely has this aspect ✨🎂
- they might use your pain, wounds and traumas to heal others in their career ✨🧸
- they find might it hard to socially fit in and be normal or navigating their career and personality because they are very sensitive ✨🔑
- they might be so fond of being out there because they could be out of touch with the faces of theirselves ✨🐦
- public humiliation and bullying is possible with this aspect ✨🧁
- low self-worth and feeling as if you don’t have nothing to offer to the public ✨🥜
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Fame in Astrology Series part 5
Topic: Writers
Disclaimer: this just for entertainment and learning purposes, also, please don’t copy my work. Thank you!
Hey y’all I’m back with another part to my fame series! Last time we talked about chefs and what type of cook you are
Here is a link to that post:
Now originally I was going to do politician but I changed my mind after a suggestion was made and decided to look into writers instead. Now whether you’re a book lover or a writer yourself, we’re going to talk about what you can look at in your birth chart that’s connected to writing!
We’re going to use Stephen King for examples because he’s my favorite author 😅
Okay let’s get started
1. First thing we’re going to look at is Mercury and his rulers Gemini and Virgo.
Mercury rules over writing and communication. Gemini rules overall writing and Virgo rules over the details in writing.
Ex. Stephen has Mercury Libra conj Neptune & Venus 4h. Sun Virgo 3h and Gemini 12h
Sun Virgo 3h and he’s a well known(Sun) author, he’s specifically known for how detailed(Virgo) his books are. So with Mercury Libra, he has an easy flowing style that’s pleasing to read, he has the ability to write stories from different character point of view within the same story.
Neptune rules over fantasy and imagination so with it conj his mercury he can create some great stories. Also Neptune rules over movies and most of his work has been turned into live action movies and tv shows. With Venus conj a Venus rules mercury, you can say his stories will be beloved. Him having a 4h stellium because I remember him saying a lot of his writing inspiration come from early childhood fears. 4h rules over our early childhood memories(good or bad). I’ve also notice how women, mothers or family plays a huge role in his stories(Misery, Cujo,The Shining ect) Gemini 12h, he has a great imagination, inspiration may come from his subconscious from pass lives(if you believe in reincarnation)
2. We’re going to look at the 5h next.
The 5h is the Leo house, it’s the house of expressed creativity, this is how people view our art.
Ex. Stephen has a 5h Scorpio conj Chiron and it’s no surprise that he’s known for his horror stories. He has the ability to write out his deepest fears in a story that makes people resonate. Scorpio rules our deepest fears
Chiron is known as the wounded healer and teacher. All of his stories has a deeper meaning and if I’m being honest, his writing may be a healing method for him, he’s healing his own dark fears through his art which is what Chiron and Scorpio 5h is about!
3. Next I want to talk about the moon.
Moon is very important in writing because this is how you emotionally connect to the characters, if you’re not emotionally connecting to what you’re writing or reading then you don’t have a story.
Ex. Stephen has Sagittarius moon 6h. Well this explains why a lot of his characters has big personalities lol Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter , fire sign, most of his characters has intense emotions, there’s also always some sort of spiritual element going on in his writings.
4. Let’s talk about your Mc and 11h
Mc rules over career and public image
11h is how society sees and remembers you.
Ex. Stephen has Mc Aries and Taurus 11h
Aries represent leader or first of something. Now he’s not the first author but he is a prolific figure in the writing community in recent times which is very Aries. Also his Mc ruler (mars) is in Cancer 1h. This goes back to my point how his writings deals with women, family and early childhood fears, hes very open about them. He’s known for speaking his mind but here’s the thing; majority of the public(11h) loves him for it😅(Taurus) he has North Node in 11h as well so he’s mean to talk in public.
Writing Asteroids: asteroid are more prominent if it aspects your personal planets (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn)
Talent (33154)- what topics you’re gifted at writing in
Apollo ( 1862) - God of music and arts(for songwriters)
Sappho (1864) -the way we express ourselves with words
C(K)alliope (22)- muse of poetry
Euripides ( 2930) -playwriting
Orpheus (3361)- writing plays
some well known writers asteroids
Shakespear (2985)
Poe (17427)
Dahl (6223)
Tolkien (2675)
Cslewis (7644)
Thank you all for supporting this series, I’ve been having fun creating it! Next up is politician, for real this time 😅
Until then
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The decans of the 12 signs
The Zodiac Wheel measures 360º and is divided among the 12 signs, each representing 30º of this wheel. These are separated into three periods of 10º, precisely for this reason, they take the name of decan. Each sign has an average duration of 30 days, so each decan lasts 10 days.
But we can also include the decans in the other planets and not just the Sun, that’s why we separate it in degrees, being: the 1st decan 0º to 9º 59'; the 2nd decan 10º to 19º 59' and 3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'. All planets and points can be interpreted in decans, but the most important are the Sun, Moon, Midheaven and Ascendant. All decan have a ruler and it’s position on the map by sign and house, shows how to use the planet in everyday life.
Disclaimer: The dates of each decan refer to an estimate of the Sun only
1st decan 0º to 9º 59'
(March 21st to March 30th)
Ruled by: Aries and Mars
Keywords: Boldness and command
You’re active, full of initiative. You’re the person who prefers to lead and play the role of a leader. With a strong genius and being more aggressive in your pursuit of goals and undertakings, your type of leadership is authoritarian. Ruled by Mars, you exude bravery, haughtiness, impulsiveness, daring, courage, dynamism, movement and strategy. In relationships, you are instinctive and impulsive, actions that can be seen as positive or negative depending on the partner that you wants. Mars' position on the natal chart shows the chances of success.
2nd decan 10º to 19º 59'
(April 1st to 10th)
Ruled by: Leo and Sun
Keywords: Recognition and nobility
You’re obstinate and that's why you are firm in your decisions. You are a great leader, ambitious, generous, loyal, noble, optimistic, happy and dignified, always seeking success. Because you are self-centered, aim to gain recognition and a prominent place, whether by grandeur or arrogance. On night maps, you want to command behind the scenes. Mars in this decan indicates the possibility of standing out or becoming famous. The position of the Sun by house in the natal chart provides information about abilities and talents.
3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'
(April 11th to 20th)
Ruled by: Sagittarius and Jupiter
Keywords: genius and advertising
You’re expansive, captivating and dominating. Your differential is your strong-nature, sense of justice and daring, in addition to being humanitarian and having a contagious optimism. You like to be challenged by mental challenges. You also have a strong sexuality, being overconfident in love and being people of easy passions and intense loves. Jupiter's position indicates abilities and talents.
1st decan 0º to 9º 59'
(from July 22nd to July 31st)
Ruled by: Leo and Sun
Keywords: Leadership and authority
You’re ambitious and proud. You care about appearance and can stand out wherever you go. You value yourself and your self-esteem is reinforced. You seek to have a prominent place in the world, leadership and achieve your goals. You are good-natured people and develop a strong bond with your father or with people of great influence. The position of the Sun in the birth chart will indicate the area of life that the person brings a talent.
2nd decan 10º to 19º 59'
(August 1st to August 10th)
Ruled by: Sagittarius and Jupiter
Keywords: Expansion and orientation
You’re captivating and fun. You are curious, loyal and attract the sympathy of others. You are lucky in family and love affairs. Meeting people and traveling is your passion and it expands your horizons. You are adaptable and when you have a broad vision of your goals, you expand in a dignified and loyal way. Jupiter's position on the natal chart indicates abilities and feats.
3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'
(August 11th to August 22nd)
Ruled by: Aries and Mars
Keywords: Authority and domain
You’re generous and frank. You are a brilliant and authoritarian person, you appreciate power and want to dominate. Independent and with initiative, you seek to face challenges in life and have new experiences, acting with passion. In love, you’re easy to show feelings. . Mars' position on the natal chart indicates where to learn about leadership and strategy.
1st decan 0º to 9º 59'
(November 22nd to December 1st)
Ruled by: Sagittarius and Jupiter
Keywords: Versatility and luck
You’re versatile, optimistic, generous and dynamic. You have quick answers to problems and easy to find solutions with a positive view of the world and try to take lessons from any event. Your love life can be more hectic as yu olove to have freedom. You are prone to success, prosperity and luck. Jupiter's position on the natal chart reveals where to avoid excesses.
2nd decan 10º to 19º 59'
(December 2nd to 11th)
Ruled by: Aries and Mars
Keywords: Sports and fun
You’re creative and original. You are a brave person and run after great achievements and to expand horizons through adventures, sports and long journeys. You enjoy freedom and value professions that you can do outdoors and bring you fun. . Mars' position by sign can reveal the type of talent you can develop.
3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'
(December 12th to 21st)
Ruled by: Leo and Sun
Keywords: Justice and selectivity
You’re fair, serious and willful. You have a strong opinion and are decisive, especially when choosing friendships and loves, when you choose someone, you are charismatic and charming. You have a high spirituality that serves as a guide and source of inspiration for you and others. Diurnal maps provide extraversion, nocturnal maps indicate introversion and inner wisdom. The position of the Sun on the chart can indicate where it tends to exercise leadership or inspire others.
1st decan 0º to 9º 59'
(from the 21st to the 30th of April)
Ruled by: Taurus and Venus
Keywords: Determination and stability
You’re magnetic, charming and loyal. You are sensual, super romantic, caring and well educated. You need security and stability in love and money, and can be possessive and inflexible. You have talent for geometric arts and sciences as you love good worldly pleasures and have all five senses development. The position of Venus in the natal chart indicates how you should act in relationships.
2nd decan 10º to 19º 59'
(from May 1st to May 10th)
Ruled by: Virgo and Mercury
Keywords: Literary knowledge and talent
You’re studious, communicative and want to acquire a lot of knowledge. You use these characteristics to favor your career, you have a mind for business, make slow decisions and focus on your desires. You do not tolerate stupidity, arguments and discord and fight for your safety. You are uncompromising in your ideas and ideals and demonstrate authority. You have talent for speaking and writing. . Mercury's position on the map indicates where you can develop your literary talents and how you relate to siblings, relatives and neighbors.
3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'
(May 11th to 20th)
Ruled by: Saturn and Capricorn
Keywords: Mastery and wisdom
You’re ambitious, perfectionist and patient. Even so, you are a practical and rational person, not acting on impulse. You are responsible and demonstrate maturity from your youth. You have easy to manage goods and are careful in all areas, in love you only open up if they feel totally reciprocated. It could be indicative of an old soul that is relearning. Everything in your life can proceed slowly and Saturn's position in the natal chart can inform a life mission to be remade.
1st decan 0º to 9º 59'
(August 23rd to September 1st)
Ruled by:Virgo and Mercury
Keywords: Organization and wealth
You’re patient, controlled and organized. You are an analytical and communicative person and can discriminate against people on the first contact. You appreciate solitude to reflect and flee from conflict situations. You have the ability to accumulate assets as well as organize resources, but you must first specialize in the profession. Mercury's position on the map indicates where to specialize and the positive type of treatment to be given to siblings, relatives, and neighbors.
2nd decan 10º to 19º 59'
(from September 2nd to 11th)
Ruled by: Capricorn and Saturn
Keywords: Determination and organization
You’re ambitious and determined. For being methodical, serious and objective can be highlighted at work. You are very rational and detail-oriented, you like facts and not hypotheses. You have a talent for profit and wealth, in addition to your organizational potential. Saturn's position on the chart indicates where you can develop your projects, which will give you greater self-confidence.
3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'
(from September 12th to 22nd)
Ruled by: Taurus and Venus
Keywords: Sensitivity and sociability
You’re restless and versatile. You seek to get involved in new activities and show affection to loved ones as well as how to maintain harmony and peace in the environments you frequent. You are capable of transformation and are linked to beauty and the search for balance in life and relationships. You may like to draw, sing and speak in public. You have organizational difficulties. Venus' position on the map indicates where you can develop projects.
1st decan 0º to 9º 59'
(from December 22nd to 31st)
Ruled by: Capricorn and Saturn
Keywords: Practicality and research
You’re practical, ambitious and reliable. You have high inspiration and high ideals, being demanding of yourself and often pessimistic. You have the ability to research and study on your own. Materialist, value the financial aspect and work hard to live comfortably, knows how to captivate but has no attachment to things and people, and may disregard the feelings of others. May have troubled childhoods or over-maturity with a tendency to depression. Pleasures can cause financial losses. Saturn's position on the chart indicates a positive way of dealing with family and parents, learning to exercise authority and gain social respect.
2nd decan 10º to 19º 59'
(from 1st to 10th of January)
Ruled by: Taurus and Venus
Keywords: Charisma and getting support
You’re ambitious and loving. You get what you want easily because of your seductive and captivating nature. Your lack of limit can cause losses with what you've already achieved. You stand out in all areas of life, especially in the profession.Furthermore, you show more feelings than the other decans.The position of Venus on the map indicates how you must learn to share and be determined.
3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'
(January 11th to 20th)
Ruled by: Virgo and Mercury
Keywords: Organization and administration
You’re shy, proud and distant. You aim for success and a very important pillar of their lives is the profession. Aspires to success in all fields but has disregard for the feelings of others who can cheat. Prudent in administration, you have the potential for organization, inclination to pleasure and thrift. You can have a lot of connections with siblings, relatives and neighbors. Mercury's position on the map indicates how you can overcome roadblocks and learn more about methodical organization.
1st decan 0º to 9º 59'
(from May 21st to May 30th)
Ruled by: Gemini and Mercury
Keywords: Theory and communication
You are communicative, curious and self-confident. You have varied interests and are interested in people who have the same quality as you. You consider yourself the owner of the truth, even if you do not delve into the subject or knowledge. You are reckless, insightful, smart, authentic, as well as naughty, cheating and full of tricks to get what you want. Talent for exact sciences and theoretical elaboration. You must learn to be independent from siblings, relatives and neighbors. Mercury's position on the map indicates where you can get knowledge.
2nd decan 10º to 19º 59'
(from May 31st to June 9th)
Ruled by: Libra and Venus
Keywords: Diplomacy and research
You’re diplomatic personality, friendly, cheerful and sensual. Communicative but tend to be evasive when taking conclusions. You are seductive and also prioritize love and reciprocity in relationships. You are open-minded and very imaginative. . You have artistic talent and can be successful in research. The position of Venus on the map indicates the relationships.
3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'
(from June 10th to 20th)
Ruled by: Aquarius and Saturn/Uranus
Keywords: Eccentricity and humorous talent
You’re eccentric, communicative and humorous. You have original and unconventional ideas and disregards the ideas of others. You are interested in developing your own mind, creating groups, novelty, innovations and have a great passion for technology. You’re an inventive, unstable and ingenious mind. You cherish freedom and don't dream of a lifelong love. Uranus' position on the map indicates its feats to be applied on a social or collective level.
1st decan 0º to 9º 59'
(from September 23rd to October 1st)
Ruled by: Libra and Venus
Keywords: Cordiality and inconstancy
You are seductive and intense. You try to preserve harmony, so you can be indecisive, over-friendly, influential, and fickle. When you take a stand, you find it easy to resolve impasses. Seeks to love and be loved to feel happy and complete and are very connected to art and friendship. Special talent for handling money, getting help from justice, protection from evil and power. You also have artistic talent, a pleasant body and face, as well as excessive vanity, difficulty in discerning the luxury of necessity and a tendency towards arrogance. The position of Venus on the map indicates the type of talent.
2nd decan 10º to 19º 59'
(from October 2nd to 11th)
Ruled by: Aquarius and Saturn/Uranus
Keywords: Political and diplomatic talent
You are sociable, creative and peaceful. You appreciate changes, movement and new ideals and approaches as you have a vision ahead of your time. You are outraged with injustice and malice. Desire security and abundance of goods and strive for wealth. You can have multiple weddings or colorful friendships. Uranus' position on the map indicates interest in politics and where it can get wealth.
3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'
(October 12th to 22nd)
Ruled by: Gemini and Mercury
Keywords: Artistic and musical talent
You are generous and adaptable. You have a taste for leisure and good conversations. It is easy to deal with people and always seek to be learning. You are sensual and have a sense of justice surfaced. Communicative and curious, you tend to gossip and talk too much. You have artistic talent, music and for works related to writing and communication, teaching, journalism, writer, editor. Mercury's position on the map indicates where and how it can develop your talents.
1st decan 0º to 9º 59'
(from 21st to 30th January)
Ruled by: Aquarius and Saturn/Uranus
Keywords: Moderation and technology
You are self-confident and balanced. Always concerned about the future, you’re interested in inventions, philosophy, work and livelihood. Worry about your own freedom. Happy and captivating, has many friends. You can change your life and residence many times but you have a chance to succeed in many areas. There is great interest in new technologies and a talent for using them efficiently. Uranus' position indicates where you can gain freedom.
2nd decan 10º to 19º 59'
(from January 31st to February 9th)
Ruled by: Gemini and Mercury
Keywords: Literary talent and great inventions
You’re creative, youthful and communicative. You are smart, funny and curious about the unknown. You have an original view on life. You are dedicated to studies and always want to learn more, you can create great inventions. You have a talent for writing. Mercury's position on the map indicates where you can find balance through a feat.
3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'
(from February 10th to February 19th)
Ruled by: Libra and Venus
Keywords: Propagation and dissemination
You are patient, quiet and solitary. You are extravagant, seductive and romantic and you are focused on justice and pleasure. Tends to be successful in teamwork and propagate information. You may like subjects related to justice, beauty and mysticism. The position of Venus on the map indicates how you can acquire dignity and integrity.
1st decan 0º to 9º 59'
Ruled by: Cancer and Moon
(from June 21st to 30th)
Keywords: Charisma and popularity
You are charismatic, dreamy and romantic. In its lower vibrations you can be possessive, dramatic, accommodating and needy. You want safety, care and protection. You have a talent for caring, protecting and changing the community you live in. You are concerned about your appearance and are sensitive and feminine, very connected to the past, antiques, museums and collection of objects. The Moon in this decan indicates a strong attachment to the mother.
2nd decan 10º to 19º 59'
Ruled by: Scorpio and Mars/Pluto
(from 1st to 10th of July)
Keywords: Revelation and stimulation
You are humorous, persistent and strong. You know how to listen, support and encourage others. You have intense emotions and can be possessive and suspicious. You are communicative but can hurt others with blunt words. You are focused but still have a fertile imagination. You have talent for creating something that brings wealth and getting support from women, as well as being a therapist. You are interested in magic or means of seduction. Pluto's position on the map indicates where the person wants to command.
3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'
(July 11th to 21st)
Ruled by: Pisces and Jupiter/Neptune
Keywords: Research and Healing Power
You are sensitive, caring and intuitive. You are interested in mystical, esoteric and spiritual subjects. You tend to absorb negative energies and your mind is melancholy and dreamy. You have talent for psychic exploration and work that involves healing. You face difficulties with unexpected solutions and venture to places no one wants to go. Jupiter's position on the map indicates where and how to overcome obstacles.
1st decan 0º to 9º 59'
(October 23rd to November 1st)
Ruled by: Scorpio and Pluto/Mars
Keywords: Cunning and regeneration
You are brave, patient and hardworking. Just as you can outline a vindictive, possessive and impetuous personality, distrusting people. You have the ability to regenerate and can change the lives of others. You are someone emotionally intense even though you seem cold. In relationships you take time to surrender because you need to feel secure as you are very dedicated to the loved one. Your biggest challenge is to improve your personality avoiding vindictive schemes. The position of Pluto and Mars indicate where you can assume command or leadership.
2nd decan 10º to 19º 59'
(from November 2nd to 11th)
Ruled by: Pisces and Jupiter/Neptune
Keywords: Talent to change the collective
You are intuitive, spiritual and emotional. You use your emotions and sensations as sources of determination. You too can be cold-blooded, jealous and competitive. You have leadership abilities and psychic abilities. In your life, it can be linked to magical and collective events. Neptune's position on the map indicates where you can best use your psychic powers.
3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'
(November 12th to 21st)
Ruled by: Cancer and Moon
Keywords: Working with memories
You are intuitive and sensitive. You have an exceptional memory and are close to the family. You have difficulty being alone and therefore do not spare effort to find love, being devoted and determined in relationships, being able to live dramatic passions. You can be very emotionally insecure and aggressive. May face challenges related to family, mother, motherhood and creating bonds of friendship. . The Moon's position on the map indicates ways to overcome these challenges.
1st decan 0º to 9º 59'
(February 20th to 29th)
Ruled by: Pisces and Neptune/Jupiter
Keywords: Gift to Serve and Healing
You are dreamer, intuitive and psychic. Just as gullible and naive, you can be easily fooled. You are attracted to secret wisdom and wealth generation. It is easy to make friends with different types of people due to your tendency to travel or change residence constantly. You have a talent for helping and healing people. The position of Neptune and Jupiter on the map indicates where you can help and heal people.
2nd decan 10º to 19º 59'
(from 1st to 10th of March)
Ruled by: Cancer and Moon
Keywords: Artistic gifts and the feminine world
You are idealistic, kind and generous. But you also expect generosity in return. You are preoccupied with the problems of the world but you forget yourself. You have great value to family, women, children, motherhood and home environments. You might be afraid of water. You have artistic talent that should be commercially exploited, but you can be more of a dreamer than a director, as you have a lot of inconsistency and your projects are far-reaching. The Moon shows your talents.
3rd decan 20º to 29º 59'
(from March 11th to 20th)
Ruled by: Scorpio and Pluto/Mars
Keywords: Intensity and healing
You are sensitive, reflexive and self-controlled. You are intuitive and psychic and can end up being very introspective. You have emotional intensity and strong sexuality, falling in love easily and valuing for showing affection even though you try to resist making commitments. For you to obtain great material achievements, you must have courage and make commitments. You have gifts of healing and mediumship. Pluto's position indicates how to overcome your difficulties.
Created by @madamsaturn
Instagram / Tip Jar
Resources: [X] Decans; [X] Decans.
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Aries – Fire Ruler of first decan………….0° - 10° - Mars (Aries) Ruler of second decan……10° - 20° - Sun (Leo) Ruler of third decan………..20° - 30° - Jupiter (Sagittarius) Taurus – Earth Ruler of first decan………….0° - 10° - Venus (Taurus) Ruler of second decan……10° - 20° - Mercury (Virgo) Ruler of third decan………..20° - 30° - Saturn (Capricorn) Gemini – Air Ruler of first decan………….0° - 10° - Mercury (Gemini) Ruler of second decan……10° - 20° - Venus (Libra) Ruler of third decan………..20° - 30° - Uranus (Aquarius) Cancer – Water Ruler of first decan………….0° - 10° - Moon (Cancer) Ruler of second decan……10° - 20° - Pluto (Scorpio) Ruler of third decan………..20° - 30° - Neptune (Pisces) Leo – Fire Ruler of first decan………….0° - 10° - Sun (Leo) Ruler of second decan……10° - 20° - Jupiter (Sagittarius) Ruler of third decan………..20° - 30° - Mars (Aries) Virgo – Earth Ruler of first decan………….0° - 10° - Mercury (Virgo) Ruler of second decan……10° - 20° - Saturn (Capricorn) Ruler of third decan………..20° - 30° - Venus (Taurus) Libra – Air Ruler of first decan………….0° - 10° - Venus (Libra) Ruler of second decan……10° - 20° - Uranus (Aquarius) Ruler of third decan………..20° - 30° - Mercury (Gemini) Scorpio – Water Ruler of first decan………….0° - 10° - Pluto (Scorpio) Ruler of second decan……10° - 20° - Neptune (Pisces) Ruler of third decan………..20° - 30° - Moon (Cancer) Sagittarius – Fire Ruler of first decan………….0° - 10° - Jupiter (Sagittarius) Ruler of second decan……10° - 20° - Mars (Aries) Ruler of third decan………..20° - 30° - Sun (Leo) Capricorn – Earth Ruler of first decan………….0° - 10° - Saturn (Capricorn) Ruler of second decan……10° - 20° - Venus (Taurus) Ruler of third decan………..20° - 30° - Mercury (Gemini) Aquarius – Air Ruler of first decan………….0° - 10° - Uranus (Aquarius) Ruler of second decan……10° - 20° - Mercury (Gemini) Ruler of third decan………..20° - 30° - Venus (Libra) Pisces – Water Ruler of first decan………….0° - 10° - Neptune (Pisces) Ruler of second decan……10° - 20° - Moon (Cancer) Ruler of third decan………..20° - 30° - Pluto (Scorpio)
Example: Your progressed ascendant 15° Virgo, the decan of 15° Virgo is Saturn. If I were to cast your chart, I would see that Mercury rules your chart and Saturn is co-ruler. Therefore, Mercury has rulership over your chart and the decan shows that there are Saturn influences in your personal circumstances. There may be more attention to duty and details under Saturn’s influence.
You may be more ambitious and work hard for recognition or reward. There will be more patience and perseverance now. What you do achieve now will come through your hard work and efforts. Your success and its timing also depends on other influences in your chart and the aspects made to your Ascendant, its ruler Mercury, co-ruler Saturn, and your Midheaven (career).
I’ll make a post for each sign and their 3 decans starting with Aries, tomorrow! Hopefully that will give you a better understanding of what this means and how to find out your own decan.
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When viewing your birth chart look to see the precise degree a sign falls into, the particular degree of a sign adds an additional ruler to your sign, which creates variations of the different signs. Inspired by Gary Goldschneider, I decided to give each decan a name that I felt summed up the vibe of that particular sign period.
Aries - Fire 0° - 10° - Mars: The Decan of the Hero 10° - 20° - The Sun: The Decan of Energy 20° - 30° - Jupiter: The Decan of Idealism
Taurus - Earth 0° - 10° - Venus: The Decan of Tranquility 10° - 20° - Mercury: The Decan of the Advocate 20° - 30° - Saturn: The Decan of the Troubleshooter
Gemini - Air 0° - 10° - Mercury: The Decan of Curiosity and Possibilities 10° - 20° - Venus: The Decan of Eloquence 20° - 30° - Uranus: The Decan of the Sage
Cancer – Water 0° - 10° - Moon: The Decan of the Protector 10° - 20° - Pluto: The Decan of Hidden Strength 20° - 30° - Neptune: The Decan of Moral Courage Leo – Fire 0° - 10° - Sun: The Decan of the Aristocrat 10° - 20° - Jupiter: The Decan of Morale 20° - 30° - Mars: The Decan of Passion and Tenacity Virgo – Earth 0° - 10° - Mercury: The Decan of Personal Integrity 10° - 20° - Saturn: The Decan of Health and Conservation 20° - 30° - Venus: The Decan of the Critic Libra – Air 0° - 10° - Venus: The Decan of the Perfectionist 10° - 20° - Uranus: The Decan of Art and Culture 20° - 30° - Mercury: The Decan of the Socialite Scorpio – Water 0° - 10° - Pluto: The Decan of Crisis and Transformation 10° - 20° - Neptune: The Decan of the Hypnotic Personality 20° - 30° - Moon: The Decan of the Magician Sagittarius – Fire 0° - 10° - Jupiter: The Decan of the Scholar 10° - 20° - Mars: The Decan of Expansion and Travel 20° - 30° - Sun: The Decan of Worldly Acheivement Capricorn – Earth 0° - 10° - Saturn: The Decan of Trials and Mastery 10° - 20° - Venus: The Decan of Prestige 20° - 30° - Mercury: The Decan of Goals and Persistence Aquarius – Air 10° - 20° - Uranus: The Decan of Intelligence 10° - 20° - Mercury: The Decan of the Observer 20° - 30° - Venus: The Decan of Friendship and Mankind Pisces – Water 0° - 10° - Neptune: The Decan of Self-Awareness 10° - 20° - Moon: The Decan of the Healer 20° - 30° - Pluto: The Decan of Ancient Wisdom
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💫Uranus in the 1st house:
Highly independent souls who strive for freedom over their personal behavior and actions. They often hold little regard for others’ opinions as they simply want to do their own thing. This can be evident in how they come across to others, how they dress, and how they regularly approach life. Desire for personal freedom could prompt them to seek unusual activities and meet unusual people. There can also be an indifference to personal appearance and in how they dress, or they could even be eccentric and unconventional in dress. There’s usually one thing about these persons that stand out to people whether it’s in how they dress, how they look, or how they approach situations. There can be sudden changes to the appearance and style. Their strong self will can manifest as leadership qualities or rebellious tendencies.
💫Uranus in the 2nd house:
Priorities and personal values may be considered strange or unusual in the eyes of other people. These persons attain money and possessions in sudden and peculiar ways. Can treat personal items with indifference and are likely to lose things often due to this attitude. Money is often earned through ones’ ingenuity and intuition and comes and goes on impulse, sudden gains followed by sudden loss.
💫Uranus in the 3rd house:
Despite strange and unusual thinking patterns, natives display speed and genius in thought and speech. Personal experience as well as empirical and scientific evidence is how you generally arrive at conclusions as you neglect the opinions and beliefs of others. Interests usually lie in science,technology, and even mystical subjects like astrology. Relationships with neighbors and siblings are usually friendly and often have some unusual quality to them but these relationships can also be prone to sudden changes. Objective and unbiased in thought. Definition of thinking outside the box.
💫Uranus in the 4th house:
Likely to be pretty rebellious at home. The home life is often prone to many changes, some unsettling. There can be sudden changes of residence, especially in early years. You’re likely to feel like the odd one out in the house, if not then your family itself could be described as odd or unusual in some fashion (maybe in relation to societal conventions). Some with this placement could be indifferent to family members. Some unusual quality about a parent (usually the mother figure). The house itself is also likely to be unusual in some fashion maybe in its structure or where it’s located. This placement can also bring friends into the home somehow, may live with a friend for some time, or the house could be a meeting place for ones friends.
💫Uranus in the 5th house:
Wants freedom in pursuit of pleasure. This could cause these people to disregard accepted norms in the realm of sex/romance, games, and partying. They are also likely to have strange hobbies for this reason as well (think of things related to technology, or peculiar subjects like astrology). The love and sex life is often considered unusual. Experimental attitudes towards love and sex. Romances are electric; often sudden and very alive but tend to end as fast as they begin and there’s often an unusual quality to their lovers. Lovers can be considered weird, eccentric, or stand out in some way. Genius and innovation is shown in art and creative expression. If these people have kids, there is likely to be some unusual situation in connection to them. Some with this placement are indifferent to children and see them as a burden when it comes to their personal freedom. It is said that Women with Uranus in the 5th house can have sudden and unexpected pregnancies if not careful.
💫Uranus in the 6th house:
Strange approach towards work and health. Could experiment with dieting and health. Can be somewhat scattered in approach to work and getting things done, however they can find new and innovative approaches to getting the job done. You need work that promises variety and much mental stimulation. Good for jobs related to science, technology, and possibly even metaphysical subjects. Could encounter issues of instability in the realm of work and health. Could be friendly and aloof in the eyes of coworkers or could come off as rebellious and indifferent to coworkers.
💫Uranus in the 7th house:
Highly independent persons, however this could cause problems in relationships and bring sudden changes. Close relationships have an element of instability to them. Partnerships with unusual, eccentric individuals. There can be an element of distance (mainly in an emotional sense) between the native and their partners in close relationships. You have an intuitive awareness of where you stand with others and what’s on others’ minds.
💫Uranus in the 8th house:
Naturally have the urge to explore the unusual and the unknown usually in topics relating to science or the occult. Prone to have many strange dreams. Powerful intuition. In sex, you need variety and experimentation to stay stimulated. You may have some pretty unusual ideas or interests that you most likely keep to yourself when it comes to sex. Sudden changes in finances can bring major life changes.
💫Uranus in the 9th house:
Beliefs and philosophies oppose the typical. Opportunities for travel are often sudden and for peculiar reasons. Religious/Philosophical beliefs could be considered strange or one may show indifferent attitudes towards religion. Philosophical beliefs based on scientific principles maybe. Occult philosophy. Science and technology in college. Study of metaphysical subjects. Could be indifferent to higher education and neglect it altogether. Scientific knowledge. Wisdom and intuition.
💫Uranus in the 10th house:
Career differs from the norm. Recognition could come suddenly. Sudden changes to reputation and/or career. Career in scientific,occult, or some unusual field. Highly independent and could even become leaders in their chosen career. A highly independent parent (usually father figure) with some unusual quality. May stand out, may have some unusual connection to their name. Not for the average job.
💫Uranus in the 11th House:
Many friends but don’t tend to identify too closely with one group. Attracts many friends, many of these friends are peculiar in some way. Humanitarian and scientific concerns and goals. Friends come and go suddenly. Friends over lovers. Aptitude for science and/or tech possibly.
💫Uranus in the 12th House:
Freedom seems elusive. Always feels caged in some how. Maybe fear standing out, could feel inclined to hide their unusual sides. Fears loss of freedom through large institutions like prisons, hospitals and others facilities which could make them feel inclined to rebel against them in some way. This placement often deals with handling private info in some fashion. Dreams are often strange but carry psychic information. Many ideas from dreams. Secret activities. Irregular sleeping patterns.
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